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Author Topic:   MOTL Card Exchange, Part 8
posted August 25, 2012 01:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for evilempire22 Click Here to Email evilempire22 Send a private message to evilempire22 Click to send evilempire22 an Instant MessageVisit evilempire22's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Aznopium:
Would it be possible to allow people to ask for uncommons at less than 5 pts or rares less than 15pts.

basically allow cards to be worth what people want to trade them at.

I think it will help a lot, so people can go hey "well i really want that jankky uncommon but only want to trade 3 pts for it"

I was just thinking the same thing, seeing as I want some pretty bad uncommons, but will not trade for them at the same value as a playable one.

New want list, with points I have assigned to each:

01 Elvish Harbinger 5
01 Devout Chaplain 3
01 Riftsweeper 5
01 Snag 3
01 Primal Bellow 3

I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by evilempire22 on August 25, 2012]

posted August 26, 2012 09:51 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Aznopium:
Would it be possible to allow people to ask for uncommons at less than 5 pts or rares less than 15pts.

basically allow cards to be worth what people want to trade them at.

Hmm. I guess it's possible, but maybe that explains why there have been some issues getting traffic going here, as different people have different ideas of the value of a point. The way things were originally designed, the 1, 5, 15 is for a jank card of that rarity, and playable cards should be worth more. If people are treating the base values as an average, then yeah, there should be a lower value for crap cards. There's always been the flexibility for people to ask for a different value for the cards, so really, as long as people are willing to give up those cards for less, it's fine, but I don't really expect too much movement at those values.

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posted August 26, 2012 01:03 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for jaromirjagr Click Here to Email jaromirjagr Send a private message to jaromirjagr Click to send jaromirjagr an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View jaromirjagr's Trade Auction or SaleView jaromirjagr's Trade Auction or Sale
Id like to update my list with
10th edition foils refer to my h/w list
4x coalition flag unc apocalypse
1x coalition honor guard com apocalypse
4x scuttlemut com shadowmoor
4x moments peace com odyssey

For me its not that the points are unbalanced its just that why should I send in cards when I know Ill never get any cards sent out to me because this thread is pretty much doa.I mean I even linked my h/w to my 10th ed foil needs to make it easier.I know theres probably a foil wrath in there but disregard that.Some people must have junk 10th ed foils laying around.

[Edited 2 times, lastly by jaromirjagr on August 27, 2012]

posted August 27, 2012 01:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Aznopium Click Here to Email Aznopium Send a private message to Aznopium Click to send Aznopium an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by nderdog:
Hmm. I guess it's possible, but maybe that explains why there have been some issues getting traffic going here, as different people have different ideas of the value of a point. The way things were originally designed, the 1, 5, 15 is for a jank card of that rarity, and playable cards should be worth more. If people are treating the base values as an average, then yeah, there should be a lower value for crap cards. There's always been the flexibility for people to ask for a different value for the cards, so really, as long as people are willing to give up those cards for less, it's fine, but I don't really expect too much movement at those values.

I dont expect much movement either, but just the one off card that people do put on the list, can spark a pm, and get things rolling again.

Just want to see exchange keep moving and not just sit idle with no action. Gonna update my list with more items when i get a chance

posted August 27, 2012 04:15 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Please have my wants be:

1x Sprout Swarm, common, Future Sight
1x Azorius Signet, common, Dissension only please
1x Rakdos Carnarium, common, Dissension only please
1x Sejiri Refuge, uncommon, Zendikar only please
1x Elvish Visionary, common, M13


I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion, 2007 Captain N award winner, 2010 Marlboro award winner, and 2011 Champion Tournament Pick'em
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[Edited 1 times, lastly by MeddlingMage on September 03, 2012]

posted August 28, 2012 03:26 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Timmyhill Click Here to Email Timmyhill Send a private message to Timmyhill Click to send Timmyhill an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I think part of the problem could be the website that got posted on motl a few months ago...

I went to check it out and have been using it. Its a lot easier to use then our motl exchange, you just imput cards you have/want then it gives you a list of cards to send. Which is much easier then trying to check everyones list here then having to message them and wait for a response.

