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Author Topic:   Magic Trading Dictionary
posted December 05, 1999 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Leshrac   Click Here to Email Leshrac     
Those of you who have been here for a while may remember when we once tried to put together a slang dictionary of sorts for the realm of online Magic trading. Unfortunately, it disappeared, but I'd like to try and create it once again. The purpose of such a resource would be to give those new to online trading or just Magic in general a way to figure out what the heck people are talking about. Please try to keep the words and phrases limited to those related to trading (such as card names, trading terms, etc.) and not Magic in general.

To submit a word or phrase, just post it here in this format (use the bold and italic tags):
word/phrase - usage (noun, verb, etc.) - Definition.

I'll start things off by giving a few examples:

Bad Trader - noun - A person with dishonest trading practices, though not necessarily a ripper. For example, a person who often sends extremely late.

Ernie - Card Abbr. - Ehrnam Djinn.

LoA - Card Abbr. - Library of Alexandria.

Moxen - noun, plural - More than one Mox.

P9 - Abbr. - Power Nine.

Power 9 - Card Abbr., plural - Nine powerful and versatile cards from the original basic set: Ancestral Recall, Black Lotus, Mox Jet, Mox Sapphire, Mox Emerald, Mox Ruby, Mox Pearl, Time Walk, & Timetwister.

Ref - Abbr. - Reference. A person that the owner of the ref has successfully traded with and could refer him or her as a good trader.

Ripper - noun - A dishonest person who does not fulfill their part of an agreed upon trade. Typically, someone who does not send cards or cash when they should have.

Send first - verb - To have one party of a trade send their cards first and have the other party send once they've received the first party's cards.

Simul-send - verb - To have both parties in a trade send their cards at the same time.

TA - Abbr. - Trade Auction.

Tim - Card Abbr. - Prodigal Sorcerer. Named after the fire-slinging wizard from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Trade Auction - noun - An auction where participants bid with cards instead of, or in addition to, cash.

Founder, Owner - Magic Online Trading League (MOTL)

[This message has been edited by Leshrac (edited 12-05-1999).]

[This message has been edited by Leshrac (edited 12-05-1999).]

posted December 05, 1999 08:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for iakae   Click Here to Email iakae     
Here goes nothing:

Hyppie- (noun) Hypnotic Specter. A 2/2 Flying creature for three black mana that, when it does damage to an opposing player, forces that player to discard a card at random.

Core- (noun) Masticore. An artifact creature for four mana that requires you to discard a card during your upkeep. Is a 4/4 that can regenerate and do direct damage to creatures.

Port- (noun) Rishadan Port. Can produce one colorless mana and is able to tap a single land.

Stroke- (noun) Stroke of Genius. A blue card that makes a player draw X cards. Casting cost of one blue and two generic mana.

Beatdown- (verb) The act of pounding away at your opponent for large amounts of damage. For example, if you cast Overrun on a large amount of small creatures and swarm your opponent, it's called a Weenie Beatdown.

Weenie- (noun) A generic term for a small creature, usually referring to power/toughness and mana cost. Example: Kird Ape is a 1/1 creature for one red mana and is considered a weenie.

Crap Rare- (noun) A generic term for a rare card that isn't considered very good by the majority of players. A recent example would be Carnival of Souls. The card usually has very limited usage and/or the cost outweighs the benefit.

[This message has been edited by iakae (edited 12-05-1999).]

posted December 05, 1999 09:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thanos   Click Here to Email Thanos     
Newbie -noun-Someone new to Magic or online trading.

LMK -abbr-Let me know.

Negative I0n
posted December 06, 1999 09:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Negative I0n     
AL - Set Abbr. Alpha
BE - Set Abbr. Beta
UN - Set Abbr. Unlimited
RV - Set Abbr. Revised
4E - Set Abbr. 4th Edition
5E - Set Abbr. 5th Edition
6E - Set Abbr. 6th Edition
AN - Set Abbr. Arabian Nights
AQ - Set Abbr. Antiquities
LG - Set Abbr. Legends
DK - Set Abbr. The Dark
FE - Set Abbr. Fallen Empires
IA - Set Abbr. Ice Age
AI - Set Abbr. Alliances
CH - Set Abbr. Chronicles/Rennaissance
HL - Set Abbr. Homelands
MI - Set Abbr. Mirage
VI - Set Abbr. Visions
WL - Set Abbr. Weatherlight
TE - Set Abbr. Tempest
ST - Set Abbr. Stronghold
EX - Set Abbr. Exodus
US - Set Abbr. Urza's Saga
UG - Set Abbr. Unglued
UsL - Set Abbr. Urza's Legacy
UsD - Set Abbr. Urza's Destiny
MM - Set Abbr. Mercadian Masques
Promo - Set Abbr. Promotional Cards
Van. - Set Abbr. Vanguard
Anth. - Set Abbr. Anthologies
PSA - Set Abbr. Portal: Second Age
P3K - Set Abbr. Portal: Three Kingdoms

"Carnival of Souls is the best card ever..."

