Topic: Some New Type 2 Decks For Your Perusal!
da-odd-templar Member
posted October 07, 2001 05:54 PM
With the departure of rebels, free counters, and all the other goodness that Masques block had to offer, we are now staring down the face of an entirely new beast; that beast is Odyssey. Some have said that it lacks the general power that Invasion, as the first set of the block, had. Others say that they love it. I believe it's not too overly powerful, without nearly as many "bombs" as Apocolyse had, but it has it's fair share of gems. Now, for your perusal, I present some of my favorite new decks for t2, along with commentary. Please note that I don't have a sideboard ready, as the environment really isn't even here yet!Note: I am not saying these are the best builds at all, they are just builds I like so far, so take them with a grain of salt. But most of all, enjoy! Also, feel free to also post your decks while your at it; I love seeing new ideas. Deck #1 Squirrel Prison 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Static Orb 4 Opposition 4 Counterspell 4 Mystic Snake 10 Forest 10 Island 4 Yavimaya Coast 4 Fact or Fiction 4 Squirrel Nest 4 Memory Lapse This deck employs around the Static Orb/Opposition control combo, but that isn't the deck's only way of winning. Sometimes, you can simply lay some elves/birds, use Snakes as aggro tools, and lay a Nest and protect it to eventually swarm the opponent. For any non-believers, Squirrel Nest is simply amazing. It provides a continuous stream of blockers/tappers/attackers, and with an Opposition, it's usually game if you are holding a good hand of counters. The Lapses are very good under a Static Orb, because almost always will your Lapse cost less than the spell you are delaying, so you gain tempo. Fact or Fiction is just too good not to include; it gives you continuous gas. This deck doesn't fall apart against anything. It's also very fun to play with, and the greatest part is, nobody can stand losing to squirrels! (PS: Props to Tedman for showing me the power of the Nest!) Deck #2: WW 2001 4 Meddling Mage 4 Devoted Caretaker 4 Mystic Penitent 4 Longbow Archer 2 Repulse 4 Syncopate 4 Memory Lapse 5 Island 4 Adarkar Wastes 13 Plains 4 Spectral Lynx 4 Divine Sacrament 4 Standstill This deck is reminiscent of Counter-Rebels in that it wants to drop a few threats, and then find ways to protect them while they finish the job. Meddling Mage serves as a way to stop mass removal and a 2/2 body that can get larger under a Sacrament. The deck has 8 one drops, because this deck really does want to use all it's mana for the first 4 turns. A very important part of the deck is the Standstills. If you can get a Standstill down with a few creatures, you have a very good chance of winning the game. You force the opponent to cast spells to deal with your threats, and the Standstill just gets you 3 cards closer to a counterspell (and hopefully another Standstill). The only problem with this deck is sometimes, it just runs out of gas. That is why I may pull the Sacraments for some more card drawing, such as Fact or Fiction. This deck is a blast to play, and the joy of watching your opponent cringe as they 1.) give you 3 cards, and 2.) get their spell lapsed into oblivion, only to watch you play another Standstill off the 3 cards they gave you is something you have to see to believe. Deck #3: Finkel-Go 4 Duress 4 Counterspell 4 Force Spike 4 Opt 4 Shadowmage Infiltrator 3 Memory Lapse 3 Undermine 3 Syncopate 2 Mahamoti Djinn 2 Fact or Fiction 2 Repulse 1 Fervent Denial 13 Island 4 Underground River 4 Salt Marsh 3 Swamp This deck is all about getting Shadowmage Infiltrator out and protected, and then winning off of the stream of card advantage. Duress is a proactive counter to Urza's Rage, the only real threat to Finkel once you assemble some counters in-hand. (Obliterate also exists, but is not nearly as much of a threat due to the lack of play it seems to be getting lately.) Repulse is used to get rid of early threats that you did not or could not counter, and it's also a way of protecting the Infiltrator once it gets going. There are only 2 Fact or Fictions because other decks that run FoF's use it as one of it's card drawing spells. However, in this deck, the Infiltrator is the main card drawing spell, and in this deck, you DO NOT want two FoF's in your starting hand. Have fun Finkeling your opponents! So, I hope you all enjoy these submissions, and I also hope they inspired you to make your own decks. Creativity is key! Until next time, my faithful readers, this is da-odd-templar, signing off. __________________ Stinky cheese is still cheese.Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Stephen Wright Rice Cube - The next Azn Sensation! Proud member of The Rice Collective! Valmtg is my Goddess.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by da-odd-templar on October 07, 2001]
British Kavu Banned
posted October 07, 2001 08:40 PM
have u considered predict for deck 1? because memory lapse isnt too good without it, in fact if u dont run predict i would have to say syncopate is MUCH better, especially under orb since they will be hard pressed to deal with itfor deck 2 it looks good EXCEPT you dont have a finisher just in case the game stalls out completely, consider using 2x of something big otherwise they are definitly gonna be fine in the new t2 __________________
no offense
da-odd-templar Member
posted October 07, 2001 08:55 PM
Good suggestions British Kavu.I never really thought about Syncopate for the first deck. I am just very afraid of the situation where have enough land untapped where I have to pay ALOT for Syncopate to actually counter something, and that leaves me tapped out under the Orb, which scares me. It's worth looking into, however. For the suggestion about a finisher, usually I just press the advantage that I already have enough that they get low enough on life that a simple 1/1 or 2/2 with a sacrament out will kill them, providing I have a counterspell. The deck wants to lay aggresive threats early, and I don't think I want a (for example) 6 mana Mahamoti Djinn in my opening hand. I may look towars the 1WW ProBlack/ProRed 2/1 that gets flying for threshold. Overall, good suggestions! __________________ Stinky cheese is still cheese.Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Stephen Wright Rice Cube - The next Azn Sensation! Proud member of The Rice Collective! Valmtg is my Goddess.
kingkyle3 Member
posted October 08, 2001 06:19 AM
Yes I 2 have felt the power of Squirrel Nest ...SO I'm gonna play the deck -DA king __________________ TOOL RULES KingRicedaddy-Rice On! Valmtg is my goddess-I LOVE U The Real King WoopywoopyMagic Trading Grounds A whole new magic site dedicated to satisfy ur needs. And Yes, I was payed to write that =D
felixcat Member
posted October 08, 2001 09:23 AM
Squirel Nest Opposition is nuts. But you really don't need the Static Orbs for the lock. I have been experimenting with adding black for Infiltrators and a little removal. It provides insane card advantage and an earlier lock. As to Memory Lapse/Predict. I tried in a neo tempo deck and never found the Predicts useful. Memory Lapse or Force Spike both were very strong. I like Syncopate as well for deck one but it comes down to casting cost.
maliki_77 Member
posted October 25, 2001 11:40 AM
I'm building a type 2 merfolf deck need some insight4 lord of atlantis 4 geas skyfolf 4 merfolk trident 4 mystic snake 4 opposistion 4 static orb 4 counter spell 4 syncopate 4 memory lapse 4 force spike 2 index 4 aura mutation doesn't work two bad but I feel that it needs a little tweekin, or is it just me.
da-odd-templar Member
posted October 25, 2001 12:31 PM
In your deck, I would get rid of the Index's and the Aura Mutations ( ) and find a way to fit in 4 sleight of hand and 4 merfolk looters. They both make your hand better over time, and they both help you dig for the combo. Very good cards.__________________ Stinky cheese is still cheese.Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Stephen Wright Rice Cube - The next Azn Sensation! Proud member of The Rice Collective! Valmtg is my Goddess.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by da-odd-templar on October 25, 2001]
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