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Author Topic:   NEW! Another card design contest! Also with prizes!
posted June 23, 2013 10:39 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Since the other card contest is now over halfway through the finals, and only 3 people are still in, I'm going to start up a contest as well!

My rules are fairly similar to other card contests that have been run, with a few exceptions.

1/ Only one entry per person.

2/ I will set a deadline for each round. Until that deadline, you can edit your entry as many times as you feel like.

3/ Once the deadline has passed, if you edit your post, you are flat disqualified, so don't mess around with last minute changes, but don't feel like you can't post something early and then adjust as you go.

4/ All entries must be original. If I suspect you're stealing card ideas from someone else, or re-using entries you've made in previous contests elsewhere, you may end up disqualified.

5/ Unless I instruct otherwise (and I won't) all cards must be serious actually possible Magic cards. That doesn't mean card elements can't be silly or comedic, but please don't base anything on video game characters, your username, or anything else that is off-theme for Magic.

6/ I would really appreciate it if non-contestants refrained from offering public opinions or corrections of entries. If you want to approach someone in private to suggest they've templated their card incorrectly etc, I can't stop you, but I don't want the thread filling up with arguments over whether a card is built "right" or not.

General Philosophy
Rounds will be scored for different things depending on the purpose of the round, but in general, cards will be scored based on a few criteria.

To give you an idea of what I will be looking for, I will tell you about the most perfectly designed card in the history of Magic the Gathering: Hex.

Hex is a black spell which kills creatures. The card art shows a hand knocking over humanoid figurines representing the targets of the spell. The caster is actually using a hex. Hex is also the Greek prefix for 'Six.' The spell costs 6 mana, the spell destroys 6 creatures. The flavour text ('When killing five just isn't enough') is both topical and six words long.

It's not actually a very good card competitively. It isn't played, so far as I know, in any format but casual. However, the thing that makes it perfectly designed is that every single element of the card was chosen in reference to every other element of the card. The cost, name, effect, art and flavour text are all intertwined.

So what I'm saying is that elegance in design, and demonstration that you've thought about how the aspects of your card interact will get you much further than an overpowered card. A well-thought-out vanilla common is better than a slapped together planeswalker, if everything fits nicely.

I'm envisioning three rounds in total, 10 days per round. I'll post as the newest bottom post what the round is, and also edit the instructions for the round into the second post, so it is easy to get a hold of what you need to do.

Cards should be delivered in a layout as similar as possible to what an actual card looks like. I'd imagine something like this:

(Name) <Casting Cost>
<Description of Art if Applicable>
<Type> - <Rarity>
<Rules Text>
<Flavour Text>
<Power/Toughness if Creature>


^ The above separating individual cards in a multi-card submission.

Name in bold, flavour text and art description in italics.

As well, part of your score will depend on the templating of the rules text. If you're going to make a complicated card, you need to make sure that it uses the same language it would if created by WOTC. It won't be a huge penalty, but if your card's text is misspelled, uses the wrong words in a way that changes the rules, or is just really clunky or ugly, it will effect your score. Remember you CAN edit your post after you submit it, so the onus is on you to come back and look at it again and make sure it reads properly.

Alright, now that round 1 is complete, I have fun and exciting prize info!

There are three prizes up for grabs for this contest.

1/ DCI Judge reward Sinkhole ( <- Just the image so you know what I mean. Not the actual physical card, though it is NM

2/ NM Voice of Resurgence

3/ NM Chord of Calling

These are basically ranked in order of cash value, being roughly 50/40/30 but the way it will work is that the first place finisher will get to select which prize they want, second choosing second, third getting which is left. That way, if you'd rather give up a bit of cash value for utility or trade value in your meta, you can.

So get your creativity hats on, and lets get designing!

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Devonin on July 05, 2013]

posted June 23, 2013 10:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Round One

Welcome to round one of my card-design contest. I'll get right down to it.

So to start, I want you to take a bit of time to think about a new block. You can choose an existing plane, you can conceive of an idea for a new plane. I won't be requiring you to post or tell me anything about this block, but all three rounds of this contest are going to require you to place your entries inside your block. So take a day or two, maybe make a couple notes if that's your thing, since consistency in theme and style are important.

Once you have a rough idea what your block may entail, round one is a submission of 4 cards.

1/ A legendary creature. Any colour or colours. Printed at Rare. Must have a proper noun for a name. (No Blind Seer or Kami of the Crescent Moon)

Entry must include a description of the character and the card art. You can use existing mechanics, or create your own, but if you create your own, you'll be introducing another element of design to consider, which will make your entry more complicated.

