Topic: An interview with: urza187
nderdog Moderator
posted December 07, 2011 07:42 AM
If you wish to sign up to be interviewed, please post here.__________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
yakusoku Member
posted December 07, 2011 08:10 AM

1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
urza187 Member
posted December 07, 2011 08:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: 1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?2. What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow? 3. What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)? 4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL? 5. What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
Thanks for the interview questions in advance! I’ve always wanted to do one of these; I just never mustered up the courage before! I’m a longtime lurker here… 1. Be yourself and be accountable for your actions. Being true to yourself saves a lot of stress and juggling, and you’ll find, and surround yourself with people that are accepting of you. You should also take responsibility for your decisions and actions. “Sorry, I was drunk.” Is not an acceptable excuse in my opinion. 2. Not being hired as a full time assistant manager at the grocery store I formerly worked at. I worked there for several years, where I climbed from being a bagger, to holding several different positions within the store that had lots of responsibility. I was virtually being groomed to be a lifer there. Sometime after I graduated college there were two openings for an assistant manager position. I ended up applying for the job, which many said I was a shoe-in. They ended up looking outside of the company for the 2 positions. It was a bit devastating for me, especially when I was considered a favorite. I then ended up applying for some Podunk fulltime job there after that, because I was looking for a fulltime job of course. They put me in a trial period for it. During that time, I randomly got a phone call from another company. I took the job, and now it’s the present day where I’m doing pretty well. That experience taught me several things, but on a personal level, it gives me the fire inside to try and be as successful as I can, sort of a way to show where I used to work at, that they let go of an excellent employee. Karma is a…well, you know. From the two they hired, one was immediately terrible, and the other is solid. 3. I would love to travel to various places in the U.S. and the entire world. Unfortunately I don’t have the time or money. In regards to having a dream at all, the only dream I’ve ever really had was to play in a professional MTG event, like the PT, or Nationals, or Worlds. It was a dream I had when I started out playing competitively, and it kind of grew from there. To me, it would mean validation that I’m a pretty decent player and that I can compete with the big boys of the game. Unfortunately, that fire has died down, and I’ve virtually given up on the dream…I PTQ maybe once a season now, so the chances are slim. 4. I know there are karma smacks, but there should be some “idiot smacks” too. I don’t want this to be natzi’d like MTGS is, but it would be nice if there was some control. All these new people and whatnot…I wish there were more intellectual people that joined. I’ve been here for about…11/12 years and it seems to have gotten worse in the past year or so. I’m not much of a complainer and not much bothers me, but what really bothers me is having several different posts of the same topic within a span of a week or two. For example, once a card gets hot…let’s say…foil Goblin Matron. Once someone posts that a foil Goblin Matron is worth something…several topics of “What should I value foil Goblin Matron?” will pop up. It’s annoying. The OP could at least do some effort and look at previous postings, or even google a price. Let’s put a little effort into this…if you can’t make the effort, then you can’t expect some real advice. Uh, I suppose the price guide too, but that’s preaching to the choir Even if the price guide is down, there are several other ways where you can find values if you just do some homework, so that doesn’t really bother me much. 5. I’m a thinker. I’m an INTJ for those people familiar with the MBTI. I think I can relate to various groups of people well, and give sound advice. I’m an over thinker as well, so that hurts me in some areas of life. But I guess I can’t help it.
__________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
CubFan81 Member
posted December 07, 2011 12:29 PM
1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be? Why?Bonus: When people are asked "if they had a time machine" type questions, which event do you think gets changed the most often and which event do you think would be a more interesting one? __________________ PMs don't work in Chrome or Firefox 4.0+, see HERE for work arounds.
ogre Member
posted December 07, 2011 12:41 PM
Favorite food?Ten favorite movies? When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved? Are we (America) going into a depression? Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? Peace, Jesse Bonus question, w/ the Iowa presidential caucus going on and a vote nearing, how do you feel about the candidates? Are your views/expectations being met or let down from the choices available? __________________ "call the hospital now" "I'm gonna kill you" inspiring words from Mino Fazio
urza187 Member
posted December 07, 2011 01:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by CubFan81: 1) Favorite Magic card? 2) Favorite Magic color? 3) Favorite Magic deck? 4) Favorite Magic format? 5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be? Why?Bonus: When people are asked "if they had a time machine" type questions, which event do you think gets changed the most often and which event do you think would be a more interesting one?
