Topic: The 2006 MOTL Awards Results!
GottaLoveElves Member
posted January 02, 2007 09:12 AM
Welcome to the new year, folks. I'm sure that by now you've all had your fill of champagne, fireworks, pine trees, fat men who wear red, and all the other trademarks of the season. It'll soon be time to head back to work, university or dayca... I mean, high school, and get on with our lives. Of course, before then, I've got some bragging rights to hand out. It's time to present the 2006 MOTL Awards! I'm sure you all know what I have to say next. Hell, I could almost copy & paste it from all the previous years -- this year saw some predictable results, and some fairly hefty surprises and closes races that were a hell of a time to watch, will be a hell of a time to present to you guys, and which I hope will be a hell of a time to read. The presentation this year is pretty much identical to that of last year's. The awards obviously aren't all going to the same people, though. I'm not that lazy.  This year, there is still a list of nominees, or those who received any votes at all in the category. They'll be listed in ascending order, from the lowest vote-getters to the highest. There will be a number of runner-ups roughly proportional to the number of names who got enough votes to be deemed a serious contender in each category. And, of course, there are the winners. (And if I have to explain to anyone what constitutes a winner, then my best answer will have to be "not you". ) So, with that said, I'll have more than enough of a chance to ramble in handing out the 24 awards to come, so I guess I can cut the ntrdctn shrt. The Mimi Bobeck Award This award belongs to MOTL's biggest troll of 2006. And this was a close one! The nominees for this category were nderdog, ronandaggy, and Selvaxri. As may be obvious by the fact that there are only a small number of nominees, this year's Mimi Bobeck saw two members battling with very high vote totals. With 42% of the vote, pyr0ma5ta is MOTL's second biggest troll for 2006. Rightfully so, I'd guess, considering as he was banned for it. However, with 46% of the vote, this year's poster-picked spambot is Ml490. As always, I'm unsure whether to offer the winner my condolences or my congratulations. So Mark, take whichever one of those you want and be sure to send the other one back. In any case, please accept my Con-something! The Real Estate Award It's pretty hard to follow up presenting such a close and exciting race for an award as there was for the Mimi Bobeck, but I can safely say that the battle for the meanest mod is the closest race for an MOTL Award ever. Excited yet? I'm trying, I swear. This category is without nominees this year. The co-runners up for the 2006 Real Estate Award, each notching 32% of the vote for themselves, are BoltBait & Tha Gunslinga. Congratulations to both of these guys for a job well done and a recognition well earned. Just edging out the competition with 36% of the vote, this year's winner of the banhammer swinging contest is nderdog! Congrats nder, and be sure to keep it up in 2007. As long as "keeping it up in 2007" doesn't constitute banning me. The Wrong End of A Massive Pwnage Quite possibly the most self-explanatory of the MOTL Awards, this award belongs to -- well, the member that's considered most likely to be on the wrong end of a massive pwnage. The nominees this year were jeb, speechjew, JoshSherman & omega. Third place here is split two ways. Both Selvaxri & pyr0ma5ta receieved 13% of the vote for the WEOAMP this year. The runner-up for the extensive acronym award this year is scrum, netting 19% of the members' votes. Look out in 2007. None need look out in 2007 as much, however, as avendor. With 40% of voters writing his name in this blank, it may only be a matter of time. Prove us wrong? The Proton Award Chemistry nerds, unite! This award belongs to the member who contributes the most positive work to MOTL. This year's nominees were GottaLoveElves, ronandaggy, Tha Gunslinga, Mr. C, Leshrac & flaminio. The second highest charge this year, with a 23% yield, is nderdog. With a win in the Real Estate and a solid performance in the Proton, MOTLers have shown that as they fear the nder, they love the nder. Keep it going in '07! Do you even really need me to tell you who wins this year here? 44% of my ballots told me that BoltBait is once again considered the most positive contributor to MOTL. Thanks once again for all the effort you put into things; from me, the rest of the 44% that voted for you, and from the other 56% too, I'm sure. The Big Bird Award For what undoubtedly won't be the last time, I have to make the joke that there are no rulers required in this category. The votes are in, and MOTL's friendly nominees this year were rockondon, potm, Valmtg, nderdog, vampyresin, MeddlingMage & GottaLoveElves. Earning 24% of your votes for The Big Bird Award this year was ronandaggy, good for a runner-up position. So what, do they get 12% each or something?  