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Author Topic:   The Post for Theros Volume 2.0!
posted September 14, 2013 12:09 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for KGtheLegend Click Here to Email KGtheLegend Send a private message to KGtheLegend Click to send KGtheLegend an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Boo, all the colors have 37 cards, except black, which only has 36!!!

Black got screwed again...rabble rabble rabble!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted September 14, 2013 02:38 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for jbark Click Here to Email jbark Send a private message to jbark Click to send jbark an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View jbark's Have/Want ListView jbark's Have/Want List
I like all the burn, counter spells, targeted removal stuff. Seems like the most printed in a single set for a while. Almost seems like control will be playable and RDW.
posted September 14, 2013 07:56 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zeckk Click Here to Email Zeckk Send a private message to Zeckk Click to send Zeckk an Instant MessageVisit Zeckk's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zeckk's Have/Want ListView Zeckk's Have/Want List
Well the meta is looking kinda good right now. There's the tradeoff between magma jet and mortars (reach vs. versatile removal, scry vs. overload upside, etc.), the tradeoff of 2-color consistency vs. 3-color power, and an interesting focus on curve vs. card advantage.

What I mean by the last statement is that I haven't seen a meta that encourages on-curve deck construction this hard since ALA-ZEN block.

AEther Storm
posted September 16, 2013 06:17 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AEther Storm Click Here to Email AEther Storm Send a private message to AEther Storm Click to send AEther Storm an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AEther Storm's Have/Want ListView AEther Storm's Have/Want List
So, do we all know what color we're gonna pick next weekend?

I'm not sold yet. The Red, White and Blue promo's that you'll be getting are great, followed by the Black and Green dead last. But Green has a lot of good early bodies (at common and uncommon) that no other color has, lest somewhat for Red maybe, and seeing this will be a slow format it might warrant a second look.

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Lord Flasheart: Enter the man who has no underwear. Ask me why.
Lieutenant George: Why do you have no underwear, Lord Flash?
Lord Flasheart: Because the pants haven't been built yet that'll take the job on!

posted September 16, 2013 10:41 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I like this set but I it fell very short of being something great.

1) Bestow creatures all seem bad. Either both costs are too high or the bestow cost is so incredibly high as to make them useless as anything other that a creature with a downside.

2) Enchantments STILL don't matter unless they are auras and you have a creature in play that is "heroic". Unfortunate for an enchantment block.

3) Devotion is poorly implemented.
* It lack support. Cards that give bonus devotion? - nope. Cards with lots of colored mana symbols? - nope (Arbor Colossus is the only permanent that gives 3 devotion to a color).
* It is a win-more mechanic. Once you have enough permanents to to make it useful you were likely already winning.

Fantastic flavor, with unfortunate mechanics. Reminds me of Saviors of Kamigawa.

posted September 16, 2013 11:35 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for stab107 Click Here to Email stab107 Send a private message to stab107 Click to send stab107 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View stab107's Have/Want ListView stab107's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Pail42:
I like this set but I it fell very short of being something great.

1) Bestow creatures all seem bad. Either both costs are too high or the bestow cost is so incredibly high as to make them useless as anything other that a creature with a downside.

2) Enchantments STILL don't matter unless they are auras and you have a creature in play that is "heroic". Unfortunate for an enchantment block.

3) Devotion is poorly implemented.
* It lack support. Cards that give bonus devotion? - nope. Cards with lots of colored mana symbols? - nope (Arbor Colossus is the only permanent that gives 3 devotion to a color).
* It is a win-more mechanic. Once you have enough permanents to to make it useful you were likely already winning.

Fantastic flavor, with unfortunate mechanics. Reminds me of Saviors of Kamigawa.

This is the first set of the block, there are two more to come.

posted September 16, 2013 01:54 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for daner Click Here to Email daner Send a private message to daner Click to send daner an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Pail42:
I like this set but I it fell very short of being something great.

Fantastic flavor, with unfortunate mechanics. Reminds me of Saviors of Kamigawa.

I could care less how great of a set it solves my problems with what Standard has become. This sets looks like it will slow down the format, which is what I was hoping for.

Yea, it might be Kamigawa Block 2.0 ...... but this time we're ready and expecting it, plus it looks to bring an incredible limited format.

posted September 16, 2013 02:07 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I good with Champions of Kamigawa 2.0 (one of my favorite sets), but this is feeling more like Saviors of Kamigawa 2.0.
posted September 16, 2013 02:15 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zeckk Click Here to Email Zeckk Send a private message to Zeckk Click to send Zeckk an Instant MessageVisit Zeckk's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zeckk's Have/Want ListView Zeckk's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Pail42:
I like this set but I it fell very short of being something great.

