Topic: Best deck in T2
Trnothr Member
posted January 25, 2002 12:31 PM
This is a story about the best deck in current standard. Cleric.dec is the strongest. White has always been powerful, and with the newfound power of clerics it's even better. Many know a deck type called White Winnie. This is like that deck except better, because I have damage prevention. How will you win if I prevent all damage? Here is the deck and I will explain cards:4x Master Apothecary 4x Mystic Visionary 4x Hallowed Healer 4x Beloved Chaplain 4x Master Healer 4x Venerable Monk 4x Disenchant 4x Second Thoughts 4x Wrath of God 4x Orim's Chant 4x Abandoned Outpost 16x Plains SB: 3x Circle of Protection: Black 3x Circle of Protection: White 3x Circle of Protection: Red 3x Circle of Protection: Green 3x Circle of Protection: Blue Master Apothecary - This is sick! I can turn all my clerics into healers! Mystic Visionary - I know it's not cleric but it should be. 2 power creature that flies is awesome and won me many games in playtesting Hallowed Healer - There was an article on Sideboard where Gary Wise said he would always play this card if he is playing white, so I'm kinda netdecking and playing it (DON'T BASH ME! I MAKE ORIGINAL DECKS MOST OF THE TIME!) Beloved Chaplain - I have one word: GAME BREAKER. Many times it can attack and my opponent can't block it with creatures Master Healer - Tap and you'll prevent FOUR?? This is broken and should be banned in at least type 2. Of course I play four to get most card advantage Venerable Monk - Even though I have lots of damage prevention, little life gain hurts no one, and it's grey ogre for WHITE, colour where Grey Ogre wasn't printed Disenchant - Who doesn't play this? Second Thoughts - Magic is a game of card advantage. By killing my opponent's creature, not only it's removed but I also draw a card Wrath of God - This is a sleeper IMO, every deck playing white should play this Orim's Chant - Another sick card that slipped past R&D! I can't believe they haven't banned it yet (I checked), so I played it. Needless to say my opponents were ****ed off when I chanted them on turn 1 and they couldn't play spells! Abandoned Outpost - This is like Plains but better because I can get multicoloured mana ------------------------ Now, here is the tournament report: I had hidden my cleric tech long. I unleashed, released even, it in a local tourney. I was really prepared, knowing my deck was powerly. Before tournament we traded with some people, and it was cool. Then they announced the pairings, and we sat down to table. Round 1, Mongrel Deck, Game 1 We shook hands and flipped a coin but since we didn't know which was heads and which was tails he let me start. First game was really easy. I played Abandoned Outpost. He plays a land. I play Mystic Visionary which he can't find an answer to. I play turn 3 Hallowed Healer and the look on my opponent's face is priceless when I go into the red zone with my Visionary. He plays a land and Mongrel. I untap and attack with Visionary and he doesn't want to block because I have Hallowed Healer on table. I give turn and Chant him during his mainstep, preventing him from attacking. He gives turn and I untap, draw and attack again. He's now at 16 and I play Master Apothecary. After I play another Chant targeting my opponent he scoops and we go into game 2. Game 2 He plays first and starts with a Llanowar Elf. I play again first turn Abandoned Outpost and pass turn. My opponent draws and frowns, attacks with Elf and gives turn! I untap and play Beloved Chaplain and give turn to my opponent. He draws a card and sigh in relief as he plays a land and drops a Werebear. He attacks with Elf again but I don't block, because he might have Giant Growth. I untap and play Venerable Monk and I go back to 20 while I laugh because my opponent attacks did nothing. I beat with Chaplain and my opponent misses another land drop and can't attack into my 2/2 monk. I untap, but don't play more lands. Instead I play ANOTHER Beloved Chaplain and attack with Monk and Chaplain taking my opponent to 16. My opponent can't attack because I have Chaplain on table. I untap and apply tings with my Chaplains. My opponent is losing the race as we attack for few turns playing nothing. I finally break the standstill by playing Master Apothecary preventing any damage he could deal, and it's game. I congratulate him for good play and play more for fun. Round 2, Cephalid Deck, Game 1 Arrgh! This was the worst matchup! I know the guy who plays this and he's really good. My deck can beat anything but cephalids. He knows he will win anyway so he's nice and lets me play first. I drop a land and say "go". He plays land and I draw and play Mystic Visionary. My opponent draws and gives me turn. I attack and play Hallowed Healer but he counters. He plays Looter on his turn, and on my turn I play land and attack and he doesn't block. Looter is bad so I cast Wrath of God, wiping away table when he can't