Congratulations are, for the fourth year running, given to Jazaray as the winner of this award, with 43% of ballots bearing her name. Even while posting in a reduced capacity, the members still recognize Jaz as a great and friendly person. Way to go! The Marlboro Award This one's for the MOTLer who is believed to have the most memorable sig. For one reason or another, it's worth reading every time. This year's nominees were Ml490, potm, GottaLoveElves, nderdog, flaminio, norrinrad, Stat1C_X & rockondon. Each of the following folks had exactly a tenth of voters believing them to have the best forum signature; congratulations go out to Andarion, Bentiko, MeddlingMage & Greven53! This year's winner of The Marlboro Award is once again the man who conceived it -- with 27% of the vote, BoltBait claims the Marlboro Award again this year! Way to go! The Trnothr Award Once again this year, I have to hope that this remains the only memorially named MOTL award. This one belongs to the most electric member of the forums, who you'll always see on one side of an issue or another, arguing in a reasonable and intelligent manner. Fencesitters need not apply. This year's nominees were pyr0ma5ta, JoshSherman, Mr. C, GMontag, BoltBait, Ml490, rockondon & iccarus. Bearing 1/4 of voter support, eclinchy is this year's runner up for The Trnothr Award. Keep it up in 2007, as long as you don't mind the scrubs. Garnering 42% of MOTL's support, this year Goaswerfraiejen once again sits atop the polls for The Trnothr Award. I want to claim a bias in this vote, though, because I get the feeling people also voted for him because they were arguing about how to spell his name. Congrats Goas! The Radiance Award This award belongs to the MOTLer who shows themselves brilliant amongst our ranks. Call them MOTL's Wikipedia, if you would. This year's nominees were nderdog, Preacher, JoshSherman, jeb, coolio & potm. The second runner-up for this year's brightest member is BoltBait with 13% of the vote. Bright, positive, a memorable sig... geez, you guys really must like him. The first runner-up for the Radiance Award this year is Goaswerfraiejen with a 17% tally. Electricity gives off light, right? Forgive the pun, but in terms of voting ratio, it appears that none other can hold a candle to flaminio's radiance this year -- with 46% of votes heading his way, Bob continues his dominance over all that is intelligence, nix intelligent design. Way to go! The Homer Simpson Award You know, I always get a kick out of how many names show up in both this category and the Mike Bullard. /shrug. This one goes out to the overall funniest member of the forums. This year's nominees were potm, norrinrad, flaminio, BoltBait & avendor (with the specific explanation that he has to be a gimmick. Voter's words, not mine.) Taking a smooth 10% of the vote, ronandaggy & Tha Gunslinga are good for your runner-ups this year. Call them the Ralph Wiggums of MOTL, if you would. Haha, I'm so gonna get banned for that comment. Congratulations are in order for rockondon for winning the Homer this year, with one of the largest margins of victory in this award presentation -- 61% of MOTL agrees. Keep the rofflecopterss & lollerskates moving in '07, Don! The Mike Bullard Award You could probably call this the negative homer; this award belongs to the member who MOTL claims as the unfunniest on the forums. Maybe they're trying to hard, or maybe they're not trying at all. The nominees here were counter_spell, Greven53, eclinchy, avendor & Ml490. The second runner-up here is rockondon, snatching 13% of the votes. Well then Don, you can rest assured that at least 74% of MOTL noticed your attempts at humor, either way. The first runner-up in this category is Selvaxri, with a 24% share of the vote. Well, it could be worse -- you could've won. Speaking of winning this award, JoshSherman sure did take it for the second year in a row. With 38% of MOTLers telling me that I shouldn't be