Topic: An interview with: mattw
nderdog Moderator
posted August 24, 2011 07:02 AM
If you wish to sign up to be interviewed, please post here.__________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
OGB Member
posted August 24, 2011 07:13 AM

How is your Beta dual set coming? Your package has not arrived yet, by the way.
CubFan81 Member
posted August 24, 2011 07:31 AM
1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be? Why?__________________ PMs don't work in Chrome or Firefox 4.0+, see HERE for work arounds.
stab107 Member
posted August 24, 2011 07:34 AM

What is your favorite hockey team? Who is your favorite hockey player? What card in your Magic collection are you most proud of (scans please ? Could you post scans/pics of your Beta dual collection? If you could meet any one person connected to Magic for an evening meal, who would you choose and why?
yakusoku Member
posted August 24, 2011 08:51 AM

1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
mattw Member
posted August 24, 2011 09:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by OGB: How is your Beta dual set coming? Your package has not arrived yet, by the way.
You might be thinking of a different Matt. I only own 1 dual land and i assure you it is not Beta. quote: Originally posted by CubFan81: 1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be? Why?
1. I have played magic on and off since 4th edition and I guess my favorite magic card would have to be Mountain Goat. Aside from several inside jokes in my playgroup you can't really beat that kind of power level in a creature. 2. I would like to say blue but every deck I make seems to have green in it. I really like mana ramp or something. 3. My eldrazi 12-post actually wins games but I enjoy playing my Horde of Notions EDH deck the most. 4. Casual drafting is my favorite to play. I love it when Pacifism is a bomb. 5. Not sure I would change anything to magic but I was not really a big fan of when they changed the card design during that one set. Like on Tarmogoyf and Bitter Ordealquote: Originally posted by stab107: What is your favorite hockey team? Who is your favorite hockey player? What card in your Magic collection are you most proud of (scans please ? Could you post scans/pics of your Beta dual collection? If you could meet any one person connected to Magic for an evening meal, who would you choose and why?
My Favorite hockey team was the Atlanta Thrashers but I'm kind of in limbo now. (I liked that team cause it was such a stupid city to have a team) Favorite hockey player would have to be Patrick Kane. He doesn't take no guff from some taxi driver. Plus he's in Chicago Trick. The card I own that I am most proud of owning is my Foil Nicol Bolas Planeswalker. Best card I've ever opened in a pack. Would like a foil Horde of Notions though. Again, no Beta duals collection over here. If I could meet any one person associated with magic for an evening meal I'll pick you Stab, we'll talk fantasy sports and cards over beers and wings. quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: 1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
1. Personally I always look out for #1 If it makes me happy and isn't illegal, I do it. 2. I don't typically learn from my mistakes. Kind of a downfall I think. 3. I would like to travel. I'm essentially stuck in northern Manitoba and i know there are so many cool places to see and people to meet and I know I will never get to. 4. I think an adult discussion forum might be neat. Just to allow for like swearing and more "grown up" discussions about like partying and stuff. I don't think that is possible though. Maybe just a little less bickering and flaming on topics when someone posts something idiotic. 5. I'm pretty good at throwing myself off of 80 foot cliffs into a lake. I used to be really awesome at Soul Caliber 2. Haha.
ogre Member
posted August 24, 2011 11:00 AM
Favorite food?Ten favorite movies? When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved? Are we (America) going into a depression? How is the Canadian Economy? Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? For Canada? Only the best, realize your from Canada so if you feel you can't give to good a thought about America's economy that's cool. Just answer as if I was talking about Canada. Bonus question: Who's gonna win the Cup this year? Peace, Jesse __________________ "call the hospital now" "I'm gonna kill you" inspiring words from Mino Fazio
stab107 Member
posted August 24, 2011 12:19 PM

Does it bother you that some of us have mistaken you for another Matt here on MOTL? If I happen to pass through Flin Flon, where should I go or who should I see? What are people in MB saying about Layton's passing?Bonus question: Who's going to win the MOTL hockey league this year? Who will be the runner up? Who will finish in last place (feel free to say daner )?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by stab107 on August 24, 2011]
mattw Member
posted August 24, 2011 07:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by ogre: Favorite food?Ten favorite movies? When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved? Are we (America) going into a depression? How is the Canadian Economy? Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? For Canada? Only the best, realize your from Canada so if you feel you can't give to good a thought about America's economy that's cool. Just answer as if I was talking about Canada. Bonus question: Who's gonna win the Cup this year? Peace, Jesse
Favorite food is cannelloni. If I want to eat it I have to make it myself though as there is no Italian restaurant here In no particular order Snatch Poolhall Junkies Rounders Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels The Shawshank Redemption The new Star Trek Taken (I just love that line "I have a particular set of skills) Full Metal Jacket Kung Pow Metal: A Headbanger's Journey I got into Magic cards when 4th edition was out but not new so I never could get anything older than that. A friend showed me how to play and I was pretty interested. Quit after Weatherlights was out then got back in during Onslaught. Quit again during the Kamigawa block and then started playing again during the Zendikar block. I have no idea about economics. I wake up, go to work, come home and go to sleep. Then spend all weekend watching sports and drinking beer. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. As for who's winning the cup I'm gonna take Colombus over Boston in the Finals. Lol quote: Originally posted by stab107: Does it bother you that some of us have mistaken you for another Matt here on MOTL? If I happen to pass through Flin Flon, where should I go or who should I see? What are people in MB saying about Layton's passing?Bonus question: Who's going to win the MOTL hockey league this year? Who will be the runner up? Who will finish in last place (feel free to say daner )?
Doesn't bother me at all. Matt is a common name If you come to Flin Flon you should hook up with my friends and I. For sightseeing I think there are some cool Limestone crevices out somewhere. Personally I would score up a buddie's pontoon boat and spend a day out on the lake doing some swimming and cliff diving. No idea what people are saying about Jack Layton passing away. I have a mentality that if something doesn't directly affect me I don't care about it. I hate to sound callous but I just don't care about very much. I think Thanos and I both have a good shot to win Fantasy hockey this year. Daner's gonna pull into last place meekly since his round 1 pick should retire before the year even starts. He shoulda taken Jagr.
Nitelite Member
posted August 24, 2011 07:29 PM

