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posted April 11, 2002 03:45 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I agree with you, flyboy. my problem is that all the places i used to play have turned from casual play into more competitive play. we used to have just casual draft and T2 games for store credit or boosters or whatever, but they (and many other stores) have replaced it with such competitive, sanctioned tournaments, which i think ruins what the game is all about- having fun.
posted May 19, 2002 09:08 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.J Click to send Mr.J an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I agree with you Skater. I was a die hard Magic player (played everyday, all day) who had to stop playing due to the lack of players in my area. This was the best thing that could have happened.

The entire game has been going downhill since Exodus. I remember the good old days when one could play at a local card store, buy some cards, and go home feeling satisfied. Everybody started getting so competitive at the Invasion Block that the original feeling just went out of the game. All of a sudden, winning DCI points was more important then having fun.

...Not to mention the artwork. I remember when the artwork looked classical and was a vintage game. Those were the golden years of magic.....i'm glad i'm out. Good luck for all of you who haven't been so fortunate, or who have just started playing the game.

posted June 17, 2002 12:46 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for deathwalker Click Here to Email deathwalker Send a private message to deathwalker Click to send deathwalker an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
the game ain't bad just find people who think like you do and hook up.

old artwork is cool and so is a few new ones.

urza saga was the best set ever printed

its always sad to see a good player leave

if you ever decide to come back to the game i'm sure it will be waiting for you

posted June 17, 2002 04:04 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
lol thanks for the support deathwalker. you're absolutely right about everthing, but i think you look at magic in a very laidback way. i dont know if you're so obsessed with magic that you spend all your money on it (sorta like drugs...) well thanks anyway, and i totally agree about urza's saga (gaea's cradle=favorite card EVER) good luck during your expierences with the game (i hope they're much better than mine were)
posted June 30, 2002 09:37 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mac_Daddy Click Here to Email Mac_Daddy Send a private message to Mac_Daddy Click to send Mac_Daddy an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mac_Daddy's Have/Want ListView Mac_Daddy's Have/Want List
Hey Skater, i know exactly why you quit. Its no longer about having fun and meeting people, at tournements there are too many snobs who get ****ed off if you take to long to play your turn etc. I quit back when mercadian masques came out, becuase of the changed attitude of the game. But i recently started playing again, becuase a friend asked me too play a deck for him at a tourney. Now, instead of snobby players, we got a whole pile of these 'scrubs' playing. Kids that probably used to play pokemon, now roam the net for decklists and have no idea how to play the decks. They expect to win, and act like pros. its annoying as hell. The whole game has been ruined by the thought of ripping other people off and making money.
posted July 09, 2002 04:03 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Plinko_Winko Click Here to Email Plinko_Winko Send a private message to Plinko_Winko Click to send Plinko_Winko an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i agree with some of the things you are saying.

as for my opinion. I think foils ruined the game for everyone. At that point it stopped being a CCG, and started becoming a cereal box obsession for mass collection.

BTW, Melissa Benson owns

posted July 13, 2002 10:03 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
lol yea i agree with your guys, expecially about the foils. at that point WoTC became just another company trying to make a profit... o well not much we can do about it anyway
posted July 16, 2002 08:35 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for xxPlaSTicxx Click Here to Email xxPlaSTicxx Send a private message to xxPlaSTicxx Click to send xxPlaSTicxx an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Mac_Daddy:
Hey Skater, i know exactly why you quit. Its no longer about having fun and meeting people, at tournements there are too many snobs who get ****ed off if you take to long to play your turn etc. I quit back when mercadian masques came out, becuase of the changed attitude of the game. But i recently started playing again, becuase a friend asked me too play a deck for him at a tourney. Now, instead of snobby players, we got a whole pile of these 'scrubs' playing. Kids that probably used to play pokemon, now roam the net for decklists and have no idea how to play the decks. They expect to win, and act like pros. its annoying as hell. The whole game has been ruined by the thought of ripping other people off and making money.

ya that is the part i dont like about magic
the snobby people who have to win, and are just stupid to play with, and everyone is so obsessed with winning. it ruins the whole fun of the game

posted August 14, 2002 02:26 PM   Click to send Neobojangles an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i remember the first time i saw the "kiddy" artwork
i bought my first pack of tempest, opened it up, and there it was, recycle. i thought for sure this cards art was one of a kind, but they just kept coming. i dont want humorous, i want the old badass artwork that was done scetchy with paint and oil, all the new **** is just horrible.