counter. We play lands for next turns and I get back into game by playing Venerable Monk. My opponent tries to counter but I cast Orim's Chant in response and he can't play spells. I give the turn and he can't do anything about my Monk. I attack, taking him down to 14 and play Master Healer. I attack for three for few turns and win when his Scouts can't outrace my Monk. Game 2 I sideboarded in my Circle of Protection: Blues because my opponent plays blue creatures. He gets a really good curve and even though I Orim's Chant him he has too much advantage and counters my Second Thoughts targeting Cephalid Broker. I finally play Hallowed Healer. My opponent draws and plays Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor. How he got hold of these I will never know but it's bad for me anyway. I can't do anything when he taps all my creatures during my upkeep. I have to concede and hope I win game 3. Game 3 This was the way my deck was supposed to work. I play 3 Mystic Visionaries and 1 Master Apothecary when my opponent is manaflooded. Mystic Visionarys are really good beatsticks, and I gain advantage when I cast Second Thoughts on his Looter. He tries to cast Boomerang on my Visionary, which slows me down. He even gets Aboshan out finally but it's not enough because my Visionarys fly. He was really angry for losing and I feel really sorry for him, but I think it really comes down to playtesting enough in this game. I playtested at least 10 games, so I knew how to play. I never drew my circle of protections, so I'm thinking of taking them out of the sideboard later. Even tournament play can be playtesting! Even though we played three games, there was lots of free time left during the round so me and few friends we know went to play Harry Potter outside the shop. Unfortunately we played so long that the next round started and I got a game loss, but I made it to second game. My opponent says he's sorry for me and I get to play first again! He was playing some new blue green red deck. Round 3, Blue Green Red, Game 2 I start with Abandoned Outpost. My opponent plays a land and says go. I play second turn Chaplain, and get to attack next turn. I play Orim's Chant so he can't counter and then play Mystic Visionary. In his third turn he plays Call of the Herd which I think is kinda techy. I mean, Call over Ambush which is instant? I untap and get my fourth land into play and then I attack with my Beloved Chaplain and play Hallowed Healer. During my opponent's turn I cast another Orim's Chant and my opponent attacks. Then it's my turn and I play land and attack my opponent down to 15. I cast Second Thoughts on the elephant and my opponent pays the Flashback. Next turn I attack with Chaplain and play Apothecary. My opponent takes turn and plays Flametongue Kavu targeting Master Apothecary. I prevent 2 damage to it with Hallowed Healer but then it dies because it has summoning sickness and I can't tap it. I play Master Healer on my turn though and attack again. He can't do anything because of my Master Healer because he doesn't draw answers and my Chaplain chips his lifetotal down to so low that I can attack with my Visionaries and take him down. Game 3 I'm manascrewed! I don't want to talk about this game. My opponent plays Call of the Herd and when I finally play my second land and a creature he plays Repulse on it. I'm so angry. Then I can do nothing but scoop, and I didn't make it to top 8 because I had to go tell the judge I drop because I lost. Overall it was a great experience and I really think that Cleric.dec has potential. I just wish I had money to make Cephalid deck, but hey, we all aren't millionaires. Cleric.dec is almost as good in the current metagame. I'd like to thank everyone who played against me and I think I learned a lot. Thank you for your time and for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. __________________ Am I the one you think I am, or just the one you didn't expect?
Boogers Banned
posted January 25, 2002 12:51 PM
Wow that deck is broken. You may want to try running Ancestral Tribute. Gaining life is amazing since you can never lose. Life Burst is SO BROKEN too.I also reccomend splashing blue for Traumatize, playing 4 Mirari, splashing red for Blazing Salvo, splashing Black for Cabal Ritual and splashing green for Thorn Elemental. The this deck will be unstoppable. __________________ "Where are you Jebus??" -Homer Simpson
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Boogers on January 25, 2002]
Preacher Member
posted January 25, 2002 01:02 PM
LOL I would change the Circles of Protection to Spheres though, as many people will be playing Syncopates and you better save your mana for those. __________________ Preacher, The Defender of Type 1 and Strange Decks, The Keeper of the Moxen and the Guardian of the Traditions of Casual Play. There are no bad cards. There are only good ones, interesting ones and challenging ones. Trade me your Gaea's Lieges, especially BB ones!