If you could give 100000 dollars to a charity of your choice, which would you choose?If you had the option of giving 100k away to charity or keeping 10k for yourself, which would you choose? Have you broken the law in the last year without using a car? How long do you think you are going to live till? If you could sacrifice yourself and your immediate family to cure cancer for the rest of the world, would you?
Volcanon Member
posted August 24, 2011 09:30 PM

How can turn computer monitor into mirror? Why are the holes in cat's fur always in the right places for their eyes? My boyfriend has skin cancer? I made Jesus-shaped pancakes, but I burnt them. Am I going to hell? Does it go dark at night where you're from? Why does my peanut butter taste like the cat? Why is the pillow orange?
mattw Member
posted August 25, 2011 05:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Nitelite: If you could give 100000 dollars to a charity of your choice, which would you choose?If you had the option of giving 100k away to charity or keeping 10k for yourself, which would you choose? Have you broken the law in the last year without using a car? How long do you think you are going to live till? If you could sacrifice yourself and your immediate family to cure cancer for the rest of the world, would you?
I would start a charity to help me retire at an early age and donate it to that. I would ask the charity that if I donate 100k if I could get 10k as a kickback. If they say no then I would keep the 10k and forget them. Lol, I like how you said not in a car. I have been suspended from driving for like the last 7 years and got 5 more to go. But yes, I'm a lawbreaker and risk-taker. I think I'm going to live until I'm about 55. Steady diet of cigarettes, beer and bad decisions doesn't bode well for me. My gf is not a fan of this outlook. Absolutely not. Apologies to people with cancer but the world is over populated enough. I am quite sad darwinism doesn't apply to humans. quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: How can turn computer monitor into mirror? Why are the holes in cat's fur always in the right places for their eyes? My boyfriend has skin cancer? I made Jesus-shaped pancakes, but I burnt them. Am I going to hell? Does it go dark at night where you're from? Why does my peanut butter taste like the cat? Why is the pillow orange?
Keep it clean and when it goes all black you should be able to see yourself in it. There aren't actually holes in their fur. The fur is on their eyelids and opening their eyes enables them to see. I'm sad to hear that. Do you need me to 'off' someone so he has a skin donor? I don't think so. If you got them wet and hung them up to dry you might. It becomes dark but I work nightshift so relatively speaking it gets bright out when i go to sleep. Except in the winter. It's dark for about 16 hours a day here. Is your peanut butter made in china? I actually know this one. Its cause you eat orange flavored jumbo Mr. Freeze's right before bed and then you sleep so soundly you drool on the pillow. There's no way to avoid it.
Kyosukee Member
posted August 25, 2011 09:43 AM

Cup or cone?Does the W in MattW stand for WINNING? __________________ What a willou tree thinks about.
mattw Member
posted August 25, 2011 04:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kyosukee: Cup or cone?Does the W in MattW stand for WINNING?
I saw this video once about a couple girls so I'm a cone guy The W stands for Wiebe, my last name. Not very original but an honest answer. It should stand for wasted since 'mattdrunk' is an adjective in my group of friends
Volcanon Member
posted August 25, 2011 06:41 PM

Why are Softballs hard? Why do we scrub Down and wash Up? Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore? Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants? What color would a smurf turn if you choked it? Where's the egg in an egg roll? Why aren't blue berries blue? The question what? Apple berry cheddar? Tupperware? Pear Beetle Bingo?
mattw Member
posted August 26, 2011 05:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: Why are Softballs hard? Why do we scrub Down and wash Up? Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore? Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants? What color would a smurf turn if you choked it? Where's the egg in an egg roll? Why aren't blue berries blue? The question what? Apple berry cheddar? Tupperware? Pear Beetle Bingo?
Softballs are hard only in comparison to my balls. To call them anything else would be wrong. I coined those terms myself actually. When I scrub something I use a downward motion and when I wash its an upward motion. Well the dog population is far too vast so in an effort to get it under control they used to "fix" dogs for free. Then people found out what that actually meant but it was too late. The phrase stuck. He's got a lot of feathers down there and that's the part of him that takes the longest to dry so he wraps a towel around there to make sure he's ready to go bottomless. I would guess purple. Pretty sure its just a piece of food they use an egg wash for to make sure it doesn't fall apart when they wrap it up. It's essentially covered in egg. Or they used to be filled with eggs but then ran out a long time ago and just started throwing whatever the heck they wanted in there. My blueberries are. Who's on first? Put some gravy on that and then we're talking. I use rubbermaid containers personally. I live in Canada so we don't have that. I am interested though.
Volcanon Member
posted August 26, 2011 01:07 PM

