Query results for: Magic: the Gathering cards where name matches the regular expression taiga

Card/Figure                     Price StdDev Average    High     Low  Change Raw N
----                            ----- ------ -------  -------  ------ ------ -----
Taiga (A),                     315.00,  0.00, 315.00, 315.00, 315.00,  0.00,   1
Taiga (B),                     316.00,  0.00, 316.00, 316.00, 316.00, 40.98,   1
Taiga (RV),                     45.38,  6.28,  46.04,  63.96,  36.00, -0.36,  14
Taiga (U),                      69.75,  0.00,  69.75,  69.75,  69.75, -17.24,   1