2/ Three more cards. Any type, any cost, any colour or colours, any rarity. The most important feature of these three cards is that they must all have flavour text attributed to the Legendary creature you made.

Scoring for Round 1

The Legendary creature is being scored for the overall design of the card. If the character's name includes a title or honorific (Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer) is the implication of that title demonstrated in the rules text? Does the art put the character in a scene that makes sense? Does the rules text make sense? On colour? On power-level? This is really just a standard "build-a-card" entry, but this character is someone you need to work with for a while, so think about it.

It will be scored out of 20. Roughly 10 points for the rules text/casting cost/powerlevel etc, 5 for the art description, and 5 for overall design consistency.

The other 3 cards will each be scored out of 10. Five points for the general design re: powerlevel for rarity, colour pie, all that jazz.

A full five points will be scored for the flavour text. Does it make sense to be said by the Legendary creature? Does it make sense to be on the spell it appears on? Does it serve to really bring together the other elements of design?

Total score for the round out of 50.

This round will end at Thursday July 4th at 10:00pm EST

Good Luck!


Round 2

So now that you all have a legend, and have put some thought into what kind of person they are, and what kind of theme surrounds them and their block, it's time to develop them a little more deeply. This round is going to be two cards only.

1. A Legendary Land - I want a Legendary land at Mythic Rare. It has the following design constraints: The land must have at least one activated ability. The land must meet the color-identity restraints of the legend you created in round one.

(For anybody unfamiliar with EDH/Commander, the colour-identity of a card is determined by the presence of any mana symbol in the casting cost or rules text of the card. If your Legend is U/W, for example, your land cannot contain any B/R/G mana symbols anywhere in the rules text.)

2. Elevate your Legend to a Planeswalker - The time has come for your Legendary creature to find their spark and become a Planeswalker. Mythic Rare, ideally in the same colour(s) as the Legend, as we lack the world detail/progression to explain why that would change (as in Tezzeret)


1. Legendary Land:

10 points for the mechanics of the land, powerlevel/balance etc.

5 points for the theme/flavour as being a legendary land representative of your Legend.

2. Planeswalker

10 points for the mechanics of the land, powerlevel/balance etc.

10 points for the theme of the planeswalker, showing the progression from their creature form into a PW, remaining in flavour for how the Legend functioned.

Total points for the round: 35


Round 3
Alrighty folks, thanks so much for your awesome entries in round 2! Some great stuff in there!

So now we're onto the third and final round. Big points available here, so don't feel like you're out of it!

Now that our Planeswalker has a home and a spark, they've gone and attracted the attention of a powerful enemy. Maybe they're from the same plane, maybe they have become aware of our hero and are setting out to stop them. In any event, it's time for a DUEL DECK.

So this one is going to be a -little- content heavy (But don't worry, I won't be asking you to design the whole product:P) There are going to be 3 cards to design and then a special extra bit. So without further ado, here's the final round!

An Enemy Planeswalker

I want to see a new original Planeswalker to be the opposition in this Duel Deck. That means no existing PW even in a new form. Completely new design. Ideally they will be in at least one enemy colour to your PW, if not exactly opposed. Remember, part of designing a Duel Deck is that you don't want to necessarily be putting blue against blue, as they become too samey. That said, you aren't going to be penalized if for example, your legend was WUBRG and your PW is colorless (Looking your way atog) because 'enemy colours' don't really exist in that case, but I want to see some philosophical opposition here. They are coming after your PW in particular, on purpose.

A Trademark card

For both Planeswalkers, I want to see a new card, at rare or mythic rare, but any kind of spell/creature/artifact etc. This card is going to be featured on the box with the PW as their trademark card, in foil. It should be as thematic and unique to the PWs as possible.

A small list of topical reprints

Here's the oddball of the round. Duel Decks are also a great chance to reprint old cards and bring them back. I want a list of 3 each of already existing commons, uncommons and rares in the colour/colours of each planeswalker (So that's 9 cards per PW, 18 cards in total) that make, in your opinion, the most thematic and topical reprints to add into the decks. Remember, I'm actually looking for reprints, not new designs.

Scoring for Round 3

1. Enemy Planeswalker

10 points for the mechanical design of the planeswalker. This will be based on balance, costs, powerlevel etc etc.

10 points for the theme of the planeswalker as pertaining to being the enemy of the PW from round 2. This will be based on your description of this PW and why they are coming after your PW (A short paragraph is fine) and the degree to which the mechanics work thematically with the concept for the PW and as an enemy of the round 2 PW.

