If you are an artist and don't want your info posted here, or have an update or other special requests, please contact me 
I will keep this list updated as best as possible.
I won't post artist's address' on here unless they can be found on the web.
I such a case, I will post their email and you will be able to contact them and request what you need.
When I add a new address/artist to the list, I will bold it out to make it easier to find them.
Remember when sending, don't send too many cards unless you ask first, and make sure to include a self addressed stamped envelope with enough postage to make it back to you.
If you are sending to someone in a different country, email them first to find out the best way to get the cards back to you.
Most will tell you it's ok to send a few dollars along and they will get you the right postage back.
It always a good idea too add a few bucks for the artists time if you send a lot of cards, who knows, they may alter or send you a proof for your generosity.
Remember, these artists are doing you a favor by signing your cards, be nice to them!
If you want to contact a Magic artist not on this list, Wizards of the Coast can forward your mail to the artist. If you manage to find out a non-listed artist's address via this method, please do post it here! Address the envelope to:
Artist Name/Artist
C/O Wizards of the Coast
PO Box 707
Renton, WA 98057-0707
(Know that this option will take forever!)
Aaron Boyd
Web: http://aaronboydarts.deviantart.com/
Adi Granov
Web: http://www.adigranov.net/
Adrian Smith
Web: http://www.adriansmith.co.uk/
Ai Deshang
No info.
Al Davidson
No Info
Allen (L.A.)Williams
Web: http://ijustdraw.blogspot.com/
Does not respond to requests
Alton Lawson
Web: http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database/art/list.pl?gallery=1606
Andrew Murray
Web: http://www.theincredibleandy.com/
Ariel Olivetti
Web: http://arielolivetti.com.ar/ingles/index001.html
Arnie Swekel
No info
Austin Hsu
No info
Adam Rex
.E-mail: Hairycheese@aol.com
Web: http://www.daydream-graphics.com
Will not sign cards through the mail.
Alan Pollack
E-mail: apollackstudios@zoom-dsl.com
Web: http://www.alanpollack.com/
Will sign cards through the mail, contact for info
Alan Rabinowitz
Mail: 9 Dalewood Lane
Kings Park NY, USA 11754
E-mail: alan_rabinowitz@hotmail.com
Web: www.artwerk.org
Address may not be up to date, does not respond to emails
Aleksi Briclot
Web: http://www.aneyeoni.com
Will not sign through the mail
Alex Horley-Orlandelli
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco
3 Waterloo Road
Hoptatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: (973) 770-8190
E-mail1: Horley@iol.it
E-mail2: AlexHorley@spiderwebart.com for questions about art
Web: http://www.alexhorley.com
Amy Weber
E-mail: orion713@aol.com
No longer signs Magic cards thanks to some douchebag.
Andi Rusu
Anthony Palumbo
Contact for info
Andrew Goldhawk
E-Mail: web@andrewgoldhawk.com
Web: http://www.andrewgoldhawk.com
Does not respond to inquires.
Anthony Francisco
Contact for info, will sign through the mail
Anson Maddocks
Does not sign through the mail
Anthony s. Waters
Web: http://www.thinktankstudios.com/
Contact for info, will sign through the mail
April Lee
Mail: 22111 Calvert Street, #316-C
Woodland Hills CA, USA 91367
Phone: (818) 346-2088
E-mail: aprillee@lycos.com
Web: http://www.aprillee.com
Contact for info, will sign but takes forever, has not signed for 2 years.
Ashley (Ash) Wood
website: ashleywood.artist.com
email: ash@ashleywood.com
Ben Thompson
Web: http://www.benthompsonart.com
Bob Eggleton
E-mail: zillabob@ids.net
Web: http://www.bobeggleton.com
Bob Petillo
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco
3 Waterloo Road
Hoptatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: (973) 770-8190
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: www.spiderwebart.com
Bradley Williams
Mail: 3817 Eccles Ave.
Ogden UT, USA 84403
Phone: (801) 627-9065
E-mail: bwilliams123@juno.com
Web: bradleywilliams.net
Brian Despain
E-mail: badbrain@imphead.com
Web: http://www.imphead.com
Will sign through the mail, contact for info
Brian Snoddy
8415 5th Avenue NE, Apt B-1
Seattle, WA 98115 USA
Web: Snell Software
Will sign cards through the mail.
web: http://www.bromart.com/
Does not sign cards through the mail as per his website.