1) Bestow creatures all seem bad. Either both costs are too high or the bestow cost is so incredibly high as to make them useless as anything other that a creature with a downside.

2) Enchantments STILL don't matter unless they are auras and you have a creature in play that is "heroic". Unfortunate for an enchantment block.

3) Devotion is poorly implemented.
* It lack support. Cards that give bonus devotion? - nope. Cards with lots of colored mana symbols? - nope (Arbor Colossus is the only permanent that gives 3 devotion to a color).
* It is a win-more mechanic. Once you have enough permanents to to make it useful you were likely already winning.

Fantastic flavor, with unfortunate mechanics. Reminds me of Saviors of Kamigawa.

1. Only boon satyr is constructed playable, but he's an absolute HOUSE. I didn't realize that the aura turns back into a creature if the creature dies, so it's like a reverse totem armor.

2. The gods are very well implemented, sorry. And as someone pointed out, it's the first set in the block. Willing to bet that there will be more than one playable aura beyond boon satyr before the block is over.

3. This has some legitimacy. Too much good removal in the format to really pursue devotion outside of Commander.

posted September 16, 2013 02:56 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Volcanon Click Here to Email Volcanon Send a private message to Volcanon Click to send Volcanon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Best play ever:

Flash in boon satyr. Next turn, flash bestow another copy onto him. Charrrrging RHINOES!

posted September 16, 2013 02:57 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Zeckk:
2. The gods are very well implemented, sorry. And as someone pointed out, it's the first set in the block. Willing to bet that there will be more than one playable aura beyond boon satyr before the block is over.

I agree the gods are well implemented, but how does that make enchantments matter? What's so special about the god cards being enchantments instead of artifacts or creatures that can lose the ability to attack and block?

Maybe later in the block it might matter that the gods are enchantments, but it doesn't matter now. If they were Legendary Artifacts that became Legendary Artifact Creatures they would (almost) be functionally identical in the upcoming standard.

Mirrodin has 83 cards that care specifically about artifacts. If you card is an artifact that MATTERS in Mirrodin. Champions of Kamigawa has 14 non-creature cards that care about spirits. If your creature is a spirit that MATTERS in CoK.

Theros has 6* cards that care if something is an enchantment instead of an artifact. That's an unfortunate set and start for an "enchantment block".

*The Theros Six:
Ray of Dissolution
Swan Song
Priest of Iroas
Commune with the Gods
Pharika's Mender
Polis Crusher

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Pail42 on September 16, 2013]

posted September 16, 2013 03:35 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for junichi Click Here to Email junichi Send a private message to junichi Click to send junichi an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Pail42:
I agree the gods are well implemented, but how does that make enchantments matter? What's so special about the god cards being enchantments instead of artifacts or creatures that can lose the ability to attack and block?

Maybe later in the block it might matter that the gods are enchantments, but it doesn't matter now. If they were Legendary Artifacts that became Legendary Artifact Creatures they would (almost) be functionally identical in the upcoming standard.

Mirrodin has 83 cards that care specifically about artifacts. If you card is an artifact that MATTERS in Mirrodin. Champions of Kamigawa has 14 non-creature cards that care about spirits. If your creature is a spirit that MATTERS in CoK.

Theros has 6* cards that care if something is an enchantment instead of an artifact. That's an unfortunate set and start for an "enchantment block".

*The Theros Six:
Ray of Dissolution
Swan Song
Priest of Iroas
Commune with the Gods
Pharika's Mender
Polis Crusher

What about all the Heroic creatures that are really meant for auras?

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posted September 16, 2013 04:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for oneofchaos Click Here to Email oneofchaos Send a private message to oneofchaos Click to send oneofchaos an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
The fact that for one mana I can turn your god into a swan makes me excited.
posted September 17, 2013 10:15 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Dr_Tongue Click Here to Email Dr_Tongue Send a private message to Dr_Tongue Click to send Dr_Tongue an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Dr_Tongue's Have/Want ListView Dr_Tongue's Have/Want List
Originally posted by oneofchaos:
The fact that for one mana I can turn your god into a swan makes me excited.

It'd be more exciting if it was an ugly duckling instead of a swan.

posted September 17, 2013 03:13 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Regarding all my complaining about the week enchantment theme thus far in Theros:

I was listening to Rosewater's podcast about Scars of Mirrodin and he specifically called out Mirrodin as being too artifacts-matter themed - I agree with that. I suppose they error on the side of too little theme these days to avoid making the format too forced.

posted September 17, 2013 03:33 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Goaswerfraiejen Click Here to Email Goaswerfraiejen Send a private message to Goaswerfraiejen Click to send Goaswerfraiejen an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Goaswerfraiejen's Have/Want ListView Goaswerfraiejen's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Pail42:
Regarding all my complaining about the week enchantment theme thus far in Theros:

I was listening to Rosewater's podcast about Scars of Mirrodin and he specifically called out Mirrodin as being too artifacts-matter themed - I agree with that. I suppose they error on the side of too little theme these days to avoid making the format too forced.

