Topic: Werewolf 11: Redemption
Jazaray Moderator
posted June 10, 2009 06:17 PM

Wolf leader, checking in. Yes, I wanted a challenging game this time around, so I was going to keep all the strong players in (until they got lynched).
And, before I hear it from you Bernek, your argument was full of it. I posted the same way I've posted every game. R1, kids guess. R2 and after, usually 1 or 2 medium to large posts. And, everyone FYI, I didn't kill Monty because I was mad at him, or because of that stupid argument we got into. I killed him because he fit the middle to low tier players that I wanted to off, and I think he's one of the top middle players in this game. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
Bugger Member
posted June 10, 2009 06:19 PM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Sigh....Anyways, if we had the lynch off the bat on BB it would have been SOLID, sweet. Though PD's light defense on him and bringing other silent players into question really hindered that lynch. the Villagers were all over the place and some changed their vote. oh well.... Is Mafia sign up still open?
Two things: 1) Mafia is not open, both WW and mafia have been suspended for a month or so. Read the thread please  2) If you think I have a pro-PD bias, you must admit you have an equally huge ANTI-PD bias. No dodging that, especially after your posts this game. __________________ Webcomics you should be reading: [Dinosaur Comics][Dr. McNinja][xkcd][Questionable Content] Werewolf record: 1-3 MVP: 1
XplicitR Member
posted June 10, 2009 06:41 PM
So thats 6 games for me without a role (3 WW, 3 Mafia)  Anyways I hope that since you guys know I was a citizen this game that I have cleared up my playstyle and no longer playing with "said chip on my shoulder". Hope to see you guys in a month, especially you PD.
Bugger Member
posted June 10, 2009 06:48 PM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: So thats 6 games for me without a role (3 WW, 3 Mafia)  Anyways I hope that since you guys know I was a citizen this game that I have cleared up my playstyle and no longer playing with "said chip on my shoulder". Hope to see you guys in a month, especially you PD.
PD isn't playing anymore after this. __________________ Webcomics you should be reading: [Dinosaur Comics][Dr. McNinja][xkcd][Questionable Content] Werewolf record: 1-3 MVP: 1
PlasteredDragon Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:03 PM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Though PD's light defense on him and bringing other silent players into question really hindered that lynch.
The reasoning for a BB lynch was weak, whether or not he happened to be a wolf. What is the essential difficulty with separating the strength of an argument based on probability and the actual outcome? If an argument is only 10% likely to be correct, it doesn't mean after the fact if it turns out to be correct that deciding not to go with it was foolish.The argument I made was sound based on the information I had at the time. None of you wanted to waste Bernie because you thought he was a wolf. You wanted to waste him because you thought he was a weak player. Clue up. __________________ -- PlasteredDragon A.K.A. Chuck Seggelin * Sagewood Studios * My Flickr Photostream * My Blog *
XplicitR Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bugger: PD isn't playing anymore after this.
Yeah I know, thats why I was hoping he would change his mind.
Bugger Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:18 PM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: Yeah I know, thats why I was hoping he would change his mind.
Ah. Well, it's not up to you and I, really. *quietly ignores elephant in room*
fwybwed Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:23 PM

quote: Originally posted by Bugger: Two things: 1) Mafia is not open, both WW and mafia have been suspended for a month or so. Read the thread please  2) If you think I have a pro-PD bias, you must admit you have an equally huge ANTI-PD bias. No dodging that, especially after your posts this game.
Here's the thing Bugger. You and PD have this lil WW relationship. It hinders your objectivness, dont deny this as i and others have seen it and PD has admitted to it.
