Topic: Commander 2013
mcelraca Member
posted October 16, 2013 09:45 PM
Because no one has posted anything, I figured I'd be the one to do it. Spoilers seem to be coming regularly and are worth talking about.
Aleric Member
posted October 16, 2013 09:48 PM
I love the Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge. Already been looking at it
mcelraca Member
posted October 16, 2013 09:49 PM
Anyone know a good place to pre-order?As of now I'm going to grab the Esper and Grixis decks. the cards and generals revealed seem to be my playstyle. I like how the mechanics are getting more playful as well. I'm all about flavor in magic, but I am also liking more of the cards recognizing the actual games aspect of magic (Identity Nemesis) Has anyone ever heard about them doing four color generals?
daner Member
posted October 16, 2013 11:25 PM
Identity Nemesis seems like a legit Legacy card for Merfolk, and even more probably just Blue decks in general. A virtually unkillable 3/1....seems on a power level as Vendilion Clique almost, if not, surpassing it.
Richardo Member
posted October 17, 2013 12:45 AM
I was gonna post a thread about true name nemesis by itself, but this might be a better place. How good is this guy in 1v1 in Legacy, he seems amazing as an attacker with a sword or batterskull, but realistically what else can he do? The ups I see on him are that he stops batterskull al daaay, jace can't bounce him, stp can't exile him, lavamancer can't touch him, and he can even block ulamog and kozilek while you still have permamnents to sacrifice. What are the down though. I know he's pretty much dead against Reanimator, Griselbrand, Iona and Elesh Norn don't care if he's there or not. He can't ever block emrakul liek he can the other 2 guys, but that's hardly a -, I mean, what creatures can xP. I really like this card, but I dunno if it haves what it takes to strive in legacy, if commander was legal for modern than this would be a no brainer to get a bunch of sets of, liek ooze was a while back. But this only being legal in legacy, I wonder how good he truly is, and if he might be a good investment
Zeckk Member
posted October 17, 2013 04:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by Richardo: I was gonna post a thread about true name nemesis by itself, but this might be a better place. How good is this guy in 1v1 in Legacy, he seems amazing as an attacker with a sword or batterskull, but realistically what else can he do? The ups I see on him are that he stops batterskull al daaay, jace can't bounce him, stp can't exile him, lavamancer can't touch him, and he can even block ulamog and kozilek while you still have permamnents to sacrifice. What are the down though. I know he's pretty much dead against Reanimator, Griselbrand, Iona and Elesh Norn don't care if he's there or not. He can't ever block emrakul liek he can the other 2 guys, but that's hardly a -, I mean, what creatures can xP. I really like this card, but I dunno if it haves what it takes to strive in legacy, if commander was legal for modern than this would be a no brainer to get a bunch of sets of, liek ooze was a while back. But this only being legal in legacy, I wonder how good he truly is, and if he might be a good investment
He's certainly something worth considering in legacy merfolk, as only 1 or two lords can get this guy on pace with goyf size, and he's an absolutely great way to deal with enemy planeswalkers, which was actually kinda difficult against jund and shardless BUG. Absolutely hoses RUG's ground game if he resolves, and also gives merfolk another reason to mainboard jitte.
WeedIan Member
posted October 17, 2013 06:07 AM
Identity Nemisis just seems busted in general.__________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario and Canada 8th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2013 06:36 AM
Anybody know what the allotment is gonna be like? I can't find any pre-orders that are at all decent.
AGO Member
posted October 17, 2013 07:12 AM
Not sure but you should be able to get these at Walmart and Target.
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2013 07:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by AGO: Not sure but you should be able to get these at Walmart and Target.
True, but it's just weird. I thought I would be able to get them in bulk for something less than MSRP. I like to use them as prizes for our EDH tournaments. Some of the pre-orders on various sites and Ebay are above $150 shipped for a set of 5 .
Goaswerfraiejen Member
posted October 17, 2013 08:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by daner: Identity Nemesis
Ugh. __________________ "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. EliotRIP Ari Legacy UGB River Rock primer. PM comments/questions. Info on grad school in Phil.
I3Iood Member
posted October 17, 2013 08:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: Anybody know what the allotment is gonna be like? I can't find any pre-orders that are at all decent.
Wizards again is limiting the allotment you can get from them to the point where it will affect sales and prices. My store will be completely sold out the first day and have to wait for the next week for more.
