Topic: Mafia 13 : The Turnkey Conspiracy
junichi Moderator
posted November 21, 2010 12:07 AM
Even though we lost, I did found this one to be quite interesting, and is probably one of the few where I'm actually committed to posting.__________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
[Edited 1 times, lastly by junichi on November 21, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted November 21, 2010 03:06 AM

Wow....As for my part in the SK I had chosen my first night kill alphabetical. I was going to wait it out and see where the votes would go and NK from there. It went south for me sigh~! I tried to get out the hole but it was difficult. If Ray wasn't lynched and I made it past the lynch, he would have been my first choice. As I stated he was pretty much saying what ryan stated earlier that round and I even brought it up. The next night would have been Hil' because he wanted names from me. It was very open and direct. I found this suspicious. I told myself that Mafia would be willing to vote for another if I were to say a name that was not mafia. BUT if I gave a random name like WCFmo they would have continued. I wish I would have given a name but I took my chances and told hil it was better that I didnt  Of course I would have hunted Mafia until it was time for me to kill the Cits Sigh~!Truth  To Yak and WCF I never held any grudge. Though it was a good post on WCF's part to post that. It made him look innocent. Good game
WCFmo Member
posted November 21, 2010 05:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by dakrum: That was an excellent ploy. Did you feel that you pretty much had to try to fake claim in order to win?
No, but I felt as I may have been lynched that round so I wanted to set it up so it makes other people look suspicious as well. If I was lynched, I think the first place people look is my "list of names" and it would have been hard for them (YAK & THROR). I also thought maybe the one of the few remaining cits is cop, I had to preempt them in case they got a name as the cop so they would be more likely to be lynched. I also had to make sure that the names I submitted made sense if they were scrutinized. If there was a real cop, it also casts a shadow of doubt on all the other people claiming roles if I get lynched. After it became apparent that I was believable and no one was the cop, I had to make sure we didn't hit one of the other 3 mafia. If we did, during the NK phase I was going to 'find out' somebody was mafia and try to get them lynched. :P I knew prior to the lynch that we were gonna hit JAZ btw (Jaz - just kidding with you when I was stating my suspicions , had to make my vote justified against you and you literally didn't post that much) @ Thror - come on man, this game was fun @ LA3 - you played a good game btw @ FWY - yeah, I don't particularly think you hold grudges (but I've seen you get into it w/ PD and myself) but the last game I said "you always find me suspicious" so I thought it gives me a perfect opportunity to 'explain' my vote for you in the beginning. @ Everyone else - you all were very close to hitting a mafia, if not a couple. And all the analysis (YAK and others) was pretty well spot on, minus me being the cop  I mentioned this quote several times in the mafia e-mails as I couldn't stop laughing. "I know I am on the citizen side, and even if any of you have any doubts about me or anyone else, as long as you follow the name WCFmo/Thror/Yaku come up with, the mafias can't manipulate the outcome."
[Edited 3 times, lastly by WCFmo on November 21, 2010]
OGB Member
posted November 21, 2010 05:43 AM