Richard garfield said once, "I like it when we had art that appealed to some alot, and other hated it, better now when all people pretty much like it mediocerly."
he also said he does NOT regret making cards like black lotus and the moxes, it added interest to the game, and kept people buy packs to get them. i agree
also, now it seems, all cards sucks and there are a few in the set that rule. my brother opened a pack that said remove all lands in target opponents graveyard from the game. what a piece of ****. instead of making all cards worht about 1 dollar and then a few worth about 20-30 dollars, why dont they make all the cards worth like 10 dollar value, then a few at like 15, that should even it out a little.

posted August 26, 2002 04:50 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shinigami Click Here to Email Shinigami Send a private message to Shinigami Click to send Shinigami an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I just thought I'd add a little ramble to this topic before I went off on my way again...

I was lucky enough to have my peak interest in the game during the days of Mirage, when I was an oblivious middle-school kid. Back then I had no idea of the power of Armageddon, didn't know what ProsBloom was and didn't care. I just played because it was fun, and because of the art (The art from Revised influenced my art style because it was such a heavy fantasy medium, and I was virtually immersed in it). Upon graduating from middle school, I looked back on the past three years and realized I had wasted them, playing this game. I had squandered days when I should have enjoyed them to the fullest. The feeling of missed opportunities is devastating, and I am warning anyone of what happens when a game takes over your life. I decided to quit.

I picked up the game again, a couple years ago, with my past mistakes in mind, and experimented with a few decktypes. In the end, the only non-broken, seriously competitive and fun deck I built was extended Reanimator (I hate Type II), and even then I sold it off to a friend. I came to the realization that Magic would never be the same experience I enjoyed when I was younger. It's not about the fun or the innovative fantasy setting anymore; it's just about metagaming, competing, making money and generating business. You may not have a problem with this, but I don't believe Magic was intended to be like this. The only deck that I own today is a white weenie deck with a Tax/Rack engine; everything in the deck is Tempest or earlier. My black-bordered Armageddon, beta lands and white knights are my simple pride and joy.

To summarize this hideously irrelevant post, I believe Magic sucks on two conditions: A) You make it out to be more than what it really is, and B) You don't like the way it is today. If you don't have a problem with either of these, then more power to you. I just wanted to share my experiences. No nostalgia lost; I'm just passing by. Peace.

posted September 01, 2002 09:53 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Nazarac_86 Click Here to Email Nazarac_86 Send a private message to Nazarac_86 Click to send Nazarac_86 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I agree that magic has become far too competetive but my biggest problem is that starting with prophecy wizards has slowly started dumbing the game down to attract younger audiences. I have been playing Magic for over 8 years, and have also tried myan other CCG's. Now I know most magic players wouldn't touch the pokemon CCG with a 50 foot pole. I have tried it. The one thing I hated about the pokemon CCG was that each set released a handful of cards that were horribly overpowered and therfore highly sought after. It's just this "dumbening" of the game happened so gradually nobody really noticed. But slow down and look at a lot of the popular cards today (Urza's Rage, Traumatize, Call of the Herd) Not only that I think that the folks at wizards are beginning to take advantage of players by releasing such cards. As for type 2 I think is is the most disgusting tournament format ever created. As many of you already said you finish a deck only to find it's no longer legal. Another thing that really is sad is you no longer see combo decks that can go more than 6 month without being gutted. I think that the sheer amount of money needed to be successful in competetive play is ridiculous and the focus on competive play is too strong. I also recently tried Magic online, and to say the least I was very disgusted. Event here Tournament there everyone break out the wallets yay MONEY!!!!! I understand that the company needs to make a profit but they put too much pressure on casual players to try and Go Pro!! Well I could rant all night but I think i'll just get back to..... to.... Well um.. Something
posted September 02, 2002 12:01 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for elquemis Click Here to Email elquemis Send a private message to elquemis Click to send elquemis an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I stopped playing because I hated spending all my Friday and Saturday nights in rooms full of smelly adolescents.
posted September 11, 2002 12:02 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for bigfurrymonster1 Send a private message to bigfurrymonster1 Click to send bigfurrymonster1 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
posted September 11, 2002 12:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
what does 'a' mean?
wise guy
posted September 25, 2002 05:13 PM   Click to send wise guy an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i started magic in the urza saga day and i seem to think that wizards is making it to hard for players to keep up witht the game. a new set comes out trwice a year. at this point i make decks as a hobby. i have about 9 or 10. the cards in boosters are geting lower in quality and tha chance of getting anything good is slim. i have a friend who bought a random 75 card box and 3 boosters from oddysey and he got not one good expensive card. he got the worst possible cards. i think quality has gone down but i think onslaught is going to change all of that. it so far seems to have greta cards to whart i have seen.