[This message has been edited by Negative I0n (edited 12-06-1999).]

Negative I0n
posted December 07, 1999 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Negative I0n     
CoB - Card Abbr. - City of Brass

"Carnival of Souls is the best card ever..."

posted December 07, 1999 11:45 AM           
Simo - abbr - Simo-Send (see simo-send)
Addy - abbr - Address
Roffy - abbr - 1. Shortened name of Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary 2.(RofellosLE) the worlds most lovable trader and poster on MOTL.

I don't care how great the odds are against me, if there's a way to win I'm gonna find it! - Goku

Truth or Dare?!?

Lt. Cmdr. RofellosLE of the GAB Starlite Blue Team

posted December 07, 1999 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DarkDamion   Click Here to Email DarkDamion     
Trademark - Camel Slave J/K

Mox D - Mox Diamond
Scroll - Cursed Scroll
Keg - Powder Keg
Bargin - Yawgmoths Bargin
u - You
ur - Your
c - See
r - Are
lol - Laughing out Loud
rofl - Rolling on Floor Laughing


posted December 07, 1999 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Trademark   Click Here to Email Trademark     
n/m or nm - Nevermind

posted December 07, 1999 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheSquirrelKing   Click Here to Email TheSquirrelKing     
City - (card abbreviation)- City of brass

CoP - (card abbreviation) - Circle of protection

Scrub - (noun) - A generic term used to refer to a new player or one that doesn't play "seriously" or "is not a professional contender."

Tutor - (noun) - generic term used for any tutor cards (mystical, vampiric, demonic, enlightened, worldly) Usually used to refer to the latter three

man-land - (noun) - term used to refer to any of the lands capable of becoming creatures for a term such as forbidding watchtower, faerie conclave, treetop village, ghitu encampment, spawning pool, mishra's factory

GAB - (abbreviation) - Good Traders Against Bad Traders. An organization of traders that confirms refs and posts bad trader alerts. Their site is

drain - (card abbreviation) - drain life

ritual out - (verb) - use a dark ritual to play a spell much earlier in a game than its mana cost would suggest.

jank - (noun, adjective, or adverb) - use annoying removal or protection cards such as swords to plowshares or white knights in a deck.

swords - (card abbreviation) - swords to plowshares

bolt - (card abbreviation) - lightning bolt

The Squirrel King,
commander, GAB pewter team

The goblins are in charge of maintenance? Why not just set it on fire now and call it a day? Impending Disaster

posted December 08, 1999 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tchula   Click Here to Email Tchula     
[b]jank[b/][i]noun[i/]cards generally to have low play/trade value. Also known as chaff.
[b]sex monkey[b/][i]noun[i/]slang term for uktabi orangutan
[b]pumpable creatures[b/][i]noun[i/]creatures that may have their power & or toughness altered by spending mana ie pump knights

I don't want no scryb. A scryb is a sprite that don't get no mana from me!

posted December 08, 1999 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SerraAngel   Click Here to Email SerraAngel     
BoP = Birds of Paradise

Negative I0n
posted December 08, 1999 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Negative I0n     
When I think n/m or nm, I think of Near Mint not "nevermind".

When I think of Drain, I think of Mana Drain and not necessarily drain life.

Any objections, LMK...

"Carnival of Souls is the best card ever..."

posted December 08, 1999 02:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheSquirrelKing   Click Here to Email TheSquirrelKing     
Negative IOn,
I didn't even think of that! No one I play with is fortunate enough to own a mana drain. A lot of my friends play necro or counter/black creature decks and I'm used to hearing "I drain you for _!"

The Squirrel King,
commander, GAB pewter team

The goblins are in charge of maintenance? Why not just set it on fire now and call it a day? Impending Disaster

posted December 08, 1999 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spyder   Click Here to Email Spyder     
STD-Stone Throwing Devils
LMK-Let Me Know
FoW-Force of Will
WoG-Wrath of God
MoM-Mind Over Matter
FoC...-Fountain of Cho....
SoB-Scent of Brine (or Song of Blood)

Vice Admiral Spyder
G.A.B. Cyan Team
ICQ-42426036 (If not working mail to

posted December 08, 1999 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheSquirrelKing   Click Here to Email TheSquirrelKing     
Heres a couple more I just thought of:
necro [abbreviation] necropotence
pinger [noun] any card able to tap to do a point of damage to a target such as prodigal sorcerer

The Squirrel King,
commander, GAB pewter team

The goblins are in charge of maintenance? Why not just set it on fire now and call it a day? Impending Disaster

posted December 10, 1999 08:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for KOMEK   Click Here to Email KOMEK     
Here's a couple more:
TCG - The card game (when refering to Magic
TCG) or other card games.

