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  Upheaval-Go on a budget: Infested Domain

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Author Topic:   Upheaval-Go on a budget: Infested Domain
posted December 19, 2001 02:12 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Magic1264 Click Here to Email Magic1264 Send a private message to Magic1264 Click to send Magic1264 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Upheaval-Go on a budget: Infested Domain

By Magic1264

So, you've decided to build the "invincible" Upheaval-Infestation deck, a.k.a Zombie Nation, proclaimed invincible by both Bennie Smith and Alex Anderson, but you don't exactly have the budget to get yourself the Infiltrators or Undermines. Want to know a much better and cheaper version? Well, you came to the right place.

Infested Domain

3 Collective Restraint
3 Pernicious Deed
4 Evasive Action
4 Harrow
2 Restock
1 Holistic Wisdom
4 Allied Stratagies
4 Rampant Growth
3 Zombie Infestation
4 Worldly Counsel
4 Dromar's Charm
3 Upheaval
9 Forest
6 Island
4 Swamp
2 Plains
1 Mountain

2 COP: Green
2 COP: Red
3 Lombotomy
4 Gainsay
2 Sacred Ground
1 Holistic Wisdom
1 Goblin Game( Team G-squared insignia)

Going strictly by E-bay prices the total cost of the deck goes for about forty-five dollars. Going by the same prices, just 4 Shadowmage Infiltrators cost almost seventy dollars. But the cost of the deck isn't the only reason the deck is better than it's U/B counterpart, its sheer card advantage is what makes it awsome. Potenial bad match-ups that the U/B version will have are non-existant with the domain version. More importantly, creatureless decks should do well in a metagame running rampant with flametounges, wraths, routs, terminates, etc.

How to play this deck:

This deck plays a lot like Rice Snack. In fact, you may have noticed that the maindeck looks alot like Rice Snack. Turn structure should look like this(varies against each archtype):

Turn 1: Land
Turn 2: Land, Rampant Growth
Turn 3: Land, Collective Restraint or eot Harrow
Turn 4: Counter, harrow, set up Upheaval-Infestation
Turn 6-9: Combo
Against any non control match up, the deck should combo between turn 6 and 9. Control match ups it should go between turn 12 and 15.

If you play with Rice Snack, you might be wondering what makes this deck better than Rice Snack? If you haven't deciphered it already, the deck can get off turn 6 to turn 9 CONSISTANLY. In my playtesting, turn 6 is impossible, turn 7 is lucky, turn 8-10 maybe, 11-X is definate.

Popular match-ups:

First on the list of contenders, R/G/x beats can't touch this deck. Even correct sideboarding can't harm it. Infested domain does not fear Spellbane Centaur like Zombie Nation does. Being able to remove Spellbane isn't necessary to stop a R/G player from harming you. Both deeds and restraints handle it, very well i might add, giving you enough time to search and set up.

-1 Dromar's Charm
-1 Worldly Counsel
-1 Rampant Growth
-1 Evasive Action

+2 COP: Green
+2 COP: Red

Next on the list, Snake-Tounge might be a little harder match-up than normal R/G/x decks, merely because of the counterspells. But maindeck boasting 8 counters of it's own and 7 maindeck hosers and 3 sideboard stoppers in my sideboard shouldn't make this match too hard. Dropping Collective is a must if you need a stall. Deed only when necessary as taking out their snakes and flametounges will also take out your Collective Restraints.

-1 Rampant Growth
-3 Pernicious Deed
-1 Worldly Counsel
-1 Allied Stratagies
-1 Harrow

+4 Gainsay
+3 Lombotomy or +2 Sacred Ground and +1 Holistic wisdom if you see Price of Glory coming in.

Orbossition a.k.a Squirrel Opposition is the hardest match-up I experiance because dropping of static orb hurts a lot, and dropping the opposition with it just makes me concede. The only thing you need to do is stop static orb. This deck also boasts 8-12 counters, luckily, 4 of those are usually sycopates, so no need to worry about big counterwars.

-1 Harrow
-1 Worldy Counsol
-1 Rampant Growth
-1 Zombie Infestation

+3 Lombotomy
+1 Holistic Wisdom

U/B Varients
U/B varients are a little cause for concern. This deck is more troublesome than the Orbossition match up. The reason being with only 4-8 creatures, Collective Restaint doesn't hurt it much and 12-16 counters w/discard really bites. I very rarely beat this deck in the first game, but have little more than 50% winning rate after sideboard. One thing that really screws this deck is a first turn duress. It usually hits the one rampant growth or harrow that will set you up for the game.

-1 Rampant Growth
-3 Collective Restraint
-1 Worldly Counsel
-1 Allied Stratagies
-1 Harrow

+4 Gainsay
+3 Lombotomy

U/B Mirror Match(Zombie Nation)
The U/B mirror match should be treated just like above.

