Topic: I just opened 3 packs of RTR with no rares!
flophaus Member
posted November 09, 2012 02:28 PM
Not sure where to put his.... but I just opened 3 sealed packs of RTR with no rares in them!What should I do? I bought them from walmart. This is rediculous! They had the new cardboard stuff on them and all that. I am at a loss as of what to do here.... I got all the U/C's lands, etc, just no freaking rares! Has anyone else had this prob?
chapman24 Member
posted November 09, 2012 02:45 PM
were these the mini packs that only have a rare in every 4 or 5 packs?
Uthaedeol Member
posted November 09, 2012 03:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by flophaus: What should I do?I bought them from walmart.
Never heard of this before in RtR. Return to Walmart and demand a new boosters. __________________ Swamps suck. Mountains rock!
JayC Member
posted November 09, 2012 03:21 PM
WalMart is bad.
LordRelkin Member
posted November 09, 2012 03:37 PM
Im sure you were one of the many that saw the $1.99 price tag and went crazy with joy that this deal could be possible! :PUnfortunately, they do sell 6 card packs for $1.99, and they arent guarenteed a rare. However, if you spent $3.99 and got a regular pack, then thats another story, but not likely what you did. Oops! :/ quote: Originally posted by flophaus: Not sure where to put his.... but I just opened 3 sealed packs of RTR with no rares in them!What should I do? I bought them from walmart. This is rediculous! They had the new cardboard stuff on them and all that. I am at a loss as of what to do here.... I got all the U/C's lands, etc, just no freaking rares! Has anyone else had this prob?
Dimh Member
posted November 09, 2012 04:16 PM
Doubt Wal-Mart would take a return for this, if it was the normal booster packs instead of the 1.99 mini-boosters, contact Wizards customer support and they will be able to assist you.
coasterdude84 Member
posted November 09, 2012 06:53 PM
Did they come out of a box of Stronghold?(sorry, I couldn't help it.)
flophaus Member
posted November 09, 2012 11:49 PM
These were the normal boosters, not those crap $1.99 ones.I bought I think 8 packs and 3 of them simply had no rare at all. (No mythic or foil either) In all my years, I've never seen this. They were not at all tampered with, they were completely sealed in the cellophane + those new outer cardboard dealies. The other 5 packs had rares (Shocklands even ) I should probably try to return them, thing is, can you imagine trying to explain this to Wally-World customer service!? Only other thing I can think of is to possibly contact WOTC, but yeah, I doubt they're even gonna believe me. So I guess beware of the RtR "blister packs" at Wal-Mart. Edit: Mods: I probably shoulda put this in MTG Discussion, if you wanna move it there I can dig... Or if you want me to delete this, I will. Sorry about the poor placement
[Edited 1 times, lastly by flophaus on November 09, 2012]
Worth New Member
posted November 09, 2012 11:54 PM
I believe you. You play on MTGO? I can give you 3 more packs easily if you want them there, otherwise just send game support a note and I'm sure they'll take care of you. Sorry that happened to you, and let me know! Worth
wayne Member
posted November 10, 2012 12:36 AM
I bought 2 boxes with only 3 Mythics each and sent Wiz an email. Not much help, haha.
MagixDK Member
posted November 10, 2012 12:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Worth: I believe you. You play on MTGO? I can give you 3 more packs easily if you want them there, otherwise just send game support a note and I'm sure they'll take care of you.Sorry that happened to you, and let me know! Worth
thulnanth Member
posted November 10, 2012 01:06 AM
Worth? He's an old time Librarities member and current employee of WotC. ... and all round nice guy. Take it easy, Jared
airwalk Member
posted November 10, 2012 11:35 AM
Seen this problem here too. Normally I wouldn't buy cards from Wal-Mart unless they were on sale but I got them as a gift so I had no choice in the matter. They were normal booster packs inside a blister/cardboard and they contained no rare...I returned them to Wal-Mart and just got the price of them refunded (best part about Wal-Mart is you can return anything without a receipt if you complain enough)
Zeckk Member
posted November 10, 2012 12:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by airwalk: Seen this problem here too. Normally I wouldn't buy cards from Wal-Mart unless they were on sale but I got them as a gift so I had no choice in the matter. They were normal booster packs inside a blister/cardboard and they contained no rare...I returned them to Wal-Mart and just got the price of them refunded (best part about Wal-Mart is you can return anything without a receipt if you complain enough)
I've been able to buy those "extreme value" packs and return them for no other reason than "It didn't have the right cards in it". Wal-mart employees don't get any sort of training on mtg stuff, so it's rather easy to do that. I'm not cherry-picking foils or rares out of that stuff, but it's easy to see that something like that could be done (and likely already is). I've heard a guy brag at my LGS about buying every fat pack in stock at a walmart, cracking the packs and looting the rares/uncommons, then returning the fatpacks and saying that someone took the cards out of the fatpack before he bought them. The sad part is that as long as he buys with cash and doesn't do it too often, he keeps his name out of their system.
