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Author Topic:   The post for Politics Part 17: SCOTUS continues to make stupid decisions!
posted March 03, 2016 11:27 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for chaos021 Send a private message to chaos021 Click to send chaos021 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View chaos021's Have/Want ListView chaos021's Have/Want List
Originally posted by coasterdude84:
It's gotten way overblown in this country the last few years. Now, when in doubt, call someone a racist and walk away. Don't like illegal aliens? You're a racist! Think Michael Brown was a thug? You're a racist! Think we should vet the Syrian refugees before letting them in? You're a racist and an Islamophobe! Rational thought and objectivity be damned.

The civil rights movement in the 60's was something to be proud of. Black Lives Matter is a rabble. They don't want equal treatment under the law (they already have it), they don't want special treatment (they have that too under Affirmative Action), they want extra-special treatment. Actually, I don't know what they want, and it seems they don't either. Fight injustice, raise awareness, these are vague intangibles as opposed to concrete objectives. The movement is doomed to failure the same way Occupy was, and all it does is tear the scab off the wound, but if you ask me, I think that's exactly what the race baiters intended. There's money to be made by stirring the pot and playing off people's emotions (see: Al Sharpton).

Speaking of racism, when worlds collide:

I normally don't comment on stuff like this, but you're completely out of your mind or out of touch if you believe everyone is treated equally. Show me the way to this utopia.

One day about three years ago, I was leaving my house through the front door AFTER locking it with a key. Would any of you consider this odd behavior? Well the cop that stopped me as I reached the end of my driveway sure did. He wanted to know what I was doing at "that house." I told him I lived here. He said that's not possible since he's been patrolling the neighborhood for the last two years. I said, "Really? I've been living here a year and a half. My landlord is my neighbor. She's been in this neighborhood since I went to college almost 10 years ago, and I've known her longer than that. I also know the state trooper that lives around the corner pretty well. He has a well-trained boxer. You must be doing a bang-up job on patrol. I feel safer already." I know the last part of what I said was dumb but so is being stopped leaving your own property. He wanted to see my ID. I asked him if he suspected me of having done any wrongdoing or was in the process thereof. He said "no," and his partner yelled from the car to leave me alone by this time. I told him, "Then I'm not presenting anything." At this point, I expected to be arrested. So you tell me... why was I stopped? For robbing a house and remembering to lock the door with a key that the owner kindly left me around 4 in the afternoon?

I have so many more personal occurrences since then and many more from before then that I could go into detail about. I'm not saying it's a daily thing, but if people honestly believe racism is overblown in this country, I think you're unaffected or oblivious.

The reason that I bring any of this up is that these movements start from somewhere about something. To watch people unilaterally dismiss them is unsettling for me personally and disappointing. The Black Lives Matter movement has been overtaken by people who want their 15 minutes for sure, but there were people who honestly just wanted justice for clear wrongdoing and still nothing is done; or do you think situations like the Eric Garner incident are justified? Tamir Rice? Trayvon Martin? Even the Michael Brown case you referenced is sketchy.

The bottom line is that, in my opinion, Black Lives Matter originally wanted equal treatment enforced because laws are meaningless without proper enforcement. It's hard for some of you to even contemplate all the emotional and psychological implications of what I mean when I say that, but that's fine. All of this is just a drop in a giant bucket. For instance, think about Muslims in this country today. Some are even serving this country as officers of the law, in the military, in public office, etc., and they are treated as less than human. I've seen it firsthand. What about "Mexicans"? They're taking our jobs, right? Because we have all seen upright, law-abiding American citizens begging to do the worst jobs on farms, constructions sites and the like for less than minimum wage, right? Instead they receive **** pay and the scorn of those "hard-working" Americans who would rather complain from their couch while collecting disability payments for phantom injuries than recognize people who are trying to provide the best they can as people. I could go on for days based on nothing more than my personal experience, but why bother? People will continue not caring, and I'll continue avoiding you as much as possible.

"Message to women worldwide: Girls....we're stupid. We don't like games. We don't know games. We can't read minds. Say it like you mean or STFU." -rockondon

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posted March 03, 2016 11:40 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for paragondave Click Here to Email paragondave Send a private message to paragondave Click to send paragondave an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View paragondave's Have/Want ListView paragondave's Have/Want List
Originally posted by chaos021:
good post, scroll up and read it.

I care. Please don't avoid me.

