Originally posted by yakusoku:
1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow?
3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)?
4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL?
5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
1) Don't drink. Ever. Don't let addiction rule your life. I'm goddamned serious.
2) I just can't answer this question in short form. My life is a failure. Don't do what I did dammit.
3) Proper control of my finances. Just can't get it quite right. I live paycheck to paycheck, and it's foolish.
4) No. More. Trolls. ****es me off. Apparently it's acceptable to be a child when you don't have to have courage face to face. This, I feel, is complete bull****. If you can't say it whilst looking a person in the eyes, then don't say it.
5) Drinking. Sad, but true. Nobody I know can drink me under the table. Wanna take that challenge, make sure your liver is ready for it. Mine is.
Originally posted by BoltBait:
1) Post a picture of yourself
2) What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy where you work?
3) When was the last time you actually played MtG?
Bleem) What is your level of education?
4) What is your creative outlet? Are you any good at it?
5) What was the last live show you attended?
1) Too drunk right now to figure that out. Sorry man :/
2) I work at a worker owned cooperative restaurant. I wait tables, host, cook, whatever needs done. I love it.
3) About a year ago. I have 50 credit hours in at Ohio University, with a 3.7 GPA.
4) Tough question. I drink so much that I don't try to find outlets. When I do, on rare occasion, I drum and sing and swing around the nunchakus. I'm a fair drummer, decent singer, and masterful chucker.
5) Alison Krauss, a week ago in Ketterington just east of Dayton (OH). It was AMAZING.
Originally posted by JoshSherman:
I want to understand why you dont get help. I feel like you know you should.
You're right. I should. However, the problem is this: I'm smarter than anyone who has ever tried to help me (aside from my mother), so I can break down their pathetic methods in my head and see them for what they are, and I immediately lose respect for them. At that point, they lose all ability to intervene. AA doesn't work either, 'cause they're all ****ing hypocrites. All of them. I tried. Not sure what to do, honestly. Also, you'd have to understand the town I live in. It's a nightmare for someone who doesn't want to drink.
Originally posted by Tranderas:
1. Why does BoltBait come back so sporadically?
2. What are your top 3 favorite drinks?
3. How do you make those drinks?
1) I'm not in that man's head. I have no effin' clue.
2) Gin and Tonic, Irish Aspirin, and Guinness.
3) Gin and Tonic, Jameson and OJ, Guinness.
Originally posted by AlmostGrown:
When did you start drinking?
Do you like to drink alone or with friends?
Beer or Whisky?
Tequila or Rum?
Red or Blue?
1) 7 Years ago, when I turned 21. Wasn't worried about the legality of the thing, just didn't like booze 'till then.
2) Both. Don't really care, so long as booze is involved.
3) At this point? Whiskey. I hated liquor for years and was always a beer man, but **** it...the more direct route makes sense.
4) Tequila and Rum both suck equally. If I had to choose? Rum.
5) Green.
Originally posted by CubFan81:
1) Favorite Magic card?
2) Favorite Magic color?
3) Favorite Magic deck? Casual or competitive.
4) Favorite Magic format?
5) If you could make or unmake a change to Magic what would it be?
1) Serra Avatar.
2) White.
3) Can't answer this, don't play anymore. Had a nasty casual Soldier deck at one point, guess that would work.
4) Casual? EDH? Been too long since I played.
5) Friends getting ****ed at eachother.
Originally posted by mattw:
Think i can beat you in the motl drinking award this year?
For lack of a better way to put it bro, there's not a snowball's chance in hell. Good luck though, 'cause frankly, I wouldn't mind. Hell amigo, I'm 16 shots of whiskey, 9 beers, and a half a bottle of wine in. Find me a typo. There might be one, or maybe even two, but ****...most people would have died of alcohol poisoning by now. P.S. I'm not done :P
Originally posted by ogre:
Favorite food?Top 10 favorite movies?
When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved?
Are we (America) going into a depression?
Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it?
Only the best,
1) ****, in no specific order:
Legends of the Fall
Fight Club
Kick Ass
Romeo + Juliet
V for Vendetta
Lord of the Rings
Requiem for a Dream
Pulp Fiction
Stand by Me
2) Er...1995ish? Was always a fantasy/gaming dork, read about it in EGM and got hooked.
3) We are the Roman Empire reviseted. Wait for the fall.
4) Hell. Nukes. Apocalypse. We need the instant gratification nature of our society to face a cataclysm. It's all just masturbation at this point.
Originally posted by Bugger:
1) three favorite films, and why?2) three favorite books, and why?
3) three favorite television shows, and why?
4) how's work as a server? any tips from a pro in the service industry to a n00b like myself? 
5) [QUOTE]Originally posted by JoshSherman:
I want to understand why you dont get help. I feel like you know you should.

1) Well hell, 3? Why?
Legends of the Fall, rips my ****ing hear out.
Fight Club, makes me effin' Chuckle.
Pulp Fiction, most quotable movie ever. Ever.
2) Damn you, this is tough.
Lord of the Rings and all that that entails, 'cause Tolkien was a genius.
Song of Ice and Fire, 'cause Martin is an unscrupulous, brutal bastard.
Art of War, because Sun Tzu knew exactly what was up. With everyone, everywhere, always.
3) Oops, missed the TV shows.
Stargate and all it's permutations, because I'm a dork.
Star Trek, for the same reasons.
Firefly. You know why.
4) It's awesome, but I work in a very, very unique environment. Casanueva.com will tell you most of what you need to know about that. Advice? No matter how ****ty someone gets with you, let it roll off your shoulder. They'll still tip you, and you'll likely never see them again. Take care of your regulars, drink lots of coffee, and take joy in the small things, 'cause that's all you'll get. Drink on the job if you can, and if you can't, pray.
Originally posted by ronandaggy:
Has your drinking habit ever got you in serious trouble?
DUI, Disorderly Conduct by Fighting, Vandalism, a brief stint in the Drunk Tank and multiple unpleasant run-ins with the police that never resulted in anything. Mostly, I've just been lucky and sneaky. I actually beat up 3 dudes, but only got busted for one, and I never started the fights, just finished them. I'm not violent or mouthy when drunk, but somehow I just rub certain dudes the wrong way, and they try to **** with me. Seems to be a bad idea. Guess I got good reflexes or something.
Originally posted by mulder:
What's your most embaressing drunk story ever?
I'm sorry bro, but I won't answer this question honestly or specifically. I live with more shame than most people could probably handle, and I haven't hit 30 yet. Suffice it to say, I've learned through harsh trial, and harsh error, to behave myself. Trust me when I say you don't want to know.
Junichi - "Gawain auto wins when it comes to drinking. :)"Mardak - "...I sleeve my deck one card at a time..."