I was the mafia leader this game, and I guess I don't really have too much else to add.In the last round I purposefully fell off the map to make it appear I'd given up so the cits' attention would focus elsewhere, basically where WCFmo led them. When Yak posted his #1 and #2 suspects in the last round, and both were mafia, that had me a little worried, but WCFmo was able to pull you guys in Gawain's direction. __________________
WCFmo Member
posted November 21, 2010 05:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain: And my edit didn't make it at all. Bah.Long story short, there are too many roles, 4 Mafia is BAD, Cop and Doctor should be mandatory, Masons are all well and good but don't balance Mafia/Added Mafia, and people shouldn't take reveals as be all/end all. I realize I played a bad game, and I'm sorry for that, but I do believe I was the ONLY person SCREAMING that at least ONE of the reveals was false, and I was effin' right. Didn't peg the correct reveal, sadly, and wasn't on to WCFmo at all (double sadly), but at least I was on the right track. Too little, too late, and with too little credibility, but damn. And I was the drunk one :/
LOL. The funny part was that the other people who were saying that (OGB, HILI) were the mafia. Which is why it made you look suspicious too. @ JUNI - you had some pretty good analysis this game and your role made me scramble b/c it painted a very small area for which to hit one of the unknowns. quote: Originally posted by OGB: I was the mafia leader this game, and I guess I don't really have too much else to add.In the last round I purposefully fell off the map to make it appear I'd given up so the cits' attention would focus elsewhere, basically where WCFmo led them. When Yak posted his #1 and #2 suspects in the last round, and both were mafia, that had me a little worried, but WCFmo was able to pull you guys in Gawain's direction.
By the way, I think both OGB and HILI made a fantastic case for false reveals that was overlooked
[Edited 2 times, lastly by WCFmo on November 21, 2010]
WCFmo Member
posted November 21, 2010 06:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by Liq: Originally it was going to be 3 Mafia, 3 Masons, Tracker, Doc, Serial Killer, Bomb, but then 2 more ppl joined at the last minute so I added the Mafia RB thinking "eh that will balance it". Big mistake on my part.
Someone was the bomb this game?
OGB Member
posted November 21, 2010 06:56 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Someone was the bomb this game?
Had to be Yak then... __________________
WCFmo Member
posted November 21, 2010 07:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by OGB: Had to be Yak then...
Yeah had to take the gf home, but on my way I thought about it and he was the first name I thought of.
LA3 Member
posted November 21, 2010 07:34 AM

Yes i played a good game, still flawed.I get testy sometimes in life and i guess it boiled over a little when people started to question my play style in the game. I can't help the play style, but i'll try and play a better more i guess.
Zakman86 Member
posted November 21, 2010 07:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by LA3: Yes i played a good game, still flawed.I get testy sometimes in life and i guess it boiled over a little when people started to question my play style in the game. I can't help the play style, but i'll try and play a better more i guess.
I think you play a decent late game but MOTL in general needs to work more on their early game... me included.
OGB Member
posted November 21, 2010 07:57 AM

quote: Originally posted by LA3: Yes i played a good game, still flawed.I get testy sometimes in life and i guess it boiled over a little when people started to question my play style in the game. I can't help the play style, but i'll try and play a better more i guess.
I thought you played well, too. I'm sorry if my dig at you in R2 was taken personally, but it was honestly all within the game, trying to get you riled up again, as you had pegged me as mafia at that point. No hard feelings? __________________
thror Member
posted November 21, 2010 08:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: With all due respect dude. You lynched him. Whether Gawain played poorly or not, that's kind of a chump move to say something like that.
Had he not done himself in with terrible logic, we were on track to lynch OGB instead. __________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted
Jazaray Moderator
posted November 21, 2010 08:59 AM

Well, I got two mafia, and I only played for one round, so I'm quite happy with that. I have to agree with Gawain and thror though. 4 mafia and no cop? This game was doomed from the start. Cop and Doc should be mandatory roles, they're the cits key roles in this game. We have mandatory mafia... but no mandatory cit roles? Doesn't seem balanced. Or, if there's no mandatory cop/doc, there should be no faking roles. Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
LA3 Member
posted November 21, 2010 09:08 AM

