Topic: Rewriting the "Trade Matcher" script a little bit
harbingerofthevoid Member
posted September 29, 2006 05:45 PM
I, like I'm a good deal of others, don't list all the cards they have for trade on thier have lists. Also, I'm sure there are a lot of people on here, like myself, that want a lot of odd ball cards. Seeing some of the enormous lists on here to find that 1 Psychic Vortex on a list when your not specifically looking for it deams daunting at times. When using the trade matcher, and I have already seen that the list has cards I want on it, but, I have no cards on my haves that match thier list, I get no results. Same for the other way around.I can imagine the variables the trade match script is running to accomplish it's goal. I think it wouldn't be too difficult to modify it a little to return results in the Haves without having anything in the Wants and visa versa. I could probally handle it and Im sure I could name at least two others that could take a peek and swap and few if else statements around and pass an extra variable to make it show either/or instead of just blanking out when one variable passes null. If anythign it could help out the collectors and more casual players looking to find those odd and ends as well as those people that have say 3 or 4 specific wants and then say "I'll look at your list". __________________ NEQUAQUAM VACUUM You know you want to help out Looking for a place to game in West Mobile? evilempire22: damn sloughing off of the uterus!
NukeMoose Member
posted September 30, 2006 09:59 AM
I just woke up and could have easily misunderstood...But you want the trade matcher to find have/wants without their being a match (because many people do not list every crap rare they have/want). Would the search function not fill that role?
harbingerofthevoid Member
posted September 30, 2006 12:43 PM
Sure the search feature fills that role to a very limited extent. I search for Burning Sands and find a few lists that have it. So lets say I hit a list and they want things like Heirarchs and Jittes. I have those but not on my have list. Lets say thats the only thing they have on thier wants that I do have. I wont get any hits on the trade matcher even though I do have things I will trade for things they have that I want. If the trade matcher would show at least the things they have that I want, i could have a visual list of hte things that the have that I could offer my non-lsted cards for.It would just make it more functional as a whole.
ronandaggy Member
posted September 30, 2006 02:50 PM

I know exactly what youre saying as i keep lots of stuff off my list until i find that special card i need from somebody.wouldnt it be an easier solution to just put those cards on youre have list though?
__________________ your ubb survivor 10 champion!! Also the recipient of the invisibility and morality awards. 100% win ration in ubb mafia wotc marketplace council member, 2 terms and countingOriginally posted by CPTBOBIX: i like to get naked and fry kittens
eclinchy Member
posted October 01, 2006 11:40 PM

quote: Originally posted by ronandaggy: wouldnt it be an easier solution to just put those cards on youre have list though?
No... some people have such incredibly huge collections, that that's not easy at all. I really like this suggestion, and I really don't think it'd be hard to implement. Good idea. __________________ Eternal EnlightenmentAIM: EvanWithAnS
Preacher Member
posted October 02, 2006 04:51 AM

I concur. This is a good feature. __________________ My other pasttime
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Preacher on October 02, 2006]
Akarius Member
posted October 02, 2006 08:28 AM

Same here, I'd be great.__________________ Akarius I trade | My New Buylist! Googlism : akarius is one of my friend.
ronandaggy Member
posted October 02, 2006 10:17 AM

quote: Originally posted by eclinchy: No... some people have such incredibly huge collections, that that's not easy at all.I really like this suggestion, and I really don't think it'd be hard to implement. Good idea.
neither would be re-writing an entire system. though ill be honest, i dont know too much about this stuff, but if a guy like nderdog with a list his size can do it, im sure others can. Im not against the suggestion. id use it aswell, im just trying to save boltbait some work.
__________________ your ubb survivor 10 champion!! Also the recipient of the invisibility and morality awards. 100% win ration in ubb mafia wotc marketplace council member, 2 terms and countingOriginally posted by CPTBOBIX: i like to get naked and fry kittens
eclinchy Member
posted October 03, 2006 02:55 PM

I've taken a few computer science courses, and I'm pretty confident that it's an easy job.Say you have code that looks like... if (WH > 0) and (HW > 0) addToTradeMatchesList; Change the "and" to an "or" and you're done. Now obviously I don't know anything about how they program the trade matcher (i.e. what language, how they structure it, etc), but I'm guessing it's a fairly simple change like that. __________________ Eternal EnlightenmentAIM: EvanWithAnS
nderdog Moderator
posted October 03, 2006 03:50 PM
If it was me writing it, I'd make the database engine do the work and have the SELECT statement only return positive results on both sides, which seems much more efficient.What this means in layman's terms is that yes it can easily be switched to work for one-sided results, but it's also going to take significantly more time for the job to run, more processing power to handle the result set and more space to store said matches. I won't pretend to know the numbers on all of this and if it makes the changes prohibitive due to available resources. __________________ Mort was already aware that love made you feel hot and cold and cruel and weak, but he hadn't realized that it could make you stupid. Report rules violations.
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pyr0ma5ta Banned
posted October 03, 2006 04:30 PM

I personally would love this change. I enjoy looking through lists, searching for things I need, regardless of whether or not there's a official Trade Match. We can usually work out a trade, anyway. If the stresses on the server are an issue, by all means, don't bother; but if it's possible and just not done, there's every reason to.__________________ Mess with the best, die like the rest. Originally posted by Boltbait: pyr0ma5ta speaks the truth.
Heckler Member
posted October 04, 2006 06:38 PM

This suggestion has my vote as well, the same thing has bugged me for months for the same reasons already mentioned. Nderdog, although I cannot be 100% positive, I seriously doubt that the extra processing power needed, nor the increased search time, would amount to anything more than an unnoticeable pittance. my 2 cents.
harbingerofthevoid Member
posted October 05, 2006 05:26 PM
well looks like there might be a little hope for this.nderdog I kinda forgot what you did for a living. I think between BoltBait, nderdog, evilempire22 and myself, this would be hard at all to impliment. I work all day in an ASP world and can chew up PHP fairly handedly. Looking through cold fusion is a little eh but none the less. I can chew up code pretty well. nderdog, Yeah it would probally make it a little more server intensive which im not intrested in doing but shouldnt be much as the script, from what I see, retunrs like you said but it still searches both sides. So it actually processes both lists and the added power would be from actually listing the cards as opposed to saying "sorry no matches found". One way to try this, if Lesherac was up for it, would be to run it for a week and see if he notices any kind of spike with this feature enabled. If so the process could be reworked to use javascript to display the results thus relying on the users rescources rather than the servers. it would a little more intensive code wise making it work but the whole button could be wrapped up n a noscript tag maing it available in its presnt form to those with javascript turned off but available in the new form to those with it enabled. __________________ NEQUAQUAM VACUUM You know you want to help out Looking for a place to game in West Mobile? evilempire22: damn sloughing off of the uterus!
BoltBait Moderator
posted October 06, 2006 09:47 AM

quote: Originally posted by harbingerofthevoid: well looks like there might be a little hope for this.nderdog I kinda forgot what you did for a living. I think between BoltBait, nderdog, evilempire22 and myself, this would be hard at all to impliment.
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