The thing you have to understand is: 1 Roles are randomly assigned. I take this into consideration everytime I play. Good Player New Player, it doesnt matter. 2 You are not an open player, you say take out people through the voting groups. That is weak. Wolves hide and in the past hid well. 3 The tracker is a valuable piece of software....for the WW's. It shows common voices in a wrong direction, Where to avoid a vote, it also leads the innocent in the wrong direction, and lastly it enables the prime user to basically and unwittingly(or purposely) control the game and make bad decisions. Am I anti PD no, but I am anti tracker. Id rather have PD in on the game and concentrate on the game. Not his tracker. All I asked if the thread was open. cuz I saw the thread wasnt even full. I jokingly signed up just so you know ... learn to read (palm) And Bernek77 had Jaz Pegged...but with PD backing her she had nuthin to worry about. Just think if PD got shredded later on and we eventually find that he is the Seer, and he had her back = BAD! You say PD is not playing anymore, thats too bad. I would like to add that though some found you and PD to be good players you guys sure bad mouthed alot of players. You guys could not just agree or disagree, you say things like "WTF are you talking about", "are you reading the thread", "are you that stupid", "you are a bad player" And yet when someone comes out with their own theory you and PD are right there cutting it down and saying the above. Only because they are not the same as yours. I am so tired of you guys are your after shock theatrics "Oh I knew it" Oh geez I seen but didnt change my vote" I got so tired of hearing this. All this to up your image in this game, like you knew stuff. Like your psychograph.. if it was right and you feel it works why not use it. I wanted to see your guess before Jaz came out...But she came out first and I was like DARN!!! And to your answer in regards to your guess before you post: I'm sure you were. I miss the days of just analyzing posts from going over the threads not from a tracker. I think since someone came out with that it was downhill. AND Thats why Liq started Mafia to do away with all that biz. I am requesting Liq to start it up with Mods permission of course as that anaylitical mumbo jumbo was not aloud there. I never heard anything bad from Liq in regards to Mafia
PlasteredDragon Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:24 PM

quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: ...And, everyone FYI, I didn't kill Monty because I was mad at him, or because of that stupid argument we got into. I killed him because he fit the middle to low tier players that I wanted to off, and I think he's one of the top middle players in this game...
As noted when I originally floated the idea, it was weak. Worthy of note but not worth basing a vote on.But you would have been a great adversary. I would not have thought to scry you... but it's difficult to say without seeing where the game went. Who knows what would have come out? EDIT: Oh and for the record, I think Monty is a wonderful player. Definitely on a fast track out of the middle tier. __________________ -- PlasteredDragon A.K.A. Chuck Seggelin * Sagewood Studios * My Flickr Photostream * My Blog *
[Edited 1 times, lastly by PlasteredDragon on June 10, 2009]
Liq Member
posted June 10, 2009 07:27 PM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Is Mafia sign up still open?
Mafia is currently on closed for the moment. We all need to simply take a break right now. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Thats why Liq started Mafia to do away with all that biz. I am requesting Liq to start it up with Mods permission of course as that anaylitical mumbo jumbo was not aloud there. I never heard anything bad from Liq in regards to Mafia
The reason Mafia was restarted was there was a demand to play these types of games and plenty players left over after signups. I believe it was ryan who started the initial charge. I only offered to take over since I was playing in Werewolf at the time (ryan wasn't) and wanted to increase the player pool. The real major difference between Mafia and Werewolf is the player level. Over half the players in Werewolf didn't play in our previous version of Mafia and its constantly getting new players. Mafia (in its current form) gets a good deal of veteran players from the previous version and mid to high level players from Werewolf who have likely been eliminated from the Werewolf game currently in progress. __________________ Your Captain N of 2008Runner up : Marlboro Award 2008 <Jazaray> LIQ! <Jazaray> you broke MOTL <Liq> totally <BoltBait> Don't make me kick you <Slinga> Have no fear, MOTL's janitor is here! <nderdog> So we're all agreed, it's Liq's fault, right?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Liq on June 10, 2009]
Jazaray Moderator
posted June 10, 2009 08:10 PM

Fwy: 1)) It's about time for you and Bernek to realize that fact. Liq and GLE are not ALWAYS cits, as you portray them to be.2) Voting in groups IS the best play, it's harder for wolves to manipulate the pile that way. If the votes are like : 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 all the wolves have to do is jump on the wagon they want and THEY choose who dies. You've been playing long enough to understand this. 3) The tracker is valuable to BOTH ww's and cits. As it should be, to be a totally fair piece of equipment. Have you used it? Have you looked at it? Have you tried it out? oh.. NO? Then keep your mouth shut about it. You're doing the SAME THING that many people do when they hear about Magic, or D&D and assuming that, because of what they THINK is right about the game which they've never bothered to even try, is 100% correct, because they think so. I've yet to have been in a game where you don't diss on PD for one thing or another. If you're not "anti-pd" you sure play the part very well.