Rougish Match-ups:

White Weenie hasn't grown much in popularity since states, but it still lurks around. All you got to do is drop collecive restraint and keep it on the table. Deed when neccesary.


Treat it like the white weenie match-up, but if you get behind in life, watch for burn.

-1 Rampant Growth
-1 Worldly Counsol

+2 COP: Red

Rice Snack a.k.a 5c SuperGhitu
This deck has evolved greatly from the invitational. Before sideboard, the key is to disrupt his abilitly to constantly chant you until his combo is ready. So this means DON'T LET HOLISTIC WISDOM HIT THE TABLE!!! Wait for it, let him get a couple counsols and harrows off, if Holistic wisdom hits the table, he will get his combo off first through major chantage. Some boast duress, probably even worst than them infantly chanting you.

-3 Collective Restraint
-3 Pernicious Deed
-1 Rampant Growth

+4 Gainsay
+3 Lombotomy

Ponza and R/B Braids
Land Destrution is the worst for this deck. Lucky for you, it doesn't do very well against some other major archtypes. This is the only deck that this deck does worse against than Zombie Nation. Duress and LD will tear you apart. If you can somehow get to three lands and a harrow safely in hand on turn 3, you should be fine.

-3 Pernicious Deed
-1 Worldly Counsol

+2 Lombotomy
+2 Sacred Ground

Is Zombie Nation beatable? The answer is yes...beaten by the Infested Domain!!!


Famous Quote:

"Life is like a box of chocolates... A worthless, good for nothing gift that nobody asks for in the first place.

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Magic1264 on December 19, 2001]

Mr. Ruboonia
posted December 20, 2001 01:36 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. Ruboonia Click Here to Email Mr. Ruboonia Send a private message to Mr. Ruboonia Click to send Mr. Ruboonia an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mr. Ruboonia's Have/Want ListView Mr. Ruboonia's Have/Want List
Interesting deck...I'll take a look at it.

"They can't feel pain. They just wiggle 'cause they're scared"
AIM Handle-KirdApe5
#1 Poster in Wisconsin:)
magicmaster5000, make free time!!!
Yo I am cool Dude Man.

posted December 21, 2001 02:20 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MagixDK Click Here to Email MagixDK Send a private message to MagixDK Click to send MagixDK an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
So far from the best version of the deck (u&B) its really should be a creatureless W/U/B deck, featuring absorbs and no(!) creatures in a truly go-style deck. This version was played succesfully at the Nordic Challenge and finished second overall. take a look at

How come I have an IQ of 151 and still canīt remember to do the lawndry?

posted December 27, 2001 06:34 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Magic1264 Click Here to Email Magic1264 Send a private message to Magic1264 Click to send Magic1264 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I am not so sure of that magicxDK. It runs the same stuff cept my creature stop/removal is much better IMHO. Why stop all creatures on the board as of the moment when you can stop all creatures period.

But then again, i have remodeled this deck.


3 Collective restraint
1 Dromar's Charm
1 Evasive Action
1 Restock
1 Forest

1 Holistic Wisdom
2 Sacred Ground
1 Gainsay

1 Pernicious Deed
3 Duress
1 Holistic Wisdom
2 Mana Short
1 Swamp

3 Collective Restraint
1 Dromar's Charm or Evasive Action(can't decide)

The change make it more geared to a control match up. The metagame in my area has been changing to control. If it changes toward to a more beatdown type of metagame the changes will revert(cept sacred grounds and gainsay will turn into 3 duresses.

posted December 29, 2001 07:58 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for yamon Click Here to Email yamon Send a private message to yamon Click to send yamon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Pretty good arcticle and an interesting deck

I like spatulas, they help me flip my burgers.

posted January 01, 2002 01:38 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Apostolos Click Here to Email Apostolos Send a private message to Apostolos Click to send Apostolos an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I don't know. . .I have doubts about the Deck.
First of All how does the Upheavel triger and the Zombie token Stay in the Game. Upheaval returns Permanents and Enchantments are permanents. Let's say that you cast Upheaval and You have 5 Lands and an Infestation in play. Upheaval Trigers. All perms are returned simult. Even if you put the Tokens in Responce to the Upheaval the Tokens get Upheaved too!

I don't get it. Can someone explain me how this works because in MHO it's all wrong.