CCG - Anyone know what the heck this one
means I have know idea

In the begining the joker
was set free, in the end
he'll have the last laugh.

posted December 10, 1999 09:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iakae   Click Here to Email iakae     
CCG stands for Collectable Card Game.

Painland- Any duel land that causes you damage when you tap it for mana other than colorless. Examples- Caldera Lake, Adarkar Wastes, etc.

posted December 25, 1999 02:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selvaxri   Click Here to Email Selvaxri     
defination of suck (4 terms)
1>[verb]-to take life from another player and adding it to your life total, via Corrupt, Drain Life, etc...
2>[mid-game explanation]- when to other player plays a spell that angers the other; and could ensure a victory. "Man, you suck! Sure, eradicate my avatar!"
3>[explanation]- saying a deck is poorly costructed. "Man, my decks suck!"
4>[explanation]-saying your opponent doesn't play very well "Man, you sure do suck at this game!"

posted December 25, 1999 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BoneShredder   Click Here to Email BoneShredder     
Here's some:

When you don't draw a land or mana source for several turns and can't play the spells you have in your hand with your available mana sources

When you draw lands or mana sources for several turns and don't have any spells to play, or spells that can't really help you

Mono-red deck type centering on small, cheap creatures, usually with the haste ability, and low-cost burn spells; designed for a quick win

Any spell or creature which allows you to untap your lands if it is successfully cast; introduced in the Artifacts Cycle block

Any spell which allows you to draw a card at the beginning of the next turn; introduced in the Ice Age block

Ability of the Rebel and Mercenary creature types (introduced in Mercadian Masques) to allow their controller to search his/her library for other Rebels or Mercenaries and put them directly into play; term originally comes from AD&D

Ability of some spells to allow their controller to pay an alternate cost to play them other than their mana cost; introduced in Alliances and brought back in Mercadian Masques

Vice Adm. strungoutbassman, GAB Cobalt Team
GAB Admissions Team

N'Sync will be targeted. Watered-down testosterone is blasphemous.

[This message has been edited by BoneShredder (edited 12-25-1999).]

posted December 26, 1999 06:34 PM           
WW-abbr.-White Weenie

White Weenie-n.-White deck consisting of small creatures and enchantments that pump up the creatures

Sneak-abbr.-Sneak Attack

Sneak-n.-Decks with Sneak Attack as their main offensive threat

"If pokémon are so good, why don't they make humans fight for them?

"[]D [] []V[] []D [] []\[] aint EZ!"

[This message has been edited by Msol80 (edited 12-26-1999).]

posted January 19, 2000 09:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BoneShredder   Click Here to Email BoneShredder     
Here's some more:

Prosperous Bloom
A very powerful combo deck prominent when Mirage, Visions, and Weatherlight were Type 2 legal; name comes from the cards Prosperity and Cadaverous Bloom

Slang name for Prosperous Bloom

Popular and powerful mono-blue control deck; name comes from the way the deck usually plays-the player draws and says "Go," playing most of his/her control spells during his/her opponent's turn.

Stupid Red Burn
Mono-red deck type which is almost nothing but burn spells and mountains. Quite possibly the easiest deck type to build, and one of the most annoying to play against.

Abbreviation for Stupid Reb Burn

That's all for right now. Anyone else?

posted January 20, 2000 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MaJeStIcAL   Click Here to Email MaJeStIcAL     
Sex Monkeys- Uktabi Orangutang (or how ever u spell it)

Dual- A Land that allows u 2 tap for 2 types of mana (No sacrcrifice for this land, Like life or cards)

Avatar- Serra Avatar

MOTL- Magic online Trading league

If you guys want to earn some Extra Cash goto goto "join
now" fill out the info.. at the bottom it will say "if some one Refered you about this
fill in there number so they get credit" Put DWY-919 that is my ID number. I'd Be most Thankful if you did this

posted January 30, 2000 04:01 PM           
Sam - Card Abbr. - Samite Healer.
BB - Abbr. - Black bordered cards.
ASAP - Abbr. - As soon as possible.

posted January 31, 2000 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Joey571   Click Here to Email Joey571     
Legends (Noun): 1)An expansion of Magic that introduced two types of cards: Legends and Gold. 2)A group of cards that portray important figures of MTG history, first introduced in Legends. Ex.: Baron Sengar(HL), Autumn Willow (HL), Greven il-Vec (Tempest)

Gold cards (Noun): Any card that uses two or more mana colors. Ex.: Cadavorous Bloom

"And I said to him as I drank his coffee, 'It's impossible to do that!' And he replied, 'To make a house of Magic cards? Not at all.' "

Scared of Nature
posted February 02, 2000 08:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scared of Nature   Click Here to Email Scared of Nature     
TOPDECK-To draw the card you need to win
SWEAT I topdecked a Masticore!

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