I agree if we dont have a doc or cop theres should be no faking roles. I was suprised a lot of roles were used though.
Tranderas Member
posted November 21, 2010 09:41 AM
Faking roles should be an integral part of any Mafia game, it comes with the territory imo.Liq admitted he accidentally unbalanced the game with 1 too many maf. I agree with him, but I think "let's try some things and if they don't work next game we'll try something else" is better for mafia on the board than the stagnation it had previously.
ryan2754 Member
posted November 21, 2010 10:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain: And my edit didn't make it at all. Bah.Long story short, there are too many roles, 4 Mafia is BAD, Cop and Doctor should be mandatory, Masons are all well and good but don't balance Mafia/Added Mafia, and people shouldn't take reveals as be all/end all. I realize I played a bad game, and I'm sorry for that, but I do believe I was the ONLY person SCREAMING that at least ONE of the reveals was false, and I was effin' right. Didn't peg the correct reveal, sadly, and wasn't on to WCFmo at all (double sadly), but at least I was on the right track. Too little, too late, and with too little credibility, but damn. And I was the drunk one :/
I had a feeling after I was dead that there was going to be claiming going on. Without a cop, against 4 mafia, the cits were ****ed from the beginning. No doubt. I would have never questioned WCFmo since there were no counterclaim and never would have thought there would be NO cop with 4 mafia. Definitely one sided. So we have Ray, WCFmo, hilikus, OGB.
Right after I died, I was going to PM hili and ask if he was mafia. He was doing WAY TOO MUCH BUDDYING WITH ME. I think Ray was pretty obvious after I died. OGB was a guy I was on the fence about after I died. After I died, I didn't look too closely to do analysis. Fwy, me keeping my vote on you was nothing against you. I just hate keeping SKs around. Too much of a wild card. LA3, apologies for getting tunneled. I don't want you to discourage you from playing - not my intention. I don't think cop/doc should be mandatory, but they should be the first that go in, especially with 4 mafia. Fake claims should still be allowed. Pretty much agree with trand. Liq, why am I the MVP? __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
dakrum Member
posted November 21, 2010 11:13 AM

I didn't see ray being that obvious to be honest with everybody. I didn't play that close attention to many details, but still. Probably a sign that I would have some work to do if anything.The biggest detail I saw in the game was this part by WCFmo and I'm wondering if I'm making too much of a big deal out of nothing because I could have sworn that somebody would have picked this up: Sigh. I haven't played that good this round, I played better last game when I was the doc. I am the cop. I chose to look at THROR, YAK, and JAZ in that order. I chose not to save FWY b/c he threatened YAK, RYAN, and ME and b/c of his grudge against me I thought he might actually kill me. Psychic cop powers right there.  Second EDIT: Since I forgot to mention it earlier (and I thought I did), I understand that play WCFmo. Still, I don't think that the tracker is as weak of a role as people are making it out to be. With the ability to claim roles, the tracker is incredibly powerful.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by dakrum on November 21, 2010]
hilikuS Member
posted November 21, 2010 12:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: Well, I got two mafia, and I only played for one round, so I'm quite happy with that.
That's exactly why you got NK'd lol. Both you and Ryan seemed to be on the right track, so we were like, yeah nix those two right quick.
quote: Originally posted by ryan2754:
Right after I died, I was going to PM hili and ask if he was mafia. He was doing WAY TOO MUCH BUDDYING WITH ME. I think Ray was pretty obvious after I died.
Naw dude, you're just that cool. quote: Originally posted by thror: Had he not done himself in with terrible logic, we were on track to lynch OGB instead.
I'm not a huge fan of blaming other people like that. He could easily say his actions were misread, but whatever I guess. For the record I'm ok with the faking of roles. I was honestly surprised that people took that for granted so quickly with everyone coming out and saying I'm this. One of the reasons why I tried to point it out in that last round was because I felt like that's exactly what I would have said as a citizen. Everybody knew you could lie about roles, and then like half the town claims a good role. Something is almost certainly up. I think this game was a matter of the role bluff being a new mechanic, but in future games it'll probably be a lot harder to do it. From my perspective of this game, it opened up a ton of crazy dynamics, and was kinda exciting.
[Edited 3 times, lastly by hilikuS on November 21, 2010]
junichi Moderator
posted November 21, 2010 12:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: That's exactly why you got NK'd lol. Both you and Ryan seemed to be on the right track, so we were like, yeah nix those two right quick. I'm not a huge fan of blaming other people like that. He could easily say his actions were misread, but whatever I guess.
For the record I'm ok with the faking of roles. I was honestly surprised that people took that for granted so quickly with everyone coming out and saying I'm this. One of the reasons why I tried to point it out in that last round was because I felt like that's exactly what I would have said as a citizen. Everybody knew you could lie about roles, and then like half the town claims a good role. Something is almost certainly up. I think this game was a matter of the role bluff being a new mechanic, but in future games it'll probably be a lot harder to do it. From my perspective of this game, it opened up a ton of crazy dynamics, and was kinda exciting.
I think most of us knew about the possibility of role bluffing, but we also assumed there has to be a cop in a 4 mafia 1 SK game, so when there isn't a 2nd person coming out to claim as a cop, we had to take what WCFmo said as legitimate, and hope the probability is on our side. I am sure you guys were probably pretty surprised when no one else claims to be a cop.  __________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
rayragnarok Member
posted November 21, 2010 02:19 PM

