Query results for: Magic: the Gathering cards where name matches the regular expression hallow

Card/Figure                     Price StdDev Average    High     Low  Change Raw N
----                            ----- ------ -------  -------  ------ ------ -----
All Hallow's Eve,               26.00,  0.00,  26.00,  26.00,  26.00, -2.50,   1
Hallow,                          0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Hallowed Burial,                 6.97,  0.00,   6.97,   6.97,   6.97,  0.36,   1
Hallowed Fountain (DIS),        19.21,  3.72,  19.21,  22.93,  15.49,  7.33,   2
Hallowed Fountain (RTR),         8.88,  1.06,   8.79,  11.17,   6.00, -0.30,  33
Hallowed Ground (IA),            0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Hallowed Healer,                 0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed,         3.39,  1.35,   3.39,   5.19,   1.88,  0.61,   5
Moan of the Unhallowed,          0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Shallow Grave,                  14.99,  0.00,  14.99,  14.99,  14.99,  3.50,   1
Unhallowed Pact,                 0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1