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Author Topic:   An interview with: speechjew
posted July 12, 2011 10:39 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
If you wish to sign up to be interviewed, please post here.

Per speechjew's request, please keep questions regarding Magic to a minimum, as he hasn't played in about 5 years.

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posted July 12, 2011 10:44 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for joz Click Here to Email joz Send a private message to joz Click to send joz an Instant MessageVisit joz's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Why are you still on this site if you don't play Magic anymore?

Joz - can we ban Leshrac for not fixing the Chrome PM issue?

Gunslinga - If I thought it would help, and if I could, I would.

posted July 12, 2011 10:59 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for yakusoku Click Here to Email yakusoku Send a private message to yakusoku Click to send yakusoku an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?

2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow?

3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)?

4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL?

5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?

posted July 12, 2011 11:20 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by joz:
Why are you still on this site if you don't play Magic anymore?

Because I've made some good friends on here (daner, super), the sports and movie discussions are always good, and like some other people on here, I still play shandalar from time to time :-)

posted July 12, 2011 11:40 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by yakusoku:
1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?

Do something you're passionate about. If you don't succeed right away, you're still happy to do it. And when you do succeed, the elation is well worth it.

Originally posted by yakusoku:

2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow?


About a year ago I came to a hard realization that my group of friends I hung out with exclusively were taking advantage of me. Taking advantage of my feelings and my generosity, and didn't respect me. I had to cut them out of my life completely, including a best friend of 19 years. It was incredibly painful for a while, spending countless weekends alone, trolling on MOTL, but I've found new groups of people to hang out with, people who appreciate and value me.

It still hurts when I think about what happened, and i'll never totally get over it, but I know it's for the best.

Originally posted by yakusoku:
3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)?

I'd love to develop a food product (the details of which I'm keeping VERY secret) that could revolutionize one meal of the day. Right now I just have the idea, but not the knowledge or money to make it happen. Ideally I'd develop the idea, take it to a large company, and sell it to them for enough money to not have to work for a long time.

Originally posted by yakusoku:
4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL?


Ability to change usernames. I created this username almost 10 years ago. It's just slightly outdated.

I'd also love to have the ability to "like" a post Ala facebook.

And PMing in Chrome.

Originally posted by yakusoku:
5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing? [/B]

I've always compared myself to Japanese electronics companies. I can't make anything good myself, but I can take something someone else has done and make it better. I am very good at editing papers, scripts, fliers, brochures, films, etc.

Sometimes my writing can be a little convoluted (since I like to do little asides in parentheticals, like this one), but I know i'm in the upper echelon of writers.

posted July 13, 2011 04:39 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for ogre Click Here to Email ogre Send a private message to ogre Click to send ogre an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ogre's Have/Want ListView ogre's Have/Want List
Favorite food?

Ten favorite movies?

When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved?

Are we (America) going into a depression?

Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it?

Only the best,

P.S.: understand what you mean about those you know (or think you know), it's all good

"call the hospital now"
"I'm gonna kill you"
inspiring words from Mino Fazio

posted July 13, 2011 04:47 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for CubFan81 Click Here to Email CubFan81 Send a private message to CubFan81 Click to send CubFan81 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View CubFan81's Have/Want ListView CubFan81's Have/Want List
1) Favorite Magic card?
2) Favorite Magic color?
3) Favorite Magic deck?
4) Favorite Magic format?
5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be?

I know you said you don't play much anymore but still worth a shot.

posted July 13, 2011 05:31 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmostGrown Click Here to Email AlmostGrown Send a private message to AlmostGrown Click to send AlmostGrown an Instant MessageVisit AlmostGrown's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AlmostGrown's Have/Want ListView AlmostGrown's Have/Want List
Why did you choose your username?
Are you even jewish?
What is your current occupation?
posted July 13, 2011 07:18 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AGO Click Here to Email AGO Send a private message to AGO Click to send AGO an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AGO's Trade Auction or SaleView AGO's Trade Auction or Sale
What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you like chocolate?
Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more?
Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful?
posted July 13, 2011 09:24 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by ogre:
Favorite food?

Ten favorite movies?

When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved?

Are we (America) going into a depression?

Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it?