flophaus Member
posted November 10, 2012 12:49 PM
Well thanks for all the responses, guys!@ Worth, I truly appreciate your offer, but I don't do the MTGO thing, thanks a lot though for the thought =) @ Zeckk, I'm not trying to rip anyone off at all (not even Wal-Mart) I just wanted those 3 potential Foil Jace's back! I sure as hell don't buy their overpriced boosters for the uncommons! I guess I'll just take them back and see what they'll do for me... I'm in there all the time and I've dealt with their cust-serv people quite a bit. Once again, thanks for the responses and all that. Mainly, I wanted the community to be aware of this phenomenon.
MeddlingMage Member
posted November 10, 2012 01:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by flophaus: Well thanks for all the responses, guys!I guess I'll just take them back and see what they'll do for me... I'm in there all the time and I've dealt with their cust-serv people quite a bit.
Im curious to how they respond. Please do post, thanks and good luck! ~MM __________________ I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion, 2007 Captain N award winner, 2010 Marlboro award winner, and 2011 Champion Tournament Pick'em MOTL NCAA Bracket Challenge winner!CM Punk "OMG Kevin Nash WTF, thought he was dead, LOL" New keeper of the Logout button
Mr.C Member
posted November 10, 2012 04:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by MagixDK: Wth?
Worth Wollpert:
implode Member
posted November 11, 2012 11:54 AM
If that is really Worth, just wanted to say welcome to the motl community.
sys41o Member
posted November 11, 2012 05:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84: Did they come out of a box of Stronghold?(sorry, I couldn't help it.)
No need to apologize. This one will never get old.
FleeceItOut Member
posted November 11, 2012 05:45 PM
Good guy Worth
flophaus Member
posted November 13, 2012 10:04 AM
Alright, so last night I took the packs back to Wal-Mart.I don't know what the hell I did with the reciept so, I figured I'd just try to get them replaced. Line was long and I did my best to explain the situation quickly. So the guy said, OK, bring 3 more back up here and open them and show me that what you're telling me is right. I said OK, and he actually asked me to open them right there... Yep. 1st pack = no rare. (I'm looking a little stupid here) 2nd Pack = still no rare! (more aggrivation) 3rd pack = Yep... still no rare. (feeling incredulous now) Guy obviously didn't believe me. I told him they need to take those packs down, because people are getting ripped off and just said, well, thanks for trying to help and left. I'm sure I could've pressed it, but my family was waiting for me because we had some other shopping to do. It sucked! Wal-Mart packs = fail. But I guess who doesn't love paying $12 for 9 crappy uncommons!?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by flophaus on November 13, 2012]
JensK Member
posted November 13, 2012 11:50 AM
you have been cursed
Zeckk Member
posted November 13, 2012 01:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by flophaus: Alright, so last night I took the packs back to Wal-Mart.I don't know what the hell I did with the reciept so, I figured I'd just try to get them replaced. Line was long and I did my best to explain the situation quickly. So the guy said, OK, bring 3 more back up here and open them and show me that what you're telling me is right. I said OK, and he actually asked me to open them right there... Yep. 1st pack = no rare. (I'm looking a little stupid here) 2nd Pack = still no rare! (more aggrivation) 3rd pack = Yep... still no rare. (feeling incredulous now) Guy obviously didn't believe me. I told him they need to take those packs down, because people are getting ripped off and just said, well, thanks for trying to help and left. I'm sure I could've pressed it, but my family was waiting for me because we had some other shopping to do. It sucked! Wal-Mart packs = fail. But I guess who doesn't love paying $12 for 9 crappy uncommons!?
Why on earth did you stop there? I would have told the guy to get his manager and then schedule a meeting with the MTG vendor, because that kind of issue is something that WOTC really needs to know about, assuming you are telling the truth. Also, I may be wrong on this but I beleive that the mylar wrap on a booster actually denotes the number of commons, uncommons, rares, chance for mythic, and chance for foil somewhere on the wrap.
trying2playagain Banned
posted November 13, 2012 02:36 PM
So this may be a more common and widespread problem. A friend just stopped by to play a couple of games. He bought 3 packs of rtr at the local walmart. Opened them as we were playing 2 of the 3 had no rares of any kind.
frankenskid Member
posted November 14, 2012 11:29 AM
I would go back to the walmart and demand to see a manager, buy a pack at a lgs and take it with you to show that they are supposed to have a rare in them.....
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