WG -



posted September 26, 2002 06:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for eclinchy Click Here to Email eclinchy Send a private message to eclinchy Click to send eclinchy an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by wise guy:
the cards in boosters are geting lower in quality and tha chance of getting anything good is slim.

I agree... that is a huge problem. What I do, though, is just don't buy boosters! Get singles on eBay whenever you find a good deal, and then tradem!

"When the gorilla playfully grabbed the wurm's tail, the wurm doubled back and playfully ate the gorilla's head."

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posted September 28, 2002 01:27 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Qu@$!modo Click Here to Email Qu@$!modo Send a private message to Qu@$!modo Click to send Qu@$!modo an Instant MessageVisit Qu@$!modo's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by elquemis:
I stopped playing because I hated spending all my Friday and Saturday nights in rooms full of smelly adolescents.

It gets worse when you realise you're 50 years old, haven't played anything else in your life than CCG's D&D and sort-a-like games and all you're social contacts are exactly the same as you. That's when you start to wonder if you could have done more in your youth and have had a better job later and a beautiful woman and lovely kids.

posted September 29, 2002 06:01 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for hobomaster22 Click Here to Email hobomaster22 Send a private message to hobomaster22 Click to send hobomaster22 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Now that I think about magic back with urza's saga and before the game was less competitive and more fun, there wasn't a ton of people playing,(or as much) now more an more people play in tournaments and they go way to long to the point where it's just no fun. i'm hoping that maybe the new sets don't have gay and useless cards with stupid artwork.
posted September 29, 2002 06:28 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i dunno hobo, i think that there are less players that play now than there were before. now most of the players are like 12 year old spoiled kids whos parents buy them cards to shut them up...the only "good" players are on the pro tour thing...the game is spiraling down and down...
posted October 01, 2002 05:06 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for eclinchy Click Here to Email eclinchy Send a private message to eclinchy Click to send eclinchy an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by skater:
i dunno hobo, i think that there are less players that play now than there were before. now most of the players are like 12 year old spoiled kids whos parents buy them cards to shut them up...the only "good" players are on the pro tour thing...the game is spiraling down and down...

Now, wait just a minute! That's not true at all! There are good players at all the local card shops and everything, too. 12-year-old spoiled brats have always been a problem, but they are not the majority.

"When the gorilla playfully grabbed the wurm's tail, the wurm doubled back and playfully ate the gorilla's head."

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posted October 01, 2002 05:24 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
i dunno about that...where i live, there are two types of players: the aforementioned 12-year olds, and the 20-something kids with no lives that think their mission on life is to produce the best deck ever made...
posted October 03, 2002 02:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for eclinchy Click Here to Email eclinchy Send a private message to eclinchy Click to send eclinchy an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by skater:
i dunno about that...where i live, there are two types of players: the aforementioned 12-year olds, and the 20-something kids with no lives that think their mission on life is to produce the best deck ever made...

Yeah, well, there's nothing wrong with those 20-year-olds, those are the cool people.

"It's hard to be humble when the whole world is bite size."

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posted October 03, 2002 03:08 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for oldschool Click Here to Email oldschool Send a private message to oldschool Click to send oldschool an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
What were the good ol' days of magic? I'd say Ice Age, Alliances, and Mirage. Saga was a very good set but the game started dying (in my opinion) soon after it came out.

Mirage was by far the funniest set that ever came out. It had the greatest anticipation of any set. First main set after Ice Age. It included great cards like the many different dragons. A lot of people played dragon decks back then with nothing but fat dragons and Eureka.

That was fun magic. Almost everyone that played where i did HATED type 2. We made fun of people coming in with type 2 decks. We kicked their *** with fun non-tournament type 1 decks and we would get our asses kicked by type 2 control. Back then type 2 control was very strong with restricted cards and everything.

Back then the majority of people played for fun. No one cared about DCI formats. People adhered to type 1 rules and restrictions because they made sense and added balance to the overall game. No one cared about type 2 or extended and very few people played tournaments.

People played to have fun and win. Not just win. No one played straight blue counter decks because no one would play against them. Sure they won. But good luck finding a game buddy. Land destruction? Stasis? no one played these unless they wanted their to get their cards torn up. Sure, fun decks had some land destruction, burn, counters. But decks that contained nothing but cards to **** you off were shunned. You want to play hand destruction and mind twist people? Play animate dead and Nicol Bolas.

Art work? YES. The new art sucks and the old art rocks. Why? Because the old art looked authentic, old, magical, D&D style, unrefined. It had atmosphere. The new art looks like cartoon comic art. Sure it's detailed but it's meaningless. Why do you think people consider something like "The Last Supper" a better painting (fresco) than the new super detailed ultra colorful fantasy paintings that look cool?

