Topic: What's the current state of Magic The Gathering?
MixMojo Member
posted October 17, 2011 04:50 AM
Howdy gang - I'm like many others, a newly returned MTG player. It's been a while! The last time I played Type 2 competitively was Nemesis. I've dabbled here and there since then, but not in tournaments, nor did I keep up with the new sets. That being said, I'm pretty out of the loop on what things are like now. What's being heavily played, what the current trends are, etc.I started back playing the night of the release of Innistrad. I've picked up a lot in it, but not very much of the rest of this block. I'm starting to see some crazy mechanics added in the game, a lot that I like. The direct involvement of the graveyard to gameplay has been VERY interesting. The reason for this post? For one, to feed my need for attention and hope everyone replies with the atypical "OMG WB 2 MTG." Kidding, of course. I'm merely curious about the current trending of MTG. What folks are seeing in decks now, and what I can expect in Type 2 playing now. Any insight would be welcomed. Thanks in advance!
choco man Member
posted October 17, 2011 05:13 AM
Here are some trends in MTG: 1. Creatures being more powerful 2. Planeswalkers 3. Explosion in prices of old cards and foils 4. Popularity of MTG online 5. Faster spread of information through internet 6. Better players on average in competitive tournamentsMany others that other posters can add in also.
MixMojo Member
posted October 17, 2011 05:36 AM
The Planeswalkers were definitely something that caught me off guard. It took me some time to wrap my brain around them. I did notice the price growth of some of my older stuff because of EDH. I literally just built my first EDH deck, and then picked up a preconstructed EDH which plays nicely. __________________ .___. {o.o}-o-o-O Mojo /)__) -"-"- O Rly? Foil Giant Growths: 10
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2011 05:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by MixMojo:
I did notice the price growth of some of my older stuff because of EDH. I literally just built my first EDH deck, and then picked up a preconstructed EDH which plays nicely.
That's another thing. Pre-cons don't suck anymore. I also found that with the mythic rarity (something relatively new), even the chase standard cards end up being way more valuable. I remember the most valuable standard card being $15 when I was first starting out. Some can get as high as $80 now. When you open a booster pack, you have a decent chance to get your money back. It's not something you can make money by doing, but it seems way more frequent now than it did in the past. No more FOIL Mudholes.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by hilikuS on October 17, 2011]
choco man Member
posted October 17, 2011 06:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: When you open a booster pack, you have a decent chance to get your money back. It's not something you can make money by doing, but it seems way more frequent now than it did in the past. No more FOIL Mudholes.
i don't know about this one
dwiz Member
posted October 17, 2011 09:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: i don't know about this one
Yeah, it's definitely a losing proposition to buy packs for value.
jaromirjagr Member
posted October 17, 2011 10:13 AM
If you actually read the post he says you have a good chance of making your money back.Not,"buy packs and sell the rares to make a living off."Like getting a foil liliana of the veil on innistrad release and selling it for $90.
gcowhsu Member
posted October 17, 2011 10:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: Here are some trends in MTG: 1. Creatures being more powerful 2. Planeswalkers 3. Explosion in prices of old cards and foils 4. Popularity of MTG online 5. Faster spread of information through internet 6. Better players on average in competitive tournamentsMany others that other posters can add in also.
6 is incorrect. Should be better decks on average in competitive tournaments.
dying2live2k2 Member
posted October 17, 2011 10:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by gcowhsu: Should be better decks on average in competitive tournaments.
You nailed it.
bushe Member
posted October 17, 2011 11:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: When you open a booster pack, you have a decent chance to get your money back. It's not something you can make money by doing, but it seems way more frequent now than it did in the past. No more FOIL Mudholes.
I think this is pretty much stone wrong. Used to be that about 1 in 4 rares was worth more than 2x the pack and another 1/4 were close to the value of the pack. Now it is about 1/3 of the 1 in 8 chance to get a good mythic with 7 or 8 rares that are barely worth the pack price.
mm1983 Member
posted October 17, 2011 11:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by bushe:
I think this is pretty much stone wrong. Used to be that about 1 in 4 rares was worth more than 2x the pack and another 1/4 were close to the value of the pack. Now it is about 1/3 of the 1 in 8 chance to get a good mythic with 7 or 8 rares that are barely worth the pack price.
1 in 8 chance to get a mythic but not every mythic pulled is a good mythic. Some of the mythics are barely worth the pack price or not even close to pack price.
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2011 12:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by dwiz: Yeah, it's definitely a losing proposition to buy packs for value.
Without question. All I'm saying is, I feel like I'm getting more value per pack than before. It's still a loss, but back when I first started out, up to like Future Sight. You were at most getting a non-foil worth $15 tops. Now you can rip a new Liliana for what, $45? I don't have the facts to back it up, but that's how it seems to me.
-PoX- Member
posted October 17, 2011 01:07 PM
Back when I started people used Scrye for prices so EVERY pack was worth more money opened than sesled because EVERY RARE was worth at least 4-5$ according to them.Except Hurr Jackal and Laces of course.
Jazaray Moderator
posted October 17, 2011 01:21 PM
OMG WB to MTG! Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
Havoc Demon Member
posted October 17, 2011 01:37 PM
The death of 60 card casual due to EDH/Commander? At least that's the case in my area. __________________ Most References in Massachusetts T-84th All-timeSupport my friend's store:
Volcanon Member
posted October 17, 2011 03:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Havoc Demon: The death of 60 card casual due to EDH/Commander? At least that's the case in my area.