laughing, I'll let Josh decide what he thinks for himself on this one. The Chronicle Award These members have been banned, and some of MOTL's members don't miss them. The nominees here were pretty interesting. First, there's Ertaij1 (banned in '04?). Also, avendor. I'm told that this was predictive of the end of the year. Also, Paperclip. And Danny Cheung, who someone wisely pointed out has to have come back at least once this year. Finally, there's someone who, according to their username, did something that wasn't very nice to Slinga's mom. I think that was last year too, though. In any case, netting 13% of the vote, this year's runner-up (runner-down?) is iakae. I'll keep my mouth shut here, if for no better reason than that Val might fight me if I don't.  Your winner, however, with an overwhelming 65% of ballots bearing his name, is the recently departed pyr0ma5ta. In soviet MOTL, he ban mods! The Hit & Miss Award Unlike with the Chronicle, the Hit & Miss denotes those members who we've lost that we want back. This year's nominees were Trnothr, inca911, Jazaray, Kluckers, squizz, Avatar of Might & HanSolo6385. The second runner-up is a name that I haven't seen in a while -- with 14% of MOTL wishing he was here, SerraBanger merits a mention in this category. pyr0ma5ta can rest assured that he'll be remembered one way or another. Despite much of MOTL nominating him for the Chronicle, he still pulls 23% out in this category from those who want him back. With 27% of the votes though, I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do with this award. I know I said this last year, but I was pretty sure that someone wouldn't win twice in a row, and going into this year, I was pretty sure someone wouldn't win it thrice. Color me wrong, as PlasteredDragon is the most missed of MOTL's departed for the third year running. Come back, Chuck! Can you believe that that's only half of them? Screw this, I'm gone to make a sandwich. ... *intermission music plays* And had I never typed that, you would never would've known. The _____ In The _____ Awards And, here comes a rush of names real quick. I'll keep the commentary to a minimum here where I can. The first blank deals with MOTL modship, and who the members think is the most likely to be a future moderator. The nominees for this blank were nderdog (?), ForeverWinter, flaminio, Valmtg, Ml490 & pr0ma5ta (I repeat, ?). T2) "And your newest mod for MOTL is potm!" (10%) T2) "And your newest mod for MOTL is Mr. C!" (10%) T2) "And your newest mod for MOTL is Goaswerfraiejen!" (10%) 1) "And your newest mod for MOTL is GottaLoveElves!" (50%) I would win this two years in a row once it stopped being correct every year, eh? Thanks everyone! The second blank deals with skill at Magic, and who we might be likely to see on the pro tour in the future. The nominees for this blank were Ml490, *Tedman*, Tha Gunslinga, Bob Phyllis, implode, shade2k1, Lan2_13, pyr0ma5ta & Iabtu. 2) “Wow, look, wrshp666 is playing on the Magic pro tour!” (16%) 1) “Wow, look, nderdog is playing on the Magic pro tour!” (26%) For the first time in years, this award actually goes to someone not yet on the M:TG Pro tour. You know what your job is now Jeff -- and congratulations! The third blank deals with what MOTLers we find interesting, and would like to see on TV. The nominees for this blank were eclinchy, ronandaggy, Valmtg, nderdog, pyr0ma5ta, Greven53, BoltBait, cerberus, Ml490 & GottaLoveElves. T2) “Hey, Tha Gunslinga has his own TV show!” (13%) T2) “Hey, flaminio has his own TV show!” (13%) 1) “Hey, rockondon has his own TV show!” (25%) He does. It's called The Simpsons. Silly voters. Well done Don! The fourth blank makes light of a very serious problem, and asks who we think on MOTL is most likely to be caught using the cliche phrase from AA. The nominees for this blank were rockondon, Kluckers, crazyturk, MeddlingMage, pyr0ma5ta, BoltBait, JoshSherman, Selvaxri, Lord Titi, ronandaggy and War18. 2) “Hello, I’m Kung_Fuscious and I’m an alcoholic.” (18%) 1) “Hello, I’m Ml490 and I’m an alcoholic.” (32%) I should take this chance to note that the MOTL Awards do not condone underage drinking, and that Mark is a very bad man. Or something like that. Once again, I'm not sure if you want congratulations or condolences here, so I'll let you pick. Con-something Mark! The fifth blank has to do with which MOTLer we can see losing the rest of their marbles and going on a shooting spree. The nominees for this blank were HanSolo6385, War18, scrum, ronandaggy, the phoenix, Greven53, JoshSherman, Leshrac & eclinchy. 