quote: Originally posted by mattw: Softballs are hard only in comparison to my balls. To call them anything else would be wrong.I coined those terms myself actually. When I scrub something I use a downward motion and when I wash its an upward motion. Well the dog population is far too vast so in an effort to get it under control they used to "fix" dogs for free. Then people found out what that actually meant but it was too late. The phrase stuck. He's got a lot of feathers down there and that's the part of him that takes the longest to dry so he wraps a towel around there to make sure he's ready to go bottomless. I would guess purple. Pretty sure its just a piece of food they use an egg wash for to make sure it doesn't fall apart when they wrap it up. It's essentially covered in egg. Or they used to be filled with eggs but then ran out a long time ago and just started throwing whatever the heck they wanted in there. My blueberries are. Who's on first? Put some gravy on that and then we're talking. I use rubbermaid containers personally. I live in Canada so we don't have that. I am interested though.
Incidentally, unless a certain interview goes well, I am also living in Canada. Can you give me some information about hippo racing in Canada?
mattw Member
posted August 27, 2011 12:53 AM
Oh Snap, are you getting deported from the idiocracy and ignorance that is the grand ol' U. S. of A? Well hippopotami are not really native to this ecosystem so basically we find two dumb cowboys (typically alberta) to lasso a bull and see who can hold on the longest. Or there are a bunch of fat chick jokes I can make but won't. That's not funny nor original. Edit: you guys can pm more questions. I shall try to solve the world for you. I can't believe gawain didn't ask me anything.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by mattw on August 27, 2011]
Jazaray Moderator
posted August 27, 2011 10:54 PM

1. I was recently emailed by an ex-member who stated that "MOTL was just a fad". What are your thoughts on that?2. Do you have a ref number that you'd like to reach? If so, what is it? 3. What's your favorite horror flick? 4. Do you enjoy chick flicks? 5. Do you use a PC or a Mac? Why? 6. Do you watch AGT? Or any reality shows? Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
mattw Member
posted August 27, 2011 11:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: 1. I was recently emailed by an ex-member who stated that "MOTL was just a fad". What are your thoughts on that?2. Do you have a ref number that you'd like to reach? If so, what is it? 3. What's your favorite horror flick? 4. Do you enjoy chick flicks? 5. Do you use a PC or a Mac? Why? 6. Do you watch AGT? Or any reality shows? Thanks, Jazaray
I'm not a huge history buff but hasn't motl been around longer that disco, bell-bottom jeans, grunge music or baggy pants with your underwear showing. Or for that fact tramp stamps, chinese and/or tribal lettering tattoos? Motl is here and not a fad, sorry to the haters. I'd like to reach 10 refs....Score!!! i did it! Does Army of Darkness count? When it gets me laid i sure do. On a related topic I have seen the first Sex and the City movie I own and use a laptop. Its swell. I use it cause it's what I know. My ex had a mac and it seemed weird No idea what AGT is. Reality tv to me is basically sports. Like its happening real time and the outcome is not pre-determined. that is reality tv. Suck it survivor!
Volcanon Member
posted August 27, 2011 11:31 PM

quote: Originally posted by mattw: Oh Snap, are you getting deported from the idiocracy and ignorance that is the grand ol' U. S. of A? Well hippopotami are not really native to this ecosystem so basically we find two dumb cowboys (typically alberta) to lasso a bull and see who can hold on the longest. Or there are a bunch of fat chick jokes I can make but won't. That's not funny nor original. Edit: you guys can pm more questions. I shall try to solve the world for you. I can't believe gawain didn't ask me anything.
No I am *actually* Canadian. I go to U of T Law. I had an interview with some Wall Street law firms, because they pay six figures to first-year lawyers. I doubt I got the gig, but one can dream. More questions: After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in? --Steven Wright Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors? Are there a lot of virgins in the Virgin Islands? Are you telling the truth if you lie in bed? Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Volcanon on August 27, 2011]
nderdog Moderator
posted August 28, 2011 09:10 AM
No more questions, please.__________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
mattw Member
posted August 30, 2011 05:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: No I am *actually* Canadian. I go to U of T Law. I had an interview with some Wall Street law firms, because they pay six figures to first-year lawyers. I doubt I got the gig, but one can dream.More questions: After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in? --Steven Wright Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors? Are there a lot of virgins in the Virgin Islands? Are you telling the truth if you lie in bed? Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Bubble Wrap Part time Conductors probably The islands themselves are virgins. (use your imagination on that one) I never tell the truth in bed. If your job doesn't pay its not really a job, I would guess its volunteer work.