Query results for: Magic: the Gathering foil cards where name matches the regular expression lance

Card/Figure                     Price StdDev Average    High     Low  Change Raw N
----                            ----- ------ -------  -------  ------ ------ -----
Arcbound Lancer,                 0.50,  0.00,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,  0.00,   1
Balance (DCI),                  26.99,  0.00,  26.99,  26.99,  26.99,  0.00,   1
Balance (U),                     5.95,  1.97,   5.95,   7.92,   3.99, -1.97,   2
Benalish Lancer,                 0.69,  0.00,   0.69,   0.69,   0.69,  0.00,   1
Bogardan Lancer,                 1.00,  0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,  0.00,   1
Captivating Glance,              0.35,  0.00,   0.35,   0.35,   0.35, -0.65,   1
Counterbalance,                 32.49,  0.00,  32.49,  32.49,  32.49,  8.99,   1
Dakmor Lancer (7th),             4.89,  0.00,   4.89,   4.89,   4.89,  0.00,   1
Daru Lancer,                     0.69,  0.00,   0.69,   0.69,   0.69,  0.00,   1
Gaea's Balance,                  0.55,  0.54,   0.55,   1.09,   0.01,  0.00,   2
Gloomlance,                      0.44,  0.00,   0.44,   0.44,   0.44,  0.00,   1
Hanweir Lancer,                  0.55,  0.00,   0.55,   0.55,   0.55,  0.00,   1
Iron Lance,                      0.25,  0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25, -0.75,   1
Off Balance,                     0.50,  0.00,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,  0.00,   1
Pardic Lancer,                   0.44,  0.00,   0.44,   0.44,   0.44,  0.00,   1
Restore Balance,                 1.79,  0.00,   1.79,   1.79,   1.79, -1.46,   1
Semblance Anvil,                 1.45,  0.00,   1.45,   1.45,   1.45, -0.30,   1
Shadow Lance,                    1.00,  0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,  0.00,   1
Sunlance,                        1.00,  0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,  0.00,   1
Suq'Ata Lancer (TSB),            2.04,  0.00,   2.04,   2.04,   2.04,  0.45,   1
Vigilance,                       1.00,  0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,  0.00,   1
Wasp Lancer,                     1.13,  0.00,   1.13,   1.13,   1.13,  0.00,   1