Favorite food? Changes yearly but, probably ballpark Nachos with the works on them. Not really a Picky eaterTen favorite movies?
Gladiator, 5th element, contact, Idiocracy , Starship troopers, Judge Dredge, Top Gun, The Big Lewbowski, Social Network, Star Trek II.
Some of those movies I like because they are sooo bad they are amusing
When did you get into Magic cards and who/how did you get involved?
Pokemon, and about 2000……just a natural progression
Are we (America) going into a depression?
That’s a good question, maybe not a depression but more of an extended recession, such as we see now. The problem is there is no demand, there is no demand because nobody is spending…and everyone wants to cut back on the biggest spender (the American Government). I am a big proponent of Keynesian economic theory, unfortunately more people have been brainwashed into believing in trickle down economics, which has only served to lock the wealth in a small percentage of the population
Where do you see the future of America's economy and general state heading and what could be done, in your opinion, to better it?
More social services, wealth redistribution, ending privatization of natural monopolies and a retraining and focus on technology and jobs that are not repetitive jobs that will be taken by machines. This of course is a short term solution, longer term Capitalism as we know it will not exists, because laissez fair capitalism in its entirety is self-destructive. Here is what I mean, we have an expanding population and Capitalism strives for efficiency, the biggest cost is of course labor. So what do you do? You replace workers with automated systems or increase productivity. So you have less jobs and less overhead and greater production, think about all the jobs that have been lost to not outsourcing but just machines in the last 50 years alone. But you also have an increase in unemployment, so what do you do? Can you let them starve? Do you feed them and create a “nanny state or welfare state” or whatever the buzzword is for it that conservatives are for it. I think that in the end, we’re going to see something to the effect of the majority of time machines taking over most of the repetitive work while Humans invent or do things that they wish to do such as cook, paint, write, entertain, be a doctor….things that machines are not very well suited for that sort of thing.
If you could swap lives with one Ticket personality for a day, who would it be?
Norm, after a Cowboys last second loss or hilarious collapse, I’d like to yell at some idiots
Favorite batman villain?
ra's al ghul, he is just so entertaining. And I like to think that horrible owners have a lazarus pit and will never die.
Why do the Steelers lead the universe in dirty hits?
Because they aren’t dirty, and they play in a league where you have to play Defense or have Tom Brady to win
What one piece of advice would you like to share with others to help them be more successful or be happier?
If you’re doing it only for the money then you shouldn’t be doing it for your career. Do what brings you happiness in your profession. Not only will you be better at what you do but you’ll be happier doing it.
What failure in your life have you experienced that you feel is important to have lived through to help you grow?
My recent unemployment, it makes you appreciate having a job. And while I never thought it, people think you can just get up one day and go get a job. And those who do not have a job choose to be unemployed. I think that those people should try to look for a job that pays them enough to pay their bills and see how hard it is.
What would you like to do right now that is just outside of your reach because of one thing (money, people, other resources)?
Get back to playing poker professionally or play it for a living
Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MOTL?
Less compartmentalized, there’s always a “post for” which always annoys me.
What is something that you feel that you are better than most other people at doing?
, j/k. Probably debating, and when I put my mind to it trolling. Trolling is an art ya’ll.
Favorite Magic card?
Lighting Angel or Deranged hermit
2) Favorite Magic color?
Blue or black
3) Favorite Magic deck?
I have a few. 5-color survival, toolbox one. Three Duce, or Miss America, the kibler deck
4) Favorite Magic format?
5) If you could make or unmake any one change to Magic what would it be? Why?
I’d go back to sixth addition rules, because putting combat damage on the stack owned. Also since everything else revolves around the stack why shouldn’t combat?
Bonus: When people are asked "if they had a time machine" type questions, which event do you think gets changed the most often and which event do you think would be a more interesting one?
the one that gets changed the most often is people would go back and kill Hitler. If I could go anywhere in time I would go to the future 1000 years to see what we have been up too
Why you no play MOTL Fantasy Baseball?
between Grad School, Work and another league that is a intense in dept league I have no time.
Do you do the dance of the monkey?
Do your friends know you do the dance of the monkey? no clue what you’re talking about
What is a nonzero integer that represents how many kilograms of bacon you eat per day? 2
What is a nonzero integer that represents how many times have you been arrested?-1
Really? Yes
Do your friends know that you eat Hakarl? Nope
What about that time with the coke? ?
Do you like to say "it's time" in a disturbing voice to impressionable young women? nope
What do you think about "public morals"? I think they are a social construct
Do you partake in gladiatorial battles with baboons?
What is a magnet? Something that produces a magnetic field
How do magnets work? I think ICP answered this
Do you love the magnet? indifferent
Do you love Magnet Man? No
Do you love his Magnet Missles?no
Do you use his Magnet Missles to defeat Hard Man?no
Do you then use Hard Man's Hard Knuckle to put Top Man on Top?no
Why do you not play MOTL Fantasy Badger Hunting? No interest
1. What one piece of advice would you like to share with others in the hope that they would fail? Procrastination is awesome
2. What is a pointless failure you have had? Answering your questions
3. What would you like to do right now involving painful dentistry? nothing
4. Aside from server/forum/site changes, what is one thing that you would like to see changed about MTG SALVATION? Everyone there to stop posting
5. What is something that you feel that you are absolutely terrible at? Basketball….its a tall mans sport.
1000 most favourite movies? Provide a 500 word essay on each. Im good
[Edited 1 times, lastly by super324 on December 16, 2011]