First off, that mafia thread died... long ago. Secondly, if you would have read what nder wrote, he included both mafia AND ww. Bernek made an EXTREMELY lucky guess. If his reasoning wasn't as foolish as it was, PD wouldn't have backed me up. And, guess what, sometimes the seers makes mistakes, why should PD as the seer be any different than anyone else? (Anti-PD anyone?) No, Bugger and PD shoot down theories and ideas that make no sense what-so-ever. I've seen plenty of theories that people have made that Bugger and/or PD HAVE agreed with. You seem to think that, because it's YOUR opinion, it should be treated like gold and not talked about or disproved in any way. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You've done it, Bernek has done it, I'VE even done it and you're complaining that PD and Bugger do it? EVERYONE posts something similar to that after the fact.
WHY are you SO caught up with the tracker? ALL it does is download posts and record votes. It just makes it easier to read, because they're all in the same place. YOU don't even use the tracker, what's stopping you from "analyzing posts from going over the threads"? You make the tracker sound like some sort of GodTool, it's NOT. What happened to when people could take criticism of their theories, without taking it personally?
And no, mafia will remain closed, as well as ww, to give everyone a MUCH needed break. Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
ryan2754 Member
posted June 10, 2009 08:47 PM
Either way, the games have been progressing towards people taking arguments so personal. Seriously, go back and search the archives for older games (before Liq broke mafia), they are the ones to read. Even in the game where Liq broke mafia, I took what he said about me very personal, and attacked him back at a personal level. I vowed after the game never to do that again. As with regards to breaking down arguments: I find it to be one of the more fun parts of the games, especially if the logic is weak or bad. If the player making the argument doesn't see it or is bullheaded enough to stand by it, other players will soon realize how bad the logic really is. Just because PD, Bugger and myself have a tendency to do that doesn't mean we are attacking your man-hood/woman-hood or your personality. quote: Originally posted by PlasteredDragon:
My argument with ryan was as bad as he thinks it is, it was utterly contrived because I knew he was a wolf and wanted to bag him without having to reveal. Ryan's game was excrutiatingly cunning and I was very nervous about keeping him in knowing he was a wolf.
Well, I still felt I defended myself adequately. I love defending myself in these types of game, as it adds excitement and when you get people to beleive you in the face of adversity, it's exhilarating. I am still bitter you investigated me, as I feel if you had not, I would have been in the clear even with my typo. Again, I honest to God had it set in my mind TMB was the night kill despite Jaz telling me it was fwy. I had a feeling PD "gave me a reason" to see if I would fall for the bait and use it. Actually, come to think of it, one argument that I said was awful I actually don't find too bad, given certain circumstances. That one is lynching someone who players great as a wolf. Granted, I am at times not the best cit. I do vote/post analyses, and usually nothing really manifests itself into the lategame. However, because of this, I am usually a midround pick for wolfbait given that my early cit game is blah. hilikuS mentioned it as well - lynching a player who plays great as a wolf early, so as to remove all doubt, especially since I am not the greatest cit. Makes perfect sense, but only can be used under the right circumstances.quote: Originally posted by PlasteredDragon:
If I hadn't checked ryan I would have checked Liq, and I nearly did. But given his playstyle it probably would have been a waste. I told MM that Liq would be my second name simply because I couldn't ignore his behavior any more. If he really was a cit, then he was indeed wasting the seer.
Either way, I'm still bitter that you investigated me, a clearly pro-town player. Actually, come to think of it, a lot of the times in the early rounds those are the perfect players to seer, when you have no real reads yet. I am also upset at myself for making such a bonehead move. Either way, after a while, when you of all people were using poor arguments, I was getting an eerie feeling in my stomach. You say you rolled a die a few time to get "someone more in line with who you think might have been a wolf." After D1 though, why would I fit that prototype?quote: Originally posted by PlasteredDragon:
I am the seer. I picked ryan on R1 by rolling a die. I had to roll a few times because the first couple names that came up were people I didn't think were wolves.
Really? LAME!