2. Trademark Card

10 points for mechanical design of the trademark card. This is based on balance, costs, powerlevel etc etc.

10 points for the theme of the card. How well does it fit mechanically with the planeswalker? Does it further their goals? enable their powers? Is this card unquestionably something they would use themselves at every opportunity?


Topical Reprints

For each card (18 in total, 9 per PW, 3 each at common/uncommon/rare per PW) I want just a sentence or two explaining why you think this is one of the better choices for a reprint in this duel deck. You'll get 1 point per card that fits and that you effectively argue fits. I'm generally expecting this to be 18/18 for everybody, but remember, I'm a hardcore Vorthos, and you can be topical and flavourful without being painfully obvious. Try to find some things that are at least slightly interesting, and don't just give your mono-red spellcaster lightning bolt.

There is a bonus of 5 points for the reprints which is based on how far-reaching your choices are that still fit. So if you just list a bunch of straight burn spells for your red mage, that's more of a 1/5. If you pick cards whose effects work and whose -theme- fits as well, you'll be more towards 5/5. I know this is pretty subjective to my tastes, but it's only 5 points out of 83 total points in the round, so nuts to you :P

So that's my third round, hopefully everybody is still having fun, and we'll see some great entries!

Good luck!

THIS ROUND WILL END AT 10PM EST ON SUNDAY JULY 28 - I'm extending this round an extra couple days because it's both the most content heavy round, and 10 days puts us to Friday the 26th, and I have a family reunion the next day and will be way too busy to try and get judging done in a timely manner. My busyness is your extra day to polish.

[Edited 6 times, lastly by Devonin on July 16, 2013]

posted June 24, 2013 11:19 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for fluffycow Click Here to Email fluffycow Send a private message to fluffycow Click to send fluffycow an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View fluffycow's Have/Want ListView fluffycow's Have/Want List
So no mythic rare for creature?
posted June 24, 2013 12:06 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
The Legendary Creature is at Rare, yes.
posted June 24, 2013 01:22 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zarfolos132 Click Here to Email Zarfolos132 Send a private message to Zarfolos132 Click to send Zarfolos132 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zarfolos132's Have/Want ListView Zarfolos132's Have/Want List
Are we allowed to explain the connection of the 3 cards to the legendary creature in a bit more detail or no?
posted June 24, 2013 01:49 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
A hallmark of good design is that I should be able to see the connection because of the effect of the spell in relation to the flavour text.

Explain as much as you want, but you shouldn't -need- to, and I'm not giving bonus points for explaining why the cards fit when they should obviously fit just by looking at them

New Member
posted June 26, 2013 12:54 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Merlot Send a private message to Merlot Click to send Merlot an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I loved the flavour and story-heavy nature of Kamigawa block, but was, like most people, disappointed with its design and execution. I'm envisioning a prequel block which takes place before the beginning of the Kami War (quick brush up on Kamigawa block lore:

One thing I was particularly disappointed with is the fact that Bushido as a mechanic is purely combat-oriented, and doesn't really capture the fact that the actual Bushido code is about much more than that. Hence Honor Counters as a more versatile way of representing Samurai ethics.

Toshiro Furikami is Takeshi Konda's most successful general, a renowned tactician and scholar, and a formidable field commander. The story of the first set in this block would see Konda reveal to Furikami his plans to gain immortality by stealing from the Kakuriyo. Toshiro refuses to go along with plan, and plans to commit seppuku in protest of his lord's actions.

NOTE: Yes, I am aware that Toshiro is also the given name of Toshiro Umezawa. In addition to my simply really wanting to pay homage to Toshiro Mifune, I have other reasons for the matching names.

Toshiro, Samurai Paragon 2WU

Toshiro Furikami, a stony-faced man in his late thrities, sits beside a small table in full samurai regalia, watched over by an apprehensive young second as he prepares to commit seppuku. His sword is laid in front of him, and his death poem is visible on the table.

Legendary Creature - Human Samurai - Rare

Toshiro, Samurai Paragon enters the Battlefield with an Honor Counter on him.

WW: Target creature you control gains protection from the color of your choice or from artifacts until end of turn. Put an Honor Counter on Toshiro, Samurai Paragon.

UU: Return target nonland permanent you control to its owner's hand. Put an Honor Counter on Toshiro, Samurai Paragon.

