Scoring for round 1So these were some fantastic entries. I was super happy with all of it. But it's a contest, so I guess I need scoring, and prizes and all that stuff or nobody will keep going, so here we go:
Toshiro, Samurai Paragon:
Art: 5/5 Quite fantastic. I can absolutely picture the complete image in my mind's eye. Very on theme for the character, and just solid all around.
Mechanics: 8/10 While I do really like the abilities of the card, I think at rare it might be a bit too good. Sort of an improved eight-and-a-half tails -and- abuse of etb abilities, PLUS Sphinx's Revelation all at instant speed, no tapping? Maybe if the Revelation ability had an additional cost, or could only be done if you had a certain amount of honour (though that makes it feel a LOT like a planeswalker)
Overall Design: 4/5 I'm also not sure how I feel about someone killing themselves to protest the actions of their master "helping" their owner to gain power and knowledge. But overall, I really like this guy.
Agony of Disgrace:
Mechanics: 5/5 I really like this in limited and block. 3 mana at common where it won't actually kill anything, but will set you back a lot is really good. Distributing the -1/-1 counters equal to the lost honour is very much on theme and very black.
Flavour Text: 5/5 Relevant to the effect of the spell, on theme for the type of character Toshiro is. Good stuff.
Zealous Retainers
Mechanics: 4/5 I think given the overall feel of the card and Toshiro, and Bushido as a thing, I'd like this better if it was only exiling attacking creatures. I do enjoy how it gives honour to its allies or master when it sacrifices itself. Otherwise, it's a solid uncommon.
Flavour Text: 5/5 All of your flavour text is super solid. Fits the card, fits the flavour of the concept in the set.
Tactical Superiority
Mechanics 4/5: On one hand, I would have liked this better if it was Samurai creatures only getting the first buff, but that would severely limit the appeal outside limited and -maybe- standard. But this is an awful lot of effect for 6 mana, even at mythic. vigilance, hexproof, and most of your creatures also getting unblockable and +2/+2? That would be a solid combat-based Mythic. But then we add in bouncing a permanent every time a creature attacks or blocks? At 7 or 8 it would be solid, at 6 I think it might be a little -too- good. I'd argue in a vacuum, it's better than omniscience, which is 10.
Flavour Text: 5/5 I think the best part of this flavour txt is that you've got the section and chapter number of the book the quote came from. It hints at a greater deeper lore underpinning the story which is excellent.
17/20 + 10/10 + 9/10 + 9/10 = 45/50
AEther Storm
Kroth, the Ignited
Art: 4/5 I dig the image of the creature being all elemental and only somewhat humanoid, but I would have liked a little more description of the surrounding area besides just "a lava stream"
Mechanics: 8/10 Given your entry below for Volcano, where it has the type 'Mountain Volcano' you missed the chance to give Kroth 'Volcanowalk' instead of spelling it out. I really like Flare as an ability, and the fact that his Pro Red protects himself from flaring. I actually think he might be a little too -weak- for his cost/rarity. a 3/3 for 4, with pro red, and limited unblockability that has the potential to cause you as much harm as your enemy could stand to be stronger. Solid entry though.
Design: 4/5 The art and name go well together with the effect, and while the flavour text made me chuckle, the plane sounds really serious and 'hard times'y, so the goofy text caused a bit of a disconnect.
Draghan Mirror/Bearer
Mechanics: 5/5 I really like this guy. As a Bear goes, D'Avenant Archer is a solid common. Useful in groups, not a horrible draw in limited. Blocking for 2 and dealing 2 more to take down something harder is good without being too good.
Flavour Text: 1/5 It is somewhat topical, and works coming from this guy, but the instructions for the round were that the flavour text had to be a quote -attributed to- the legend. Not just about him.
Mechanics: 4/5 I think I'd like this better if the eruption effect were 2 or 3 damage to one creature rather than 1 or 2 to the ground. Pyroclasm's an uncommon for 2 mana, and a repeatable pyroclasm for 1, multiple times in a turn is pretty strong for a common. Also, since it's a land, two of them actually kill Kroth, which probably shouldn't be able to happen.
Flavour Text: 5/5 This is great. Works well with every element of the card and its impact while Kroth is on the field.