Magihyren Member
posted October 17, 2013 08:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by I3Iood: Wizards again is limiting the allotment you can get from them to the point where it will affect sales and prices. My store will be completely sold out the first day and have to wait for the next week for more.
so would we even be able to see them at target or walmart?
I3Iood Member
posted October 17, 2013 08:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Magihyren: so would we even be able to see them at target or walmart?
I do not know the answer to that.
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2013 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by I3Iood: Wizards again is limiting the allotment you can get from them to the point where it will affect sales and prices. My store will be completely sold out the first day and have to wait for the next week for more.
I believe you, but just don't understand why they'd want to do that on this sort of product.
TheCottonRapster Member
posted October 17, 2013 07:04 PM
What is the cheapest place to pre-order the set of 5? I've found as low as $140 w/ free shipping. Anyone else seen any lower? Note, I've never ordered from them before so I can't speak as to their safety.
hilikuS Member
posted October 17, 2013 08:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by TheCottonRapster: What is the cheapest place to pre-order the set of 5? I've found as low as $140 w/ free shipping. Anyone else seen any lower? Note, I've never ordered from them before so I can't speak as to their safety.
I have dealt with them and had good results.
Aleric Member
posted October 18, 2013 01:19 AM
I am new to commander, so I hope that its ok if I expand on on this topic, because I have questions. Is a bunch of plains walkers in a commander deck good or bad?I am not just making a deck that someone else designed, I am making my own. BUG and I think that I can work in Jace, Memory Adept Liliana Vess sorin markov Vraska the Unseen thoughts opinions
AGO Member
posted October 18, 2013 04:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aleric: I am new to commander, so I hope that its ok if I expand on on this topic, because I have questions. Is a bunch of plains walkers in a commander deck good or bad?I am not just making a deck that someone else designed, I am making my own. BUG and I think that I can work in Jace, Memory Adept Liliana Vess sorin markov Vraska the Unseen thoughts opinions
They won't do you wrong, but they really don't have synergy together. Sorin is beast mode for EDH. I like my decks to have a theme and great synergy.
iccarus Member
posted October 18, 2013 04:50 AM
@AlericPlaneswalkers are a fine strategy for EDH, although they will almost always be a kill on sight target. Sorin will also make you an automatic enemy of every other player. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
Aleric Member
posted October 18, 2013 06:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by iccarus: @AlericPlaneswalkers are a fine strategy for EDH, although they will almost always be a kill on sight target. Sorin will also make you an automatic enemy of every other player.
Is that a bad thing? I am kind of forming my deck with a theme. I wanted to go with the golgari colors, with a splash of blue, because I like how Mirko Vosk and the Havengul Lick and Savra, the golgari Queen work together. They are like a continuous Glimpse the Unthinkable. Everyone hates when I do it I picked Damia, sage of stone as my commander and filled the deck with Gorgons, Liches, elves, and vampires. Possibly too many multicolored cards, but I think I can make it work, especially if I mulch and them bring the creatures from the graveyard directly into play. Is that too many multicolored cards? guild signets, urbourg, guildgates, and cycling lands, should make it easier, but we will see this weekend. any advise?
AGO Member
posted October 18, 2013 06:56 AM
You will just have to play it and see how it goes. I made an Elf combo deck that I thought was just going to suck and it is amazaballs fast sometimes. I have a Thada Adel EDH where I steal copy and take extra turns. It is slow at times but can come out of nowhere an steal the game! Then I have a Zur Stax which is extremely brutal.
malzra Member
posted October 18, 2013 07:05 AM
Before you buy anything from EVO gaming you might want to view this thread: I'm thinking I'd stay away from them. Just doesn't seem worth the hassle.
Goaswerfraiejen Member
posted October 18, 2013 07:30 AM
Toxic Deluge looks very promising, however!__________________ "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. EliotRIP Ari Legacy UGB River Rock primer. PM comments/questions. Info on grad school in Phil.
oneofchaos Member
posted October 18, 2013 07:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by malzra: Before you buy anything from EVO gaming you might want to view this thread: I'm thinking I'd stay away from them. Just doesn't seem worth the hassle.
I took my chances, commander won't be nearly as rare as Arsenal. My friend said he ordered from them before and was the guy who turned me on to them. Plus now reddit seems to have a blood lust for stores that back out of agreements so I'd rather start finding these stores sooner and get them off the map.