Sacrifice Toshiro, Samurai Paragon: You gain X life and draw X cards, where X is the number of Honor Counters on Toshiro, Samurai Paragon.

"There is no greater gift a righteous man may give than that of his final breath."



Agony of Disgrace 1BB

Sorcery - Common

Remove all Honor Counters from target creature an opponent controls, then distribute that many -1/-1 counters among any number of target creatures that player controls.

"Learn this lesson above all others: guard your honor more zealously than your life. For shame is a blade forged by the failure of virtue, and it shall cut the throats of every man who follows you."
- Toshiro Furikami, speech in honor of Takeno's first command


Zealous Retainers 1W

Creature - Human Soldier - Uncommon


T, Sacrifice Zealous Retainers: Exile target attacking or blocking creature.

When Zealous Retainers dies, you may put an Honor Counter on target creature.

"We of the nobility have no more useful resource than our reputations, but it is important to remember that these are won and lost by the sacrifices of those who call us 'lord.'" - Toshiro Furikami, letter to Takeshi Konda



Tactical Superiority 2WWUU

Enchantment - Mythic Rare

Creatures you control have Vigilance and Hexproof.

Each creature you control with an Honor Counter on it gets +2/+2 and is unblockable.

Whenever a creature you control attacks or blocks, you may return target permanent to its owner's hand.

"Each enemy who has fallen is worth but a fraction of each ally who has not." - Toshiro Furikami, On Warfare and its Management, II.34

[Edited 11 times, lastly by Merlot on July 03, 2013]

AEther Storm
posted June 26, 2013 03:01 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AEther Storm Click Here to Email AEther Storm Send a private message to AEther Storm Click to send AEther Storm an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AEther Storm's Have/Want ListView AEther Storm's Have/Want List
Hi Devonin, thanks for starting up another one. Hope you like my entry.

Ramogg is a plane rarely visited by Planeswalkers, due to the extreme high temperature on the plane. Cause of that temperature are its 3 suns, orbiting it at different speeds. Everything not equipped or born for the heat is incinerated immediately. If you’re prepared, you can sustain the heat of one sun as it is shining upon you, but two or more will burn you alive.
There is however, one oddity on the plane, namely the Blind Spot. The Blind Spot is an area on the plane that is not shone upon by any of the suns, however, due to the suns orbiting, it moves around constantly. Thus, any lifeforms that inhabit the Blind Spot are mostly on the move. There is water on the planet, but it is deep down in the caves towards the core of the planet. Some creatures that live there can summon the water up to the surface when they want to, but only in the Blind Spot to avoid being cooked instantly.
Its landscape consists of not much more than active volcanoes, lava streams, dust, sand and salt deserts, rocky hills and mountain ranges and large crevasses. Millenia ago Ramogg had a different landscape where there were oceans, lakes, forests, but those are long gone since the appearance of the 3rd sun.

Red mana dominates the planet, much like Black dominated Torment. Like Torment, Red has more cards in this set than the other colors. It’s creatures are mostly of the Elemental types, though there are some mountainfolk (Humans and Lizards, Cave People for instance) and some Rock / Sand / Earth based creatures that have little problem with heat.
Green consists of Druids and reptilian creatures.
White has mostly Humans that live in close relation with the Green druids.
Blue mostly has Merfolk that live in underground lakes and seas, some of them being able to rise the water up to the surface if so desired.
Black also lives underground and mostly has Humans and Skeletons (of those who died on the surface).
Everything that’s not ‘Red’ wants one of the suns gone, so they can live on the surface normally and deal with the 2 remaining suns. My Legendary is here to prevent that, and eradicate everything else in the process.

Kroth, the Ignited 2RR

Art: Rising out of a lava stream is a blob of pure lava/fire, somewhat humanoid but with seemingly more limbs, as he is able to grow more appendices when he is in or near fire/lava. He can merge himself with lava/magma to move around the plane quickly.

Character: He is irrational and chaotic, a solo player that wants to see everything burn, badly. He hates the Blind Spot as it’s the place where he can’t go without losing the ability to travel via lava. Only trusting the harsh land, disregards his ‘fellow’ color creatures that see him as an inspiration, choosing no side but his own.

Legendary creature – Elemental Warrior – Rare

Protection from Red
When an opponent controls a Volcano, Kroth, the Ignited is unblockable.
Flare. (Whenever a red source deals damage to a creature or player, Kroth, the Ignited deals an additional damage to that creature or player.

”Look out! Hot stuff comin’ through!”


