Originally posted by BoltBait:
All this talk about alcohol...What would you rather be talking about?
EDIT: in other words, tell us something we don't know about you.
I'm the best friend you could ever have. Anyone who chooses to put up with all my **** will find that I will fight to the burger for them. Period. I'll happily go to jail defending the honor of someone I truly claim as a friend.
Originally posted by WCFmo:
Hey, you didn't follow up to my posting the links of that mafia game? 
Sorry bro, but uh...TL,DR.
Originally posted by AlmostGrown:
Halo or Call of Duty?
Tough question. I LOVE the most recent Call of Duty games, but for sheer nostalgia's sake, I gotta say Halo.
I don't play MMO's, cause they wreck my life. RTS all the way.
Originally posted by shaselai:
how much money will it take for you to eat a burger created from sewage? It tastes like steak!
Not gonna happen. Truly, stupid question. Thanks for that.
Originally posted by joz:
What would have to happen to cause you to quit playing Magic?Sniper or Assault Rifle?
I haven't played Magic in over a year, so, uhh....nothing?
Dumb question amigo. It's all situational. Sniper is great if you have range and cover, if you don't, you obviously want something more immediately intimidating, like, I dunno, an assault rifle. When I play airsoft, I tend to be a CQB opponent, so whatever that tells you.
Originally posted by Sovarius:
Do you ever feel like you take joking about alcholism too far?What i mean is, i get it when you say you joke about it for lack of a more appropriate reaction. But do you ever think you take it further than anyone else who might joke about it, and go to the extent of just being annoying or appearing like you're bragging?
If you don't wanna tell us the most embarassing or worst drunken things you regret, what about the second worst? What is the most regrettable/ stupid/ hilarious/ grossest/ dangerous thing you've done drunken - that you are able to share?
If that's how it appears, I feel like there isn't much I can do about it. Honestly. I'm not trying to be either annoying or a braggart. MOTL is one of my only "anonymous" outlets. No one I know in real life is going to see what I say here, so I can say whatever I want or need to. And sometimes I just need to vent. It bugs me when people think they can take my "crown" as the most drunken member of this site, because I'm competitive, and because frankly, and honestly, no one here will drink themselves to death as fast as I will. I'm not proud of it, I don't like it, it's just the reality of the situation.
I'm not able to share any of it, because you people don't TRULY know me. You can't see how charismatic, intelligent, genuine and honest I am in person, so if I were to tell you the most negative things about me (which all happen when I'm drunk), you would have nothing truly positive to way them against. You would simply judge me as an idiot, a fool, or what have you, and you would have no reason to give me the benefit of the doubt. Frankly, I'm not willing to accept that sort of judgment from this community, at least not in "public." I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.
Junichi - "Gawain auto wins when it comes to drinking.
"Mardak - "...I sleeve my deck one card at a time..."
*Edit: Weigh.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Gawain on June 21, 2011]