Topic: What magic projects are you working on currently (Collecting cards, art, sets, etc)?
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 23, 2015 11:14 AM
I'm currently collecting:Grim Lavamancers (Seriously have 77. Anyone have any artist proofs? Birds of paradise and then other stuff I just sort of hoard (100 dual lands, almost as many shocks and fetch lands, a decent amount of DRS, Abrupt decay, neat lightning bolts and other cards I just like - I'm not speculating on them, I just like having them. I'm working on a playset of revised (4 of each card). I have over 2 complete sets, more than 4 of each dual, just filling in gaps and am working on a list of wants. Working on a set of unlimited on my way to a 'functional playset'. I've got at least 1 of all the expensive cads I think down to Illusionary Mask I don't have. A functional playset to me is 4 of each cards that you can play 4 of in a sanctioned format plus 1 of each card you can't. I'm pretty close to my single set though and I have at least 4 of each dual. I'm actively working on a foil common/uncommon set of MMA 2015 and might move to get the rares and the mythics I might start working on a foil common/uncommon set of MMA 2013 and Khans of T. I'm trying to get a black border version of each power. I currently am only missing a beta lotus (so have 2 unlimited). Currently at 19 pieces of alpha/beta/unlimited power + 1 IE time walk haha. And then some other random things. I tried to find the art for Obstinate Familiar but was unsuccessful :-P I know lots of players collect/hoard certain cards and there is a thread for that ( What other projects are you guys working on? I know lots of you put together sets.
[Edited 3 times, lastly by LandDestroyer on September 23, 2015]
DJSmurfy Member
posted September 23, 2015 11:52 AM

I'm working on a bunch of old frame only decks, because I've had enough of modern Magic design sucking goat balls.I collect Wee Dragonauts, Carnival of Souls, and kind of fell into collecting signed Frogmites too. I like just getting these when I get them though, instead of just buying them up, so I don't have a ton of each. I'm trying to get my entire Affinity deck signed. After I get a few more deck wants, I'm going to start trading into a set of Visions. I'm also tinkering with an "old frames only" format. I don't want to outright ban stuff, but after messing around with it a bit, it might have to happen. I started with the Vintage B/R list, and I've worked from there. One of the decks I'm testing with is loaded with artifact lands, P9, Tolarian Academy, etc. It's silly fun, but might be a bit much.
aethertech Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:37 PM

Making more EDH decks...Ti's a sickness.
coasterdude84 Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:52 PM
Building/have built 10x (1 of each 2-color combo) decks of Unlimited-only cards. The idea of the decks is: 1. Imagine what starter decks would have looked like back then. 2. Showcase as many "back in the day" cards as possible (Mahamoti, Vesuvan, Sengir, Serra, Force of Nature, etc.). 3. Provide nostalgia for the older players and show newer players what Magic used to be like. 4. Have the decks be as balanced as possible relative to each other. They need to each be good and have fun and powerful cards, but nothing over the top.Each deck has 2x of its corresponding dual, and as there are 10 unique walls in Unlimited, each deck has at least 1 copy of an assigned Wall, because, Walls. And most importantly, we don't play with sleeves, because we didn't back then. Shuffle up those Seas, boy! I have 8 of the 10 decks complete, just short a Tundra, Trop, and Braingeyser. Since quitting Standard again, I take them to FNM, and get a group of 4-8 together to play these. They're hugely popular and everyone has an awesome time with them. One guy double Dark-Ritted Turn 1 into a Sengir Vampire, only to have to it Control Magic'd away a few turns later. In another game, everyone yelled at a guy for not using his Icy Manipulator to turn off his Howling Mine. Apparently, he forgot how artifacts use to work. At least he used the Royal Assassin to good effect. Good times... A few guys at the shop are trying to get me back into Vintage, so I suppose if one can casually look for A/B Power, I'm doing that. Long term, trying to collect every old-frame foil. Have most of the pretty expensive ones: Gaea's Cradle, Grim Monolith, Onslaught fetches, Brainstorm, etc, though missing one rather scary one: Port. Having 2 kids in daycare though kinda puts a damper on Magic spending money though.
implode Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:52 PM