The best part is members can't have negative points, if you don't send out cards you don't get cards. It also takes care of all the point values too. Granted some of the bulk gets over valued but for the most part its working out pretty good.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Timmyhill on August 28, 2012]

posted September 03, 2012 03:40 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
New wants for me:

Rupture Spire x4 common
Transguild Promenade x4 common

Motl member since November 1, 2000

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[Edited 1 times, lastly by revenger on September 03, 2012]

posted September 03, 2012 05:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ericb737 Click Here to Email ericb737 Send a private message to ericb737 Click to send ericb737 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Can you add me back to the active list?

I am looking for 4x pillage (uncommon) from tempest. Thanks.

posted September 03, 2012 08:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
Originally posted by ericb737:
Can you add me back to the active list?

I am looking for 4x pillage (uncommon) from tempest. Thanks.

Pillage is from Alliances.

Motl member since November 1, 2000

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posted September 03, 2012 09:58 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Liq Click Here to Email Liq Send a private message to Liq Click to send Liq an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Liq's Trade Auction or SaleView Liq's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by Timmyhill:
I think part of the problem could be the website that got posted on motl a few months ago..

People use that? Completely considered it a joke.

Originally posted by ericb737:
Can you add me back to the active list?

Sure. Get some points and I'll add your list too.

<Jazaray> LIQ!
<Jazaray> you broke MOTL
<Liq> totally
<BoltBait> Don't make me kick you
<Slinga> Have no fear, MOTL's janitor is here!
<nderdog> So we're all agreed, it's Liq's fault, right?
<Leshrac> let me deal with that
* Liq has been banned

posted September 19, 2012 06:45 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
New wants for me:

4x Azorius Guildgate Common
4x Golgari Guildgate Common
4x Izzet Guildgate Common
4x Rakdos Guildgate Common
4x Selesnya Guildgate Common
4x Transguild Promenade Common

Motl member since November 1, 2000

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posted September 19, 2012 06:49 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shiny_dude Click Here to Email Shiny_dude Send a private message to Shiny_dude Click to send Shiny_dude an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Shiny_dude's Have/Want ListView Shiny_dude's Have/Want List
Please replace my list with the following:
Adaptive Automaton x 4 --> 15 pts
Sundering Titan x 2 (FTV only) --> 15 pts
Trinisphere x 2 (FTV) --> 30 pts
Brainstorm (IvG) x4 --> 15 pts
Path to Exile (VvK) x1 --> 35 pts
Zendikar Full-Art Basic Lands x X (zendikar, land, common) --> 3.5 pts (or whatever you think is fair)
Artifact Lands x X (mirrodin, artifact land, common) --> 3~5 points (depending which ones)
Swords to Plowshares x 2 (coldsnap, white, uncommon) --> 20 points
Propaganda x 1 (commander, uncommon, blue) --> 10 points
Ghostly Prison x 3 (commander/planechase, uncommon, white) --> 10 points
Simulacrum x 2 (alpha/beta, uncommon, black) --> 20 points
Wall of Blossoms x 4 (SH/Planechase, green, uncommon) --> 10 points

Thunderous Wrath x 4 (AVR, red, uncommon)
Man-o'-War x 1 (portal, blue, uncommon)
Man-o'-War x 1 (starter, blue, uncommon)
Moment's Peace x 2 (odyssey, green, common)
Seething Song x 12 (Knights vs Dragons, red, common)
Preordain x 4 (Venser vs Koth, blue, common)
Bond of Agony x 4 (Dissension, uncommon, black)
Drove of Elves x 4 (DotP/shadowmoor, green, uncommon)
Spell Pierce x 8 (blue, zendikar, common)
Gempalm Incinerator x 1 (EvG, red, uncommon)
Halimar Depths x 2 (worldwake, land, common)
Invigorate x 4 (Mercardian Masques/commander/GvL, green, common)
Cabal Ritual x 3 (torment, black, common)
Stromgald Crusader x 4 (coldsnap, black, uncommon)
Simian Spirit Guide x 4 (planar chaos, red, common)
High Tide x 12 (fallen empires, blue, common)
Hymn to Tourach x 6 (fallen empires, black, common, different pictures preferred)
Lightning Bolts x X (any language/edition/condition)

posted October 09, 2012 07:10 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
Empty my wants. Thank you.

Motl member since November 1, 2000

Your 2008 & 2010 Siskel & Ebert award winner!

33rd in refs on Motl!