Draghan Mirror-Bearer 1W

Art: A soldier plowing through sand hills with a large round mirror (covered up) tied to his back with leather straps. When under attack, he can use the mirror to deflect the sunlight to his attacker, scorching it.

Creature – Human Soldier - Uncommon

2, tap: Draghan Mirror-Bearer deals 2 damage to target attacking creature.

”Kroth? Ha! I can teach him a thing or two!”



Art: A large volcano spitting out lava/gas/smoke. Close by it are other volcanoes as well as mountain ridges.

Land – Mountain Volcano - Common

Volcano comes into play tapped.
Tap: Add R to your mana pool.
R, tap: Volcano deals 1 damage to each creature without flying. If you control a creature named ‘Kroth, the Ignited’, Volcano deals 2 damage to each creature without flying instead.

”They are my home, my essence, but most of all, my weapons.” Kroth, the Ignited


Remayan Cultivator – G

Art: A druidic person kneeling down on a scorched path of earth, a forest and plains in the background, putting seeds in the ground from a satchel.

Creature – Human Druid – Common

Fertility: Whenever a player casts a red spell, you may pay 1. If you do, search your library for a Forest or Plains and put it into play tapped. Then shuffle your library.

Kroths’ attacks do more than just burn away their homes. He also lays the foundation for new ones.

I'm a geek, you're a geek. Let's trade.

Lord Flasheart: Enter the man who has no underwear. Ask me why.
Lieutenant George: Why do you have no underwear, Lord Flash?
Lord Flasheart: Because the pants haven't been built yet that'll take the job on!

posted June 26, 2013 04:48 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skizzikmonger Click Here to Email skizzikmonger Send a private message to skizzikmonger Click to send skizzikmonger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Amondeus, Master Torturer
Legendary Creature-Demon (R)
When Amondeus enters the battlefield, discard
two cards and sacrifice two creatures.
At the beginning of your upkeep, Amondeus
deals 2 damage to each creature and 3 damage
to each player.

Art: A winged demon with black eyes and a head that looks like a human skull is standing in a fire-lit dungeon. To one side is a torture rack with both halves of a tortured person still strapped into the device. The walls are decorated with various instruments of torture. The demon is holding a large sword with a pike on the end of the handle.

Throne of Flesh and Bone
Legendary Artifact (M)
1BBRR, T, Exile Throne of Flesh and Bone:
Search your library for a black or red card.
Reveal it and put it into your hand. You lose
life equal to its converted mana cost. Shuffle
your library.
"He will rise from the pit..."
-Amondeus during the The Awakening

Choice of Evils
Sorcery (R)
Spend only black and/or red mana on X.
Choose one-Choice of Evils deals X damage
to target player and you gain X life; or Choice
of Evils deals X damage to each creature
without flying.
"...and the blood of the innocent will flow
like wine!"

-Amondeus during the The Awakening

Sorcery (M)
Each player sacrifices X creatures, discards
X cards, and loses X life.
"Slaughter them all!"
-The Reaper to Amondeus

Edit: Added rarity, separated cards

[Edited 1 times, lastly by skizzikmonger on June 26, 2013]

posted June 26, 2013 04:54 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
A reminder to everybody to include -all- of the information needed for a given card. I'm seeing a few with no rarity, and one with no name :S

Easiest thing to do might be to actually just paste

(Name) <Casting Cost>
<Description of Art if Applicable>
<Type> - <Rarity>
<Rules Text>
<Flavour Text>
<Power/Toughness if Creature>

in for each card, and just change all the bits until they are all covered.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Devonin on June 26, 2013]

posted June 26, 2013 05:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zarfolos132 Click Here to Email Zarfolos132 Send a private message to Zarfolos132 Click to send Zarfolos132 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zarfolos132's Have/Want ListView Zarfolos132's Have/Want List
Do we have to do the card art discription for all the cards or just our legend?
posted June 26, 2013 05:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zarfolos132 Click Here to Email Zarfolos132 Send a private message to Zarfolos132 Click to send Zarfolos132 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zarfolos132's Have/Want ListView Zarfolos132's Have/Want List
Keldron, King of Gavony 4WW

A built male of about 38 in the clothes of a noble or king stands in a near empty throne room, walking away from a elaborate silver throne, his black hair dirty and his eyes tired. The only other person is another male, standing next to the throne, of about 18 slender built but tall, with time he'd fill out to be a great warrior, wearing a circlet on his head, tears falling down his cheeks as he watches his father leave.