1. Shivan Dragon. I started playing in 1997, when Weatherlight came out. Unfortunately, I didn’t buy a Weatherlight pack till…a few months ago, haha. Anyway, for Christmas that year, I got a box of starter decks of 4th edition. In one of the decks, there was a Shivan Dragon; I was instantly hooked. The picture, along with the border and coloring is just….awesome. Fast forward to when 7th edition just came out…I’m kind of known around the Iowa area that I didn’t trade a foil Shivan Dragon for an UNL signed Mox Ruby. When 7th edition first came out, I got 4 packs from winning a Pokemon card tournament. The first pack I opened? A foil Shivan Dragon! I about pooped the pants…I mean, it’s not the same art, but it was still the same card, and it was a foil rare! So at States later that year, a guy was about a handful of cards away from a complete foil 7th set. He offered a signed unlimited Mox Ruby for it (Wasn’t NM, but it didn’t matter to me). I wouldn’t let go of the Shivan Dragon. Of course, I could have sold the Mox eventually and bought another foil 7th Shivan, but it wouldn’t have been THAT Shivan Dragon. If I had the chance to go back and go through that moment again, I’d still say no, and it wouldn’t have been close; you can’t put a price on sentimental value. Well, I guess my price would be $100,000. I still own that Shivan Dragon and it will never leave my possession, or at least unless I get $100,000 for it. I’m working on a global set of Shivan Dragon, and I collect any Shivan Dragon I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, I have to compete with Pickles  2. My favorite magic color used to be red. I really like black a lot though, especially old school black. My favorite color to play is probably blue. I’m generally a control/rock/grind it out player. 3. My favorite magic deck is probably the ubw probe-go deck that used to be in standard. I won many tournaments with that deck, and for me, it was a lot of fun to play. Nether Spirit still remains as one of my favorite cards of all time. I gave the list to a buddy of mine who ended up winning a Lotus with it (though he did switch Dromar out for Desolation Angel, which was brilliant and I should of thought of that before) A VERY close 2nd favorite is the Tolarian Academy deck. I loved Urza’s Saga, and the deck is just sheer power. I’ve had several iterations of an Academy deck, and while I’m going through getting rid of a lot of my stuff, I’m keeping my Academy deck (This time for good!). 4. My favorite competitive format currently is Limited. Constructed, especially standard, just bores me. It’s like I play on auto-pilot now. Limited, I believe is more skill intensive. I don’t play too much competitive magic anymore though; I’ve slowly phased myself out of it. I’ve gotten 1 PTQ top 8 before, and that’s probably enough for me. I’m going to have to accept and live with that. I also like cube drafting quite a bit. I own a cube, and it’s quite fun. I play a lot more casual stuff now. They are usually iterations of older decks, but some are kind of zany. I do miss playing the type of magic I used to when I really sucked (back in 1997, playing with friends who also had no idea what “competitive magic” was at the time). Unfortunately, I’m a better deckbuilder than back then, and most of my friends are better as well. It truly was a fun game for me back then, and I miss it. 5. Probably the whole mythic rarity. I just don’t like it. We’ve all gone through the whole cost of mythics and cost of rares thing, but I personally just don’t like the mythic thing anymore. I feel like if I’m buying from a dealer, I might hesitate in buying a box, because the mythics could be manipulated from his pulls, to some degree. I’d also like to have the PTQ Top 8 pins back too. It was like a trophy per se. Taking away that truly crushed my motivation for attending PTQ’s. P.S. Go Cubs!  __________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
urza187 Member
posted December 07, 2011 01:50 PM