#1 Ref's for Arizona!

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posted October 10, 2012 04:31 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for yakusoku Click Here to Email yakusoku Send a private message to yakusoku Click to send yakusoku an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
New wants:

Azorius Charm x4

[Edited 2 times, lastly by yakusoku on October 10, 2012]

posted October 10, 2012 08:27 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shiny_dude Click Here to Email Shiny_dude Send a private message to Shiny_dude Click to send Shiny_dude an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Shiny_dude's Have/Want ListView Shiny_dude's Have/Want List
I am sending yakusoku:
Dryad Militant
Syncopate x3
Rakdos Cackler
for 25 points total

posted October 10, 2012 09:31 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for yakusoku Click Here to Email yakusoku Send a private message to yakusoku Click to send yakusoku an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Shiny_dude:
I am sending yakusoku:
Dryad Militant
Syncopate x3
Rakdos Cackler
for 25 points total

I'll post again when these arrive. I agree to this.

posted October 11, 2012 08:39 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shiny_dude Click Here to Email Shiny_dude Send a private message to Shiny_dude Click to send Shiny_dude an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Shiny_dude's Have/Want ListView Shiny_dude's Have/Want List
Looking to start building a cube, will require lots of common/uncommons, figured I would try to spend my points on those wants immediately.

Please replace my list with the following:
Adaptive Automaton x 4 --> 15 pts
Sundering Titan x 2 (FTV only) --> 15 pts
Path to Exile (VvK) x1 --> 35 pts
Zendikar Full-Art Basic Lands x X (zendikar, land, common) --> 3.5 pts (or whatever you think is fair)
Simulacrum x 2 (alpha/beta, uncommon, black) --> 20 points
Wall of Blossoms x 4 (SH/Planechase, green, uncommon) --> 10 points
Man-o'-War x 1 (portal, blue, uncommon)
Man-o'-War x 1 (starter, blue, uncommon)
Moment's Peace x 2 (odyssey, green, common)
Spell Pierce x 8 (blue, zendikar, common)
Opal Caryatid x 4 (Urza's Saga, white, common)
Mana Tithe x 2 (Planar Chaos, white, common)
Loyal Cathar x 1 (DKA, white, common)

Cube wants:
1x any cube staple, suggestions are welcome via PM/email
1x Yavimaya Dryad (archenemy/time spiral, green, uncommon)
1x Pongify (planar chaos, blue, uncommon)
1x Boreal Druid (coldsnap, green, common)
1x Serum Visions (5th dawn, blue, common) --> offering 5 pts or whatever you think is fair
1x Golgari Rot Farm (ravnica, land, common)
1x Simic Growth Chamber (dissession, land, common)
1x Boros Garrison (ravnica, land, common)
1x Dimir Aqueduct (ravnica, land, common)
1x Selesnya Signet (ravnica, artifact, common)
1x Izzet Signet (guildpact, artifact, common)
1x Azorius Signet (dissession, artifact, common)
1x Orzhov Signet (guildpact, artifact, common)
1x Boros Signet (ravnica, artifact, common)
1x Gruul Signet (guildpact, artifact, common)
1x Simic Signet (dissession, artifact, common)
1x Dimir Signet (ravnica, artifact, common)
1x Esper Charm (shards, white/blue/black multicolour, uncommon)
1x Grixis Charm (shards, blue/black/red multicolour, uncommon)
1x Bant Charm (shards, white/green/blue multicolour, uncommon)
1x Dromar's Charm (planeshift, gold, uncommon)
1x Rith's Charm (planeshift, gold, uncommon)
1x Treva's Charm (planeshift, gold, uncommon)
1x Crosis's Charm (planeshift, gold, uncommon)
1x Darigaaz's Charm (planeshift, gold, uncommon)
1x Journey to Nowhere (commander/EvT/zendikar, white, common)
1x Delver of Secrets (INN, blue, common)
1x Coldsteel Heart (coldsnap, artifact, uncommon)

posted October 12, 2012 01:58 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
Didn't take long but I need these cards:

Transguild Promenade x4
Golgari Guildgate x1
Treasured Find 5 pts.
Golgari Keyrune 5 pts.
Selesnya Keyrune 5 pts

Motl member since November 1, 2000

Your 2008 & 2010 Siskel & Ebert award winner!