Run it's!

posted January 01, 2002 01:59 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for yamon Click Here to Email yamon Send a private message to yamon Click to send yamon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
ok tap 10 lands to put 10 mana in ur mana pool.
play upheaval for 8 mana
with 2 mana left in ur mana pool play infestation.
Use it to discard ur hand and make lots of creatures

All hail Hansolo6385

Proud to be in the penguin clan

And val is not a goddess

posted January 01, 2002 10:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Trelocke Click Here to Email Trelocke Send a private message to Trelocke Click to send Trelocke an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
and take 2 mana burn? Upheaval cast for 6.

I never said I don't
believe in God. I just
happen to believe he's
an a-hole.

posted January 02, 2002 07:31 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MagixDK Click Here to Email MagixDK Send a private message to MagixDK Click to send MagixDK an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
The version i consider the best version is almost like the one wich i linked to before. For many reasons. It doesnt have critters in it. yeehaw! that rules! dont worry about wrath of god, FTK, bounce etc. You dont need to counter that stuff. now you can simply ait and counter his kill or protect the combo. BTW if you wanna get ANYHWERE vs. a control/counter deck, mana short should med added, maindeck even. it rules soooo much... this deck doesnt like pyroclasm btw..... you should use the invasion sack lands... and cephalid colloseum(tap, sack, draw 3, discard 3) please send me a PM or email if you want more discussion on this or other decks...

How come I have an IQ of 151 and still canīt remember to do the lawndry?

posted January 03, 2002 11:31 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Magic1264 Click Here to Email Magic1264 Send a private message to Magic1264 Click to send Magic1264 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
MagicDX, not to pick any fights, this is just friendly arguement.

How can the U/B/W version of this deck be better than mine? Beside the fact i can't to that many big tournys.

Lets look at the card by card breakdown:

(Michael S. Nielsen - DK)

4 Zombie Infestation
4 Upheaval
4 STandstill
2 Peek
2 Duress
2 Wrath of God
4 Fact or Fiction
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Counterspell
3 Dromar's Charm
3 Absorb
1 Adakar Wastes
4 Ancient Spring
3 Caves of Koilos
2 Cephalid Coliseum
4 Coastal Tower
1 Island
2 Plains
3 Salt Marsh
4 Underground River

Deed vs. WOG

Deed is much better than wrath of god, even better vs. orbsition, squirrel lock down, and other rougish matchups.

Allied Stratagies vs. Fact or Fiction

Fact or Fiction is no good vs. a Full powered allied stratagies. They both come at fourth turn, difference is stratagies is a sorcery, but you get to keep the five cards.

Absorb vs. Evasive Action

Can't say much here, You don't gain 3 life but you get a counter that is less mana intensive an cheaper.

Slieght of Hand vs. Worldly Counsol

Honestly, do i have to say anything.

My version thins the deck further while feeding zombie infestation.

I don't know, maybe im missing something.


Famous Quote:

"Life is like a box of chocolates... A worthless, good for nothing gift that nobody asks for in the first place.

posted January 16, 2002 07:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for TunaBoo Send a private message to TunaBoo Click to send TunaBoo an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I tried it in apprentice. I consistantly got 8th turn or less combos. What I would like to see is a way to draw more cards. I usually only get 5 zombies out at once.

Is there a type 2 spell that lets summoning sickness be reversed? So you could kill the 2nd turn after combo? Otherwise, a red deck can get an earthquake and kill all your zombies before you finish them

posted January 19, 2002 11:30 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Yooreck Send a private message to Yooreck Click to send Yooreck an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
My friend has been playing a 5 color non - domain deck in Apprentice with no painlands. Almost all the time he had all 5 colors. Is he so lucky? I don't think so. I think App isn't enough random and testing decks this way isn't enough good.
posted January 21, 2002 02:09 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for rydogg123 Click Here to Email rydogg123 Send a private message to rydogg123 Click to send rydogg123 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
zombie nation is so much better than your cheaper slower version... with no disrespect to you

posted January 22, 2002 06:53 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Triage Click Here to Email Triage Send a private message to Triage Click to send Triage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Why not use psychatog as a dumping ground? That way you dodge the earthquake threat, and should you not get the infestation out in time - you can easilly make the psychatog a 20/21 with the same amount of mana as it would take to create the zombies. Also, if you use psychatogs, there's the possiblity of using traumatize on yourself, dumping half your deck (probably 23 is half by the time you play it) into your graveyard, giving the psychatog +12/+12. Seems like a pretty good backup plan to me. The graveyard dumping ground is also handy if, lets say, a decent player decides to float two mana to counter your zombie infestation after the upheaval... You can still rebuild and use the cards you discarded from the failed combo. Doesn't this make sense? Maybe?
posted January 22, 2002 09:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for coolio Click Here to Email coolio Send a private message to coolio Click to send coolio an Instant MessageVisit coolio's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I was given this decklist a wk after states.. and it seemed good for a brief 2 wk period.. it really blows.. trust me..


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