Topic: Broodmate Dragon Promo
dwiz Member
posted April 29, 2012 07:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by southparker2002: I just picked up 4x of these at $2 each. After this hype, do you think they will go up again later? Should I just hang on to them for a few years or give them up now?
What hype?
r3dd09 Member
posted April 30, 2012 01:27 AM
I saw one at the SLC GP and was baffled at the cost. checked it 2 weeks later and saw them at for a lot less than what the vendor said. my walmart has 3 of these last I checked... not worth the investment. Sad day for whoever bought one... same things or the command towers. Just play the waiting game.
bawitheba Member
posted April 30, 2012 03:35 AM
They were all over my Walmart for like 2 weeks. They have now disappeared and I was told they were not getting anymore in.
azazel70820 Member
posted April 30, 2012 05:02 AM
I seen 10-12 at my local Wal-Mart. Should I pick them up?
iccarus Member
posted April 30, 2012 05:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by azazel70820: I seen 10-12 at my local Wal-Mart. Should I pick them up?
At this point, I would say no. Unless you really want to pay the pack cracking lottery. The promo is selling at under $3. It might go back up later, but it's probably now viewed as being as common as the Brion/Jaya promos were. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
Zeckk Member
posted April 30, 2012 09:36 AM irony is that the Knight Exemplar promos are selling much higher.
flophaus Member
posted April 30, 2012 09:48 AM

quote: Originally posted by r3dd09:
Sad day for whoever bought one... same things or the command towers. Just play the waiting game.
Maybe for the people who spent rediculous ammounts of money on them, but for me to just pick up a playset by buying some packs that I would've bought anyway, it seems at least moderately sweet =)