Only the best,

P.S.: understand what you mean about those you know (or think you know), it's all good

Favorite food is pepperoni and pineapple pizza, with extra sauce, well done, on a thick crust.
Ten favorite movies? Oy. Some of these are always in my list, some rotate out, and they're in no particular order:

The 5th Element
The Muppet Movie
The Dark Knight
Red Dragon
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Blues Brothers
Apocalypse Now

I got into Magic from friends who were into it in middle school. I played through my junior year of high school, and sold off all my cards a few years later. I enjoyed the strategy of putting together decks. Unfortunately my parents didn't really support my hobby (thought it was too damned expensive), so I didn't fully experience it like I would have liked to.

Depression economically? Sure. I've got a bachelors degree and work in a bowling alley. My friend's dad took a job at Target as a cashier.

I'm stuck in a weird spot with 3 years professional experience, where I've got too much experience for entry-level jobs, but not the right kind of experience to move upward.

I think it's more 'recession' than 'depression,' but yes, we're in some kind of economic funk.

I would love to see more states legalize gambling and online gambling. Online gambling would get taxed three times - on the federal level and state level on the deposit, and as taxable income on withdrawals. There's literally 10's of billions of dollars available there.

Along with that, I completely agree on the 3% tax increase on people earning $250k or more and/or repealing the Bush tax cuts. If we do those 2 things, we could be out of debt in 10-15 years.

Jesse, did you enjoy those Pirate Booty Chips?

posted July 13, 2011 09:38 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by CubFan81:
1) Favorite Magic card?
2) Favorite Magic color?
3) Favorite Magic deck?
4) Favorite Magic format?
5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be?

I know you said you don't play much anymore but still worth a shot.

1. I was always a big fan of Gaea's Blessing. Lots of practical uses.

2. I always liked green. It could do so much. Give life, give mana, provide defense, and had raw power. Only Blue mixed better with every other color.

3. My favorite decks were the ones with the ridiculous combos that basically forced your opponent to give up. Earthcraft and sacred mesa with angelic blessing. Basically I'd say "I'm at 10 quadrillion life. Would you like to continue?"

4. Never had a format preference. I didn't have the money to keep up with T2, so I guess T1?

5. I would have loved to have seen a card called "Wizard of the Coast." Basically it would have been something similar to JTMS.

posted July 13, 2011 09:41 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by AlmostGrown:
Why did you choose your username?
Are you even jewish?
What is your current occupation?

When I chose this username, I took the two biggest things that were influencing my life at the time. I was into speech and debate (the acting part, not the debate part), and yes, I'm jewish. The dark hair and hook nose give it away.

Currently i'm in marketing and communications for a large bowling center. There's a lot more drama there than most people realize.

posted July 13, 2011 10:37 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Volcanon Click Here to Email Volcanon Send a private message to Volcanon Click to send Volcanon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Do you use your powerful snout to dig up delicious truffles in the forest?
posted July 13, 2011 10:38 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for joz Click Here to Email joz Send a private message to joz Click to send joz an Instant MessageVisit joz's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Are you Ashkanazi, Sephardic, or Arabic(pure semetic)?
Do you keep Kosher?

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Joz - can we ban Leshrac for not fixing the Chrome PM issue?

Gunslinga - If I thought it would help, and if I could, I would.

posted July 13, 2011 10:45 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MasterWolf Click Here to Email MasterWolf Send a private message to MasterWolf Click to send MasterWolf an Instant MessageVisit MasterWolf's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MasterWolf's Have/Want ListView MasterWolf's Have/Want List
Who are your Fantasy Football Sleeper picks for this year?


Why do you want to get another 4th round pick so bad?

posted July 13, 2011 11:16 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for super324 Click Here to Email super324 Send a private message to super324 Click to send super324 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View super324's Trade Auction or SaleView super324's Trade Auction or Sale
Why are you such a TU homer?

And play EDH with me.


posted July 13, 2011 02:15 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by AGO:
What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you like chocolate?
Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more?
Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful?

1. What scares me? Needles. it makes me sick to my stomach to see a needle going in skin, whether it's on TV, in a movie, or myself. Probably the reason I'll never get a tattoo.

2. In my free time, I write, watch/play sports, bowl, play cards, watch a ton of movies, and read. But I don't really read books. I read news websites, sports, movie, and technology blogs, and IMDB trivia pages.

3. I prefer dark and white chocolate. I'm slightly lactose intolerant, so straight milk chocolate can make me sick. Semi-sweet is ok.

4. Well, living in Dallas, we don't get snowy days. We get icy hellstorms. The week before the super bowl we literally got 6 inches of ice and the temperature didn't get above 25 for a week. The entire city and surrounding suburbs were shut down for days.

