Query results for: Magic: the Gathering cards where name matches the regular expression polymorph

Card/Figure                     Price StdDev Average    High     Low  Change Raw N
----                            ----- ------ -------  -------  ------ ------ -----
Mass Polymorph,                  0.50,  0.00,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,  0.15,   1
Polymorph,                       0.55,  0.00,   0.55,   0.55,   0.55, -2.74,   1
Polymorph (6th),                 0.35,  0.00,   0.35,   0.35,   0.35, -0.64,   1
Polymorph (9th),                 1.37,  0.00,   1.37,   1.37,   1.37,  0.56,   1
Polymorph (MI),                  1.25,  0.00,   1.25,   1.25,   1.25,  1.19,   1