It's still around in my area. THey are both fun, and some things like 12post can't be played in edh.
gcowhsu Member
posted October 17, 2011 05:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: Without question. All I'm saying is, I feel like I'm getting more value per pack than before. It's still a loss, but back when I first started out, up to like Future Sight. You were at most getting a non-foil worth $15 tops. Now you can rip a new Liliana for what, $45? I don't have the facts to back it up, but that's how it seems to me.
Should have ripped more future sight packs!
MixMojo Member
posted October 18, 2011 05:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: OMG WB to MTG! Thanks, Jazaray
^ Win! A few things: 1. I've had really good luck with what little packs I've picked up thus far. I've actually almost always made my money back in the packs, however I'm not selling cards. It's been strictly to trade for what I need. 2. Fortunately for me, casual is not dead here. This is good since I only have one type two deck so far. I just can't afford many of the new rares that make the decks work well and fast. That being said, if anyone happens to have any decklists that are inexpensive to make happen, I'd most definitely be open to it! I'm hoping there might be an inexpensive way to run a mono red with the capacity to win. If you have a suggesion, PM it to me! 3. Lastly, a question. Should I continue pulling Innistrad packs or is there something else I should be purchasing? My guess is Innistrad due to how new it is and the ability to get some good trade power cards. __________________ .___. {o.o}-o-o-O Mojo /)__) -"-"- O Rly? Foil Giant Growths: 10
Bugger Member
posted October 18, 2011 07:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by MixMojo: ^ Win! A few things: 1. I've had really good luck with what little packs I've picked up thus far. I've actually almost always made my money back in the packs, however I'm not selling cards. It's been strictly to trade for what I need. 2. Fortunately for me, casual is not dead here. This is good since I only have one type two deck so far. I just can't afford many of the new rares that make the decks work well and fast. That being said, if anyone happens to have any decklists that are inexpensive to make happen, I'd most definitely be open to it! I'm hoping there might be an inexpensive way to run a mono red with the capacity to win. If you have a suggesion, PM it to me! 3. Lastly, a question. Should I continue pulling Innistrad packs or is there something else I should be purchasing? My guess is Innistrad due to how new it is and the ability to get some good trade power cards.
I'd say definitely stick with Innistrad. Money cards from the set, just off the top of my head: Garruk Relentless Liliana of the Veil Snapcaster Mage Skaab Ruinator Mirror-Mad Phantasm All 5 allied-color lands (Stesnia Bloodhall being the least valuable) All 5 duals Stromkirk Noble Champion of the Parish Mentor of the Meek
tragicmagic Member
posted October 18, 2011 06:38 PM
I'm getting back into Magic as well. I'm trying to get a handle on the value boost in cards and trying to accept how little I took for my collection awhile back.
Mangiacapra Banned
posted October 18, 2011 07:54 PM
I think they need to get Planeswalkers out of the rotation. Bit bored of those TBH. They are constantly trying to make the game more complex and annoying, when it isn't needed. Now with the gay flippy cards too. They just need to take a step back if you ask me.
Myy Member
posted October 18, 2011 08:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Mangiacapra: I think they need to get Planeswalkers out of the rotation. Bit bored of those TBH. They are constantly trying to make the game more complex and annoying, when it isn't needed. Now with the <REDACTED> flippy cards too. They just need to take a step back if you ask me.
you need to edit your post, the G word is a no-no in these forums ( at least in the context you're using). Thanks
JoshSherman Member
posted October 19, 2011 06:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mangiacapra: I think they need to get Planeswalkers out of the rotation. Bit bored of those TBH. They are constantly trying to make the game more complex and annoying, when it isn't needed. Now with the <redacted> flippy cards too. They just need to take a step back if you ask me.
This post is redacted. Now did I say that because I redacted something, or did I redact myself? Or both? If you want decklists, you should check pretty much any other Magic web site. It's not something MOTL specializes in., on the other hand, does. There should be a link on the righthand side to standard and legacy lists. I have no problem with planeswalkers. They aren't right for every deck, some of them are incredibly underwhelming comparatively (Nissa Revane), some are too good (Jace, the Mind Sculptor), but they get some just right (Jace Beleren). Pretty much every one will have its own heyday. I try not to go with the flow as it were with the way Magic changes, because I know if it didn't change, then it would die. I'm not big on horror, so I don't love the flavor of Innistrad, but the set itself seems pretty decent. __________________ *Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Facebook Me* *Logout- I had it first (second)!*
MixMojo Member
posted October 20, 2011 04:36 AM
I picked up a box of Innistrad yesterday and had some decent pulls; namely 2 Snapcaster Mage. Nice, right? Also some rare lands, Skaab Ruinator, Olivia something, and more. It wasn't a bad box at all.__________________ .___. {o.o}-o-o-O Mojo /)__) -"-"- O Rly? Foil Giant Growths: 10
CubFan81 Member
posted October 20, 2011 09:38 AM
Also, you may or may not have learned that there have been two pretty significant rules changes since you may have last played.1) There is no more mana burn. Lots of outcry, nobody notices any more. Also, your mana empties after every Step instead of every phase. Again, minor cases but the biggest is that you can't float mana from your Upkeep Step to your Draw Step. 2) Combat damage no longer uses the stack. Lots of outcry, nobody notices any more. In the end, they did this to add more decisions to the game as the correct play with something like Mogg Fanatic was always to attack/block, put damage on the stack and then sacrifice for the extra one damage. Mogg Fanatic is of course a little worse not being an effective 2/1 for R but more decisions are presumably better for skill testing. __________________ PMs don't work in Chrome or Firefox 4.0+, see HERE for work arounds.