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Author Topic:   Proxies in Commander / EDH
posted February 03, 2013 04:47 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Jtrade77 Send a private message to Jtrade77 Click to send Jtrade77 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I dunno about you guys, but I play EDH for fun. To me, when there a choice between doing something the expensive way and getting an identical experience without paying hundreds of dollars for mythic rares, I'll go with the proxy solution.

I don't care if my EDH opponents proxy their whole deck. The point of EDH is having fun, not being superstrict about copyright issues. As long as it's not a tourney, I see no problem with infinite proxies, as long as I can read and identify the cards accurately.

EDIT: The only exception are the super-combo 'kill the table' on turn 1 EDH decks. I don't like playing them with real cards in them, and I'd certainly make a fuss about proxies being used in this evil way.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Jtrade77 on February 03, 2013]

posted February 03, 2013 07:43 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MagicPatty Click Here to Email MagicPatty Send a private message to MagicPatty Click to send MagicPatty an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MagicPatty's Have/Want ListView MagicPatty's Have/Want List
When my group used to play commander, we sort of had an unwritten 'understanding' that when you build your deck, avoid things like Mana Flare + Palinchron... we didn't like sitting around for 2 hours having an epic battle just to have someone Tendrils for a million...

It would still happen on occasion, like Copy Enchantment on someone's Mirari's Wake, then make infinite mana with a card like Palinchron, but at least it wasn't the objective of the deck.

It just feels like if you are sitting down to play EDH and trying to combo off, you're not looking to relax and have a fun casual game, you're just looking to win. That's fine if that's how you and your playgroup operate, but with us, we sort of saw EDH as a chance to cast 9 mana monstrosities that never saw play otherwise.

Got Mitotic Manipulation? Firemind's Foresight? Great! I want all bulk rares, check my H/W list!

posted February 03, 2013 07:54 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Bugger Click Here to Email Bugger Send a private message to Bugger Click to send Bugger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Proxies tend to be handled on a case-by-case basis in my group.

Also handled on a case-by-case basis is the specifics of the rules governing color identity and deck construction, because to me they're frankly very poorly made, redundant, and unnecessarily restrictive. Banning lands that produce mana not of your general's colors is easy, simple, and renders the whole "you cannot have cards with mana costs of colors not of your general" rule unnecessary. I already flat-out ignore their ruling on hybrid b/c it's asinine. I have an orzhov guild edh right now, but if I ever rebuild my old mono black one, you can bet your hiney I'm putting crypt ghast in there, and you can stuff it in your ear if the presence of one half of a white mana symbol distressed you. Hybrid is not multicolor. It is not "and", it's "or". Making it playable only in decks of both colors defeats the purpose.

On a similar note, when I make my gruul edh with borborygmos enraged, I'm deliberately including each guildhall that's not skarrg for flavor reasons (so borborygmos can throw them at people - come on, look at novijen! It's a freaking kickball!). Hell, I doubt ill ever even cast any of them. But god forbid the official edh rules let me play Orzhova, the Church of Deals in a red/green edh that has literally no way to pay its off-color cost and thus use its off-color effect


posted February 03, 2013 09:05 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Pail42's Have/Want ListView Pail42's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Bugger:

For those reasons (and more) my group stopped playing commander and went back to 100 card highlander.

posted February 03, 2013 09:22 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for iccarus Click Here to Email iccarus Send a private message to iccarus Click to send iccarus an Instant MessageVisit iccarus's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View iccarus's Have/Want ListView iccarus's Have/Want List
@Bugger - FWIW, the hybrid mana symbol in the extort rules text does not count towards color identity. So, cards with extort can be played in a deck that lacks either black or white.

And honestly, commander is a format that comes down to what your playgroup is cool with. It's been said a bunch in this thread several times already. If the people you play with are cool with something, then go to town.

I realize that gets a little more iffy when you're walking into a blind situation. In that case, just keep a deck handy that doesn't break any of the global rules.

Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!

I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.

flam flawless
posted February 03, 2013 09:52 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for flam flawless Click Here to Email flam flawless Send a private message to flam flawless Click to send flam flawless an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View flam flawless's Have/Want ListView flam flawless's Have/Want List
only reason I proxied cards was because while I owned them, most of the cards were NM/M so I didn't wanna put the sapphire in a sleeve, or risk cards of that caliber getting damaged.