Bryon Wackwitz
Website: WWW.Bryonwackwitz.webs.com
Signs for a fee, see website for details.
No info
Bill Sienkiewicz
Web: http://www.billsienkiewiczart.com/
Brad Rigney
Web: http://cryptcrawler.deviantart.com/
Brandon Dorman
Web: http://www.brandondorman.com/
Brandon Kitouski
No info
Brian Durfee
Web: http://brianleedurfee.weebly.com/index.html
Brian Hagan
Web: http://www.artofhagan.com/
Brian Horton
Web: http://www.modelmayhem.com/205141
Bryan Talbot
Web: http://www.bryan-talbot.com/
Bud Cook
Web: http://www.budcookstudio.com/art/
Will sign through the mail, contact for info
Cai Tingting
No info
Carl Frank
Web: http://home.earthlink.net/~franknstyn/portfolio/bookcover/index.html
Cecil Fernando
No info
Charles Urbach
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/id/hawkrune/
Will sign through mail, contact for info
Chen Weidong
No info
Chengo McFlingers (Robert Bliss?)
No info
Chris Dien
Web: http://www.chrisdien.com/
Chris J Anderson
Web: http://www.chrisjanderson.com/
Will sign through the mail, contact for info
Chris Rahn
Web: http://www.rahnart.com/
Does not sign through the mail
Cliff Childs
Web: http://cliffchilds.com/
Will sign through the mail, contact for info
Clint Cearley
Web: http://damascus5.deviantart.com/
Clint Langley
Web: http://www.clintlangley.com/
Cole Eastburn
Web: http://goombaman.cgsociety.org/gallery/
Corey D Macourek
Web: http://www.cmnmd.com/
Cos Koniotis
Web: http://www.coskoniotis.com/
Craig Hooper
No info
Craig Mullins
Web: http://www.goodbrush.com/
Cris Dornaus
Web: http://www.borderzone.com/SkeletnGrl/
Cara Mitten
Email: finest_worksong@hotmail.com
Web: http://hyenapaws.critter.net
Carl Critchlow
Web: http://www.carlcritchlow.com/
Does not sign through the mail
Carol Heyer
Mail: 925 E Avenue DeLos Arboles
Thousand Oaks CA, USA 91360
Charles Gillespie
Mail: 55 The Branch
Springtown, Londonderry, Ireland BT48 0RA
Phone: 44 1504 269999
Does not sign though the mail.
Chris Appelhans
Web: http://www.froghatstudios.com
Christopher Moeller
Mail: 210 Parkside Ave
Pittsburgh PA, USA 15228
E-mail: moellerc@adelphia.net
Web: www.cmoeller.com
No longer signs through the mail
Christopher Rush
E-mail: crushart@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/crushart/
No longer signs through the mail
Mail: PO BOX 57
Sitges Barcelona, Spain 08870
E-mail: ciruelo@dac-editions.com
Web: www.dac-editions.com
Claymore J. Flapdoodle
See Phil Foglio
Does not sign through the mail
Cliff Nielsen
No contact info ATM
Clyde Caldwell
Mail: 1926B Springbrook
N Waukesha WI, USA 53186
Phone : (262) 574-0073
E-mail: clydeosaur@aol.com
Web: www.enteract.com/~godis/clyde
Colin MacNeil
Mail: c/o Red Slap Creatives
TFR 45 Duke Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 8HH
E-mail: karen.newis@ukonline.com
Web: www.redslap.co.uk
Cornelius Brudi
No contact info
Cyril Van Der Haegen
Phone: (617) 504-0515
E-mail: tegehel@cox.net
Web: http://www.tegehel.org
Contact for info
Mike "Daarken" Lim
Will sign through the mail, contact him for info
D. Alexander Gregory
Does not sign through the mail
Dameon Willich
Dan Frazier
Mail: 4853 Fountain Street
Boulder CO 80304
E-mail: dfrazier@earthnet.net
Web: www.danfrazier.com
Will sign cards through the mail
Dan Scott
Web: http://http://www.danscottart.com/
Will sign cards through the mail from time to time, check website
Daren Bader
Mail: 625 Poinsettia Park N
Encinitas CA, USA 92024
E-Mail: daren@angelstudios.com
Web: http://www.darenbader.com
Will sign cards through the mail
David Palumbo
website: http://www.dvpalumbo.com
email: dave@dvpalumbo.com
Dave Allsop
Web: http://www.daveallsop.co.uk
Dave Dorman
Web: http://www.dormanart.com/
Will sign through the mail, check website for info
David A. Cherry
E-Mail: david@DavidCherryArt.com
Web: http://www.davidcherryart.com/
David Ho
Mail: 3586 Dickenson Common
Fremont CA, USA 94538
Phone: 510-656-2468
E-mail: ho@davidho.com
Web: www.davidho.com
David Martin
Contact for info.
