Query results for: Magic: the Gathering cards where name matches the regular expression riptide

Card/Figure                     Price StdDev Average    High     Low  Change Raw N
----                            ----- ------ -------  -------  ------ ------ -----
Griptide,                        0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.15,   1
Riptide,                         4.45,  0.02,   4.45,   4.47,   4.44,  0.01,   2
Riptide Biologist,               0.06,  0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,  0.00,   1
Riptide Chronologist,            0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Riptide Crab,                    0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1
Riptide Director,                0.50,  0.00,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50, -0.61,   1
Riptide Entrancer,               0.49,  0.00,   0.49,   0.49,   0.49, -0.41,   1
Riptide Laboratory,              2.92,  1.93,   2.92,   4.85,   0.99,  1.27,   2
Riptide Mangler,                 0.66,  0.00,   0.66,   0.66,   0.66,  0.41,   1
Riptide Pilferer,                0.39,  0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,  0.06,   1
Riptide Replicator,              1.00,  0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00, -0.99,   1
Riptide Shapeshifter,            0.42,  0.00,   0.42,   0.42,   0.42,  0.17,   1
Riptide Survivor,                0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,  0.00,   1