Creature- Legendary Human Soldier R
Other Soldiers gain +1/+1 and doublestrike.
"A crown alone does not a king make, I must go lead my men."


Battle Strategy 2W
Sorcery U
You declare how opponent's creatures block until end of turn.
"Sir, they out number us 10 to 1."
"It is not the strength of the fighter that matters, only how well placed the attack. We will survive to fight another day."
-Keldron to the captain of the guard


Keldron's Protection 3W

Enchantment R

Creatures you control have "T: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to target creature or player."

"Back to back lads, this one will be a tough one."
-Keldron, King of Gavony


Sword of the Holy 3

Artifact - Equipment U

Equip 4
When Sword of the Holy enters the battlefield you may attach Sword of the Holy to a soldier you control. When a soldier enters the battlefield under your control you may attach Sword of the Holy to that soldier.
Equipped creature gains +1/+3 and Vigilance.
"Should I fall, take my blade and continue the fight."

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Zarfolos132 on June 26, 2013]

posted June 26, 2013 08:29 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Zarfolos132:
Do we have to do the card art discription for all the cards or just our legend?

You don't, no. Just for the Legend. Feel free to add it to the others if you want, but it won't increase your score as such.

posted June 26, 2013 08:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ijuanda Click Here to Email ijuanda Send a private message to ijuanda Click to send ijuanda an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i love the concept. Im fairly new to Magic but will try and come up with something that can compete with the above-written. what is the deadline date/time?
posted June 26, 2013 09:04 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Originally posted by ijuanda:
i love the concept. Im fairly new to Magic but will try and come up with something that can compete with the above-written. what is the deadline date/time?

This round will end at Thursday July 4th at 10:00pm EST

posted June 27, 2013 03:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for fluffycow Click Here to Email fluffycow Send a private message to fluffycow Click to send fluffycow an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View fluffycow's Have/Want ListView fluffycow's Have/Want List

Character – Domino is a young prodigy in an elite wizardry school called Plata; although he is very smart, his arrogance far outweighs his wit. His father has a high position in the government and Domino can basically do as he pleases. He is the head class clown and bully in his school so whenever there’s trouble, he’s usually the first suspect, but rarely does he get punished for it.

Picture – a young wizard is standing on a hill, absorbing blue energy from a source outside of the frame into one hand and shooting chains of fireball from the other hand at a herd of beasts below

Domino, the Prodigy
1UR (rare)
Creature – Human Wizard

R, tap, discard an instant or sorcery card from your hand: ~ deals 4 damage to target creature.

2U, tap: reveal the top 3 cards of your library. Put all instant and sorcery cards revealed this way to your hand. Then put all other cards on the bottom of your library in any order.

I think that one just crapped itself - Domino


Ill-Gotten Stamina
1BU (uncommon)

Until end of turn, creatures you control gain “whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, untap this creature.”

Madness 1U

Did I get them all? - Domino[i/]

Alchemist of Plata
1U (uncommon)
Creature - Wizard

X, tap, discard a card from your hand: return target instant or sorcery card with converted mana cost equal to x from your graveyard to your hand

[i] Alchemy sounds like gibberish and seems to be way more work than its worth, but it’s hard to argue with this kind of result. - Domino


Wild Blast
1RR (common)

Exile any number of instant or sorcery cards from your graveyard. ~ deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of cards exiled this way.

[i] Wow, that burnt a lot more than I thought. - Domino [i/]

posted June 27, 2013 10:55 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nfg2240 Click Here to Email nfg2240 Send a private message to nfg2240 Click to send nfg2240 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nfg2240's Have/Want ListView nfg2240's Have/Want List
Kitch, Silent Slayer 1WB

In the foreground a half-hooded male with partially shaded face in poor light is entering a bedroom of a sleeping victim via a door. One hand gently pushing the door ajar, the other holding a stealthy curved dagger that looks to be old. In the background, the appearance of the quarters of a wealthy target snoozing away unaware. The only true light is a small candle flickering on a bedside table, the tone is cold and pale aside from the flickering orange glow.

Creature - Legendary Assassin - Rare
Tap: Destroy target creature, gain 1 life.
"To the sinner go the spoils"-Slayer Motto

Dagger of Kitch (1)

In a shadowy setting, a hand is shown slowly reaching over the handle of a curvy dagger that is sheathed at the waist of a cloaked individual.

Legendary Artifact - Rare
Equip 2
Equipped creature gets +1/+0, has deathtouch and lifelink.
Sacrifice Dagger of Kitch: Destroy target tapped creature.