Remayan Cultovator
Mechanics 4/5: A full-on keyword that lets you search your library for land and put it right into play? already appearing that way on a common? That's -really- good. I know it's dead against non-red, but you describe this as a very Red-heavy block like Torment was black, so especially in Limited and Standard, this is -super- good. I'd either put it at uncommon, or put the lands to your hand, or maybe split it off where creatures or enchants put land in your hand, and sorceries or instants put a land from hand to play or something would balance it out a little better.
Flavour text 2/5: Again, unfortunately, this isn't a quote attributed to Kroth which were the instructions. It is absolutely fantastic, however, outside the directions, to be on this card.
16/20 + 6/10 + 9/10 + 6/10 = 37/50
Amondeus, Master Torturer
Art 4/5: I really like the image, and the detail, but the giant sword with a pike blade on the end of the handle loses me on 'master torturer' where's the wicked curved knife, or the cat-o-nine-tails or something besides a giant "mow the guys down" weapon?
Mechanics 8/10: Very Rakdos. Love the sacrifice on etb to manage the powerlevel, and the fact that in edge cases, you can abuse LtB and Madness and Unearth and Dredge etc to turn it into a benefit. Same issue as with the art though, where's the torture? No -1/-1 counters? No punishing hand size? He's an excellent "Big beefy sui black demon" it's just at odds with the name.
Design: 4/5 Same as above. The card as a whole is great, but it doesn't mesh together as neatly as it could/should. Still a solid entry.
Throne of Flesh and Bone
Mechanics 4/5: Honestly, I think this is underpowered. 5 to play, 5 to use, to put a card into hand and then lose a bunch of life? And it gets exiled? At that cost, especially at mythic, I'd put the card right into play. Compares very unfavourably to anything with 'tutor' in the name. but balance aside, mechanically I love it.
Flavour Text: 5/5 Pretty much bang on. It explicitly describes the function of the card in the thematic purpose it was clearly intended.
Choice of Evils
Mechanics 4/5: I can see where you went. Black for drain, Red for Quake, and I like it. But drain on a red spell, even if it's from "the black half" is thematically off. maybe if instead of an X spell, it were 6 or 7 mana to cast, and drained equal to swamps, and quaked equal to mountains, it would stay better on theme. Still a nice card.
Flavour text: 5/5 Once again, directly on theme with the who motif of the cards, topical, interesting. Continuing the flavour text where the other one left off is a nice touch as well.
Mechanics: 5/5 Pretty much the epitome of a giant splashy mythic Rakdos card. Low cost for three Xs all happening at once is mitigated by also hitting you. Again, in Rakdos colours, sacrificing the creatures and pitching the cards might well leave you in a better position than you started, which is great too. Mythics you can build around are nice.
Flavour text: 3/5 The best score for a flavour text that missed the requirement to be spoken -by- the legend, because again, it just fits perfectly with the whole set of cards. I really want to know who/what the Reaper is now, and flavour text should drop hints like that where it can.
16/20 + 9/10 + 9/10 + 8/10 = 42/50
Keldron, King of Gavony
Art 5/5: Absolutely love it. I can already feel exactly what this character is like. His kingdom and the people are more important than anything else, and the only reason he wants to be a king is so he can help them. Great!
Mechanics 10/10: Simple, Gruff, Splashy and Powerful. The mechanics fit perfectly with the character we're seeing. 3/4 for 6 with big combat splashy powers is right in line with Rare white legends. Tribal is always great.
Design: 5/5 Really nothing bad to say about this card. Flavour text and art work with mechanics and style. Very well designed.
Battle Strategy
Mechanics 5/5: Solid uncommon. Sorcery gives them a chance to fiddle with their creatures or yours before combat phase, which balances it down to uncommon.
Flavour Text 5/5: I'm definitely seeing him up in front of his men giving inspiring speeches. Good stuff.
Keldron's Protection
Mechanics 4/5: The spell on its own is great. A sort of leg-less Master Apothecary, but so far Keldron's been all about combat, attacking and tactics. This is a little off theme to be named for him.
Flavour Text: 5/5 Simple and gruff flavour text for a simple and gruff guy is bang on.
Sword of the Holy
Mechanics 3/5: Name is kinda off. 'Holy' isn't really a vibe I'm getting from Keldron. Outside the cheat to equip it, 3 drop and 4 equip for +1/+3 and Vigilance is a little high. I'd like it better if the free equip triggered off an equipped solider dying, rather than a new solider coming into play with the old one is still alive. Especially with the flavour text.
Flavour text: 5/5 Given how I'd have liked the sword to work, which was largely informed by Keldron's character and this flavour text, it's great.
