Topic: Mr.C's brutally honest Magic 2012 Financial Review
coolio Member
posted July 16, 2011 12:25 PM

quote: Originally posted by Mr.C: Ask me in three months or so; I sold all of mine at $15 right after Jace got banned.
that seems truly poor, as the default best deck on everyone's lips was valakut.. and primeval actually saw brief spike the night the bannings got announced, irl and modo versions.. 15 was shorting pretty poorly. I mean, when jace got banned, you could snag jaces @ 40-45 bin, and ppl predicted it was gonna fall to the 30s.. guess what? didnt happen.
And yeah, I did look at M11. I saw what happened to Baneslayer, which was $50, and then it was $15. You're kidding yourself that all these cards will hold value after reprints. Are you going to tell me that Lavamancer is a strong buy at $8 too?
do you actually understand what happened to baneslayer, or rather, why it dipped and didnt come back up in value? it wasnt because of the reprint. the reprint did kill a bit of its value, but not as drastically as the titans. baneslayer became irrelevant to other format defining and field altering cards, it wasnt as dominant as it was before m11. you dont understand the format, and thus, dont understand a lot of what you're trying to talk about. quote: At least I'm receiving criticism from people who know more or less what their talking about, which always makes for interesting discussions 
what's there to discuss? your general call of bulk pricing in the eventual scheme of things of the majority of rares a five yr old could have made the same call, that's not genius, nor surprising, as for your predictions of primevals.. summer is the season of nats, and japan will lead the way. 7 of the 4-0 standard decks from day 1 is valakut, if it performs well, i predict by noon monday, primeval will see a noticeable uptick on feebay. © __________________ Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. -Christopher HitchensReligion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. -Seneca the Younger
Mr.C Member
posted July 16, 2011 01:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by coolio: that seems truly poor, as the default best deck on everyone's lips was valakut.. and primeval actually saw brief spike the night the bannings got announced, irl and modo versions.. 15 was shorting pretty poorly. I mean, when jace got banned, you could snag jaces @ 40-45 bin, and ppl predicted it was gonna fall to the 30s.. guess what? didnt happen. do you actually understand what happened to baneslayer, or rather, why it dipped and didnt come back up in value? it wasnt because of the reprint. the reprint did kill a bit of its value, but not as drastically as the titans. baneslayer became irrelevant to other format defining and field altering cards, it wasnt as dominant as it was before m11. you dont understand the format, and thus, dont understand a lot of what you're trying to talk about.
what's there to discuss? your general call of bulk pricing in the eventual scheme of things of the majority of rares a five yr old could have made the same call, that's not genius, nor surprising, as for your predictions of primevals.. summer is the season of nats, and japan will lead the way. 7 of the 4-0 standard decks from day 1 is valakut, if it performs well, i predict by noon monday, primeval will see a noticeable uptick on feebay. ©
Actually, $15 was good. I am not a dealer, I barely play, and only collect and trade. Could I have gotten $20 out of it? Maybe, but probably not. Since I am not you, I feel $15 was very solid. I bet a ton of people right now wish they could get $15 on them. I believe I mentioned in a thread Jaces would fall to $40 right after the banning. People saying they would fall to $30 or less were insane. Baneslayer fell to $15, didn't it? And a lot of people said there was no way he'd be less than $30 or whatever. Valakut may continue being the best deck for a few months, and then when Zendikar rotates, it's anyone's guess. Mine is that if there is no Valakut in the format, there is no reason for it to be $15-$20. The discussion is that there are a ton of self proclaimed "financial experts" out there that don't know balls about what they are talking about. I haven't seen any review calling out the set for what it is, i.e., a bunch of chaff. All I have read is that Solemn is going to be more than $5, Lavamancer is a strong buy @ $8, Primevals are a good deal at $15, wtf is this crap? I do agree, a five year old could say that the majority will be bulk. Then why are not the "financial writers" saying it? And, for reference, from the second paragraph of my post: quote: Originally posted by Mr.C: Lastly, I am not a pro player, nor a self proclaimed financial writer. I just happen to [think] I know my stuff.
Which translates to: I don't have a deep understanding of the formats nor do I proclaim to have deep financial knowledge. I, however, have made my fair share of change in Magic, which is better than most people. __________________ #2 in posts from British Columbia!Got any Portuguese Foils? Post on my list or email me at !
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Mr.C on July 16, 2011]
rats60 Member
posted July 16, 2011 01:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Mr.C: Let's see, Frost Titan is currently sitting @ 13/set or so. Primeval is around 12 each, but due to Valakut. Fair enough, I didn't said that it would instantly become $5. Inferno Titan is going from 12/set to 15/set. Grave Titan, a bunch of auctions @ 20/set. Poor Sun Titan is 12-14/set.
What was Stoneforge Mystic the week it was released? Or Tarmogoyf? What you are telling people is to stay away from these cards because they have no chance of going back up. I'll ask you, what is going to replace them in decks? Right now it's Primeval everyone wants. After the next set, it may be a different one, while Primeval will be in demand for Extended season. Then you beat up on the Planeswalkers. They are not going to all crash, it just won't happen. If this set is as bad as you say it is, no one is going to open it, causing a shortage of cards, causing cards to be overpriced. You can't have it both ways, the cards all sink, so they're all going to crash. After all, WOG and BOP held their price for years, even though they were reprinted, because the sets they were in were lightly opened.
Bugger Member
posted July 16, 2011 05:25 PM