David O'Connor
Mail: 10 Gold Stone Road, Hove
Brighton, England BN3 3RP
Phone: 01273 206913
David Seeley
Mail: 102 South Street
Boston MA, USA 02111
Will sign through the mail
Dermot Power
Mail: 26 Beverly Drive, Edgware
Middlesex, England HA8 5NG
E-mail: power@dircon.co.uk
Does not sign
Diana Vick
Mail: 811 NW Ravenna Blvd.
Seattle WA 98115
Tony DiTerlizzi
Mail: P. O. Box 442
Amherst, Massachusetts
Web: www.diterlizzi.com/
Will sign up to 10 cards through the mail.d
Mail: c/o Red Slap Creatives,
TFR 45 Duke Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 8HH
E-mail: karen.newis@ukonline.co.uk
Web: www.redslap.co.uk
Don Hazeltine
Web: http://www.donhazeltine.com
Contact for info
Donato Giancola
Mail: 397 Pacific St
Brooklyn NY, USA 11217
Phone: (718) 797-2438
Web: www.donatoart.com
Will sign through the mail
Doug Chaffee
Doug Keith
Mail: 909 North 78th Street
Seattle WA 98103
Phone: (206) 783-3912
E-mail: atozdk@aol.com
Douglas Shuler
Mail: PO Box 18644
Boulder, CO 80308-1644
E-mail: darkjedi@ix.netcom.com
Web: www.douglasshuler.com
Will sign cards through the mail, takes very long
Drew Tucker
Web: www.daydream-graphics.com/
Does not sign by mail
Address: E.M. Gist
7546 Gibraltar st. Apt G
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Email: emgist@erikgist.com
Website: http://deadoftheday.blogspot.com
Edward P. Beard, Jr.
Mail: P.O. BOX 302
MUNCY, PA 17756
Phone: 1-800-887-5772
E-mail: destini@ids.net
Web: www.destiniproductionsinc.com/
See site for details
Erica Gassalasca-Jape
See Heather Hudson
Eric Deschamps
Email: eric@ericdeschamps.com
Web: www.ericdeschamps.com
Will sign through the mail, contact for info.
Eric Fortune
email: efortune357@hotmail.com
website: http://www.ericfortune.com
Francis Tsai
Web: http://www.teamgt.com
Franz Vohwinkel
3508 Beach Drive SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Signs through the mail
Fred Harper
Mail: 39 Pearl Street, #4R
Brooklyn NY, USA 11201
Gary Gianni
Mail: 2540 West Pensacola
Chicago IL, USA 60618
Gary Leach
No contact info
George Pratt
Mail: 102 Sidney Green St.
Chapel Hill NC, USA 27516
Phone: (919) 968-0192
Gerry Grace
Mail: 25 Princess Road
Brighton, Sussex, England BN2 3RH
Glen Angus
Greg Hildebrandt (Brother Tim Deceased)
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: (973) 770-8189
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: www.spiderwebart.com
Contact first
Greg Simanson
E-mail: gsimonso@ix.netcom.com
Greg Spalenka
Mail: c/o Allen Spiegel Fine Arts,
221 Lobos Avenue
Pacific Grove CA, USA 93950
Hannibal King
Mail: 32 Owencroft Rd.
Dorchester MA, USA 02124
Phone: (617) 230-3764
Harold McNeill
E-mail: third_camelot@hotmail.com
Web: www.thirdcamelot.com
Does not respond to inquires
Heather Hudson
Web: http://www.studiowondercabinet.com/
Mail: c/o Studio Wondercabinet, 117 E. Louisa St. # 307, Seattle, Washington 98102
Signing for a very limited time, no more then 12 cards can be sent.