"A weapon's might is measured in both craftsmanship and body count."-Kitch, Silent Slayer

Assailant's Strike BB

In a dimly lit setting, a male is standing and has the expression of writhing in pain. His head is cocked back, there is an arm draped around his shoulder and covering his mouth from behind. The victim's back is arched forward. The man is dressed as if at home in his own domain preparing for bed. There is a dark, shadowy, cloaked figure behind the man with only the lower portion of his face showing from shadow (behind the pained man). The cloaked figure's other arm appears to be jabbing something into the spine of the victim.

Instant - Uncommon

Destroy target creature.
If target creature was tapped, exile it instead.

"In the blink of an eye, life pours from a gaping wound."- Teachings from "The Art of the Kill," slayer's handbook.


Strength in Shadows 1UG

There is a sharp 90 degree corner that juts out about halfway into the picture.
On our side of the corner, a cloaked figure carefully peers around from our dark vantage point. On the opposite side, a room, dark, with someone facing away from us working at a desk by candle. The light is faint, it is apparent that our assailant is eye-ing up a target.

Aura- Enchant Creature - Uncommon

Enchanted creature gets +2/+0 and gains intimidate.

"Fear not shadows, for what they hide is far more deadly." -Kitch to his prey.

posted June 30, 2013 07:08 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
4 more days to enter, people! I'd love to see a few more entries. Remember, the more people involved, the better the prizes, and the more people who'll win prizes!
posted July 01, 2013 11:48 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zarfolos132 Click Here to Email Zarfolos132 Send a private message to Zarfolos132 Click to send Zarfolos132 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zarfolos132's Have/Want ListView Zarfolos132's Have/Want List
Just wanted to say good entries so far, hope to see more!
posted July 01, 2013 07:24 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ryan2754 Click Here to Email ryan2754 Send a private message to ryan2754 Click to send ryan2754 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ryan2754's Have/Want ListView ryan2754's Have/Want List
K'rrik, Fortress Lord 3BBB
<Phyrexian Sleeper Agent in black armor overlooking a large fortress seen through a time rift, like some of the split second cards in TSP combined with a picture like Defense Grid.>
<Creature - Human Minion> - <Rare>
2B: Put a 5/5 black Horror creature with trample onto the battlefield. This creature has "Whenever this creature is dealt damage, sacrifice that many permanents."
3BB: Put a 5/5 black Horror creature with protection from white onto the battlefield. This creature has "When this creature comes into play, you lose 5 life."

Phyrexian Sleeper Agent associated with Urza's Block.
His creation abilities are references to him being on the flavor text of Eviscerator and using Negators to kill Jhoira. Interesting because both are 5/5s, but you can you whichever one you want to your advantage (pick and choose). A lot of my other cards were also nods to some of the cards from Urza's block that references K'rrik in their flavor text.

Send to the Void 1B
<Sorcery> - <Uncommon>
As an additional cost to cast ~, exile X cards from your hand.
Look at target opponent's hand and choose X creature cards from it. That player exiles those cards.
K'rrik lived within quarters that the enemy could not trasverse.

K'rrik's Call 3B
<Instant> - <Rare>
As an additional cost to cast ~, sacrifice a black creature card.
Target player sacrifices a creature.
Search your library for a black creature card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.
"I kill, I destroy. Sometimes my allies. But the enemy will always pay the bigger price."

K'rrik's Minion 3B
<Creature - Minion> - <Common>
Whenever this creatures enters the battlefield, each opponent loses one life. You gain life equal to the amount of life lost this way.
Although they are the lowest ranks of K'rrik's army, a feeling of lassitude overcomes my men in their presence.
-Urza's journal

-Schmitty, MOTL's Resident Psychiatrist
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“If Brad Stevens is the future of coaching in college basketball, the sport is

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posted July 02, 2013 10:37 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Ficksquoose Send a private message to Ficksquoose Click to send Ficksquoose an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Dysis, Herald of Ruin 2WBR

A lightly armoured woman sits astride a horse upon a hillside. She carries a tattered banner, and looks down upon a city in the distance as dark storm clouds roll in above her.

Legendary Creature - Human Knight - Rare

Dysis, Herald of Ruin enters the battlefield with a divinity counter on it if you cast it.
Dysis, Herald of Ruin is indestructible as long as it has a divinity counter on it.
Whenever Dysis, Herald of Ruin deals combat damage to a creature, you may put a divinity counter on it.
Remove 2 divinity counters from Dysis, Herald of Ruin: Target permanent's controller sacrifices it.