2) “Welcome back to Channel 6 news, I’m Kent Brockman. In local news, police have finally gunned down Tha Gunslinga from his murderous rampage.” (25%) 1) “Welcome back to Channel 6 news, I’m Kent Brockman. In local news, police have finally gunned down Selvaxri from his murderous rampage.” (33%) Well, with a runner-up in the WEOAMP and a win for most likely to go on a shooting spree, maybe that's the massive pwnage they spoke of? The sixth blank has to do with the most likely to leave MOTL's presence permanently, in the form of banning. The nominees for this blank were JoshSherman, ronandaggy, scrum, War18, ml490 & eclinchy. 3) “OMGWTFLOLBBQ, Leshrac just got bant good!” (13%) T2) “OMGWTFLOLBBQ, avendor just got bant good!” (17%) T2) “OMGWTFLOLBBQ, Selvaxri just got bant good!” (17%) 1) “OMGWTFLOLBBQ, pyr0ma5ta just got bant good!” (21%) I notice a strange correlation between the names mentioned here, and the ones in the WEOAMP. I wonder how much predictive validity the MOTL Awards have? We'll find out in the coming year. That said, Leshrac has still yet to be voted most likely to be banned. One of these years, BoltBait!  The Spool Awards The only "new" section to the MOTL Awards this year; the spool awards makes an attempt to recognize MOTLers who are big names in certain types of threads. The first Spool Award is for Captain N, the key UBB Gamer among us. The nominees for this spool were JoshSherman, nderdog, Goaswerfraiejen & ronandaggy. T2) Maybe they mean Captain Nderdog? (12%) T2) eclinchy is also a runner-up. (12%) T2) MAB_Rapper knows his way around a game. (12%) T2) MeddlingMage earned a mention as well. (12%) 1) With 29%, this year's winner of the Captain N is GottaLoveElves. Thanks guys! The second Spool Award is for the MVP, the sports guru among us. The nominees for this spool were *Tedman*, Andarion, daner, Greven53, knightowl & MagicMystic. 2) speechjew might be the man to ask about the NFL playoffs which start next weekend. (17%) 1) With 25%, eclinchy is your winner for the MVP award this year. A sports guru AND a Scrabble guru? Ladies & gentlemen, we've got ourselves a paradox. The third Spool Award is for Judge Judy, the member who gives great rulings advice. The nominees for this spool were ForeverWinter, TBwaar, da-odd-templar, Tha Gunslinga & jed. 3) coolio can lay down a ruling every bit as well as a beat. (13%) 2) orcish artillery is one of the more helpful cards. (19%) 1) With 38% of votes showing his name, WestWycke is recognized as the cranky old woman with the red hair this year. Congratulations & thanks! The fourth Spool Award is for Siskel &/or Ebert, the member who best knows their movies. The nominees for this spool were CPTBOBIX & Greven53. 3) Don't be surprised to see BoltBait slamming the new Pauly Shore movie in the near future. (13%) 2) I wonder if jeb has ever tried acting? (19%) 1) Apparently, flaminio is the man for movies. Congratulations on this recognition with 56% of the vote! The fifth Spool Award is for The Rolling Stone, the member who knows their music well. The nominees for this spool were BoltBait & Denizen. 3) GottaLoveElves merits a mention, despite being several years younger than any Rolling Stone. (19%) 2) cerberus likes to rock out with his... oh right, family site. Yeah, let's just say he likes to rock out. (31%) 1) Apparently, the Dutch scene for music must be something. Congratulations to potm with 38% of the vote for the win! I wonder if that CD you sent me counts as a bribe? Sure could use another sandwich... The Kings/Queens of MOTL The pinnacle of any awards ceremony is the one for best picture. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it seemed sort of appropriate for an introduction. This award is the popularity contest where folks select their favorite MOTLers and crown them royalty of sorts. I just want to say a quick word before presenting this one -- this year's K/Q was absolutely ridiculous. In past years, there had been a "standard ballot", and for the most part, the same 8 or 9 names occupied almost every ballot. This year saw an influx of voting for whoever, and no ballot was at all predictable. As of the closure of voting, there was a 3-way tie for first, a 3-way tie for fourth after the first three, and an 8-way tie for the final spot. That would've been alot of typing. However, since I didn't get the post typed up until a little longer