Magic1264 Member
posted January 25, 2002 10:13 PM
I don't know how anyone in attending the masters series in San Diego passed this design up. It SHUTS DOWN pyscotog decks. Great sideboard, but may i make a suggestion:-1 Circle of protection: Green +1 Circle of protection: White With everyone starting to play this deck, the extra COP: White will help out in a mirror match and everyone knows that green is the crappiest colors in T2. Which makes me wonder why torment was the "black set", i mean black was hella strong before torment. __________________ Famous Quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates... A worthless, good for nothing gift that nobody asks for in the first place.
MAGIC is CARDBOARD crack Member
posted January 25, 2002 11:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Magic1264: I don't know how anyone in attending the masters series in San Diego passed this design up. It SHUTS DOWN pyscotog decks. Great sideboard, but may i make a suggestion:-1 Circle of protection: Green +1 Circle of protection: White With everyone starting to play this deck, the extra COP: White will help out in a mirror match and everyone knows that green is the crappiest colors in T2. Which makes me wonder why torment was the "black set", i mean black was hella strong before torment.
actually I'd prefer to take out the CoP blue... more efficient green creatures than blue ones, and neither has direct damage spells... __________________ its crack...its crack, magic is crack4th in ohio in posts, yea baby! Milk is nice drink. I drink 3-4 pints most day. I live alone.
dakrum Member
posted January 26, 2002 08:57 AM
What about Devoted Caretaker? A one-drop Cleric that stops Terminate and other kill-cards is too valuable to not use.Here is my version of cleric.dec: 4 Devoted Caretaker 4 Beloved Chaplain 4 Mystic Pentient (I like him better than Visionary) 4 Master Apothecary 4 Master Healer 2 Hallowed Healer 4 Orim's Chant 4 Lashknife Barrier 4 Wrath of God 2 Shelter 4 Nomad Stadium 20 Plains Add-ons: Mystic Pentient: Better than Mystic Visionary since it doesn't tap to attack, and is even cheaper! Second Thoughts: Why do you need it when you have Wrath of God? Lashknife Barrier and Shelter: Quick, fast cantrips that aid your cause, especially when a Apothecary or Caretaker is unavailale. Nomad Stadium: The Stadium deals damage to you, PREVENTABLE damage. If you want life, then this is the card to do it with. That's my $0.02.
Boogers Banned
posted January 26, 2002 09:17 AM
I have 1 word regarding the last post.Wow... __________________ "Where are you Jebus??" -Homer Simpson
MAGIC is CARDBOARD crack Member
posted January 26, 2002 10:22 AM
I have 3 wordsAtayla, Samite Master... __________________ its crack...its crack, magic is crack3rd in ohio in posts, yea baby! Milk is nice drink. I drink 3-4 pints most day. I live alone.
*Tedman* Member
posted January 26, 2002 07:03 PM
This is truly a work of art. Clearly Trnothr is the best player on this whole site.This deserver a spot on the front page! __________________ MOTL Moderator for:Deck Help/Construction Articles Magic Discussion General Discussion
Tad Banned
posted January 26, 2002 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by *Tedman*: This is truly a work of art. Clearly Trnothr is the best player on this whole site.This deserver a spot on the front page!
I absolutely agree 100%.
__________________ All you base, are belong to us!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Tad on January 26, 2002]
Munchies Member
posted January 26, 2002 08:33 PM
I'm amazed by the brilliance in this deck. Why doesn't it go in the section where the posts read: "Call and shadowmage suck..." That's where the most amazing and wonderful decks belong like this one!! Seriously!!!........__________________ "What're you gonna do? Release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?" -Homer Simpson to Mr. Burns
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Munchies on January 26, 2002]
TOOLFreak Member
posted January 26, 2002 09:32 PM
here's my 343565375 cents worth of commentsAbandonded Outpost is not better then plains Game Breaker is 2 words not one
ice_pick25 Member
posted January 26, 2002 09:49 PM
Please tell me this is a joke? Clerics? For gods sake Clerics ?