Chaos Orb, Power 9, Library of Alexandria, Candelabra, Royal Assassin, Wheel of Fortune. All better painting than anything now a days IMO.

Why did I quit? Because the people i had fun playing with were going their separate ways. For some time i looked for new players like us. Playing with Eureka, artifact decks with Titania's Song, Time Twister decks. But those people were nowhere to be found. Only 14 year old kids with their trashy boring type 2 decks. Sorry, i am 25. I have a hard time sitting down and playing magic with some 14 year old kid. I enjoyed my play group with mature people that were smart. Not kids that talk about Pokemon all day long.

R.I.P Magic The Gathering
Alpha to Urza's Saga

posted October 04, 2002 12:28 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skater Click Here to Email skater Send a private message to skater Click to send skater an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by oldschool:
What were the good ol' days of magic? I'd say Ice Age, Alliances, and Mirage. Saga was a very good set but the game started dying (in my opinion) soon after it came out.

Mirage was by far the funniest set that ever came out. It had the greatest anticipation of any set. First main set after Ice Age. It included great cards like the many different dragons. A lot of people played dragon decks back then with nothing but fat dragons and Eureka.

That was fun magic. Almost everyone that played where i did HATED type 2. We made fun of people coming in with type 2 decks. We kicked their *** with fun non-tournament type 1 decks and we would get our asses kicked by type 2 control. Back then type 2 control was very strong with restricted cards and everything.

Back then the majority of people played for fun. No one cared about DCI formats. People adhered to type 1 rules and restrictions because they made sense and added balance to the overall game. No one cared about type 2 or extended and very few people played tournaments.

People played to have fun and win. Not just win. No one played straight blue counter decks because no one would play against them. Sure they won. But good luck finding a game buddy. Land destruction? Stasis? no one played these unless they wanted their to get their cards torn up. Sure, fun decks had some land destruction, burn, counters. But decks that contained nothing but cards to **** you off were shunned. You want to play hand destruction and mind twist people? Play animate dead and Nicol Bolas.

Art work? YES. The new art sucks and the old art rocks. Why? Because the old art looked authentic, old, magical, D&D style, unrefined. It had atmosphere. The new art looks like cartoon comic art. Sure it's detailed but it's meaningless. Why do you think people consider something like "The Last Supper" a better painting (fresco) than the new super detailed ultra colorful fantasy paintings that look cool?

Chaos Orb, Power 9, Library of Alexandria, Candelabra, Royal Assassin, Wheel of Fortune. All better painting than anything now a days IMO.

Why did I quit? Because the people i had fun playing with were going their separate ways. For some time i looked for new players like us. Playing with Eureka, artifact decks with Titania's Song, Time Twister decks. But those people were nowhere to be found. Only 14 year old kids with their trashy boring type 2 decks. Sorry, i am 25. I have a hard time sitting down and playing magic with some 14 year old kid. I enjoyed my play group with mature people that were smart. Not kids that talk about Pokemon all day long.

R.I.P Magic The Gathering
Alpha to Urza's Saga

I agree with everything you say. For some time I was one of those 14-year olds who looked up decks on the internet and played to WIN. After a while I started running out of money to play type II and developed a love for extended. That was great and all, but everyone else was playing type 2...finally I realized that magic is just some game that I didn't really need to watde my time and my money on...

posted October 04, 2002 01:01 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Shadow88 Click Here to Email Shadow88 Send a private message to Shadow88 Click to send Shadow88 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Although I fell a lot of your pain, and it happened to me to, Magic is still fun. Who says you have o play in a tournie? I'm just a casual player, and I can still get in 4 or 5 games a week. There is a WoTC store down here at one of our malls, and as such there is always somebody to play with. You don't even have to go to that extent though-teach a friend the game, and you can play it whenever you're hanging out. I stopped playing MtG around the time of Exodus(sp?), but I'm now back into it. Sure, my decks aren't going to win any competitions at all, but do they need to? I don't think so...You don't need the best cards to have a fun time with MtG. I play a red deck that I made myself, basing it around the fact that, if you power up a creature, you can get it out fast, then do serious damage. If you can manage to get some card that enables your creature to not be the target of spells or abilities, then not that much is going to stop you. I've never been to a tournament, but I still enjoy casual MtG.

For an added twist, try 2v2 Magic or a 4+player FFA.

BTW, I agree that the old art looks better. But it's also just a matter of opinion. Don't get mad about it if a card doesn't have art you like.

My have / wants list----->

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Shadow88 on October 04, 2002]


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