after voting closed than I thought, I was able to accept the couple of late votes that came my way, and aside deciding a couple of other key races, they made this award slightly more manageable. That said, let's get to presenting. This year's nominees for the Kings & Queens were Preacher, Stat1c_X, the WORST ever, jeb, eclinchy, MeddlingMage, orcish artillery, Mr. C, Leshrac, Goaswerfraiejen, Tha Gunslinga, vampyresin, Jazaray, pyr0ma5ta, flaminio, Ml490 & Greven53. There are two folks who are sharing sixth place this year. Congratulations go out to rockondon and ronandaggy, each earning 20% of the vote. Keep up whatever you're doing in 2007! Ron and Agnes can fight over the crown, I guess. There's also a two-way tie for fourth place this year. With each member snatching 24% of your votes, both potm and Valmtg can claim fourth. potm makes the list for an impressive fifth consecutive year, while Val gets her first placing. Both of you deserve it! Taking third place this year is BoltBait, with 36% of votes going his way. Although a slight step down from last year, MOTL is still saying thanks in one of the best way it knows how. Congratulations! Now, for a first in the MOTL Awards. This year, we've got not one, but two first place finishers in this category. Firstly, the only other member besides potm who's made this list every year has earned a share of first place -- with 40% of the vote, congratulations to... me? Really guys, I did not expect this, especially in my reduced posting capacity during the school year. Thanks very much, it's greatly appreciated!  And, secondly, congratulations to only the second member to manage the feat of repeat king. Earning 40% of the votes as well, nderdog is once again atop the kingdom of MOTL. Since we're sharing the award, I call the tiara. Way to go, nder! Half. A. Decade. That's a bit of a long while to have been doing these awards. Well, with that read, I'm sure you can now appreciate how much fun some of these races were to watch this year, particularly The Real Estate, Mimi Bobeck & Kings/Queens. Thanks once again for your votes, and congratulations to all the winners, runner-ups & nominees. Well, for the ones that merit congratulations anyways, but I'm sure you've got that point by now. As with every year, I feel the need to say thanks to a few people for their help and for the things they do -- first & foremost, Leshrac for pouring his wallet, heart & tech skills into giving us a fun site to hang out on and as safe a place to trade online as you'll find. Thanks to all the mods & their banhammers for keeping this one of the more mature sites on the internet most of the time, and trying even in times when that isn't necessarily true. Thanks to all the conversationalists, or just folks who, like me, post where and when they have the time. It takes lots of us to make a community, ya know. Thanks to anyone who's donated money to MOTL, or to the MOTL stack. Thanks to nderdog & BoltBait for giving a rough draft of the original awards post a quick once-over to make sure that everything was well phrased & explained. Ah hell, thank everyone who's even reading this, I'm sure you've done at least something worth thanking for, and you probably deserve it. I'm sure you've read enough of what I have to say for now, so I'll just close by reiterating all those thank-yous and congratulations. See you all around this year! __________________ MOTL's answer to Billy Crystal. When I die, will they remember not What I did, but what I haven't done? "Pray to God? Nahh. I pray to Hitler. He gets things done." Long Story Short... (My Blog) 04/28/02
[Edited 2 times, lastly by GottaLoveElves on January 02, 2007]
jeb Member
posted January 02, 2007 09:40 AM
It's an honor just to have been nominated. Winning would be better, except for the sucking ones, but really: an honor. Thanks to those of you that find me a movie buff, or smart, or yes, it must be admitted, devastatingly handsome and witty. Flaminio and I overlap in a lot of nominations, so I plan on spending 2007 degrading his base of support through a campaign of malicious lies and negative push polls. Thanks! Jeb ps. Bob Flaminio just punched a baby.
BoltBait Moderator
posted January 02, 2007 09:53 AM
Thanks everyone for the votes!I was surprised to read my name under certain catagories. Seriously, I get drunk *once* the entire year...  Also, thanks GottaLoveElves for putting this together again this year. Come visit me and I'll buy you a sandwich.