quote: Originally posted by rats60: What was Stoneforge Mystic the week it was released? Or Tarmogoyf? What you are telling people is to stay away from these cards because they have no chance of going back up. I'll ask you, what is going to replace them in decks?
A better question would be, what is going to replace Valakut (not to mention Emrakul)? There are always good things at < 3cmc (like Buried Ruin, which synergizes better with Sun Titan than Primeval anyhow), freezing a permanent is always relevant, 4 power is always relevant, and divisible 3 damage is always relevant. Primeval Titan's usefulness is entirely dependent on the lands he can search for and the fatties he can ramp into. But by all means, continue. I'd hate to interrupt your ****ing contest. Remember, making sure someone else feels bad for having opinions is the important part. __________________ "I never got any respect at all. My family moved a lot when I was a kid, but I always found them." -- Rodney Dangerfield
stu55 Member
posted July 16, 2011 05:30 PM

This was brutal for sure, and I am sure not referring to the ton of the review by Mr.C
SageShadows Member
posted July 16, 2011 05:35 PM

quote: Originally posted by Bugger: A better question would be, what is going to replace Valakut (not to mention Emrakul)? There are always good things at < 3cmc (like Buried Ruin, which synergizes better with Sun Titan than Primeval anyhow), freezing a permanent is always relevant, 4 power is always relevant, and divisible 3 damage is always relevant. Primeval Titan's usefulness is entirely dependent on the lands he can search for and the fatties he can ramp into. But by all means, continue. I'd hate to interrupt your ****ing contest. Remember, making sure someone else feels bad for having opinions is the important part.
I wholeheartedly agree. Maybe he was wrong in some respects, but the dude's taken a beating.
Havoc Demon Member
posted July 16, 2011 06:17 PM

It's funny how people get when they hear a dissenting opinion. __________________ Most References in Massachusetts 85th All-timeSupport my friend's store:
Skwirlnutz Member
posted July 16, 2011 06:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Havoc Demon: It's funny how people get when they hear a dissenting opinion.
Everyone knows MOTL's community is full of D-bags, That's why only a handful of people even use this site for communicating. It's just a trading website because of the people in this community take the game way to serious and way to far, They have nothing better to do apparently.
joz Banned
posted July 16, 2011 06:46 PM

quote: Originally posted by Skwirlnutz: Everyone knows MOTL's community is full of D-bags, That's why only a handful of people even use this site for communicating. It's just a trading website because of the people in this community take the game way to serious and way to far, They have nothing better to do apparently.
Isn't the word your looking for "troll" ? __________________ Joz - can we ban Leshrac for not fixing the Chrome PM issue?Gunslinga - If I thought it would help, and if I could, I would.
Skwirlnutz Member
posted July 16, 2011 06:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by joz: Isn't the word your looking for "troll" ?
Nobody does it like you. 
JoshSherman Member
posted July 16, 2011 07:13 PM
I have a sneaky suspicion that Sun Titan will be the most relevant titan in October.__________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Logout Mottle Salvation- a new place to play Mafia and WW
joz Banned
posted July 16, 2011 07:20 PM

quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: I have a sneaky suspicion that Sun Titan will be the most relevant titan in October.
I have a prediction for inistrad. Bonehoard might go up to a few bucks...or it might not. Chandra's Pheonix might be found in a discard outlet + burn deck or it might not. Nihil Spellbomb will be in alot of sideboards or it might not. Surgical Extraction might go up a buck or two..or it might not.but im not gona make any real guesses...
__________________ Joz - can we ban Leshrac for not fixing the Chrome PM issue?Gunslinga - If I thought it would help, and if I could, I would.
Teferi Planeswalker Member
posted July 16, 2011 08:21 PM
Valakut's showing at the SCG 5k has been pretty weak. None in the top 8 and 2 in the top 16.
MTDetermine Member
posted July 16, 2011 09:06 PM