Henry G. Higginbotham
Mail: 4047 Midland Rd.
Christiana TN, USA 37037
Unconfirmed address
Hugh Jamieson
Email: paintandsuffering@attbi.com
Web: http://www.paintandsuffering.com
Ian Miller
Mail: 43 Vere Road
Brighton, Sussex, England BN1 4NQ
Web: http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/ittoku01/hp
J. W. Frost
Mail: c/o Pardy,
8 Chambers St
Smiths falls ON, Canada K7A 2Y1
Janine Johnston
Mail: 6541 Brownlee Pl
Victoria B.C
V8Z 5Y6 Canada
Web: www.janinejohnston.com
E-mail: jinjini@hotmail.com or info@janinejohnston.com
Jason Alexander Behnke
Mail: 310 S Easton Rd., Apt. A206
Glenside PA, USA 19038-3940
E-mail: jabehnke@home.com
Web: www.daydream-graphics.com/
Jeff Easley
Mail: W3547 Lakeview Dr.
Lake Geneva,WI. 53147
E-mail: caraeas@yahoo.com
Jeff Laubenstein
Contact for info
Jeff A. Menges
Mail: Skaircrow Graphics,
PO Box 593
Northport NY, USA 11768-0593
Web: www.skaircrow.com
{b}Contact before sending[/b]
Jeff Miracola
Mail: (Email Jeff for current mailing info)
E-mail: jeffmiracola@jeffmiracola.com
Web: www.jeffmiracola.com
{b]Contact for info, charges $1 per charge to sign.[/b]
Jeff Reitz
Mail: RR5 Box 5219A
Stroudsburg PA, USA 18360
Phone: (570) 420-1654
Jennifer Law
Mail: 222 Summit Ave E, #305
Seattle WA, USA 98102
Phone: (206) 328-6087
Jeremy Jarvis
Mail: C/O WOTC
Email: info@jeremyjarvis.com
Web: http://www.jeremyjarvis.com
Will sign through the mail
Jerry Tiritilli
No info
Jim Nelson
Mail: 2011 W. Byron #2
Chicago IL, USA 60618
Phone: (773) 868-0803
E-mail: mothman@sprintmail.com
Jim Pavelec
Web: http://www.jimpavelec.com
Mail: c/o Red Slap Creatives,
TFR 45 Duke Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 8HH[
E-mail: karen.newis@ukonline.co.uk
Web: www.redslap.co.uk
Joel Thomas
Web: http://www.stalecracker.com
John Avon
Web: http://www.johnavon.com/
Signs through mail for a fee, check website.
John Coulthart
Mail: Flat 3, 65 Bamford Road
Didsbury, Manchester, England M20 2QP
E-mail: discordia@softhome.net
Web: www.savoy.abel.co.uk/gallery.html
John Matson
Mail: 2134 A North 72nd St.
Wauwatosa WI, USA 53213
Julie Baroh
E-mail: jbaroh@juliebaroh.com
Web: www.juliebaroh.com
Contact for info
Junior Tomlin
Mail: 291-D Ladbroke Grove
London, England W10 6HE
Phone: 44 181 968 5784
E-mail: juniort@mailbox.co.uk
Justin Sweet
Web: http://www.justinsweet.com/
Does not sign through the mail
Justin Hampton
Signs for a fee, check website
Kaja Foglio
Mail: Studio Foglio,
2400 NW 80th St., #129
Seattle WA, USA 98117
Web: www.studiofoglio.com
Does not sign through the mail
Keith Garletts
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: 973-770-8189
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: www.spiderwebart.com
Keith Parkinson
Ken Meyer, Jr.
E-mail: kenmeyerjr@comcast.net
Web: http://www.kenmeyerjr.com
Email for address, will sign through the mail
Kensuke Okabayashi
Web: http://www.piggybackstudios.com
Kersten Kaman
{b]No info[/b]
Kev Brockschmidt
Mail: 17701 108th Ave SE #213
Renton, WA 98055
E-mail: kev@kevscartoons.com
Web: www.kevscartoons.com
Kevin Dobler
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: (973) 770-8189
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: www.spiderwebart.com
Kev Walker
We have no current contact information for Kev Walker. Also please note that Kev does not sign cards mailed to him; he only signs cards when making appearances at events.