i think role claiming is fine but that the cop should be mandatory, its seems like to much of a mafia auto win if their isn't one.
Gawain Member
posted November 21, 2010 04:58 PM

quote: Originally posted by thror: Had he not done himself in with terrible logic, we were on track to lynch OGB instead.
"Originally posted by hilikuS: With all due respect dude. You lynched him. Whether Gawain played poorly or not, that's kind of a chump move to say something like that." What's this all about? Did someone delete a post?
Jazaray Moderator
posted November 21, 2010 05:21 PM

quote: Originally posted by Gawain: "Originally posted by hilikuS: With all due respect dude. You lynched him. Whether Gawain played poorly or not, that's kind of a chump move to say something like that."What's this all about? Did someone delete a post?
It was in response to thror saying "Slops to Gawain"... Which Hili quoted..?? Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
junichi Moderator
posted November 21, 2010 05:22 PM
People should chill for a bit. Everyone on the cit side played a poor and OOC game, and there isn't anyone to blame but ourselves. Let's be honest, even if we had a cop that game, we were still very behind, and probably have to make 4 right choice in a roll to win the game.__________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
Gawain Member
posted November 21, 2010 07:43 PM

quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: It was in response to thror saying "Slops to Gawain"... Which Hili quoted..??Thanks, Jazaray
Aah, I dig. I remember that. I was slightly salty about it for a moment, but I DID play a crappy game. I had my moment, but like I said, too little, too late, with too little credibility remaining to me. *shrugs* Nature of the beast I guess. Props to Hili for being the great mediator that he is. quote: Originally posted by junichi: People should chill for a bit. Everyone on the cit side played a poor and OOC game, and there isn't anyone to blame but ourselves. Let's be honest, even if we had a cop that game, we were still very behind, and probably have to make 4 right choice in a roll to win the game.
Dude...I dig where you're coming from, but hell...frustration is bound to ensue after a game like this. The odds were stacked against the Cits BEFORE all these new roles. Now, it's just ludicrous. I can't even begin to keep up. When I used to play this game, I was un/under-employed, and the only real thing I had to look forward to on any given day was excelling at Mafia, at least as much as I could. Now, I work like a dog, and I can only play casually. That would be fine if I wasn't dealing with a completely new, unfamiliar, and infinitely more complicated meta-game. I got MAD a few times this game, but I had to step back and realize that I just wasn't able to contribute like I could before, and calm myself down. It was particularly hard when you were tunneling me so bad early/mid game, but I got it and I chilled. The point is, we need a game that is more balanced towards the Cits, and that, we don't have right now. I think some roles need to be eliminated for sheer superfluousness, the Cop/Doc need to be mandatory, and we should never have more than 3 Mafia. Period.
rayragnarok Member
posted November 21, 2010 08:15 PM

i dont think that we need to eliminate any of the roles at all, the GM just needs to learn which combinations make a game fair, and that will take a bit of time. i like the idea that some games are going to be stacked abit one way or another. winning with the odds against you is pretty sweet. plus that game could have gone quite differently if the masons didn't die or if WCFmo didn't have the balls to bluff the cop. but a forth mafia and a SK and no cop was a bit ridiculous for our second game under these new rules. i'd like to see the mafia capped at 3, the cop mandatory, and no SK for a game or two while we learn more about how to properly use some of the other roles. but thats just my opinion.
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