__________________ If you see a rules violation, PM me a link and I will take care of it. Thanks. * 2004-2006 MOTL Proton award winner. [Trades] [Rules] [FAQ] [Prices] [Card Searches] [Tools] [WotC] [Dominoes] [Art] [Writings] [#MOTL Chat] [Logout]
MAB_Rapper Member
posted January 02, 2007 09:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by GLE: The first Spool Award is for Captain N, the key UBB Gamer among us. The nominees for this spool were JoshSherman, nderdog, Goaswerfraiejen & ronandaggy. T2) Maybe they mean Captain Nderdog? (12%) T2) eclinchy is also a runner-up. (12%) T2) MAB_Rapper knows his way around a game. (12%) T2) MeddlingMage earned a mention as well. (12%) 1) With 29%, this year's winner of the Captain N is GottaLoveElves. Thanks guys!
Dang, a 4 way tie for 2nd. I'll take that anyday. Thank to everyone who voted for me in the one place I deserved it. __________________ I now do Third Party Trades. IM, PM, or E-mail to set one up.Check me out on as the new ECW Recapper!! Now collecting Promos! and Mistform Ultimus! (Count at 106 as of 1/1) V3CB Champion! Round 57: OH SNAP!!!
Valmtg Member
posted January 02, 2007 10:00 AM
Woot! Congrats to all you winners and for all the people who were nominated! I'm sure that while pyr0 is no longer with us, he will feel proud to have won as I'll relay the message to him if he hasn't heard of the good (or bad...?) news already. As for iakae (Tim, aka my husband) getting a nomination I grinned as he could have easily avoided the mighty banhammer by resending his package but he didn't. Some awards were very well predictable but some were a nice surprise, and there were those who won that I didn't expect. And of course, many thanks to all those who nominated me to winning my first award! I would cry and type more but I gotta change Kat's diaper.  So anyways, I guess I gotta change my siggy? __________________ GøÐÐ맧 MOTL Queen 2006D≡P≡CH≡ MOD≡ 370HSSV-0773H Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Bob Phyllis Member
posted January 02, 2007 10:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Thread: The second blank deals with skill at Magic, and who we might be likely to see on the pro tour in the future. The nominees for this blank were Ml490, *Tedman*, Tha Gunslinga, Bob Phyllis, implode, shade2k1, Lan2_13, pyr0ma5ta & Iabtu.
Hehe I'd like to be on the pro tour, but I just don't have the money to keep up with the game so i haven't been playin lately. I'll get back into it one day! Thanks for the nod whoever nominated me!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bob Phyllis on January 02, 2007]
nderdog Moderator
posted January 02, 2007 10:53 AM
I must say, I'm honored and baffled at the same time!I'm not sure who keeps nominating me for Captain N, but considering I never actually play UBB games anymore, it's...odd. Not nearly as odd as the Pro Tour one, though. I must assume that people voted out of sheer irony, as I am, quite possibly, the worst player in Magic history.  Thanks for running these again, Tony. Always a great read! We all appreciate how much hard work you spend on these! __________________ Mort was already aware that love made you feel hot and cold and cruel and weak, but he hadn't realized that it could make you stupid. Report rules violations.
There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!
JoshSherman Member
posted January 02, 2007 10:58 AM
First and foremost, thank you, Tony, for doing this again! Regardless of whether I like the outcomes, you put a lot of hard work into this, and I speak for most, if not all, GDers when I say I really appreciate that. You can act all surprised if you want, but you know you earn the awards you win.quote: The Wrong End of A Massive Pwnage The nominees this year were jeb, speechjew, JoshSherman & omega.
The Trnothr Award This year's nominees were pyr0ma5ta, JoshSherman, Mr. C, GMontag, BoltBait, Ml490, rockondon & iccarus.
quote: The Radiance Award This year's nominees were nderdog, Preacher, JoshSherman,jeb, coolio & potm.
This was not a self-vote. In fact, I didn't vote for myself at all this year. I don't really feel like I exude whatever brilliance I think I have around here. Even if I did, I don't think I'd win, and that's not something on which I'm easily covinced. quote: The Mike Bullard Award With 38% of MOTLers telling me that I shouldn't be laughing, I'll let Josh decide what he thinks for himself on this one.