__________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs in OH-IO (5 away from 4th) 3rd in Posts in OH-IO (~50 away from 2nd)
Mafia/Werewolf Record: 1-1 as Mafia 5-3 as Cit
PlasteredDragon Member
posted June 10, 2009 09:03 PM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Here's the thing Bugger. You and PD have this lil WW relationship. It hinders your objectivness, dont deny this as i and others have seen it and PD has admitted to it.
Why would he deny it? What you forgot is that by admitting it I have (a) been honest that I have a bias when it comes to Bugger, and (b) therefore I try extra hard to combat that bias. This is what one SHOULD do when one has a bias, admit it, and work hard to defeat it. Bugger is an excellent player and no matter what bias he has toward me I know he is smart enough to be cognizant of it and smart enough to keep it in check. That's the end of it. It's called being consciously objective--recognizing your weaknesses and biases and making an effort to circumvent them.For example, Bernek has a bias which I just pointed out to no avail. He does not recognize his own biases and therefore cannot work to defeat them. This is the part where I was trying to help him and got a slap in the face for my trouble. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: 1 Roles are randomly assigned. I take this into consideration everytime I play. Good Player New Player, it doesnt matter.
I'd say that's true of most players.quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: 2 You are not an open player, you say take out people through the voting groups. That is weak. Wolves hide and in the past hid well.
Pile analysis and voting analysis are not weak techniques, they are useful tools. Wolves can try to hide from them yes, but in case you hadn't noticed many recent games have ended with wolves standing alone in piles. Bugger's techniques are not restricted to pile analysis in any event. To characterize them as though they are is to trivialize his methodology. Why would you do that?quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: 3 The tracker is a valuable piece of software....for the WW's. It shows common voices in a wrong direction, Where to avoid a vote, it also leads the innocent in the wrong direction, and lastly it enables the prime user to basically and unwittingly(or purposely) control the game and make bad decisions.
An opinion so uninformed is of little value. You've never even seen/used the thing and have no idea what it does. Why must you brazenly disparage something you are entirely ignorant of? And you wonder why when I shoot down your theories I am so gruff? Try basing them on things that you actually KNOW. The tracker, listen very carefully, is a notebook. That is all it is. You could track the game with a spiral bound notebook in the same way. So let me spell out what you just said.(A notebook) is a valuable piece of software....for the WW's. (Keeping notes) shows common voices in a wrong direction, Where to avoid a vote, it also leads the innocent in the wrong direction, and lastly it enables the prime user to basically and unwittingly(or purposely) control the game and make bad decisions. The tracker simply keeps notes. You can draw conclusions from those notes however you like. Pile analysis can be done with post-its on a wall, or with a pencil and paper. I am sick to friggin' death of listening to people who have no idea what the tracker is talk about it as if it is some miracle engine that craps out a glistening turd with "vote for X" written on the side. The tracker does not make decisions. It's quite possible for two people using the tracker to vote in entirely different directions, do you get it? You thinking with your gurgling gut can just as easily lead the innocent in the wrong direction. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Am I anti PD no, but I am anti tracker. Id rather have PD in on the game and concentrate on the game. Not his tracker.
Oh I'm not concentrating on the game am I? I check the thread a dozen times a day and post my observations constantly but I'm just dorking around with the tracker and letting it "think" for me? What poppycock. I'm putting more than enough effort into concentrating on this game. Perhaps if you did the same you'd have an argument to make that was worth a damn.quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: And Bernek77 had Jaz Pegged...but with PD backing her she had nuthin to worry about. Just think if PD got shredded later on and we eventually find that he is the Seer, and he had her back = BAD!