20/20 + 10/10 + 9/10 + 8/10 = 47/50
Domino, the Prodigy
Art 4/5: The image is cute, in the sense of how you described him in the notes above, but as actual art, there's not enough here about what he actually looks like. Makes it hard to imagine.
Mechanics: 9/10 He's quite solid mechanically. Spellshaping is a time-honoured tradition that should come back now and then. Turning cards into creature-damage and not player-damage keeps the powerlevel alright. Both abilities having tap in their cost keeps the second from being too powerful. I like it.
Design 4/5: It mostly all fits together nicely, but a character that is the class clown, and bully, who is, as you say, more full of himself than his skill would indicate, should have some kind of "he cheats or is lazy" drawback in there.
Ill-Gotten Stamina
Mechanics 4/5: I like that this begs to be a combo piece, and that sorcery speed gives opponents time to respond, which keeps it good at uncommon. Turning everything into Goblin Sharpshooter is interesting, and it obviously comboes well with the Spellshaping of Domnio.
Flavour text: 3/5 Someone who hasn't also seen/read Domnio might have a bit more trouble figuring out why this text is clever, even though it is sort of implied by the extension of what you could do with the card.
Alchemist of Plata
Mechanics 5/5: Solid recursion card. Works well with the fact that Madness is making an appearance in the set.
Flavour text 3/5: I think Domino sounds too respectful here. He should be talking about how he can do better, not how their results are inarguable :P
Wild Blast
Mechanics 5/5: Utility spot removal, with the potential mid/late game to be a nice alpha strike. Goes well with the other elements we're seeing in the set with spellshapers and madness. Exiling the cards keeps it nicely in common.
Flavour text 5/5: There's the bit of stupidity to go with the intelligence that was missing in the last card.
17/20 + 7/10 + 8/10 + 10/10 = 42/50
Kitch, Silent Slayer
Art 5/5: Fantastic description. No complaints at all.
Mechanics 8/10: Assassins traditionally only destroy tapped creatures. I also feel like, given that he has deathtouch, it could have been 'deals 1 damage' and then with lifelink would have already gained a life, and not needed that second clause in the rules text.
Design: 4/5 The lifelink is the only thing about this guy that is making me feel BW, everything else feels BB or maybe even UB
Dagger of Kitch
Mechanics 4/5: I really like that this basically turns any creature into Kitch, but it's pretty redundant on Kitch himself, which also ends up giving the idea that it's Kitch's magic knife that gives him his powers, and not himself.
Flavour Text 5/5: Works well. Topical, on theme, goes on the card with the text of the card.
Assailant's Strike
Mechanics 3/5: This is a -really- good kill spell. For BB it's a flat upgrade to Devour in Shadow, Death Stroke, Grasp of Darkness, or Victim of Night. An unrestricted kill for 2 mana is quite good, and with exile, it's even better.
Flavour Text 2/5: Great text, works with the card, but not actually a quotation from Kitch.
Strength in Shadow
Mechanics 4/5: +2/+0 and Intimidate is perfectly on flavour to have just been mono-black. Not really sure why this is also Green.
Flavour text 4/5: The read is a little clunky, could be phrased more smoothly, and really, if death is what is hiding in the shadow, it's totally reasonable to be afraid of all shadows.
17/20 + 9/10 + 5/10 + 8/10 = 39/50
K'rrik, Fortress Lord
Art 5/5: The thing that sold the art for me is that Jhoira's keep is suspended/split seconded. Awesome.
Mechanics: 8/10 I'm a big fan of how it makes two kinds of creature, and they both have their drawbacks. Feels very mono-black which is great. The only thing is that I'd rather this either spellshape, or at least tap to use, so you can't ramp your way into an alphastrike so easily. Enough Negators don't care if your board is now empty.
Design 5/5: The slight degree of overpoweredness of the abilities aside, the overall effect is solid. He's sort of one step removed from sui black by enabling it which is cool.
Send to the Void
Mechanics 5/5: When you know that you want to get something with it, it's great spot removal. It's a great hell-bent enabler if you want it to be, and can help fill your bin with dredgers etc. I like it.
Flavour Text 2/5: Text is a little extended away from the function of the spell. Sounds more like it would be on a card giving hexproof or unblockable or shadow or something. Also not an actual quote by K'rrik.
K'rrik's Call
Mechanics 5/5: I like it. It's an edict, with the tutor to bump it up to rare. Gets K'rrik out.