C's review is good in that, it is bold, and is willing to take a firm position on cards' value. Based on the current cards in t2, what he says make sense most of the time.But it is very likely he will be dead wrong on certain cards for he is unable to see what wotc will be printing in next few expansion. Stoneforge was not good until wotc starts printing 4 good equipment in t2. Vampire N was a $1 card until zenikar spews out a strong cast of vampires.
Sovarius Member
posted July 16, 2011 10:22 PM
I don't understand all this "herpderp i'll buy all your Primevals at $5".It wasn't an offer or a statement of what they should be valued right now. They are above $10 now, no one's saying "I'll pre-emptively sell them for $5 even though i can get more". You can get them if and/or when they are $5 and stop being dumb in the mean time.
ryan2754 Member
posted July 17, 2011 01:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Skwirlnutz: Everyone knows MOTL's community is full of D-bags, That's why only a handful of people even use this site for communicating. It's just a trading website because of the people in this community take the game way to serious and way to far, They have nothing better to do apparently.
+1. Give the guy some cred for giving us his opinion. Let him speak his piece. Just because it's different than ours doesn't mean he should get slaughtered for us. Mr. C., thanks for your report. I don't agree with someone of it, but I like to see what other thinks about a set. __________________ -Schmitty 7th in Refs [191] in OH-IO (Catching up to jmedina) 2nd in Posts [5724] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val) “If Brad Stevens is the future of coaching in college basketball, the sport is in a good place.” - Rick Pitino
Souladvocate Member
posted July 17, 2011 06:55 AM

Yay! Everyone pick up your M12 bulk now! lol. But seriously, thanks for the input. It'll be interesting to see how things go & if your predictions are accurate.
farsk8dutch Member
posted July 17, 2011 08:17 AM
As for a Review, I'd like to hear more about the potential (or not) for certain cards like this card may go well in so-n-so existing deck, or we might see a zombie or illusion theme with the new artifact lord type thing, and at an uncommon level stuff, more filer... There are a lot of commons that could have been mentioned that fit the criteria as well.Also, I like the negative view point towards constructed play value and such as opposed to the review from the guy over at SCG where every other cards is: OMG this is a power house standard, OMG and this is a bomb limited, OMG EDH players are gonna love this... crap! Price wise, in the end I believe that for a review to be effective and appreciated your view points have to balance out "price wise". As I was reading it seemed as though you gave up actually pricing the cards from a projective standpoint, only to then objectively conclude as -bulk, which in my opinion is fine but a review presented to an audience that supply a secondary market should reflect just that.
Philip papas Member
posted July 17, 2011 10:37 AM

if you say everything is bulk then yeah you hit the bulk of the set good job... but when you say cards that are going to see play are bulk people should start to wonder.."+1. Give the guy some cred for giving us his opinion. Let him speak his piece. Just because it's different than ours doesn't mean he should get slaughtered for us. Mr. C., thanks for your report. I don't agree with someone of it, but I like to see what other thinks about a set." this is also true...
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Philip papas on July 17, 2011]
wakeupwithastory Member
posted July 17, 2011 10:51 AM

I agree with this information but can I say something?A collectible is only worth what someone else is willing to pay. Having said that, consider this: Every time we take a dollar out of our pocket, we are voting. Every purchase, WotC product or secondary market singles adds to our collective knowledge of what is good/working and what is bad/failing. WotC is winning. SCG is winning. We are not. This set, overall (imo), is bad. A lot of thought went into making this set. Highly paid, very intelligent people are going out of there way to construct these sets to sell the highest volume of sealed product. The secondary market is coping with the fact that we are not as highly paid as WotC employees even though many of us are clearly much smarter. Lets not buy any cases of this set. Buy only the singles you need. If it's a reprint buy the older version (those packs are already open, wotc won't make more money from us). In the future, we should care less about the foil/foreign/pimpness of our cards and care more about the quality of our game play. M12 is proof we should all be employees at R&D but since that isn't going to happen. Why aren't all the cards in our sets shiny and full art again? Filler commons and janky rares? Mediocre mythics? Mythics at all? I like playing against spikes or anyone with more desire to win then myself. I like playing the rule nazis. I like playing that guy that proxied 56/60 cards he couldn't afford for his Vintage. In our heads, we have all the secrets of balanced card/set design. That which makes the game fun/rewarding/challenging is not that which makes the most dollars. Lend your extra good cards to your neighbors so that their decks suck less. Give bad cards away so that bad players don't waste good money on bad packs. Support the game/culture not the secondary markets price tags.
nderdog Moderator
posted July 17, 2011 11:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by wakeupwithastory: M12 is proof we should all be employees at R&D
Sorry, I guess my crystal ball isn't nearly as good as yours. I can't get mine to tell me how this set will interact with the next block that it was likely designed to work with. Also, I'm pretty sure that there aren't more than about 5 MOTLers who I would consider capable of having anything to do with the development of Magic who wouldn't destroy the whole thing in short order because of their lack of overall vision of how things work and avoiding power creep and all of those important things. __________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by nderdog on July 17, 2011]
wakeupwithastory Member
posted July 17, 2011 11:19 AM

