Topic: Gaming Healthy
Kung_Fuscious Member
posted October 22, 2010 11:12 AM

Good luck fellas  To add one recommendation - I eat porridge for breakfast (do you have porridge in the US??) Half/three quarters a cup of oats, cup of milk - teaspoon of golden syrup (do you have golden syrup in the US?? ) this is a delicious breakfast and fills me up until lunch - I eat breakfast at 7am, work all morning until midday-1pm without anything else to eat and feel fine. Unlock the awesome power of OATS!!!
yakusoku Member
posted October 22, 2010 11:18 AM

quote: Originally posted by Kung_Fuscious: (do you have porridge in the US??)
I'm sure it exists, but it's trounced by the existence of oatmeal (especially the instant kind). Neither, though, is as popular as Pop Tarts, Eggo waffles, and cereal with milk. For many people, if it takes more than 5 minutes in the morning, they may as well just skip breakfast.
wayne Member
posted October 22, 2010 01:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Malice327: The exercise part comes later, don't worry. Lots of people have issues with actively doing things, where the first few steps are easier because you don't have to go out and do anything, just choose not to do something.These are just additions to what you do normally in a day. In a month, hopefully you won't even be craving that can of coke, or that blizzard. I haven't had pop in a loooooong time, and when we had some at a wedding (spritzer for a toast), it tasted disgustingly sweet, to the point where I didn't even want any. If you want to exercise, by all means, do so, it's great for you  There is a gentleman at the store named Steve. He was 280+ lbs. He is now 212 lbs. He said the reason he stuck with it, is because once it started taking some willpower to consistently do, he had already lost over 20lbs which made it that much easier to stick with. You're not jumping into something with both feet that you might fail at, you're incrimentally adding to something you've been a consistent success at. Edited to add: This isn't for everyone. If you're the kind of person that prefers and can do many changes all at once and stick to it, congratulations, but i will admit, i do envy you a bit It also doesn't work the same for everyone. One girl drank pop every day, she lost a noticeable amount in the first month. Another guy only drank juice, and he lost less, but he did lose some. It is a slower, progressive, more forgiving road, hopefully with the same result.
In my opinion, there has been too little emphasis on exercise (aerobic activity) so far. Exercise can qualify as choosing not to do something instead of actively doing something as well. For instance, instead of driving, one could choose to walk/jog instead, say a 20-30 minutes walk/jog. Furthermore, exercise has benefits which food is unable to provide.
Malice327 Member
posted October 22, 2010 05:15 PM

quote: Originally posted by wayne:
In my opinion, there has been too little emphasis on exercise (aerobic activity) so far. Exercise can qualify as choosing not to do something instead of actively doing something as well. For instance, instead of driving, one could choose to walk/jog instead, say a 20-30 minutes walk/jog. Furthermore, exercise has benefits which food is unable to provide.
Exercise is covered at a later date. Lots of the discussion points are stemming from the first task, in regards to the impact what you drink has on you. I don't want people to get ahead of themselves yet, as that is the whole point of this program. For november, all I want people to focus on, is limiting what they drink. Small consistent steps are what we are aiming for. That is not to say exercising isn't extremely important to your health, but it just isn't the task for november.
stu55 Member
posted October 25, 2010 08:20 AM

You people survive the weekend?
OGB Member
posted October 25, 2010 08:23 AM

quote: Originally posted by stu55: You people survive the weekend?
I did, barely. Saturday I had a small coffee with skim milk from Dunkin Donuts while at a vintage tournament, but other than that it's been water and skim milk for me. I have to say I don't really miss soda as much as I thought I would. __________________ My sig: just another victim of dallaswilliams.
stu55 Member
posted October 25, 2010 08:40 AM

quote: Originally posted by OGB: I did, barely. Saturday I had a small coffee with skim milk from Dunkin Donuts while at a vintage tournament, but other than that it's been water and skim milk for me. I have to say I don't really miss soda as much as I thought I would.
Take a second and realize what is really in Soda, and if you guys still want to drink it than there is something odd about that.
OGB Member
posted October 25, 2010 08:47 AM

quote: Originally posted by stu55:
Take a second and realize what is really in Soda, and if you guys still want to drink it than there is something odd about that.
I guess I meant missing the reliance on it on a daily basis, rather than the actually wanting to drink it part. __________________ My sig: just another victim of dallaswilliams.
Malice327 Member
posted October 26, 2010 03:15 AM

