Oct 21, 2024

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How the Reference Checker Works

There are seven primary steps involved in how the reference checking system works:
  1. An MOTL member submits his/her references to create his/her list.
  2. The references are e-mailed with a link that they must visit in order to respond.
  3. The references each go to the link and the system checks to make sure the person who submitted the reference is not the same person who is responding.
  4. The references each respond and leave comments on the member, if they have any.
  5. The response is stored and the HTML reference page for that member is updated.
  6. When the member has more references to submit, he/she logs in again and submits those e-mail addresses.
  7. Wash, rinse, repeat.
    If you're wondering how the system determines whether or not someone is trying to fake a reference, several methods, including IP matching are used. However, the exact functioning of these methods cannot be divulged in order to maintain their integrity. Please be assured that the system information that is used will not leave this site and is of no use to anyone but the maintainers of MOTL and the scripts run here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please e-mail: webmaster@magictraders.com.

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