If you can show you have them, IMO, I'm fine with it, but proxying an entire deck is a little much. At least make an attempt to build the deck with cards you own, even if it means running lesser versions of the card you intend to get.

posted February 03, 2013 12:11 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for caquaa Click Here to Email caquaa Send a private message to caquaa Click to send caquaa an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View caquaa's Trade Auction or SaleView caquaa's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by iccarus:
@Bugger - FWIW, the hybrid mana symbol in the extort rules text does not count towards color identity. So, cards with extort can be played in a deck that lacks either black or white.

eh, not sure where you getting this info, but rules wise you're incorrect.

directly from the edh rules:
While hybrid mana symbols may be played with either colour mana, they contribute both colours to the card's colour identity. Therefore they may only be played with a Commander whose identity includes ALL of the hybrid symbols' colours.

posted February 03, 2013 12:14 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Thanos Click Here to Email Thanos Send a private message to Thanos Click to send Thanos an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by caquaa:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by iccarus:
@Bugger - FWIW, the hybrid mana symbol in the extort rules text does not count towards color identity. So, cards with extort can be played in a deck that lacks either black or white.

eh, not sure where you getting this info, but rules wise you're incorrect.

directly from the edh rules:
While hybrid mana symbols may be played with either colour mana, they contribute both colours to the card's colour identity. Therefore they may only be played with a Commander whose identity includes ALL of the hybrid symbols' colours.


Isn't that rule for casting costs though, not activation costs?

posted February 03, 2013 01:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for iccarus Click Here to Email iccarus Send a private message to iccarus Click to send iccarus an Instant MessageVisit iccarus's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View iccarus's Have/Want ListView iccarus's Have/Want List
Originally posted by caquaa:
eh, not sure where you getting this info, but rules wise you're incorrect.

directly from the edh rules:
While hybrid mana symbols may be played with either colour mana, they contribute both colours to the card's colour identity. Therefore they may only be played with a Commander whose identity includes ALL of the hybrid symbols' colours.

Key word in my quote is rules text. I'm not talking about the casting cost of hybrid spells or any hybrid activation costs. Extort has the activation cost buried in the rules reminder text, which does not apply to color identity.

@Thanos - The rule applies to activation costs as well, if it's printed outside of the reminder text.

For example, Rhys the Exiled has green in his CMC but a black activation cost for one of his abilities. Hence, his color identity is green and black. For purposes of the official EDH rules, it can only be played in a deck that contains both of those colors. If it's the general, the deck can contain cards that are black and green.

Crypt Ghast has black in its CMC. While it has extort as an ability, the hybrid symbol is part of the reminder text for that ability. As a result, it's color identity is solely black.

Divinity of Pride on the other hand has Black/White hybrid symbols in its casting cost. As a result, it's color identity is both black AND white. For purposes of the official EDH rules, it can only be played in a deck that contains both of those colors.

Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!

I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.

[Edited 5 times, lastly by iccarus on February 03, 2013]

posted February 03, 2013 05:43 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for caquaa Click Here to Email caquaa Send a private message to caquaa Click to send caquaa an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View caquaa's Trade Auction or SaleView caquaa's Trade Auction or Sale
my apologies, seems I was incorrect on that one. I always assumed the cards were written "extort (b/w)". I see now that "extort" is the only thing that actually appears on the cards. Always happens when I assume I know what a card does :/
posted February 03, 2013 06:11 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for iccarus Click Here to Email iccarus Send a private message to iccarus Click to send iccarus an Instant MessageVisit iccarus's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View iccarus's Have/Want ListView iccarus's Have/Want List
Originally posted by caquaa:
my apologies, seems I was incorrect on that one. I always assumed the cards were written "extort (b/w)". I see now that "extort" is the only thing that actually appears on the cards. Always happens when I assume I know what a card does :/

It is a bit of an oddity. Before this set, there were really only a handful of cards that actually skirted the color identity rule through this loophole. The most common example would be Charmed Pendant.

Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!

I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.


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