Khang Le
Web: http://www.khangle.net
Kipling West
Email: pageofbats@aol.com
Web: http://home.aol.com/Pageofbats
L. A. Williams
Mail: PO Box 1606
Warren OH, USA 44482
Phone: (330) 373-0022
E-mail: crucifer@aol.com
Web: http://www.lawilliams.com/
Larry Elmore
Web: http://www.larryelmore.com
Larry MacDougall
Mail: 846 Highway #8
Stoney Creek ON, Canada L8E 5J3
Phone: (905) 527-2887
Liz Danforth
PO Box 14824
Tucson, AZ 85732
Will sign through the mailLou Harrison
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: (973) 770-8189
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: [URL=http://www.spiderwebart.com]www.spiderwebart.com
Marcelo Vignali
Mail: Marcello Vignalli c/o
Marcelo Vignali, Inc.
P.O. Box 910615
St. George, Utah
84791 United States
Tel: 1(435) 652-3858
Fax: 1(435) 656-9009
E-mail: VignaliStudio@aol.com
Web: www.vignalistudio.com
Marc Fishman
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/10738780583
Mark Nelson
Email: gdpmark53@comcast.net
website: http://www.grazingdinosaurpress.com/pages/mark/home.html
Margaret Organ-Kean
Mail: PMB 177
1916 Pike Place #12
Seattle, Washington 98101
Phone: (206) 387-0941
E-mail: margaret@organ-kean.com
Web: http://www.organ-kean.com/
Mark Brill
Phone: (253) 939-6617
E-mail: mark@markbrill.com
Mail:5241 Yakima Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98408
Web: http://www.markbrill.com
Signs cards through the mail
Mark Poole
Mail: 121 Old Sugar Hill Road
Lexington SC, USA 29072
Will sign cards through the mail
Mark Romanoski
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: 973-770-8189
E-mail: mrillustration@comcast.net
Web: http://www.mark-romanoski.com
Mark Rosewater
E-mail: makingmagic@wizards.com
Web: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/welcome
Mark Tedin
Address: c/o Krab Jab Studio
5628 Airport Way S., Suite #246
Seattle, WA 98108
Email: tedinmark@mindspring.com
Web: http://www.marktedin.com
Mark Zug
P.O. Box 182
Lewisberry, PA 17339
E-Mail: mxug@aol.com
Web: http://www.markzug.com
Will sign cards through the mail, takes awhile
Martin McKenna
Mail: 15 Fair View Road,
Woodthorpe Nottingham, England NG5 4GW
Phone: 44-(0)115-960-2620
E-mail: martin.mckenna@lineone.net
Web: www.asfa-art.org/Members/MartinMcKenna/index.html
Martina Pilcerova
Mail: A.Wagnera 42
98401 Lucenec
Web: http://www.martina.sk
Matt Cavotta
E-mail: matt1@cavotta.com
Web: http://www.cavotta.com/
Does not respond to inquires
Matt Stawicki
Web: www.mattstawicki.com
Matthew D. Wilson
Web: http://www.mattwilsonart.com
Does not sign by mail
Melissa A. Benson
Mail: PO Box 119
Stratford CT, USA 06615-0119
E-mail: mabenson@snet.net
Web: www.melissabenson.com
Michael Phillippi
Mail: c/o Sloth Productions, Inc.,
PO Box 2609
Mandeville LA, USA 70470-2609
Phone: (504) 875-6631
E-mail: slothart@qwest.net
Michael Sutfin
Mail: P.O.Box 99642 Emeryville, CA 94662
Web: http://www.mikesutfin.com
requires AP purchase for card signings, contact him for an updated list of APs
Michael Weaver
Mail: 1018 Atherton Lane
Woodstock GA, USA 30189
E-mail: mweaver@mindspring.com
Mike Kerr
Mail: 407 27th Ave NE
Calgary AB, Canada T2E A25
Phone: (403) 276-9740
Mike Kimble
Mail: 2105 Mapleton Place
Boulder CO, USA 80304
Phone: (303) 440-5095
Mike Raabe
Mail: 12943 SE 23rd St.
Bellevue WA, USA 98005
E-mail: mraabe@mikeraabe.com
Web: http://www.mikeraabe.com
Monte Michael Moore
Mail: 5360 North Franklin St.
