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Author Topic:   Based off of my personal experience...
neo darkside
posted January 31, 2002 08:50 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for neo darkside Click Here to Email neo darkside Send a private message to neo darkside Click to send neo darkside an Instant MessageVisit neo darkside's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
To everyone flaming Goth:

I will tell you this if there was a CotH, a SMI, a rage, a bird or even a stack of rares that was left a store..i would say maybe 2 out of 10 of you would have the consideration to tell the shop owner...

Most of you would pocket off somebody else losses....and you know what...i would too...
Once in my card shop i found a ziplock bag all by itself with three decks in it.. it contained..

4x Ball Lightnings
4x Birds
4x Maze of Ith
about 12 dual lands
and a horde of other decent rares.. howling mine..balduvian horde..ect..

The store was closing and the only two pple in the shop didnt even play magic, one was the store owner and the other was a 40K player.

So it went into my duffle bag w/ my binders.

Does that make me evil, maybe it does..
If you see someone drop a $20 bill in the street, would you run after them and let them know..or would you pocket it and figure out what you want to get with it.

What this kid did was wrong,sure, but the thing that seperates him from being a crook is he now knows how stupid it is, hopefully he can become a changed man......most ppl wouldnt even care..and would plot on doing it again w/out letting ppl know....

At least read the story instead of flaming him...and you know what if he wants to trade with me im open to any trade he has in mind.


posted January 31, 2002 09:53 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Preacher Click Here to Email Preacher Click to send Preacher an Instant MessageVisit Preacher's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by neo darkside:
Most of you would pocket off somebody else losses....and you know what...i would too...
Once in my card shop i found a ziplock bag all by itself with three decks in it.. it contained..

4x Ball Lightnings
4x Birds
4x Maze of Ith
about 12 dual lands
and a horde of other decent rares.. howling mine..balduvian horde..ect..

The store was closing and the only two pple in the shop didnt even play magic, one was the store owner and the other was a 40K player.

So it went into my duffle bag w/ my binders.

Once, just before the closing time, I found a binder at my local shop. If was a really good one too, with duals, fows, birds and miscellaneous older casual play rares. Did I want to keep it? Yeah I did, about $300 worth of stuff at least. Did I keep it? No, I didn't.. I took it to the store owner and the next day one guy came and asked if they'd seen his binder.

Maybe I'm too honest, but I wouldn't have been able to keep it without my conscience nagging about it.

Preacher, The Defender of Type 1 and Strange Decks, The Keeper of the Moxen and the Guardian of the Traditions of Casual Play.
There are no bad cards. There are only good ones, interesting ones and challenging ones.
Trade me your Gaea's Lieges, especially BB ones!

posted January 31, 2002 11:55 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for FyreStar Click Here to Email FyreStar Send a private message to FyreStar Click to send FyreStar an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by neo darkside:

What this kid did was wrong,sure, but the thing that seperates him from being a crook is he now knows how stupid it is, hopefully he can become a changed man

So a crook that realizes that being a crook is stupid is no longer a crook? I don't quite understand that part. Does it work in real life? "Yes officer, I murdered that guy, but then I figured out how stupid it was, so I'm no murderer."

Why in the hell should he get a reward and pat on the back for realizing that evil is evil?

Originally posted by neo darkside:

Once in my card shop i found a ziplock bag all by itself with three decks in it.. it contained..

4x Ball Lightnings
4x Birds
4x Maze of Ith
about 12 dual lands
and a horde of other decent rares.. howling mine..balduvian horde..ect..

So it went into my duffle bag w/ my binders.

And this, folks, is why I now tend to avoid trades in which I have to send first, no matter how many refs the other user has. I shan't be trading with you, criminal.


You can't cheat an honest man.

posted February 03, 2002 09:06 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for killjoy72 Send a private message to killjoy72 Click to send killjoy72 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Wanting Call of the Herds and Shadowmages and Rages is something that every magic player dreams of. People please dont BS me when you say that you have never wanted to steal M:TG cards before.

While the thought of stealing MtG cards has probably crossed the minds of everyone at some time, most people don't act of these impulses. That's what the problem here is: the fact that Goth took property that wasn't his willingly and knowing that it was wrong.

Goth, You probably were not thinking at that moment, you made a mistake dude, and if i were that card store owner i would give you a second chance any day.

Goth knew the consequences of what his shoplifting were: either he gets away with it and scores some free cards, or he gets caught and is subject to wizards policy on shoplifters. Ultimately, Goth did think about what he was doing when he did the risk-benefit analysis and chose to steal the cards. It's nice that you would be willing to give to the schmuck another chance, but I doubt that store owner had much choice as it was a Wizards store and a part of a corporation that has specific guidelines as it pertains to shoplifing. Simply put, Goth now has to own up to his actions.


I think what bothers me about Goth sympathizers is that they are willing to defend him on it. Yes, sometimes people do steal when they are starving and I can see some justification in that. My father usually has a bunch of anecdotes about working in my grandfather's store. This one particular story was about the time my grandfather caught two elderly people stealing cat food from his store. He didn't call the cops and actually let them leave with the cat food because he understood what it was like to be starving, he, himself knowing what it was like to starve during the Depression in Italy.

The difference between the elderly couple and Goth is that Goth decided to take a luxury item, something that he truly didn't need to exist. Goth coveted the cards and gave into his impulse to take the cards. That lack of self-restraint is what really bothers me about not only Goth, but those that will sympathize with Goth's actions.

"Must not all things at the last be swallowed up in death?"--Plato

"All men make mistakes. But a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride."--Sophocles

[Edited 4 times, lastly by killjoy72 on February 03, 2002]

posted February 05, 2002 06:13 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Goth401 Click Here to Email Goth401 Send a private message to Goth401 Click to send Goth401 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Thank you for your responses, I know that, in the future, stealing will never be something i'd consider. If i get busted, you can laugh in my face, call me a thief, a cheater, a liar. You are right on all of those accounts except the lying part.
People who sympahtize, thank you, but i did know the consenquences of such a thing, and i acted on it. Foolish me.
Don't let it happen to you, you know in your heart whats right, and sometimes you shut that voice up. don't. that Voice will help you in everything you do, if you just listen.

I want your atogs!
<-Advice on Life->
-Keep your Cool in everything you do.
-Be Friendly!
-The Golden Rule is GOLD

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Goth401 on February 19, 2002]


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