Child of KoRn Member
posted January 26, 2002 09:49 PM
Are you guys all serious? This is not quite what i consider to be the greatest deck of all time. Granted, it does have the aspect of a good deck such as card advantage and a mana curve; however, so does a tempo or snake-tongue deck. As far as i am concerned, i would rather have a deck full of two for one card advantages (flametongue kavu, repulse, mystic snake, prophetic bolt, call of the herd, etc.) than a deck w/ a lot a damage prevention and cards that don't necessarily guarentee card advantage such as wrath of god or ability to prevent damage. Plus, the competion that the deck faced didn't seem very stiff with the exception of that last round. I mean, who plays a cephalid deck? Anyway, it looks strong, just not as strong as you all seem to be making it out to be.
HereticFT Member
posted January 26, 2002 11:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by ice_pick25: Please tell me this is a joke? Clerics? For gods sake Clerics ?
BAH!! You broke the sarcasm. __________________ When I find out who's messing with my account, they die.
Magic1264 Member
posted January 26, 2002 11:15 PM
Man, is it just me or are people on this website REALLY thick-headed.__________________ Famous Quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates... A worthless, good for nothing gift that nobody asks for in the first place.
Boogers Banned
posted January 27, 2002 12:06 AM
It's just you.Now let me get back to chugging some motor oil. I heard from someone that if you drink enough it'll give you x-ray vision. __________________ "Where are you Jebus??" -Homer Simpson
yonyb Member
posted January 27, 2002 11:13 AM
You wrote:I untap and play Beloved Chaplain and give turn to my opponent. He draws a card and sigh in relief as he plays a land and drops a Werebear. He attacks with Elf again but I don't block, because he might have Giant Growth. hmm... how will Giant growth do ne thing to a the chaplin? Second note: If my opponents would let me repulse their lands, Ill play that card in every blue deck, but then again, Ill get so many warnings once somebody actually reads the card, that im not sure if its worth it. Final note: Kicked Urza's rage.
Trnothr Member
posted January 27, 2002 11:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by dakrum:What about Devoted Caretaker? A one-drop Cleric that stops Terminate and other kill-cards is too valuable to not use. Here is my version of cleric.dec: 4 Devoted Caretaker 4 Beloved Chaplain 4 Mystic Pentient (I like him better than Visionary) 4 Master Apothecary 4 Master Healer 2 Hallowed Healer4 Orim's Chant 4 Lashknife Barrier 4 Wrath of God 2 Shelter 4 Nomad Stadium 20 Plains Add-ons: Mystic Pentient: Better than Mystic Visionary since it doesn't tap to attack, and is even cheaper! Second Thoughts: Why do you need it when you have Wrath of God? Lashknife Barrier and Shelter: Quick, fast cantrips that aid your cause, especially when a Apothecary or Caretaker is unavailale. Nomad Stadium: The Stadium deals damage to you, PREVENTABLE damage. If you want life, then this is the card to do it with. That's my $0.02.
quote: Originally posted by TOOLFreak:here's my 343565375 cents worth of comments Abandonded Outpost is not better then plains Game Breaker is 2 words not one
quote: Originally posted by ice_pick25:Please tell me this is a joke? Clerics? For gods sake Clerics ?
quote: Originally posted by Child of KoRn:Are you guys all serious? This is not quite what i consider to be the greatest deck of all time. Granted, it does have the aspect of a good deck such as card advantage and a mana curve; however, so does a tempo or snake-tongue deck. As far as i am concerned, i would rather have a deck full of two for one card advantages (flametongue kavu, repulse, mystic snake, prophetic bolt, call of the herd, etc.) than a deck w/ a lot a damage prevention and cards that don't necessarily guarentee card advantage such as wrath of god or ability to prevent damage. Plus, the competion that the deck faced didn't seem very stiff with the exception of that last round. I mean, who plays a cephalid deck? Anyway, it looks strong, just not as strong as you all seem to be making it out to be.
quote: Originally posted by yonyb:You wrote: I untap and play Beloved Chaplain and give turn to my opponent. He draws a card and sigh in relief as he plays a land and drops a Werebear. He attacks with Elf again but I don't block, because he might have Giant Growth.hmm... how will Giant growth do ne thing to a the chaplin? Second note: If my opponents would let me repulse their lands, Ill play that card in every blue deck, but then again, Ill get so many warnings once somebody actually reads the card, that im not sure if its worth it. Final note: Kicked Urza's rage.