Still collecting dragons, if anyone cares (or somehow forgot)...I am always looking for handouts/donations toward my collection, though I suppose I could trade something too. I have an album on photobucket, and if you like I can give you a shout out next to the picture of the card you donated. Or it can be anonymous, if you don't want fellow motlers mooching. Entirely up to you.I find it surprisingly challenging to find foreign versions of cards and foils. It doesn't have to be a billion dollar card to mean a lot to me. Many of the foreign versions of dragons are not hugely expensive, just tough to find. Please let me know if you can help me out.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by implode on September 23, 2015]
Odie Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:53 PM

I'm not working on any currently, but I recently (meaning early this year) I finished an around the world set of foil Nythos, Shrine to Nyx (my most favorite card from Theros block):Foil Nykthosi 
----------------------- Implode, I've been able to find a few places that might help you: Chinese: MTGMintCard. One of the largest sellers of Simplified Chinese cards (last I knew they didn't deal with Traditional Chinese). Dealt with once and worked fine. They have a comprehensive online buylist. Japanese: Saito's card shop. Used them once with no problems. TokyoMTG. I have dealt with them twice with good experiences. European: Magic Bazaar (France). Dealt with once with no problems. Not sure if they have an English translation for their website, but Google Chrome should be able to translate most of it. Decent online buylist. Miracle Games (Germany). Haven't dealt with them, but did speak with them a few times and seemed decent. Of course there is always (MCM) Magic Card Market, If you know of anyone across the pond they could probably help you there. That's all that I've dealt with personally, but I'm sure there are more if you look hard enough. For example, I found a small shop in Taiwan for the Traditional Chinese card I needed, but I ended up going through one of my contacts on this here trading site that helped me, so I didn't actually utilize them. Hope that helps. 
[Edited 2 times, lastly by Odie on November 04, 2015]
mm1983 Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:54 PM
I own about 200 Spectral Lynxs, mostly English including 9 foil and 6 non foils in different languages. I also collect Boros Reckoner and Deathrite Shaman among a few other random things. I try to collect at least 1 play set of everything I can of $4 value or better. Other than Shadowmoor/Eventide foil filter lands I own pretty much every land cycle as 4 ofs in foil including all fetch lands, all shock lands, and their reprints. I recently completed a foil Conspiracy set and I just completed a foil set of MMA 2 and I've had MMA 1 foil set completed during GP vegas in 2013. In addition to going foil crazy I try to foil out my favorite Modern, Legacy, or EDH decks as much as I possibly can. Battle for Zendikar might be the death of me because my next challenge is going to be to get 1 of each of the 25 premium mythic lands and 4 of each of the new foil man lands and 4 of each of the new dual lands that come into play tapped.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 23, 2015 12:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84: Building/have built 10x (1 of each 2-color combo) decks of Unlimited-only cards. The idea of the decks is: 1. Imagine what starter decks would have looked like back then. 2. Showcase as many "back in the day" cards as possible (Mahamoti, Vesuvan, Sengir, Serra, Force of Nature, etc.). 3. Provide nostalgia for the older players and show newer players what Magic used to be like. 4. Have the decks be as balanced as possible relative to each other. They need to each be good and have fun and powerful cards, but nothing over the top.Each deck has 2x of its corresponding dual, and as there are 10 unique walls in Unlimited, each deck has at least 1 copy of an assigned Wall, because, Walls. And most importantly, we don't play with sleeves, because we didn't back then. Shuffle up those Seas, boy! I have 8 of the 10 decks complete, just short a Tundra, Trop, and Braingeyser. Since quitting Standard again, I take them to FNM, and get a group of 4-8 together to play these. They're hugely popular and everyone has an awesome time with them. One guy double Dark-Ritted Turn 1 into a Sengir Vampire, only to have to it Control Magic'd away a few turns later. In another game, everyone yelled at a guy for not using his Icy Manipulator to turn off his Howling Mine. Apparently, he forgot how artifacts use to work. At least he used the Royal Assassin to good effect. Good times... A few guys at the shop are trying to get me back into Vintage, so I suppose if one can casually look for A/B Power, I'm doing that. Long term, trying to collect every old-frame foil. Have most of the pretty expensive ones: Gaea's Cradle, Grim Monolith, Onslaught fetches, Brainstorm, etc, though missing one rather scary one: Port. Having 2 kids in daycare though kinda puts a damper on Magic spending money though.
This is amazing. Next time I'm in Chicago for an event you've gotta meet up with me and bring some unlimited constructed decks to jam :-D
coasterdude84 Member
posted September 23, 2015 01:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by LandDestroyer: This is amazing. Next time I'm in Chicago for an event you've gotta meet up with me and bring some unlimited constructed decks to jam :-D
Hell yeah, just shoot me a text.
DJSmurfy Member
posted September 23, 2015 01:40 PM

quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84: Building/have built 10x (1 of each 2-color combo) decks of Unlimited-only cards. The idea of the decks is: 1. Imagine what starter decks would have looked like back then. 2. Showcase as many "back in the day" cards as possible (Mahamoti, Vesuvan, Sengir, Serra, Force of Nature, etc.). 3. Provide nostalgia for the older players and show newer players what Magic used to be like. 4. Have the decks be as balanced as possible relative to each other. They need to each be good and have fun and powerful cards, but nothing over the top.Each deck has 2x of its corresponding dual, and as there are 10 unique walls in Unlimited, each deck has at least 1 copy of an assigned Wall, because, Walls. And most importantly, we don't play with sleeves, because we didn't back then. Shuffle up those Seas, boy! I have 8 of the 10 decks complete, just short a Tundra, Trop, and Braingeyser. Since quitting Standard again, I take them to FNM, and get a group of 4-8 together to play these. They're hugely popular and everyone has an awesome time with them. One guy double Dark-Ritted Turn 1 into a Sengir Vampire, only to have to it Control Magic'd away a few turns later. In another game, everyone yelled at a guy for not using his Icy Manipulator to turn off his Howling Mine. Apparently, he forgot how artifacts use to work. At least he used the Royal Assassin to good effect. Good times... A few guys at the shop are trying to get me back into Vintage, so I suppose if one can casually look for A/B Power, I'm doing that. Long term, trying to collect every old-frame foil. Have most of the pretty expensive ones: Gaea's Cradle, Grim Monolith, Onslaught fetches, Brainstorm, etc, though missing one rather scary one: Port. Having 2 kids in daycare though kinda puts a damper on Magic spending money though.
If MOTL had a +1 feature, I would +1 this. The Sengir Vampire story is everything I love about old Magic.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 23, 2015 02:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84:
I have 8 of the 10 decks complete, just short a Tundra, Trop, and Braingeyser.
Just THIS is why you want that Unlimited Trop off me. quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84: And most importantly, we don't play with sleeves, because we didn't back then. Shuffle up those Seas, boy!
I'm not sure I'm going to let you have it now 
gaeacradle Member
posted September 23, 2015 03:56 PM