quote: Originally posted by nderdog: Sorry, I guess my crystal ball isn't nearly as good as yours. I can't get mine to tell me how this set will interact with the next block that it was likely designed to work with.Also, I'm pretty sure that there aren't more than about 5 MOTLers who I would consider capable of having anything to do with the development of Magic who wouldn't destroy the whole thing in short order because of their lack of overall vision of how things work and avoiding power creep and all of those important things.
I would say this is exactly what they want us to think. WotC says they are more smarterer then us. That we need them and their expertise. We should fear what would happen without them. They have a plan for the future. We can't have that secret information? It hurts us to know what is coming? Or we won't buy that box if we know those cards aren't as good as what comes out in a few months. Be wary of anyone that pretends to have secret information about anything but won't tell you what it is. That applies to school teachers, government officials, church leaders. They want to keep secrets? From us? Why? All true information should be available to everyone. Always. Freely. R&D has a future league that plays with cards that aren't available to us. This is to test things. To check and balance things. What happened to the future future league though? Clearly they aren't thinking as far ahead as they want us to believe. There is more luck to this then they would have us believe. More off the hip/out of the box/ improvisation then geniuses parallel developing the same brilliant ideas and getting together to share. Mindslaver was a card slated for Mirage, I remember reading a dailymtg arcana spotlight on it. They found a slip of paper MaRo had scribbled ideas on back then. This isn't evidence of them knowing what they are doing. Every set blazes new trails? Sure they make big changes but they are tightly controlled. So as to not be too big a change that ruins everything. They have a don't fix it if it is not broken policy and the primary thing they fix is their profit margin.
nderdog Moderator
posted July 17, 2011 11:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by wakeupwithastory: WotC says they are more smarterer then us.
'nuff said. __________________ There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!All your Gruul Nodorogs are belong to me. Trade them to me, please! Report rules violations. Remember the Auctions Board!
Bugger Member
posted July 17, 2011 11:25 AM

quote: Originally posted by wakeupwithastory: paranoid rambling
Holy hell dude, save conspiracy theories for stuff that actually matters, like the Kennedy assassination or something. Also, as Nderdog pointed out already, WotC may not be smarter than all of MOTL's population, but they're sure as heck smarterer than you.
__________________ "I never got any respect at all. My family moved a lot when I was a kid, but I always found them." -- Rodney Dangerfield
wakeupwithastory Member
posted July 17, 2011 11:44 AM

More smarterer was a joke. They are not more smarterer. They are liars.Its not a theory. Profit is a conspiracy. Capitalism is a conspiracy. They with the money, keep it going. Intentionally. They think its a good idea. They give you a couple dollars and now you think its a good idea too. You don't deserve more than that bum, you don't work any harder or smarter, you just can't get over that. They control the rate information is leaked. This builds suspense. We buy more cards if we are teased like this. If every women you met teased you in a similar fashion you'd buy a lot more drinks at bars, or shoes at malls. Because you enjoy the game, you believe they are doing a good job. I also enjoy the game, I appreciate the work they do for us. They don't do it for us though. They do it to stay paid. The ones that love the game, would probably do it for free if that kind of charity supported their families. That gives us faith that our game is in the right hands. This does really matter. If it didn't, you guys wouldn't attack me. You are resisting change. My ideas don't agree with the status quo. You are judging me to say WotC is a lot smarter than I am. It doesn't even make sense to assume that, you just want to believe they are more intelligent because they give you the cards you play with, but since I don't charge you for boosters of my information you resign that my information is worthless. *EDIT* The topic is the financial review of M12 and you guys trolling/flaming me is really lame. My information is in regards to us spending too much money on bad cards and how we can help ourselves instead of relying on WotC to tell us what is worth our money.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by wakeupwithastory on July 17, 2011]
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