That cop was having a bad day and he took it out on you. While that may be an understandable explanation for it, it is unacceptable behavior. Our police officers have a tough job to do. Only the best and brightest and toughest should be hired to do it. When they fail to do it properly, they should be reprimanded if not relieved of the duty, depending on the severity and impact of their failure.

I agree and support everything else in your post. Sorry if that comes as a shock.

AEther Storm
posted March 04, 2016 01:49 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AEther Storm Click Here to Email AEther Storm Send a private message to AEther Storm Click to send AEther Storm an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AEther Storm's Have/Want ListView AEther Storm's Have/Want List
I just learned the Republican party started #NeverTrump.
It's about time if you ask me.

I'm a geek, you're a geek. Let's trade.

Lord Flasheart: Enter the man who has no underwear. Ask me why.
Lieutenant George: Why do you have no underwear, Lord Flash?
Lord Flasheart: Because the pants haven't been built yet that'll take the job on!

posted March 04, 2016 02:03 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for paragondave Click Here to Email paragondave Send a private message to paragondave Click to send paragondave an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View paragondave's Have/Want ListView paragondave's Have/Want List
Originally posted by AEther Storm:
I just learned the Republican party started #NeverTrump.
It's about time if you ask me.

Trump is their own creation. The irony is delicious.

posted March 04, 2016 08:10 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for coasterdude84 Click Here to Email coasterdude84 Send a private message to coasterdude84 Click to send coasterdude84 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View coasterdude84's Trade Auction or SaleView coasterdude84's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by chaos021:
I normally don't comment on stuff like this, but you're completely out of your mind or out of touch if you believe everyone is treated equally. Show me the way to this utopia.

I never said we live in a utopia or that people are necessarily treated equally. Utopia is a very liberal concept; those of us grounded in reality know that life isn't fair. It's how you handle yourself in the face of such things that define you.

Originally posted by chaos021:
One day about three years ago, I was leaving my house through the front door AFTER locking it with a key. Would any of you consider this odd behavior? Well the cop that stopped me as I reached the end of my driveway sure did. He wanted to know what I was doing at "that house." I told him I lived here. He said that's not possible since he's been patrolling the neighborhood for the last two years. I said, "Really? I've been living here a year and a half. My landlord is my neighbor. She's been in this neighborhood since I went to college almost 10 years ago, and I've known her longer than that. I also know the state trooper that lives around the corner pretty well. He has a well-trained boxer. You must be doing a bang-up job on patrol. I feel safer already." I know the last part of what I said was dumb but so is being stopped leaving your own property. He wanted to see my ID. I asked him if he suspected me of having done any wrongdoing or was in the process thereof. He said "no," and his partner yelled from the car to leave me alone by this time. I told him, "Then I'm not presenting anything." At this point, I expected to be arrested. So you tell me... why was I stopped? For robbing a house and remembering to lock the door with a key that the owner kindly left me around 4 in the afternoon?

I have so many more personal occurrences since then and many more from before then that I could go into detail about. I'm not saying it's a daily thing, but if people honestly believe racism is overblown in this country, I think you're unaffected or oblivious.

I'm sorry that happened to you, truly, but what would you have done to prevent that? What legislation is going to stop the racists in the world from being racist?

Originally posted by chaos021:
The reason that I bring any of this up is that these movements start from somewhere about something. To watch people unilaterally dismiss them is unsettling for me personally and disappointing. The Black Lives Matter movement has been overtaken by people who want their 15 minutes for sure, but there were people who honestly just wanted justice for clear wrongdoing and still nothing is done; or do you think situations like the Eric Garner incident are justified? Tamir Rice? Trayvon Martin? Even the Michael Brown case you referenced is sketchy.

Maybe they were, maybe they were not. Either way, you have to be the change you want to see. Rioting and looting does not help the cause. Calling for the murder of cops does not help the cause. Barring people from even discussing racism and creating "safe spaces" (echo chambers) does not help the cause. I would imagine quite the opposite. I would bet money the KKK and other white supremacy groups saw their ranks swell post-Ferguson.

Originally posted by chaos021:
The bottom line is that, in my opinion, Black Lives Matter originally wanted equal treatment enforced because laws are meaningless without proper enforcement.