I get it. Regardless of whether I've "earned" this, which I didn't in 2006, it's funnier to vote me in than it would be to vote anyone else in. That I get it doesn't mean I have to like it, so if you voted for me you can kiss my ass.quote:
The _____ In The _____ Awards The fourth blank makes light of a very serious problem, and asks who we think on MOTL is most likely to be caught using the cliche phrase from AA. The nominees for this blank were rockondon, Kluckers, crazyturk, MeddlingMage, pyr0ma5ta, BoltBait, JoshSherman, Selvaxri, Lord Titi, ronandaggy and War18.
This one makes no sense to me. None whatsoever. I'm a little dismayed that someone would waste a vote on me when I am neither a heavy nor a frequent drinker. Unlike some people on the boards, I have very peronal reasons why I don't find alcoholism to be funny, and those same reasons are why I will not become one.quote: The fifth blank has to do with which MOTLer we can see losing the rest of their marbles and going on a shooting spree. The nominees for this blank were HanSolo6385, War18, scrum, ronandaggy, the phoenix, Greven53, JoshSherman, Leshrac & eclinchy.
The sixth blank has to do with the most likely to leave MOTL's presence permanently, in the form of banning. The nominees for this blank were JoshSherman, ronandaggy, scrum, War18, ml490 & eclinchy.
I won't take this personally because, like pretty much everyone else on the list, I don't do anything that could get me banned. Perhaps I'll take a que from my disdain for this award and not vote for it anymore.quote: The Spool Awards The first Spool Award is for Captain N, the key UBB Gamer among us. The nominees for this spool were JoshSherman, nderdog, Goaswerfraiejen & ronandaggy.
Umm... thanks, but I don't play enough to really earn this one. Just because I can own one game of mafia doesn't mean I could do it on a regular basis. And I've never played any other UBB game. Well, if you want to waste your votes each year, that's your business, I suppose. Most of my nominations make no sense to me. I take the voting process seriously, and I think we all should, given the amount of work Tony does to get this going.
__________________ This post was partially funded by the letter H and the number 8.
Selvaxri Member
posted January 02, 2007 10:59 AM
wee- this year i won the "murderous rampage" award!
iccarus Member
posted January 02, 2007 11:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by Selvaxri: wee- this year i won the "murderous rampage" award!
Please prove us wrong. Or let us know when it will be, so I can watch it live on CNN. __________________ Help me clean out my house.Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!
Lord Titi Member
posted January 02, 2007 11:16 AM
I got a vote..?
GottaLoveElves Member
posted January 02, 2007 11:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by BoltBait: I was surprised to read my name under certain catagories. Seriously, I get drunk *once* the entire year... 
quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: This one makes no sense to me. None whatsoever. I'm a little dismayed that someone would waste a vote on me when I am neither a heavy nor a frequent drinker. Unlike some people on the boards, I have very personal reasons why I don't find alcoholism to be funny, and those same reasons are why I will not become one.
Well, I know there are various degrees of offense taken here, so let me offer up a quick explanation. Personally, when I vote for this award, I vote for the winner -- that is, every year, I vote for the guy who makes the most light of and/or reference to getting drunk, and said guy usually wins. However, I think alot of the straggler votes (such as the one that you each received) are from people who see this category sort of like the killing spree one; as someone they expect to be drove to drinking based on their posting and some of the things said to them or by them. At least, that's how I rationalize the random votes in that category. I don't mind that everyone isn't 100% serious in voting, because I do intend for this to be a fun exercise more than anything, so if they'd rather vote completely and utterly randomly than in a serious manner, that's cool by me. In either case, it legitimately only was one vote each that you guys got, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. __________________ MOTL's answer to Billy Crystal. When I die, will they remember not What I did, but what I haven't done? "Pray to God? Nahh. I pray to Hitler. He gets things done." Long Story Short... (My Blog) 04/28/02
[Edited 1 times, lastly by GottaLoveElves on January 02, 2007]
eclinchy Member
posted January 02, 2007 11:31 AM
I'm shocked and appalled that I lost the murderous rampage award. That's it. Selvaxri, you and me. Duel to the death. Let's go.  Anyway I'm very happy to accept my MVP award! Thanks to everyone who voted for me. And jeb, better luck next year. A lot of those votes for you came from me... I thought you deserved several of those awards. Maybe I'll campaign for ya next year.  __________________ Eternal EnlightenmentAIM: EvanWithAnS
Ml490 Member
posted January 02, 2007 12:50 PM
HeHeHeHe, Pyr0 owes me 5$ now  so i won two awards, w00t w00t?!?!?
nderdog Moderator
posted January 02, 2007 12:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ml490: HeHeHeHe, Pyr0 owes me 5$ now  so i won two awards, w00t w00t?!?!?