Denver CO, USA 80216
Phone: (303) 294-0146
E-Mail: mavmktg@qadas.com
Web: www.mavarts.com
Nathalie Hertz
Mail: 12C Rue de Bezannes
51100 Reims, France
Phone: 03-26-040344
E-mail: nhertz@cliqueetcroque.com
Nelson DeCastro
Mail: Spiderwebart/Jean L. Scrocco,
5 Waterloo Road
Hopatcong NJ, USA 07843
Phone: 973-770-8189
E-mail: spiderwebart@worldnet.att.net
Web: www.spiderwebart.com
NeNe Thomas
Mail: NeNe Thomas Illustrations
1611 N. Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Phone: (405) 528-6363
Web: http://www.nenethomas.com
Nicola Beeson (Leonard)
Mail: Contract through website for info.
Web: By Nicola
Will sign through mail but contact first for info
Web: http://homepage3.nifty.com/nottsuo
Paolo Parente
Mail: via Trivul 210 30
Milano, Italy 1-20146
Pat Morrissey
Mail: 20 Fox Road
Middleton NH, USA 03887
Patrick Beel
Mail: HBI Studio Argyle House,
1103 Argyle St
Glasgow, Scotland G3 8ND
Patrick Kochakji
Mail: 8849 Alcott St.
Los Angeles CA, USA 90035
Phone: (310) 278-4045
Paul Lee
Mail: c/o Allen Spiegel Fine Arts,
221 Lobos Avenue
Pacific Grove CA, USA 93950
Phone: (408)372-4672
Pete Venters
Mail: Pete Venters
PO Box 70331
Seattle, WA 98127-0331
E-Mail: peteventers@gmail.com (for contacts about purchases only)
Will sign through the mail
Peter Mohrbacher
Web: http://www.vandalhigh.com/
Email: Bugmeyer @ gmail.com
Will sign through the mail, contact for info.
Phil Foglio
Mail: Studio Foglio,
2400 NW 80th St., #129
Seattle WA, USA 98117
Web: www.studiofoglio.com
Does not sign through the mail
E-Mail: puddn@puddnhead.com
Web: http://www.puddnhead.com
Quinton Hoover
No contact info.
Ralph Horsley
Web: http://www.ralphhorsley.co.uk
Randy Asplund
Mail: 2101 S Circle Drive
Ann Arbor MI 48103
Phone: (313) 663-0954
E-mail: randyaf@provide.net
Web: www.randyasplund.com
Will sign cards via mail
Randy Elliott
Mail: Raging Monkey Studios,
PO Box 813 Skaneateles NY 13152
E-mail: rcelliott@baldcom.net
Randy Gallegos
E-mail: randy@daydream-graphics.com
Web: www.randygallegos.com
Does not sign through the mail
Ray Lago
Mail: P.O. Box 36
Jersey City, N.J. 07303
E-mail: lagoray@aol.com
Web: http://www.raylago.com/
Raymond Swanland
Web: http://www.raymondswanland.com/
Will sign through the mail, contact for info
Rebecca Guay
Mail: 45 Spaulding Street
Amherst MA, USA 01002
Phone: (413) 253-7999
E-mail: rebeccaguay@yahoo.com
Web: www.rebeccaguay.com/
Does not sign through the mail any longer
Richard Kane Ferguson
Mail: 21 Kaydeross Avenue E
Saratoga Springs NY, USA 12866
Richard Sardinha
Email: rick@battleduck.com
Web: http://www.battleduck.com
rk post
rk post
22519 129th Place SE
Kent, WA 98031
Email: postrk@aol.com
Web1: http://www.facebook.com/pages/rk-post/108753735816978
Web2: http://www.daydream-graphics.com/
Will sign cards via mail.
Rob Alexander
Mail: 16075 NE 85th Street, Suite 314
Redmond, WA 98052 USAwww.robalexander.com
Will sign cards via mail.