32nd in refs on Motl!

#1 Ref's for Arizona!

posted October 14, 2012 09:48 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Please remove all wants from my list. Please give all my points to Revenger.



I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion, 2007 Captain N award winner, 2010 Marlboro award winner, and 2011 Champion Tournament Pick'em
MOTL NCAA Bracket Challenge winner!

CM Punk "OMG Kevin Nash WTF, thought he was dead, LOL"

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posted October 16, 2012 03:49 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Aznopium Click Here to Email Aznopium Send a private message to Aznopium Click to send Aznopium an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
update my wants to

Izzet guildgate C (RTR) 1pt
Golgari guildgate C (RTR) 1pt
Dryad Militant U (RTR) 5pts
Rakdos Cackler U (RTR) 5pts
Izzet Charm U (RTR) 5pts
Beetleback Chief U (PC 2012) 5pts
Brimstone Volley C - (INN) 1pt
Cenn's Enlistment C (EVE) 1pt
Devoted Druid C - (Shadowmoor) 1pt
Overgrown Battlement C - (ROE) 1pt
Searing Spear C - (M13) 1pt


[Edited 1 times, lastly by Aznopium on October 16, 2012]

posted October 17, 2012 11:39 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for yakusoku Click Here to Email yakusoku Send a private message to yakusoku Click to send yakusoku an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Shiny_dude:
I am sending yakusoku:
Dryad Militant
Syncopate x3
Rakdos Cackler
for 25 points total

Everything arrived as promised.

-25 points to me and +25 to Shiny Dude.

posted October 19, 2012 03:00 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
ok- updated wants should be:

Transguild Promenade x4

Motl member since November 1, 2000

Your 2008 & 2010 Siskel & Ebert award winner!

32nd in refs on Motl!

#1 Ref's for Arizona!

posted November 04, 2012 08:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shiny_dude Click Here to Email Shiny_dude Send a private message to Shiny_dude Click to send Shiny_dude an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Shiny_dude's Have/Want ListView Shiny_dude's Have/Want List
Please replace my list with the following:

Adaptive Automaton x 4 --> 15 pts
Sundering Titan x 1 (FTV only) --> 20 pts
Zendikar Full-Art Basic Lands x X (zendikar, land, common) --> 5 pts (or whatever you think is fair)
Simulacrum x 2 (alpha/beta, uncommon, black) --> 30 points
Wall of Blossoms x 4 (SH/Planechase, green, uncommon) --> 10 points
Man-o'-War x 1 (portal, blue, uncommon)
Man-o'-War x 1 (starter, blue, uncommon)
Moment's Peace x 2 (odyssey, green, common)
Spell Pierce x 8 (blue, zendikar, common)
Opal Caryatid x 4 (Urza's Saga, white, common)
Mana Tithe x 1 (Planar Chaos, white, common)
Smash to Smithereens x 4 (shadowmoor, red, common)
Assassin Tokens x 2 (the ones that Vraska makes)

Cube wants:
1x any cube staple, suggestions are welcome via PM/email
1x Yavimaya Dryad (archenemy/time spiral, green, uncommon)
1x Pongify (planar chaos, blue, uncommon)
1x Boreal Druid (coldsnap, green, common)
1x Serum Visions (5th dawn, blue, common) --> offering 5 pts or whatever you think is fair
1x Azorius Signet (dissession, artifact, common)
1x Journey to Nowhere (commander/EvT/zendikar, white, common)
1x Delver of Secrets (INN, blue, common)
1x Coldsteel Heart (coldsnap, artifact, uncommon)

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Shiny_dude on November 04, 2012]

posted November 04, 2012 09:05 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Send a private message to revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
Updated wants: 4x Golgari Guildgate, 3x Izzet Guildgate, 4x Rakdos Guildgate.

Motl member since November 1, 2000

Your 2008 & 2010 Siskel & Ebert award winner!

32nd in refs on Motl!

#1 Ref's for Arizona!

posted November 05, 2012 05:56 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Aznopium Click Here to Email Aznopium Send a private message to Aznopium Click to send Aznopium an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
updated list
Izzet Charm U (RTR) 5pts
Beetleback Chief U (PC 2012) 5pts
Devoted Druid C - (Shadowmoor) 1pt



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