Destructive Purge 1WR

An aristocratic looking mage wielding a staff screams and reels backward as it explodes in his hand.

Sorcery - Common

Exile target artifact or enchantment. If it was attached to a permanent, destroy that permanent.

"You think yourselves safe behind your walls, with your baubles and glamours to protect you. Think again."


Invocation of Mortality RRBB

Enchantment - Mythic Rare

Dysis has ridden her horse into the throne room of a castle. The castle itself has taken noticable structural damage and dead bodies lie everywhere. She points down at a wounded and cowering monarch, delivering a baneful message.

At the end of each turn, each opponent who lost 3 or more life this turn sacrifices a nonland permanent.

"This world is in its death throes. You cannot save it. You cannot even save yourself from the doom that has awakened."


Tendril of Ruin 2WB

Creature - Spirit Horror - Uncommon

A phantom monster in a rural village square flails its strange appendages around. Townsfolk flee in terror, but some have already fallen to the ghostly marauder.

At the end of each turn, if an opponent cast 3 or more spells this turn and Tendril of Ruin is in a graveyard, put it onto the battlefield under its owner's control.
WB, Sacrifice Tendril of Ruin: Destroy target permanent with casting cost 3 or less.

"Your efforts to build and grow only attract the attention of the forces I represent. Lie down and die. It will be easier for you in the long run."


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posted July 02, 2013 11:44 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for atog Click Here to Email atog Send a private message to atog Click to send atog an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
In an alternate universe, Alara, the plane, bare not only 1 child but two. But the birth was unexpected and was causing turmoil. With the help with some great multiverse forces, one of the twins was banished. With its spirit broken in half, it is wandering in the AEther seeking for its true purpose.

I present you

Oduo, The Lost Child of Alara UG
Legendary Creature - Avatar (Rare)
WBR, untap: Destroy all nonland permanents. They can’t be regenerated. Activate this ability only if Lost Child of Alara was blocked this turn.
Half of its brother's size. All of its potential.

Designer's note:
The art will have a creature similar looking to Child of Alara but it would look like it is struggling through a Door to nothingness.

This is what it would look like when the pie is split in two. On one side, we have, in UG, a 3/3 "semi-unblockable" as long as your opponent don't want to trigger a board wipe. On the otherside, there are the 3 colors of mass destruction to complete its purpose.
The untap symbol is to vibe the "alternate plane" feel that of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor.

EDIT: In the end, I decided to give him a name. It breaks the symmetry between him and Child of Alara. But I think it deserves a name of what it went through XD. Well that and it makes flavor text a bit shorter.

Purest Intent 2WB
Sorcery (R)
Each player reveals his of her hand. You choose a card with the highest converted mana cost among all revealed cards. That player discard that card. Repeat this process two more times.
A birth of that magnitude can't be tainted.

Could be a two edge sword. I always wanted to bring back Balance lol. This is not even close but fun nonetheless, i think.

Reverse Reality G
Instant (R)
Until end of turn, if target player taps a land for mana, it produces mana of any type that each land he or she controls could not produce instead of any other type.
They are like two sides of a coin, except that one side, Oduo, ever wants to be on the other side.

Note: This might be a little of a bleed both in flavor and function (from blue) but I really want this in green. It's a limited mana fix for Oduo. And doubles as a surprise Silence from green, which is never done before except in ancient times (Ritual of subdual).

Everlast Abandon (2/U)(2/R)
Instant (R)
Counter target spell. Exile ~. As long as it remains exiled, any player who did not last cast it may cast it from exile.
The world was not ready for a twin planar birth and an impossible dilemma was braced upon the higher power of Alarans.

Note: Well to round of the color wheel. Here's a U/R spell. And also to show of this "reversed" alara child, spells can be cast with no colored mana.

Edits: typo/grammar/wording

[Edited 8 times, lastly by atog on July 02, 2013]

posted July 02, 2013 02:58 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Maybe if you called it 'The Lost Child of Alara' which makes it more like a title than a description.
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posted July 02, 2013 03:04 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for atog Click Here to Email atog Send a private message to atog Click to send atog an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
but but but.... Child of Alara is just Child of Alara.

but ok. Whatever pleases the judge : )

posted July 02, 2013 03:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
I want the name to be a proper noun. "Child of Alara" doesn't imply that there's only one, just maybe only one right now. In fact, the fact that you have ANOTHER Child of Alara as your card just proves that they aren't actually unique, which is sort of what I'm going for here :P

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