For the clue free (this would be you fwy), I was editing the alphabetized player list on page two and putting links on peoples names as I scried them. If I had died I would have hinted that I had left a clue, which someone would have had to go find for fwy, and that would have made clear that Jaz had never been scried, and so therefore there was no reason to not suspect her. Try as you might fwy, you can't turn me into the blind ringleader of this game. It's not my fault you are so insecure that you see people agreeing with me and you feel they are all sheep. We've been over this. It is the height of arrogance for you to think that way, and frankly, the fact that you do disgusts me.There are no sheep in this game. Secondly I didn't "have Jaz's back". She asked ryan a question, and Bernek accused her of "attacking" ryan. And why did he do this? Because he was lapdogging a strong player (who happened to be a wolf, duh). I attacked his argument because it was baseless. That's not defending Jaz. Get it? And thirdly, whenever you want to catch up, I didn't know Jaz was a wolf but I did know RYAN was one so what SHOULD I have done when Bernek started going after Jaz for asking ryan a question? It's easy to look at the situation after the fact, now that you know Jaz is a wolf, and come down on me for making, frankly, the best possible decision I could with the information I had. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: You say PD is not playing anymore, thats too bad.
Oh bull. Crocodile tears. Thank yourself for my departure.quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: I would like to add that though some found you and PD to be good players you guys sure bad mouthed alot of players. You guys could not just agree or disagree, you say things like "WTF are you talking about", "are you reading the thread", "are you that stupid", "you are a bad player" And yet when someone comes out with their own theory you and PD are right there cutting it down and saying the above. Only because they are not the same as yours.
"Only because they are not the same as yours." This is what I am talking about fwy. When an argument is made that is mind-bendingly attrocious, you get offended when Bugger or I call it what it is. You mistakenly assume the motivation in doing so is something as childish as "so and so has a different idea from me and I don't like it".I'm 42 fwy, not 9, I know people are going to have different ideas from me, and I assure you I know how to handle it. Do you seriously think that every time I am in a disagreement with someone I call them stupid? Here's something you might not have considered--maybe the argument being called stupid really is stupid. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: I am so tired of you guys are your after shock theatrics "Oh I knew it" Oh geez I seen but didnt change my vote" I got so tired of hearing this. All this to up your image in this game, like you knew stuff. Like your psychograph.. if it was right and you feel it works why not use it. I wanted to see your guess before Jaz came out...But she came out first and I was like DARN!!! And to your answer in regards to your guess before you post: I'm sure you were.
Your fellow players are sheep, and if Bugger or PD come out and say "I had a sneaky suspicion that so and so was a wolf" after the fact, they must be lying to try and make themselves look better. What a piece of work you are.Know this and know it well: I don't give a flying hoot how I look to everyone else and I do NOT tell lies to aggrandize myself. This is the second time you've questioned my integrity without reason. I would have thought, after the last time when I went to painstaking effort to prove that I do not tell lies to improve my "reputation" that you would understand this. You are a poor judge of character, you are a dreadful WW player, you are a poison to the game, and frankly, I don't particularly like you. You are one of the prime reasons I am leaving this game--I don't need to put up with what passes for thought in your cynical worldview. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: I miss the days of just analyzing posts from going over the threads not from a tracker. I think since someone came out with that it was downhill.
LOL, so now the demise of WW is my fault entirely? I'm the cause of all your inadequacies apparently.Since you are still talking about something you know nothing about, I suppose I should tell you that I do analyze posts by going over the threads--the tracker doesn't analyze posts for you, and it doesn't keep you from doing so. That's just you talking out your butt. As usual. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: AND Thats why Liq started Mafia to do away with all that biz. I am requesting Liq to start it up with Mods permission of course as that anaylitical mumbo jumbo was not aloud there.
Don't allow the analytical mumbo jumbo. LOL. Dude did you seriously just say that?Analysis is not mumbo jumbo. "Going with your gut" is mumbo jumbo--of course I'm not going to say that going with your gut shouldn't be allowed, sometimes that's all one has, but it doesn't mean I'm going to let an unsupported argument drift by. Man if you were in charge we'd still be living in caves and dying of tuberculosis... all that mumbo jumbo science would not be "aloud" in there. Whatever. You are well rid of me, and that suits me just fine. The last word is yours, enjoy it. __________________ -- PlasteredDragon A.K.A. Chuck Seggelin * Sagewood Studios * My Flickr Photostream * My Blog *
Jazaray Moderator
posted June 10, 2009 09:22 PM

Well, the game is over. Nder and I will let you know when we can play this game again. And frankly, I can see where this thread is heading, and I don't like it and certainly don't appreciate it. I'm stopping it now, before it escalates even more. Post closed.
Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
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