Originally posted by ogre:(sorry, I couldn't get the code right) Favorite food? My favorite food…I’m a very picky eater, but I LOVE food… This is such a tough question for me. I think if I had to have 1 more meal before I die, it would be at a Ponderosa Steakhouse. Prime Rib, Mac n Cheese with bologna bits, and their chicken wings. Probably my most favorite meal I’ve had. A lot of it is sentimental value, and a lot of it is because it tasted so good for me. I think they still exist, but I haven’t been to one since I was in grade school. My favorite standalone food is probably a good prime rib, or fried chicken legs. Favorite restaurant…tie between the Ponderosa I remember, and this place in Washington DC called Pines of Naples. It’s unfortunately not there anymore, but it was a mom and pops Italian restaurant that had amazing Italian food. I was there for about a week with my family and extended family and we ate there many times. Ten favorite movies? (In specific order! ) 1. Batman (Tim Burton) – First movie I ever remember seeing as a kid. I was a HUGE Batman fan; still am to this day. 2. Batman Begins – I can’t just push my favorite movie of all time out of the way! But this is truly incredible. It is a crime that Nolan has not been nominated and won Best Producer or Best Movie. 3. Vampire Hunter D – First anime I could remember seeing. I was very very little. I could only remember a few scenes from the movie, but I never knew what it was called. When I was around 17, I finally found what the movie was after scanning through the anime section at Suncoast. I was into anime before that, but I never found it when I was browsing through. 4. The Shawshank Redemption – A great tale. 5. Singin’ in the Rain – I saw this in my senior year of high school film study class. I was just blown away. Gene Kelly and Sid Charese are just brilliant. I just love this movie so much; entertainment at its best. 6. Alice in Wonderland – My favorite Disney movie. I just think, and thought, that the whole craziness and colors and story was fascinating back then. The new Tim Burton one is respectable. 7. Searching for Bobby Fischer – It’s a chess movie, but it isn’t really about chess! It’s a great tale of a father and son. 8. Blazing Saddles – Mel Brooks is a genius. This one tops my favorite comedies of all time. 9. Forrest Gump – Tom Hanks is probably my favorite actor, and this movie just has everything you want from a movie. It entertains me, it makes me laugh, it makes me reminisce, and it makes me cry, among other things. 10. Inception – Not the biggest DiCaprio fan, but this film was everything I wanted in a movie. Well…besides all the Winter X Game scenes…that was a bit too much and unnecessary. Are we(America) going into a depression? I don’t think so. We, as a country, are not fiscally responsible though. I feel like “getting out of debt” in terms of the government is a concept that just will never exist. The Cubs will probably win a World Series before that happens. Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it? It’s kind of going down the pooper. What can be done? I don’t know, it’d be a complex mess. It would help if everyone could leave their egos at the door and do what’s best for the country and its people. I’m not too much of a politic guy, as it always gets into a heated debate, and I’d rather just avoid being involved in that mess. No one ever changes their mind either, so it’s just reciting the impossible. Whoever can argue politics and be sane, I commend you. Bonus question, w/ the Iowa presidential caucus going on and a vote nearing, how do you feel about the candidates? Are your views/expectations being met or let down from the choices available? You see that whole Hermain Cain and Pokemon quote? I found that to be a good laugh. I am generally in the middle of political views. I’m not necessarily Democrat/Liberal, and not necessarily Republican/Conservative. I have views from both ends. I’ve only cared to vote once, which was for Obama. I’ll still stand by that vote. I almost think this is like a GW Bush 2nd re-election thing…I feel that many believe Bush isn’t the choice, but the rest of the candidates are weak. At least I think the contenders are weak in my opinion.
