Topic: An interview with: stu55
oneofchaos Member
posted August 08, 2011 09:06 PM

Do you routinely play 1 off's in lists? Why haven't we exchanged ref's yet? What should I play in standard when I get back from vacation? What EDH precon should I get? Favorite question you haven't been asked yet?
stu55 Member
posted August 09, 2011 06:07 AM

quote: Originally posted by Hooskdaddy: What 5 cards, other than the obvious ones like shocklands, would you think will make a drastic price increase when the modern format becomes live?
Dark Confidant, Jace the Mind Sculpter, Tarmogoyf, Vendilion Clique, Reflecting Pool quote: Originally posted by AlmostGrown: Would you consider yourself a troll or a troll hunter/slayer?
quote: Originally posted by Animosity: Sup Stu....1) How many sites/stores are you banned from? 2) Are you related to Cyclops? 3) When are you opening up a shop? 4) Why havn't you opened one yet ?
1) 2 Stores, 1 Site 2) Distant 3rd cousin on my dad's side 3)  4) 
quote: Originally posted by oneofchaos: Do you routinely play 1 off's in lists? Why haven't we exchanged ref's yet? What should I play in standard when I get back from vacation? What EDH precon should I get? Favorite question you haven't been asked yet?
1) Only if I am playing a control list, I like the toolbox aspect of some decks 2) No clue but we need to 3) Tempered Steel, its like playing dredge without as much hate against it 4) Heavy Inferno for the funness 5) Is hard to look this good? The answer is "yes"
slurpee Member
posted August 09, 2011 12:14 PM
Favorite Disney Character?
choco man Member
posted August 09, 2011 12:18 PM
You EDH? If so, which general(s)? If so, any unique interactions in your decklists outside of the usual suspects (eg Power Artifact+Grim Monolith, etc)?
stu55 Member
posted August 09, 2011 12:28 PM

quote: Originally posted by slurpee: Favorite Disney Character?
Hannah Montana
quote: Originally posted by choco man: You EDH? If so, which general(s)? If so, any unique interactions in your decklists outside of the usual suspects (eg Power Artifact+Grim Monolith, etc)?
Sometimes, I usually rock off with Jhoria when I do. I love playing Capture of Jingzhou basically.
AlmostGrown Member
posted August 09, 2011 03:20 PM
What is your favorite Legacy deck to play? Do you have any place local to you that you can play at weekly?__________________ send ref checks, paypal payment or any questions to the email in my profile! Serra Angel Count: 392 Nightmare Count: 128 DCI Rules Advisor PlasteredDragon - Gone but not forgotten
stu55 Member
posted August 09, 2011 05:12 PM

quote: Originally posted by AlmostGrown: What is your favorite Legacy deck to play? Do you have any place local to you that you can play at weekly?
Team America by far, but I also love Storm I play at CMU on Tuesday and The Vault in greensburg on saturdays
Tranderas Member
posted August 09, 2011 06:09 PM
Will you ever stop bickering with JCMD?Do you still need 2 blank dvds?
sdematt Member
posted August 09, 2011 06:15 PM

1) Most expensive single card you own?2) Most profit you've ever turned on a card? 3) First expensive card you bought (or that you considered expensive)? 4) First dual land? -Matt
Thanos Member
posted August 09, 2011 06:31 PM

quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: Do you still need 2 blank dvds?
No, I sent him two.
stu55 Member
posted August 09, 2011 06:35 PM

quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: Will you ever stop bickering with JCMD?Do you still need 2 blank dvds?
No and no  quote: Originally posted by sdematt: 1) Most expensive single card you own?2) Most profit you've ever turned on a card? 3) First expensive card you bought (or that you considered expensive)? 4) First dual land? -Matt
1) I don't own any power at the moment...hmmm, probably one of my prerelease misprints I would have to imagine. I have a Japanese Imperial Seal so maybe that?
2) % or $? Percent was probably a Korean Sphere of Resistance I got in bulk. Opened the package and there it was. $ is probably any number of pieces of power I have traded down. 3) For actual money? Probably one of my misprints. 4) Tundra in like 1999.