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Complete Magic Card Price Guides

Non-Foil Physical Magic Cards
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: October 22, 2013 at 01:45 PDT

Non-Foil Physical Magic Cards (Weekly)
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: October 22, 2013 at 01:45 PDT
Weekly prices are compiled using data no more than 7 days old.
The change column represents the difference between the
weekly price and the standard (monthly) price.

Foil Physical Magic Cards
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: October 22, 2013 at 01:45 PDT

Magic Sealed Box Prices
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: September 17, 2015 at 03:15 PDT

Complete Magic Online Price Guides

Non-Foil Magic Online Cards
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: October 22, 2013 at 01:45 PDT

Foil Magic Online Cards
Pipe-Delimited Format
Last updated on: October 22, 2013 at 01:45 PDT

Magic prices by set:
Foils       Pipe-Delimited

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  • Card name searches are done using Perl 5 style regular expressions. If you want to search for a particular card name, type it in exactly as it appears in the price guides. If you are searching for a card name which contains "active" Perl regular expression characters (in particular, parentheses), you will have to escape them with a backslash.
  • All other fields can be searched numerically or by regular expression. What operator you choose determines how the search text you enter is interpreted.
  • Please do not waste bandwidth and server resources by entering queries that match every single card. If you want an entire price guide, please download it from the links above. It'll be faster, too.
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Please Note: While every attempt is made to ensure that these lists are as accurate as possible, some inaccuracies are unavoidable due to the way the raw data for these lists must be collected. MOTL takes no responsibility whatsoever for any losses, financial or otherwise, that may result from using these lists. Please exercise common sense when comparing prices on any guide.

Powered by Cloister's Pricelist Generating Software using data collected from eBay.

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