posted July 05, 2011 01:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by pugowar:
I need to be able to beat the Batterskull decks and be able to deal with Progenitus. Here are my thoughts of how to beat those decks/and what to side in/out. [b][quote]UW Stoneforge/Batterskull Landstill : artifact removal/
Attack your opponent's hand and early mana development. It's best to do this with an attacking creature--any creature, even a 1/1. quote: Bant NO –gadduk teeg/Thrun in?
Teeg helps, but Thrun doesn't. If they didn't run NO, Thrun would be much more useful than it is. Spend as many resources as possible destroying your opponent's creature drops (EDIT: this includes mana critters like BoP or Hierarch), and follow it up with your discard. Waste green-producing lands only (unless the situation dictates otherwise, of course). The idea against all NO decks is to prevent early development. quote: NO RUG –gadduk teeg/thrun in
Same as above. quote: BUGstill-thrun/extirpate/grip
Pretty much. What's tricky here is just how much removal they have at their disposal. One card to consider for the control matchups, incidentally, would be Worm Harvest. quote: Junk-extirpate/leyline of sanct
Depends on the list, but you can probably beat it without sideboarding, what with Vindicate, StP, and Deed. quote: Merfolk – Land D out, P Deeds/ Thrun in?
I'd actually take out Hymn and Bog, since Wasteland can still hit Mutavault and case serious mana havoc. quote: Goblins – p deeds?
Sure. quote:
Bloodbraid Elf RUG - don’t know anything about this…do you have any idea what this is?
Nothing special. It's basically just a sligh deck, so expect burn and watch out for Price of Progress. Confidants will probably end up being a liability. quote: Dredge- 3 that enough?
Not really. On the plus side, you have Pridemage to remove Bridges and Deed to destroy tokens, as well as a fetchable G1 Bojuka Bog, so you're actually pretty well armed against dredge. Try to use Extirpate to remove dredgers rather quote: Zoo-board sweepers?? 3 Leyline of sanc
Board sweepers, yeah. Leyline probably isn't very useful; it's better to have creatures on the board, removal in hand (or Deed on the board), and to attack the opponent's hand with discard. Force him or her into topdeck mode while staying at a relatively high life total (say, ten or twelve), and you should be able to win. Remember that you can StP your own creatures if need be. should just be 3 leyline of sanc & other life gain?[/b][/quote] Leyline and discard should do the trick. If you run low on life (like, if you're within your opponent's striking distance--usually ten life or less), then StP something you own. Remember that Confidant is a liability in this matchup. As with Zoo, force them into topdeck mode and you'll probably win. quote: TES- don’t know anything about this except that it is a combo deck. 2 E-canonists?
Storm combo. You need everything you can muster: discard, Wasteland, Canonists, and Leyline. Your removal is useless, but your opponent *may* run Empty the Warrens as an alternate wincondition, so be prepared for that. The good news is that Deed can hit the artifact mana once in a while. If you're lucky, you can fetch Bojuka Bog in response to an attempt at an Ill-Gotten Gains chain (those are fairly rare, however). Prioritize discard early in the game. The best advice anyone can give you is to know your deck intimately, and that means piloting it a LOT. Practice with it as much as you can before the tournament. The next thing you should do is become intimately familiar with how the decks you're likely to face are played: try playing them yourself on MWS, and read up on them at . Read the entire thread devoted to each deck, and then check out article archives and tournament reports. You can do very well with a very bad deck, but only if you're intimately familiar with both your deck and how the decks you face are supposed to work.
Good luck! __________________ "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. EliotRIP Ari Legacy UGB River Rock primer. PM comments/questions. Info on grad school in Phil.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Goaswerfraiejen on July 05, 2011]