Errr...if you want to call either of those "winning" sure... __________________ Mort was already aware that love made you feel hot and cold and cruel and weak, but he hadn't realized that it could make you stupid. Report rules violations.
There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!
Ml490 Member
posted January 02, 2007 12:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by nderdog: Errr...if you want to call either of those "winning" sure...
I wonder if ill still have those titles net year 
ronandaggy Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:09 PM
wow, i was very surprised(and happy) to see my name up there a whole whack of times, and none of them came from me as i didnt get my votes in. thanks guys, second place is as good as first in my books  im really surprised i didnt get the AA fill in the blank as ive actually been to AA  __________________ your ubb survivor 10 champion!! Also the recipient of the invisibility and morality awards. 100% win ration in ubb mafia wotc marketplace council member, 3 terms and countingOriginally posted by Agnes: CPTBOBIX rox my sox!!
rockondon Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:18 PM
just posting to tip my hat at Josh for all his winnings and nominations  __________________ |~~My Angels~~l""|"\__, |~My #1 Angel~"l'_|'_|_|) |(@)(@)""**|(@)(@)*|(@)
flaminio Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:28 PM
Thanks to all those who voted for me. I'm really rather ... overwhelmed.Except for jeb, of course. Oh, it's on now, dude. __________________ Bob • Libertarian • Skeptic • Omnivore • Atheist • Californian • Voter • Father • Numismatist • Curmudgeon Imagine there's no heaven... • My car • If you remember me ... I am immortal... • B5: 23/40 What I'm watching Queue • What I'm selling • Join • Go Frap Yourself! "You're the best." --rockondon
potm Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by flaminio:
Except for jeb, of course. Oh, it's on now, dude.
you're entering a world of pain?
Bentiko Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:51 PM
Thanks whoever nominated me for the awards, I really appreciate. Will be looking forward next time.Post spam! LOL __________________ Hey! Look! My nipples can cut through glass!I watched porn with Closed Caption! I love school, when it's over... God, the singing is nails on a chalkboard.
jott Member
posted January 02, 2007 01:55 PM
I got nothing. Yet again.
__________________ After our first encounter, the goblins called me chuck.-------------------- 1st in posts in Estonia update: *4th* in refs in Estonia.
Ml490 Member
posted January 02, 2007 02:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by eclinchy: I'm shocked and appalled that I lost the murderous rampage award. That's it. Selvaxri, you and me. Duel to the death. Let's go.
Id pay good money to see you guys fight to the death 
Kung_Fuscious Member
posted January 02, 2007 03:17 PM
a runner-up award, my best showing yet :] I should point out here that I am not actually an alcoholic, (yet?!) I drink fairly regularly, and it just happens that when I do I sometimes pop along on here to say hello to you lot. I tend to mash the keyboard when typing my gibberish, but the fact I'm sat in my bedroom doing it should tell you I know the important things when I drink- how to get home, to get home. :] seriously, although I personally find getting drunk a fun and enjoyable experience (i am certain this is because of the people I drink with), it's not all fun and games and ha ha look kung's fallen in the road with a traffic cone on his head and lets take a photo and put it on myspace ha ha won't that be fun...(note, this didn't actually happen ) Take it easy on the drink in 2007 everyone  /responsibility Once again GLE many thanks for the awards- as every a joy to read :] big gz 2 al da winnerz u rok  /me looks forward to next year.
potm Member
posted January 02, 2007 04:36 PM
Also many thanks everyone for the Music award-- though I still remain with my personal opinion: my knowledge of music is absolutely dwarfed by Denizen's sheer grasp on every (especially obscure) band that is worth listening to. __________________ When the Queen visited Nigeria in the 1970s, the local people were told that it was polite to remove your hat in her presence. Thousands of them, having never owned a hat in their lives, panicked and bought one.
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