Flavour Text 5/5: Works for the character, works for the spell, has a nice direct reference to the function of the card.
K'rrik's Minion
Mechanics 5/5: This is a nice solid common. The drain isn't too powerful since it's a 4-drop on a smallish body. The 2 power on deathtouch discourages multiple blockers, which works really well with the flavour text.
Flavour text 3/5: You get 2/5 for a great bit of flavour text that works great for the card but wasn't a quote by the legend as required. You get the third point entirely for 'lassitude'
18/20 + 7/10 + 10/10 + 8/10 = 43/50
Dysis, Herald of Ruin
Art 5/5: I really like this art. It's subtle, yet disquieting. Trouble is on the way.
Mechanics 10/10: I enjoy creatures that have disincentives to block that aren't just evasion, it creates more interesting game states. Is not taking damage worth empowering the removal effect? How big do you need to make Dysis before it's worth throwing blockers in front? Good stuff.
Design: 5/5 Yeah, this is a fantastic card. Everything goes great together.
Destructive Purge
Mechanics 4/5: Pretty strong for a common, even at sorcery speed. Exiling one card and destroying another for 3 at common is really good. It's rare to get a full-on 2-for-1 like that at common, let alone with exiling. Makes a lot of decks suffer a lot by exiling an equipment/aura and killing the man as well. I'd bump it to uncommon or cost it at 2WR
Flavour Text 5/5: Text tied directly to function, which also matches art. Dovetails with the whole theme I'm picking up from Dysis (which is more than a little Cthonic. Intentional?)
Invocation of Mortality
Mechanics 5/5: Very very Rakdos and I love it. It's very strong, but not grossly overpowered for 4 mana at Mythic.
Flavour text 5/5: I'm pretty much going to have to sing the doom song now. Dysis is a beast, and bad bad things are happening here. Awesome.
Tendril of Ruin
Mechanics 5/5: A 2/2 for 4, that is also reusable vindicate on a stick. Would be really powerful, but the "3 spells" clause makes it eminently play-around-able, which was needed for an uncommon.
Flavour Text 5/5: Pretty much dead-on. Ties directly into the effect of the spell, feeds into the theme of the set, implies more interesting information available elsewhere.
20/20 + 9/10 + 10/10 + 10/10 = 49/50
Oduo, The Lost Child of Alara
Art 4/5: I like where you're going with this, but it needs more description than just "Like these two cards stuck together"
Mechanics 9/10: It does feel a little too similar to the original Child of Alara. I know that kinda follows given the theme of the card, but as a new creation, that's a little bit of an issue. The colour split on the abilities, and the size of the body for the cost are dead-on though.
Design 5/5: Great card overall though. I like, as above with Ficksquoose's entry, enjoy the disincentive to block that isn't just evasion.
Purest Intent
Mechanics 3/5: Needing to reveal, choose, and discard multiple times in a row is pretty clunky as written. You could maybe try something like "Each player reveals his or her hand, the owner of the three cards among them with the highest converted mana cost discards them. If there is a tie, you choose which card or cards are discarded" so it could be done all at once.
Flavour text 2/5: Text works well for the mechanics, but this isn't a quote from the legend, as required.
Reverse Reality
Mechanics 2/5: I get what you were trying to do, I do. I like the concept. But mechanically this really just falls flat. Checking every time someone taps a land for mana that turn, which colours they can produce (given things like Fellwar Stone, River of Tears, Nimbus Maze) is really awkward. As well, what happens if they can produce every colour of mana? The land fails to produce mana?
Flavour text 1/5: Also not a quote from Oduo, and doesn't really speak to the effect of the spell, especially given how similar Oduo already is from the other Child of Alara
Everlast Abandon (meant to be Everlasting? Abandonment?
Mechanics 4/5: I do really like this card, and the mechanic where it hangs around for someone else to use is novel and I like it. But there MUST be a better way to handle passing the spell around besides having to manually remember who cast it last. Maybe you can exile it under control of target opponent, and it can be cast from exile? sort of a counterspell hot potato?
Flavour text 2/5: Really, same as above. Sort of clunky, not really relevant to the card and not a quote by the legend.
[b] 18/20 + 5/10 + 3/10 + 6/10 = 32/50
Jesus, that was a long post, but I felt like I should give the responses as much attention as the submissions. Hopefully nobody is now furious at me, and everybody will want to get in on the next round, which I'll post shortly.
Thanks everyone