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Author Topic:   Whats the best deals/trades you ever scored?
posted February 24, 2014 10:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Sidian Send a private message to Sidian Click to send Sidian an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Sidian's Have/Want ListView Sidian's Have/Want List
Originally posted by yodadoc1234:
I pulled a tarmogoyf out of a ten cent box once.

wow thats really an awesome find. did you end up keeping it or trading it?

posted February 24, 2014 10:48 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for paragondave Click Here to Email paragondave Send a private message to paragondave Click to send paragondave an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View paragondave's Have/Want ListView paragondave's Have/Want List
perspective is everything. Your defensive posts are the only ones that are blatantly rude. All the posts you take offense to are members telling you that these threads in no way contribute any useful dialogue. Some people try to interject humor but with that as well, perspective is everything. I just reread the whole thread and the gas can is in your hand. Why not just take the hint? Maybe you could go post on that other thread where your stories of glory are applauded and celebrated instead of inviting ridicule here where most members who have posted have advised you otherwise.
posted February 24, 2014 11:00 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Sidian Send a private message to Sidian Click to send Sidian an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Sidian's Have/Want ListView Sidian's Have/Want List
Originally posted by paragondave:
perspective is everything. Your defensive posts are the only ones that are blatantly rude. All the posts you take offense to are members telling you that these threads in no way contribute any useful dialogue. Some people try to interject humor but with that as well, perspective is everything. I just reread the whole thread and the gas can is in your hand. Why not just take the hint? Maybe you could go post on that other thread where your stories of glory are applauded and celebrated instead of inviting ridicule here where most members who have posted have advised you otherwise.

lol show me where ONE person told me that in a constructive manner. right there isnt one. i simply defended my position while condemning the way in which i was spoken to by the community here, which you are trying desperately to defend by somehow calling their verbal lashings "injecting humor" and yet have the gall after all ive said about why i started the thread to again MOCK me openly by suggesting i take my "stories of glory" elsewhere where i can be "applauded" after, again, ive stated very clearly it is not my intention to brag, nor do i need approval from you to feel special in some way.

and what is your definition of useful dialogue? casual conversation hurts no one and the simplest answer to all of this would be for the members who dont find it interesting to simply NOT VIEW THE THREAD OR PARTICIPATE IN THE CONVERSATION. instead you, and they, have chosen to arrogantly dismiss me as some sort of outcast and then defend it because a few of you are in agreement. its supposedly humorous when you condescend, but rude when i defend...your logic is severely flawed and i simply deserved none of it. pushing a long time member away for simply starting a non-offensive conversation is simply mind boggling to say the least. ive probably been here longer than most the ones who tell me i should go someplace else.

posted February 24, 2014 11:15 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for JesusChristMD Click Here to Email JesusChristMD Send a private message to JesusChristMD Click to send JesusChristMD an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Well hey, at least the thread stopped being stories about taking advantage of others and just became about throwing insults.

Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

posted February 24, 2014 11:23 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for paragondave Click Here to Email paragondave Send a private message to paragondave Click to send paragondave an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View paragondave's Have/Want ListView paragondave's Have/Want List
Originally posted by CoupDeGrace:
potential brag thread !

Originally posted by stu55:
No one cares...please close this

Originally posted by iccarus:
Which is exactly what these types of threads generate every time one comes up, obviously. Pretty sure the last one was a shining example of humanity as well.

Originally posted by stinkinogre:
This please.

He even said "please".

Originally posted by chaos021:
+1. Stroke your e-peen elsewhere please.

another "please"

Originally posted by jbark:
We've all made money on this game. The dealers can all state that they got xxx cards at 1/2 price every day. We don't need to know who you ripped. Keep it to your self.

Originally posted by daner:
The best deal I ever got for scoring was this one time.....


Originally posted by stu55:
Yay, you retold the same story one cares. Brag posts like this just aren't a positive thing. Taking advantage of people/businesses normally has a negative tone to it

Originally posted by thror:
uhh, no they dont. the only reason your old accounts wouldnt work is if they got banned.

I don't see anyone here being rude to you. All of these are conversational and informative.