__________________ Am I the one you think I am, or just the one you didn't expect?
Mrhat Member
posted January 27, 2002 11:52 AM
HAH, at least SOME of us understood the sarcasm involved.
TheFireStarter Member
posted January 27, 2002 11:57 AM
Dude, Orim's Chant SHOULD be banned. Seriously, you can do it during their mainphase and they can't attack... you can do it after they play a count AND IT COUNTERS IT!__________________ ~Stupid Rambleing Ends Here~ E-mail: AIM: NaimOfNone TheRiceMaker: Upholds Rice justice! The meaning of Life for Newbies; QAPC Get the power up and win the game. And my life has never been a bed of roses.
Trelocke Member
posted January 27, 2002 01:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Trnothr:[B]My opponent tries to counter but I cast Orim's Chant in response and he can't play spells.[ /B]
??? Your opponent plays a counter and you RESPOND with Orim's Chant? Chant stops a player from playing spells ONLY after it has resolved. Unfortunately, the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already past and it is now on the stack. Orim's Chant then goes on the stack. Once it resolves your opponent can no longer play spells, BUT the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already taken place. It WILL resolve, unaffected by the Chant. Orim's Chant is NOT a counter. It doesn't affect any spell already PLAYED (placed on the stack) and may be responded to by other spell. It only stops an oppenent from PLAYING spells once it has resolved. The sad part is, neither of you understood the difference between PLAYING and RESOLVING. You should understand your cards before declaring them as "sick" and "can't believe it hasn't been banned." Chant is good, but there is a reason it hasn't been banned: It doesn't work the way you think it does. Here's a link to help you understand more about your cards. I suggest you do some studying: __________________ I never said I don't believe in God. I just happen to believe he's an a-hole.
*Tedman* Member
posted January 27, 2002 01:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Trelocke: ??? Your opponent plays a counter and you RESPOND with Orim's Chant? Chant stops a player from playing spells ONLY after it has resolved. Unfortunately, the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already past and it is now on the stack. Orim's Chant then goes on the stack. Once it resolves your opponent can no longer play spells, BUT the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already taken place. It WILL resolve, unaffected by the Chant. Orim's Chant is NOT a counter. It doesn't affect any spell already PLAYED (placed on the stack) and may be responded to by other spell. It only stops an oppenent from PLAYING spells once it has resolved. The sad part is, neither of you understood the difference between PLAYING and RESOLVING. You should understand your cards before declaring them as "sick" and "can't believe it hasn't been banned." Chant is good, but there is a reason it hasn't been banned: It doesn't work the way you think it does.Here's a link to help you understand more about your cards. I suggest you do some studying:
And I suggest you learn to recognize sarcasm when you see it. __________________ MOTL Moderator for:Deck Help/Construction Articles Magic Discussion General Discussion
Trnothr Member
posted January 27, 2002 01:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Trelocke: ??? Your opponent plays a counter and you RESPOND with Orim's Chant? Chant stops a player from playing spells ONLY after it has resolved. Unfortunately, the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already past and it is now on the stack. Orim's Chant then goes on the stack. Once it resolves your opponent can no longer play spells, BUT the act of PLAYING the counterspell has already taken place. It WILL resolve, unaffected by the Chant. Orim's Chant is NOT a counter. It doesn't affect any spell already PLAYED (placed on the stack) and may be responded to by other spell. It only stops an oppenent from PLAYING spells once it has resolved. The sad part is, neither of you understood the difference between PLAYING and RESOLVING. You should understand your cards before declaring them as "sick" and "can't believe it hasn't been banned." Chant is good, but there is a reason it hasn't been banned: It doesn't work the way you think it does.Here's a link to help you understand more about your cards. I suggest you do some studying:
__________________ Am I the one you think I am, or just the one you didn't expect?
Mrhat Member
posted January 27, 2002 02:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Trnothr:
I agree.
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