Topic: An interview with: oneofchaos
nderdog Moderator
posted July 10, 2011 09:10 PM
If you wish to be interviewed, please post here.__________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
yakusoku Member
posted July 10, 2011 09:17 PM

1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
Volcanon Member
posted July 10, 2011 09:22 PM

Do you like Poplar Trees?Do you eat cheesey bacon? Does your mom know you like apples and why? Why weren't you raptured? Does God eat bacon? Do you use your powerful snout to dig up delicious truffles in the forest?
oneofchaos Member
posted July 11, 2011 12:24 AM

quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: 1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
1) Use your resources wisely. Whether it's a simple game of magic, or you are trying to get something done in your workplace or academia network. It's sad to say but a ton of jobs go to people who "know somebody". Skill and expierience is certainly helpful and indeed necessary, but knowing people will totally help you out. 2) I was an alcoholic my freshmen year of college. Being from a small town, a small high school (300 people...not in my graduating class) and being 1500 miles away from home in a city kind of set me up for failure. The ironic part was it wasn't until second semester when all of my classes were even easier than my first. I was doing electrical engineering and I had done ok first semester, but my joke econ classes and that sort of thing just let me to drink more than study. I fell far below the scholarship level I needed to maintain (as it helped me afford my school). This should tie into the first one question. I networked and talk to one of the student support people that mainly dealt with out of state recruitment. She basically said I needed a fairly well GPA the following semester and I would be on watch until my cumulative was above a 3.0. My next semester was easily my toughest yet with sophomore level EE classes and I did fairly well and the following was even better. I'm no longer under watch and am doing fine now and I have even added a math major despite the fact most people think double majoring in EE/math is ballsy and crazy. 3) I'd go to grad school. I'm enjoying my major now and if anyone asks about my senior project I'll certainly explain it. I don't know if it will be in the works for me but I would like to continue my education. 4) Less points based lists. I've traded with several new people that complain about them and dissappear because they get sick of them. I understand those people think they are dealers, but it sets a bad image for newer guys. If you want to rip people off give them stupid offers. Don't make a thread to do it. 5) As an engineer transitioning to theoretical math it's quite a challenge. I can't go to a lab and verify it. I can't get a simple answer. I've only taken one non-engineering math class and it was either the hardest/second hardest you can take in undergrad here and I did ok except for the teacher being a power hungry jerk because he was the department head. I learned a lot in that class. I have one of the best jar-jar impressions/gollum impressions you will ever hear. Not relevent anymore but I used to road bike a lot. I biked from Seattle to San Francisco in a couple weeks once. We had a 90 mile day in a 115 degree day just past portland and that was a grueling day.
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: Do you like Poplar Trees?Do you eat cheesey bacon? Does your mom know you like apples and why? Why weren't you raptured? Does God eat bacon? Do you use your powerful snout to dig up delicious truffles in the forest?
1) Not yet but I imagine they'll grow on me. 2) Dude I'll eat ANY bacon. 3) Not really, she never bought them as a kid. In college they are a cheap staple to trying to keep in shape. 4) We get wireless up here, sorry to hear you didn't. Just kidding, I'm an atheist. 5) I doubt it, otherwise he would never have let pigs loose for men to feast on. He must be a vegan or something.
ogre Member
posted July 11, 2011 04:33 AM
Favorite food?Ten favorite movies? When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved? Are we (America) going into a depression? Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? Only the best, Jesse
__________________ "call the hospital now" "I'm gonna kill you" inspiring words from Mino Fazio
AlmostGrown Member
posted July 11, 2011 05:27 AM
Are you male or female? Why did you choose your username? How active in mtg are you? Do you play video games? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do? Do you have children?
CubFan81 Member
posted July 11, 2011 06:09 AM
1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be?
oneofchaos Member
posted July 11, 2011 08:30 AM