quote: Originally posted by OGB: I guess I meant missing the reliance on it on a daily basis, rather than the actually wanting to drink it part.
For me, i realized it wasn't craving soda, it was craving really cold drinks. I am pretty sure if i drank it now, i'd be disgusted by how sweet it was. Good job on sticking to your drinks though
D'Shay Member
posted October 27, 2010 03:25 PM

this is a great thread and great advice, right on!also if I may add, please stop and FEEL GOOD about your decisions to say "NO" when the doughnuts are brought out at meetings etc, for example. Seriously, sometimes it is good to say out loud, "No, I don't need that".
yakusoku Member
posted October 27, 2010 03:38 PM

My co-workers stare at me as if I had two heads when I turn down Friday meeting donuts.
D'Shay Member
posted October 29, 2010 12:58 PM

keep this going!i hit the gym yesterday, man it is great to get back, been a few months!
sdematt Member
posted October 30, 2010 10:18 AM

I've found once you start to get off the junk food, you don't really miss it. I gave up eating any fast food around a few months ago and feel a ton better. After this amount of time, the feeling better counteracts you wanting greasy food. Keep up the good work guys!-Matt
Gawain Member
posted October 30, 2010 12:38 PM

quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: My co-workers stare at me as if I had two heads when I turn down Friday meeting donuts.
Oh God, donuts are so foul. You'll come to feel that way about them after not too long, no worries. I loved them when I was younger, can't even stand the sight of'em now. I would honestly rather snack on veggies and dip or cheese and crackers any day.
OGB Member
posted October 30, 2010 05:31 PM

Day 11 of no soda. It's going pretty well. I'd say in that time 95% of what I've drank has been water, with the occasional glass of skim milk, green tea or coffee mixed in (for the caffiene).To all those who have started already - keep up the good work! To all those starting November 1 - welcome aboard! __________________ My sig: just another victim of dallaswilliams.
Malice327 Member
posted October 31, 2010 10:53 AM

November 1st is coming up fast. Good luck to all those that are giving this a try, and to those that have started already, keep it up!
darius vitrosoo Member
posted October 31, 2010 11:24 AM

ryan2754 Member
posted October 31, 2010 10:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by darius vitrosoo: kool-aid?
Only problem with kool-aid is the excessive amounts of sugar added when you make it. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [185] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5437] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
OGB Member
posted November 03, 2010 10:45 AM

How's everybody doing?__________________
Malice327 Member
posted November 03, 2010 10:58 AM

quote: Originally posted by OGB: How's everybody doing?
Going well for me Only water and skim milk. Working on my restaurant list as well for December. An example is: Healthier Subway (minus excess cheese, and sauce) Hana Sushii (as long as it's not deep friend) Unhealthy McPukes A&W etc etc etc
yakusoku Member
posted November 03, 2010 11:04 AM

I've been drinking only water, tea, and juice.I'm also keeping a journal for restaurants, going day by day. Monday for lunch I had pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) - healthy? - and opted for the flank steak over the other more unhealthy options (fatty steak, tripe). Tuesday I didn't eat at a restaurant at all.
Malice327 Member
posted November 09, 2010 05:32 PM

hope everyone is doing well! We're pretty much 10 days in now, and i am curious if there were any HEAVY soda drinkers, that are doing this that are noticing a difference at all? Oddly enough, the most common is "i sleep better" at this point.
taitai_bewd Member
posted November 10, 2010 01:47 PM

I recently dropped soda and I do really feel a lot better, plus I sleep better at night not being all hopped up on caffeine/sugar. Now I guess the 2 things I need to cut are instant iced tea (assuming it's bad) and Ramen. I love Ramen noodles.
Heresy19 Member
posted November 10, 2010 10:12 PM
I hate coffee and I hate sugar so I'm good with those.No beers...I actually hate the taste of beer... I just like the ''buzz'' after 4-5 bottles. I guess that a couple of shooters during the week-end parties should do the trick instead 
taitai_bewd Member
posted November 11, 2010 08:01 AM

I can't stand even stand the smell of beer, so I've never had it. Occasionally I'll have a mixed vodka drink, but that's really rare.I don't drink coffee either, don't like the taste. Tea is good though.
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