Your post however;

Originally posted by Sidian:
yes because MOTL is the law apparently and your point still sucks because i didnt say i was ignorant of the law i said i was ignorant that my old account still existed. ill be surprised if i can still remember the password even.

you can call my post whatever you want. believe me i wont try again. why would i want to converse with a bunch of people like you anyways? heck ive tried to explain myself the best i could and still just get attacked, not ONE person could say something without being a rude, condescending jerk about it.

i love how im somehow satan for trying to have a discussion...utterly ridiculous. you act like i asked how many babies you've punched in the face and gotten away with it. brag post...god we have discussions like this on the video game forums all the time! theres a group of us who hunt the flea market every week and meet up later in the day to chat and show each other the loot we scored and maybe do some trading! it wasnt supposed to be like "hAY guyz i totz ripped deez ppl off come looooke!" it was simply telling some stories about those best of times when things work out for us. idk about you but sharing stories about the 5 packs of BOTG i just opened and got nothing of interest in just doesnt seem to be as fun to talk about.

and just for the example heres a thread from another forum ive been a part of where we collect old ninja turtles toys....its called recent steals and notice how no one is being a complete jerk about it....

pretty much dripping with contempt. Anyway, I've given you enough of my attention. If you need more and wish to continue, feel free. Maybe someone else will enjoy your stories of fleecing some noob as much as you enjoy telling them.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by paragondave on February 24, 2014]

posted February 24, 2014 11:28 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Sidian Send a private message to Sidian Click to send Sidian an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Sidian's Have/Want ListView Sidian's Have/Want List
Originally posted by JesusChristMD:
Well hey, at least the thread stopped being stories about taking advantage of others and just became about throwing insults.

i never wanted to insult anyone and i never wanted to be insulted either. nor do i see where i ever asked anyone to post stories about ripping another person off.

once on THIS VERY SITE i made a trade with another very nice fellow that included some of my best cards at the time...was trading them for his playset of masticores which were worth about 16 dollars a piece at the time we exchanged addresses. literally while the cards were in the mail the masticore sunk to about 4 dollars each, making the trade go unbelievably in his favor. surely it was an amazing deal for him, not so much for me but i wasnt mad or anything in the least. how could i be? did he take advantage of me? of course not thats ridiculous. did he get a great deal? of course he did.

neither did i take advantage of a card shop for picking up a card for 50 cents that skyrocketed in price 12 years later. nor did i screw someone who wanted an awesome dave mustaine signiture series guitar and traded me a decent blue deck that had the FOWs in it.

it wasnt about screwing someone over. ever. or bragging. just sharing some fun stories. thats all.

posted February 24, 2014 11:37 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Sidian Send a private message to Sidian Click to send Sidian an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Sidian's Have/Want ListView Sidian's Have/Want List
Originally posted by paragondave:
Maybe someone else will enjoy your stories of fleecing some noob as much as you enjoy telling them.

i can add "please" to a lot of sentences that can still be rude.

and show me a story where i fleeced a noob. oh like when i traded a basic land for this one kids mox....OH WAIT i didnt tell that story because it didnt happen. again you throw an empty insult that has no basis in reality and you can back up in no way shape or form. i told two very specific stories which ill not go over again since you obviously didnt read them in the first place. ive backed up every point i made with logic and examples and you continue to make false accusations that ive somehow ripped someone off without backing up your claim in the least. and yet im still the bad guy? lol love it.

posted February 24, 2014 11:55 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for yodadoc1234 Send a private message to yodadoc1234 Click to send yodadoc1234 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View yodadoc1234's Have/Want ListView yodadoc1234's Have/Want List
i kept it.
posted February 25, 2014 12:00 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Sidian Send a private message to Sidian Click to send Sidian an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Sidian's Have/Want ListView Sidian's Have/Want List
Originally posted by yodadoc1234:
i kept it.

nice find bud. dont get much better than that!

posted February 25, 2014 02:57 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for jbark Click Here to Email jbark Send a private message to jbark Click to send jbark an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View jbark's Have/Want ListView jbark's Have/Want List
Originally posted by yodadoc1234:
i kept it.

I have to feel he is trolling you...

posted February 25, 2014 05:05 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Vegas10 Click Here to Email Vegas10 Send a private message to Vegas10 Click to send Vegas10 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Vegas10's Have/Want ListView Vegas10's Have/Want List
Oh well it's over no use making popcorn now, anyway any chance this thread gets closed soon?
posted February 25, 2014 07:36 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
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