quote: Originally posted by ogre: Favorite food?Ten favorite movies? When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved? Are we (America) going into a depression? Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? Only the best, Jesse
My favorite food is probably a really good steak or tacos. In no particular order for movies: Matrix X-men first class Signs Star Wars (saga minus episode 1 and 3) LOTR trilogy (can't wait for the hobbit) Monty Python and the holy grail 2001 A space Oddyssey Dr. Strangelove Up 6th dayOne day before I went away to summer camp, a friends brother contained a shoebox full of magic cards. I started buying product after I got out of summer camp. At the time the new set was oddyssey so right at the start of the school year I started playing magic with friends. I'm no econ buff but I will say that killing NASA doesn't bode too well for the economy. There are tons of things that should be on the chopping block before space exploration. Reinstate NASA? I mean in all honesty that shook my faith in the economy. People need to do math better. Figuring out what you can and can't afford isn't exactly rocket science and you can even pay people to help you figure it out. That's why I am not a fan of social security. I'd rather believe in myself to set aside money for when I grow old than to rely on the government. I think social security should be made more of an opt out system if you can show you are capable of managing your money. quote: Originally posted by AlmostGrown: Are you male or female? Why did you choose your username? How active in mtg are you? Do you play video games? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do? Do you have children?
I am a male. My parents/friends/family always called me chaotic, and I always loved the characters in video games and movies that were just straight badasses and guns for hire (Boba fett). I don't play much anymore. No time with school and the area is somewhat limiting. I don't make enough money to travel either to play at the moment. Perhaps after graduation I will start up again. When I grew up on the East Coast before college I'd try to attend all of the mana drain opens and I loved vintage. Ever since the flash/gush/brainstorm/ponder/merchant scroll restriction vintage just kind of sucked for me. Decks are too random for me to want to play now, I'd rather play EDH than a deck with 30 1 off's and the rest sets. I'll play vintage when I get my brainstorms back. Legacy I've been playing whatever I feel like. I haven't been to a big tournament in quite some time, but the meta is healthy. I stopped playing standard when I didn't have jaces and the time to play standard. I generally play budget rogue decks, but now that pyromancer is playable again I'm quite excited. I had boros built but caw-blade got too good for boros to beat when sword of war and peace and batterskull came out. I play video games. I lost all my activation codes for my PC games so I probably won't be playing those anytime soon . I play league of legends the most followed by steam games followed by gamecube. I work in the audio visual department at my university. I run the equipment for freshmen orientations. I also check classrooms and have installed speakers and done other odd jobs. Children? God I hope not.quote: Originally posted by CubFan81: 1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be?
My favorite card is tooth and nail. My favorite color is probably blue. Standard: Pyromancer. In old extended I had no time to test. I left my zoo deck in my dorm and had practically no cards on the drive up so I scavenged together a metagamed tooth and nail list. I barely missed top 8. Most of my sideboard hate was anti dark depths because zoo was a bye for me. Legacy: I loved CB control and goblins. I am thinking of playing hive mind next tournament. Vintage: Hands down control slaver and ICBM oath tied for first. Coming in a close second is bomberman. A distant third would be drain tendrils. I think I literally played 2 straight years of mana drains once. My favorite format at the moment is legacy. My one change I want to make is that I would disallow all magic sets after that nasty vintage restriction in 2008 (so any set that came out after). Then I'd restrict only merchant scroll. Then I'd ask wizards what was so hard?
yakusoku Member
posted July 11, 2011 07:57 PM

quote: Originally posted by oneofchaos: I play league of legends the most
Do you have a favorite character? Do you have a favorite type of character (melee? Mage? Support?) quote:
Reinstate NASA? I mean in all honesty that shook my faith in the economy. People need to do math better. Figuring out what you can and can't afford isn't exactly rocket science and you can even pay people to help you figure it out.
Was this intentional?
Tranderas Member
posted July 11, 2011 08:16 PM
Where ya been, man?Have any Tundras or Standstills? How have you been since you got me my first Trop?
oneofchaos Member
posted July 12, 2011 11:53 AM

quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: Do you have a favorite character?Do you have a favorite type of character (melee? Mage? Support?) Was this intentional?
My favorite character is Karthus. I got my girlfriend to start playing and she couldn’t handle the lvl 30’ at lvl 1 so I had to make a smurf account. I used to only play karthus but I now play singed, shen, twisted fate, nocturne, and more. I enjoy mages the most but they are always nerfed the hardest. Also at lvl 30 everyone has 100% MR from the get go so it is hard to do good with a mage against high level people. No, but consider that a free pun. Glad you noticed. quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: Where ya been, man?Have any Tundras or Standstills? How have you been since you got me my first Trop?
I’ve been good. How about yourself? College is taking away from my magic time! I have a playset of each. If I had Jaces I could play UW control. Sadly that is not the case. I’ve still got that trop. I used it in oath many years ago, and now it sees play in a lot of my bant control shells in legacy.
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