Topic: Buying Vindicate, B Wish, deed and more for motl prices
angryshrub Member From: Toronto, ON, Canada Confirmed Refs: 1
posted April 25, 2011 01:46 PM
Hi,I will buy the following cards at current motl prices or your best offer. I'll pay a few extra for S+H + DC. I have a US and a Canadian address to ship to. Note that I will honor any current motl prices; I posted these based on current prices (4/25) 4x Burning Wish 5.50/each 4x Xantid Swarm 2.50/each 2x Gaea's Cradle 37.00/each 2x Mox Opal 17.50/each 1x Orim's chant 11.50/each 2x Skyshroud claim .35/each 1x Ruination .75 (stronghold) 1x Icefall .25 (coldsnap) 1x Price of Glory .25 (odyssey) 1x game of chaos .35 (prefer IA) 1x Viashino heretic .25 (urza's legacy)
[Edited 3 times, lastly by angryshrub on April 27, 2011]
LemonMeringue Member From: State College, PA, USA Confirmed Refs: 19
posted April 25, 2011 01:53 PM
I have 2x orim's chant and 2x explosive vegetation for 24 total, depending on how you want it to be shipped more for shipping. Let me know.I think you have to put actual prices for each card, you can't just say motl price guide. Thanks.
InResponseForceOfWill Member From: Clifton Park Confirmed Refs: 55
posted April 25, 2011 02:14 PM
4x Vindicate NM shipped for $90. LMK
I3Iood Member From: pa, us Confirmed Refs: 33
posted April 25, 2011 02:30 PM
Edit: Rules gods are happy. Good luck Buying.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by I3Iood on April 25, 2011]
jrsthethird Member From: Catasauqua, PA, USA Confirmed Refs: 41
posted April 25, 2011 02:56 PM
Hey, PM me once you put up the prices so I know to check back. Thanks!
angryshrub Member From: Toronto, ON, Canada Confirmed Refs: 1
posted April 25, 2011 04:51 PM
updated with prices in accordance with the forum rules
Phyrexian Angel Member From: SF,CA Confirmed Refs: 238
posted April 25, 2011 05:04 PM
1x Ensnaring Bridge 3.50 (7th) 1x Pernicious Deed 10.50$14+shipping LMK
jrsthethird Member From: Catasauqua, PA, USA Confirmed Refs: 41
posted April 25, 2011 05:21 PM
I can do 4x Fire/Ice and 2x Explosive Vegetation. I thought I had a regular Pithing Needle but it's foil.I can do $4 shipped to US in a white envelope.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by jrsthethird on April 25, 2011]
gaeacradle Member From: Weekday - San Antonio (TX), Weekend - Austin (TX) Confirmed Refs: 485
posted April 25, 2011 06:51 PM
I have a Pernicious Deed and a Counterbalance for $17.50 plus $1 regular shipping. LMK. Thanks!
chuck d Member From: Wisconsin, USA Confirmed Refs: 70
posted April 25, 2011 07:17 PM
hey, i have a vindicate at your price, pm me and we can set something up thanks! edit i also have a pernicious deed @ 11, have to check tomorrow tho
[Edited 1 times, lastly by chuck d on April 25, 2011]
darkenergy Member From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Confirmed Refs: 85
posted April 25, 2011 08:45 PM
I have a Ensnaring Bridge (SH) and a Pithning needle for $5.25 + $1 shipping to your CDN address. LMK
Swift2210 Member From: San Diego, CA, USA Confirmed Refs: 80
posted April 25, 2011 08:58 PM
I've got 2xMox Opal, 1xPernicious Deeds from your list. And I've also got a foil Orim's Chant Judge at $25. Let me know
Ghostm2099 Member From: McMurray, PA, USA Confirmed Refs: 24
posted April 25, 2011 09:11 PM
I have your 1x counterbalance and 1x pithing needle +$1 shipping 9.75 email me!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Ghostm2099 on April 25, 2011]