But I love the cold weather. Cold and dreary, so I can wear my black felt fedora and leather gloves and not look like a tool.

5. - aurora borealis (even though i've never seen it in person - on my bucket list)
- I've always admired the ability of the human body to heal itself, how intricate and elegant our circulatory system is, how millions of years of evolution brought it all about.
- I love the sight of fresh snow on the ground, no one's stepped on it, no car has gone over it, it's pure.

posted July 13, 2011 02:29 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Volcanon:
Do you use your powerful snout to dig up delicious truffles in the forest?

that wouldn't be kosher, now would it?

I despise mushrooms as well, so not at all.

posted July 13, 2011 02:35 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by joz:
Are you Ashkanazi, Sephardic, or Arabic(pure semetic)?
Do you keep Kosher?

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Well, I'm Polish and Hungarian, so apparently that makes me Ashkanazi? Honestly I don't really care about that kind of ethnic background.

I keep kosher-style. I rarely eat seafood other than salmon, I don't like ham, and I've never had a pork chop.

That being said, I occasionally eat barbecue sausage, hot dogs (although Hebrew National are so much better), and I love me a good cheeseburger.

If woodchucks grew to the size of being able to actually "chuck" wood, which to me means "throw a significant distance," I don't think the amount would be a necessary question. I would be wondering how we allowed woodchucks to grow to the size where they could physically and force-ably throw a piece of wood.

Can you tell I've answered that question before in the same way? :-)

Otherwise, the answer is always 42.

posted July 13, 2011 02:38 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by MasterWolf:
Who are your Fantasy Football Sleeper picks for this year?


Why do you want to get another 4th round pick so bad?

I like almost everyone on Tampa, especially whoever becomes their #2 receiver. Freeman's development has been staggeringly quick.

I also like Daniel Thomas and Danny Amendola.

I want an extra 4th round pick because there's a player I want to take, and I'm willing to trade up to get him.

posted July 13, 2011 02:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by super324:
Why are you such a TU homer?

And play EDH with me.

What's TU? Temple University? Never been there.

If you mean The University of Texas at Austin, then it would be that i'm an alumnus of one of the finest schools in the country. I was also there during the golden age of UT sports. Vince Young and Colt McCoy, a baseball championship, Cat Osterman (greatest softball player ever), Kevin Durant, and let's face it, it's the best known college brand in the country.

What the heck is EDH?

posted July 13, 2011 03:10 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ogre Click Here to Email ogre Send a private message to ogre Click to send ogre an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ogre's Have/Want ListView ogre's Have/Want List
Originally posted by speechjew:
Jesse, did you enjoy those Pirate Booty Chips?

I won't lie, they were okay but not a favorite I don't eat to many snack foods as it is, but kinda got a new munchie craving in those route 11 potato chips, think it bbq or hot or something. Their pretty addictive, think I'm gonna order a case for halloween here.

On that note, do you enjoy eating fruit? If so, even just occasionally, send me your address.

Thanks for answering the q's,

"call the hospital now"
"I'm gonna kill you"
inspiring words from Mino Fazio

posted July 14, 2011 11:41 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for shaselai Click Here to Email shaselai Send a private message to shaselai Click to send shaselai an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
1. if you could be one character in Magic (anyone with a name) who would you be and why?

2. If you could ride any creature in the magic universe (anything with p/t even ooze o_0) what/who would it be?

posted July 14, 2011 11:53 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by ogre:
I won't lie, they were okay but not a favorite I don't eat to many snack foods as it is, but kinda got a new munchie craving in those route 11 potato chips, think it bbq or hot or something. Their pretty addictive, think I'm gonna order a case for halloween here.

On that note, do you enjoy eating fruit? If so, even just occasionally, send me your address.

Thanks for answering the q's,

I apologize for the "meh" quality of the chips. They have lots of flavors.

I do enjoy fruit. What are you going to send me? lol.

posted July 14, 2011 12:03 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for speechjew Click Here to Email speechjew Send a private message to speechjew Click to send speechjew an Instant MessageVisit speechjew's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by shaselai:
1. if you could be one character in Magic (anyone with a name) who would you be and why?

2. If you could ride any creature in the magic universe (anything with p/t even ooze o_0) what/who would it be?

1. Arzakon. I love the Shandalar game. He's a boss.

Or Squee. He's a screw-up like me.

Or the Morphling.

2. 4th edition Force of Nature. I'd assume it would be like riding on The Incredible Hulk.


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