If that's true, their message sure got lost quickly. As I said before, they quickly got distracted demanding a list of ridiculous and/or intangible demands. For instance, per their website:

Originally posted by Black Lives Matter:

1. We demand an end to all forms of discrimination and the full recognition of our human rights.
2. We demand an immediate end to police brutality and the murder of Black people and all oppressed people.
3. We demand full, living wage employment for our people.
4. We demand decent housing fit for the shelter of human beings and an end to gentrification.
5. We demand an end to the school to prison pipeline & quality education for all.
6. We demand freedom from mass incarceration and an end to the prison industrial complex.
7. We demand a racial justice agenda from the White House that is inclusive of our shared fate as Black men, women, trans and gender-nonconforming people. Not My Brother’s Keeper, but Our Children’s Keeper.
8. We demand access to affordable healthy food for our neighborhoods.
9. We demand an aggressive attack against all laws, policies, and entities that disenfranchise any community from expressing themselves at the ballot.
10. We demand a public education system that teaches the rich history of Black people and celebrates the contributions we have made to this country and the world.
11. We demand the release of all U.S. political prisoners.
12. We demand an end to the military industrial complex that incentivizes private corporations to profit off of the death and destruction of Black and Brown communities across the globe.

The first 2 are already laws, so what should be changed? How do you quantify that? The rest is just nonsense or childish entitlement BS. Once again, these actions do not change hearts and minds for the better, rather it only reinforces racist behavior.

The BLM brass needed to condemn the riots and calls for murder of police. It needed to encourage constructive criticism and discussion on both sides and call for its followers to rise above the injustice. Be the better man, and don't sink to the level of bigots. When you play on emotions and hatred, you play right into their hands. Demand justice for sure, but let the justice system work. A lynch mob is not justice.

Originally posted by chaos021:
It's hard for some of you to even contemplate all the emotional and psychological implications of what I mean when I say that, but that's fine. All of this is just a drop in a giant bucket.

Careful, you're getting into the "safe space" zone. Our opinions are wrong because we can't relate. Maybe we can't, but that doesn't mean you need to be dismissive.

Originally posted by chaos021:
For instance, think about Muslims in this country today. Some are even serving this country as officers of the law, in the military, in public office, etc., and they are treated as less than human. I've seen it firsthand. What about "Mexicans"? They're taking our jobs, right? Because we have all seen upright, law-abiding American citizens begging to do the worst jobs on farms, constructions sites and the like for less than minimum wage, right? Instead they receive **** pay and the scorn of those "hard-working" Americans who would rather complain from their couch while collecting disability payments for phantom injuries than recognize people who are trying to provide the best they can as people.

First, let's clear up the semantics here. Islam is a religion, not a race. Bigotry against it is not racism. The difference matters because religion is a choice. Race is not. I'm not saying it's okay to judge, it's certainly not, just simply stressing they are not equal things.

And if you're directing your Mexican comment at me, your comment is misguided. I agree with you about Mexican workers, and in fact I work side-by-side with many of them. There are a ton of them here legally busting their ass. No sensible person has a problem with that. The issue I brought up with those here illegally. There are rules to adhere to, and those that followed the rules take exception to those that haven't. But I also advocate for an easier path to entrance. I'm a firm believer in this being the land of opportunity.

Originally posted by chaos021:
I could go on for days based on nothing more than my personal experience, but why bother? People will continue not caring, and I'll continue avoiding you as much as possible.

Again, you're being dismissive. If you want things to improve, you have to be open to discussion. And some people will harbor ill-will no matter what. That's a reality, and nothing you do will change that.

posted March 04, 2016 11:57 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for chaos021 Send a private message to chaos021 Click to send chaos021 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View chaos021's Have/Want ListView chaos021's Have/Want List
I don't "have" to be anything. In one statement you're trying to tell me how I have to be and then tell me not to be dismissive. Feels like you're being just that. In any case, do whatever you want. I really don't care. The information is out there if you give a damn. I've said all I'm going to say on this.

"Message to women worldwide: Girls....we're stupid. We don't like games. We don't know games. We can't read minds. Say it like you mean or STFU." -rockondon

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posted March 04, 2016 01:30 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for coasterdude84 Click Here to Email coasterdude84 Send a private message to coasterdude84 Click to send coasterdude84 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View coasterdude84's Trade Auction or SaleView coasterdude84's Trade Auction or Sale
The only thing I said you have to be is open to discussion and not be dismissive of other points of view if you expect progress to be made. But suit yourself.

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