Roger Raupp
Mail: 4917 County Road 11
Highland WI, USA 53543
E-mail: ruppo@mhtc.net
Web: www.artefects.net
Rog�rio Vilela
Mail: Rua Paris 415, Apt 132B,
Sao Paolo, SP 01257 040
Phone: 55 11 620936
E-mail: vilela@usa.net
Web: www.dirbrasil.com/vilela
Mail: 66 Dale Dr
Keene NH, USA 03431
Phone: (603) 357-7306
Ron Chironna
Mail: 122 Slosson Ave, 2nd FL
Staten Island NY, USA 10314
Phone: (718) 720-6142
E-mail: ronchironna@excite.com
Web: http://gallery.passion4art.com/members/ronchironna/
Will sign cards though mail
Ron Spears
Web: http://www.ronspears.com
Will sign through the mail, contact for info.
Ron Spencer
Mail: 1708 North R Road
Aurora NE, USA 68818
Web: http://www.ronspencerart.com
Signs cards through the mail
Ron Walotsky
Ruth Thompson
Mail: 129 Vienna
Niles OH, USA 44446
Phone: (330) 544-2991
Web: http://www.tarnishedimages.com
Ryan Pancoast
Web: Website
Contact for info
Scott M. Fischer
E-Mail: greenfisch@aol.com
Web: http://www.fischart.com
Scott Kirschner
Signs for a fee
Web: http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/shishizaru
Stephanie Law
E-mail: stephlaw@shadowscapes.com
Web: http://www.shadowscapes.com/
Stephen Daniele
Does not sign through the mail anymore.
Steve Argyle
Web: Website
Contact for info
Steve Luke
E-mail: natalie@sanassy.u-net.com
Steve Prescott
E-mail: xprescott@hotmail.com
Steve White
Mail: c/o Clockwork Studios,
38A Southwell Road
London, England SE5 9PG
Steven Belledin
Not signing ATM
Stuart Griffin
Mail: 618 Workingham Road,
Earley Reading Berks, England RG6 7HN
Phone: 44 173 466 3958
Susan Van Camp
Mail: 768 Tacken Ave
Flint MI, USA 48532
E-mail: susanvancamp@dragonstorm.org
Web: http://www.artbysvc.com
Terese Nielsen
9661 E. Las Tunas Dr. Suite C
Temple City CA 91780
E-mail: tnielsen@flashcom.net
Web: www.tnielsen.com
Will sign cards through the mail, appreciates a donation for her morning coffee.
Thomas M. Baxa
Email: tbaxa@baxaart.com
Web: http://www.baxaart.com
Does not sign by mail
Thomas Gianni
Mail: 5521 West Grace
Chicago IL, USA 60641
Phone: (312) 481-0805
E-mail: gianni@ameritech.net
Web: www.gianniart.com
Tim Hildebrandt (Deceased)
Todd Lockwood
Web: http://www.toddlockwood.com/
Contact for info, will sign cards through the mail
Tom Kyffin
Mail: c/o Red Slap Creatives,
TFR 45 Duke Street
Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 8HH
E-mail: karen.newis@ukonline.uk.co
Web: www.redslap.co.uk
Tom Wanerstrand
Mail: Umlaut Ink Illustration
3646 Interlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103
E-mail: umlaut@mindspring.com
Tony Roberts
Mail: 51 Lyndhurst Road, Hove
E Sussex, England BN3 6FD
Phone: 44 127 372 1316
Val Mayerik
Mail: 4917 Mulholland Dr.
Lake Oswego, OR 97035-4393
E-Mail: vmayerik@comcast.com
Web: http://www.valmayerik.com
Vance Kovacs
Email: vance@vancekovacs.com
Web: http://www.vancekovacs.com
Does not sign through the mail
Volkan Baga
Address: Keesburgstr. 46
97074 W�rzburg
Email: mail@volkanbaga.de
Website: www.volkanbaga.de
Will sign up to 10 cards in the mail, no alterations, $3.00 for return shipping if you don't have the correct postage for return SASE
Wayne Reynolds
Web: http://www.onlinegamescompany.com/war
email: waynereynoldsart@ntlworld.com
William Donohoe
Mail: 38 Grand Parade
Brighton, Sussex, England BN2 2QA
Phone: 01273 600205
William O'Connor
Mail: 452 W. 8th Street
Plainfield NJ, USA 07060
E-mail: Wocillo@aol.com
Zina Saunders
Mail: 210 E 17th Street, #6B
New York NY, USA 10003
Phone: (212) 777-1201
E-mail: zinaj@earthlink.net
[Edited 28 times, lastly by Thanos on July 29, 2012]