To be honest, I think there's a difference between "x matters" and "a lot of x". Some of the Theros set seems pretty cool, even flavourwise. Some seems to miss the mark big time. As far as the "enchantments matter" thing goes, I'd say they kind of missed the mark. There are a lot of enchantments in the set, and they'll matter for Standard (they can't help it!), but they don't really strike me as mattering, really. To an extent, yes--the Gods and devotion are pretty decent--but it seems like they failed to really integrate them into the core of the set.

With Mirrodin, I'd agree that they erred to the other side quite a bit. But the results were pretty cool and unique!

"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot


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posted September 17, 2013 06:17 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Myy Click Here to Email Myy Send a private message to Myy Click to send Myy an Instant MessageVisit Myy's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
does silent artisan look like art leftover from mirrodin block.

posted September 18, 2013 01:56 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for revenger Click Here to Email revenger Click to send revenger an Instant MessageVisit revenger's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View revenger's Have/Want ListView revenger's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Myy:
does silent artisan look like art leftover from mirrodin block.

I don't think it does, per se. But with an artifact border, it could very well indeed.

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posted September 18, 2013 03:33 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Bugger Click Here to Email Bugger Send a private message to Bugger Click to send Bugger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
1) Theros is not, and has never been officially called, an enchantment matters block. You are all putting words in wizards' mouths. What they said is it will have a large enchantment component - and yes, that IS different than "enchantment matters".

2) uuuugh monored is going to be disgusting in the new standard

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posted September 18, 2013 06:48 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for gaeacradle Click Here to Email gaeacradle Send a private message to gaeacradle Click to send gaeacradle an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View gaeacradle's Have/Want ListView gaeacradle's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Bugger:
2) uuuugh monored is going to be disgusting in the new standard

Personally, I like RG more. Maybe it's because I'm infatuated with Domri

posted September 18, 2013 07:09 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for jbark Click Here to Email jbark Send a private message to jbark Click to send jbark an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View jbark's Have/Want ListView jbark's Have/Want List
I like B/R quite a bit my self.
posted September 19, 2013 08:05 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Goaswerfraiejen Click Here to Email Goaswerfraiejen Send a private message to Goaswerfraiejen Click to send Goaswerfraiejen an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Goaswerfraiejen's Have/Want ListView Goaswerfraiejen's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Bugger:
1) Theros is not, and has never been officially called, an enchantment matters block. You are all putting words in wizards' mouths. What they said is it will have a large enchantment component - and yes, that IS different than "enchantment matters".

Well then, there we go--a lot of x. Fair enough, though still not as interesting as x matters. It'll be interesting to see how Theros fits in with the rest of the block. It strikes me that it might be harder to create a sense of thematic cohesion or integration when you go that route.

"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot


Legacy UGB River Rock primer. PM comments/questions.
Info on grad school in Phil.

posted September 19, 2013 09:14 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Pail42 Send a private message to Pail42 Click to send Pail42 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Bugger:
1) Theros is not, and has never been officially called, an enchantment matters block. You are all putting words in wizards' mouths. What they said is it will have a large enchantment component - and yes, that IS different than "enchantment matters".

Indeed you are right - that was my working assumption because that's the way they did mechanical themes in the past. I've even watched this video before (about 12:30). They do call specifically call it an enchantment block but they also downplay 'enchantment matters', "It's not just enchantment matters"

posted September 21, 2013 09:01 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Bugger Click Here to Email Bugger Send a private message to Bugger Click to send Bugger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Pail42:
Indeed you are right - that was my working assumption because that's the way they did mechanical themes in the past. I've even watched this video before (about 12:30). They do call specifically call it an enchantment block but they also downplay 'enchantment matters', "It's not just enchantment matters"

'zactly. It'd be like complaining about how Innistrad did tribal less than Lorwyn. Of course it did, because Innistrad was a top-down horror block first, everything else second. Theros is a top-down greek block first, everything else second.

IIRC Rosewater even confirmed that there is a reason why Theros has zero plain global enchantments. Whether that's because they wanted to limit enchantments to ways that involve mixing them with other card types or attaching them to other card types to reinforce the idea that in this block, enchantments represent the power and influence of the gods (in a way that boils down to permeating the rest of the existing set, not in ways that just stand on their own), or whether it's because of some story point yet to be revealed, we'll have to see.

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