__________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
Volcanon Member
posted December 07, 2011 03:15 PM

Do you do the dance of the monkey? Do your friends know you do the dance of the monkey? What is a nonzero integer that represents how many kilograms of bacon you eat per day? How many times have you been arrested? Really? What about that time with the coke? Do you like to say "it's time" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young women? What do you think about "public morals"? Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with baboons?
urza187 Member
posted December 07, 2011 07:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: Do you do the dance of the monkey? Do your friends know you do the dance of the monkey? What is a nonzero integer that represents how many kilograms of bacon you eat per day? How many times have you been arrested? Really? What about that time with the coke? Do you like to say "it's time" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young women? What do you think about "public morals"? Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with baboons?
Do you do the dance of the monkey? You mean this? And yes, some of my friends know I do the dance of the monkey. I only use it when I am in rare form. What is a nonzero integer that represents how many kilograms of bacon you eat per day? I’m pretty bad with measurements…but when I can eat all the bacon I want…I have enough in me to knock down walls, and also knock down the toilet :-\ How many times have you been arrested? Zero. I am a law-abiding citizen. Or at least I try to be :-\ Really What about that time with the coke? I do drink an unhealthy amount of coke. I’ve tried to cut back on that though. Do you like to say "it's time" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young women? Who told you?! What do you think about "public morals"? I haven’t heard that term before. Are those like social norms? If that is the case. I think we do confine ourselves to society a great deal. I think looking outside the box a bit would help. Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with baboons? I only partake in battles I can win. Therefore, I have not battled Rafiki yet.
__________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
Greven53 Member
posted December 07, 2011 08:23 PM

Good day sir, how is Iowa?
Tha Gunslinga Moderator
posted December 07, 2011 08:42 PM
Do you do? Do your friends? What is a nonzero integer? How many times have you been Orestes? What about that time with the cake? Do you like to say "it's tim" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young marmots? What do you think about "public morels"? Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with marzipan? Are you familiar with magnets? Would you care to describe how they work?Would you like to talk to a scientist...?
urza187 Member
posted December 08, 2011 06:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Tha Gunslinga: Do you do? Do your friends? What is a nonzero integer? How many times have you been Orestes? What about that time with the cake? Do you like to say "it's tim" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young marmots? What do you think about "public morels"? Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with marzipan? Are you familiar with magnets? Would you care to describe how they work?Would you like to talk to a scientist...?
Do you do? Do your friends? What is a nonzero integer? How many times have you been Orestes? What about that time with the cake? Do you like to say "it's tim" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young marmots? What do you think about "public morels"? Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with marzipan? Are you familiar with magnets? Would you care to describe how they work? Would you like to talk to a scientist...? Do you do? I am the keeper of the supplier/vendor data for a not-for-profit. In other words, I'm a data management person. Do your friends? Locally, most of them are a bunch of college bums. What is a nonzero integer? Uh…a natural number, which can include negative numbers too? So, no decimal points in the number :-\ How many times have you been Orestes? Never been there. I don’t even know where it is! What about that time with the cake? Cake…my favorite dessert….not chocolate cake though. Do you like to say "it's tim" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young marmots? Man, I wish I knew what all these words meant What do you think about "public morels"? Only if you cook them right. Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with marzipan? I think that’s a food related object. I don’t think so though :-\ Are you familiar with magnets? Would you care to describe how they work? I use magnets, not sure if that qualifies me as being familiar with them. I do need to get more magnets actually… I’m not sure how they work exactly…It’s just some substance that sticks to metallic stuff and also screws with your credit cards?
__________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
urza187 Member
posted December 08, 2011 06:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by Greven53: Good day sir, how is Iowa? 
Cold, snowy, and terrible drivers-the usual. So I hear you moved to MN? Sounds like a career killer to me  Also, you should play Magic again, if you don't already do so now. You used to dominate me back in the day! __________________ Looks or gender never play into (my mindset in losing a game). It's like saying you don't mind being robbed as long as it's catwoman and not the penguin. -nderdog
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