I'm close to foiling out my Legacy/Vintage Elves deck. Missing these: 1 Craterhoof Behemoth 1 Heritage Druid 4 Deathrite Shaman (I do have Japanese foils that I want to downgrade to English) 4 Abrupt Decay (same as Deathrite Shaman) 1 Flusterstorm 1 Swan Song 1 Demonic Tutor 1 Vampiric Tutor 1 Tendrils of Agony 4 Engineered Explosives3 Arid Mesa (for a Modern deck) After that, I'll decide if I want to splurge on FBB duals. I would need 4 Bayou, 1 Tropical Island, and 2 Savannah. My other long, long, long term project is to eventually upgrade all my P9/Time Vault/40 A/B duals to have all subs of at least 8.5. Would require me to upgrade 13 cards, but one of them is a Lotus. Also, my other Magic project, if you can call it that, is to sell off more stuff this year so I can finally "be in the black" in term of Magic spending. If I don't spend anything else on Magic for the rest of the year, I would need to sell another $5K to achieve my goal. Getting there!
[Edited 2 times, lastly by gaeacradle on September 23, 2015]
TheMike314 Member
posted September 23, 2015 04:23 PM

quote: Originally posted by LandDestroyer: I'm currently collecting:Grim Lavamancers (Seriously have 77. Anyone have any artist proofs?
I have 4 of the Lavamancer Judge APs.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by TheMike314 on September 25, 2015]
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 23, 2015 04:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by TheMike314: [B][/B]
Heh, what?
majicman Member
posted September 23, 2015 06:20 PM

My major project is to downsize my collection by 35K more cards by year end, lol!
Pringlesman Member
posted September 23, 2015 07:57 PM

I just finished my Ice Age Gauntlet.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 23, 2015 08:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by TheMike314: I have 4 of the Lavamancer Judge APs.
Are you holding on to them?
Pail42 Member
posted September 23, 2015 10:29 PM

One day I may start collecting goblins again, but I'm regretting not getting an alpha goblin king ten years ago when I started.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 24, 2015 07:46 PM
today has been a productive day for my grim lavamancer collection.btw, anyone know exactly what this says? i'm guessing it's the same F&L misprint error on the back that i have seen many times but not sure
Vegas10 Member
posted September 25, 2015 04:25 AM

I collect various misprints such as crimps or inking errors, don't do a lot of miscuts due to how many are hand done nowadays and that to me isn't a misprint. I also look for classic misprints like the Serra Angel/ Time elemental or Drudge Skeleton Swamps, so on and so forth, or even casting cost errors su as Alpha Orcish Oriflame etc.. Anyone have any they want go trade at a reasonable rate please contact me, thanks.
coasterdude84 Member
posted September 25, 2015 06:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by LandDestroyer: Just THIS is why you want that Unlimited Trop off me.
Bingo! quote: Originally posted by LandDestroyer: I'm not sure I'm going to let you have it now 
:sadface: But that's why I'm after non-minty but not shot-to-**** versions. When was the last time you shuffled naked duals? It's glorious.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 25, 2015 07:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by coasterdude84: :sadface: But that's why I'm after non-minty but not shot-to-**** versions. When was the last time you shuffled naked duals? It's glorious.
haha. i'm not sure when the next time i'll be in chicago is though i may end up at milwaukee or madison some time next month :-p
AEther Storm Member
posted September 25, 2015 07:11 AM

I still collect AEther Storm. I hope they will reprint it one day so I can get foils.I also go after Stone Rains for this site's best trader, Bernieb. __________________ I'm a geek, you're a geek. Let's trade.Lord Flasheart: Enter the man who has no underwear. Ask me why. Lieutenant George: Why do you have no underwear, Lord Flash? Lord Flasheart: Because the pants haven't been built yet that'll take the job on!
AGO Member
posted September 25, 2015 07:23 AM

I collect misprinted human wizards. I also have an insanley pimped Nekusar EDH deck. Still looking for a few more foils for it. I can't find a FOIL Japanese Geth's Grimoire.
LandDestroyer Member
posted September 25, 2015 07:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by AGO: I collect misprinted human wizards. I also have an insanley pimped Nekusar EDH deck. Still looking for a few more foils for it. I can't find a FOIL Japanese Geth's Grimoire.
... Grim Lavamancer is a human wizard. Back off AGO :-P
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