Topic: Calling All MOTLers!!
Jazaray Moderator
posted January 09, 2013 10:38 AM

So far I have emailed SCG, TCGPlayer, CFB and Also, since I'm on the Market Street Committee for MTGS, I posted there and someone there is contacting Pojo, because they have an "in" there. I've heard back from two sources that are going to try and help out, and I heard back from another, saying they're going to contact me for more details. If anyone else has more ideas on venue's to contact, I would sure appreciate some more input! Also, if anyone knows someone somewhere to assist in getting to the people I need to talk to, that would be great as well! Nice idea Rev. Thanks, Jazaray
Bates0202 Member
posted January 15, 2013 03:09 PM

quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: The weird thing is there's no actually hacking.Its just finding an account that uses an expired free email account.I'm sure he can also be reported for breaking Terms and Services of X companies free email clients.
That makes sense as to why he was able to "hack" into the reinhart account that had 300+ refs. I have only ever been ripped on MOTL once and it was by this guy. Cost me over $100 worth of cards (a taiga and a misty rainforest). I just can't believe he's still getting away with it.
MeddlingMage Member
posted January 15, 2013 07:02 PM
Done!~MM __________________ Blah, blah, blah werewolf. Smackity-smack not a werewolf. Suspicious of this fruit loop. My vote this round will be for Player X.New keeper of the Logout button
posted January 16, 2013 12:42 PM
Just got ripped off via eBay from a John Strickland, name is Lithium-Zero, sellers on eBay beware. I put in a call to eBay, not even wanting my money back just wanted some sort of resolution so this doesn't happen to others, the guy seemed to not care at all and give me some shpeal about how they take this very serious and will investigate the forums (even though I never told him what forum, and he never asked) and will do everything in his power to get it resolved.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by SNUFFEDxOUT on January 16, 2013]
Jazaray Moderator
posted January 16, 2013 01:16 PM

quote: Originally posted by SNUFFEDxOUT: Just got ripped off via eBay from a John Strickland, name is Lithium-Zero, sellers on eBay beware. I put in a call to eBay, not even wanting my money back just wanted some sort of resolution so this doesn't happen to others, the guy seemed to not care at all and give me some shpeal about how they take this very serious and will investigate the forums (even though I never told him what forum, and he never asked) and will do everything in his power to get it resolved.
Can you send me proof of this please? Thanks, Jazaray
Goaswerfraiejen Member
posted January 16, 2013 02:15 PM

quote: Originally posted by SNUFFEDxOUT: Just got ripped off via eBay from a John Strickland, name is Lithium-Zero, sellers on eBay beware. I put in a call to eBay, not even wanting my money back just wanted some sort of resolution so this doesn't happen to others, the guy seemed to not care at all and give me some shpeal about how they take this very serious and will investigate the forums (even though I never told him what forum, and he never asked) and will do everything in his power to get it resolved.
You should phone the Ottawa police department, file for mail fraud, and let reference case number 06-113128 (my outstanding mail fraud filing). The more people who take this step, the more likely it will get resolved and he'll get what's coming to him. __________________ "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. EliotRIP Ari Legacy UGB River Rock primer. PM comments/questions. Info on grad school in Phil.
Volcanon Member
posted January 16, 2013 02:57 PM

quote: Originally posted by Goaswerfraiejen: You should phone the Ottawa police department, file for mail fraud, and let reference case number 06-113128 (my outstanding mail fraud filing). The more people who take this step, the more likely it will get resolved and he'll get what's coming to him.
You can force a refund through Paypal, too.
posted January 16, 2013 08:33 PM
@Volcanon, I was the seller, so I have no real rights on eBay if it's sent without tracking.@Jazaray what proof would you like?
frankenskid Member
posted January 17, 2013 12:10 PM

Snuffed, when dealing with paypal, the extra expense to send it via the way they say it to qual for seller protection is worth the money. On the OP, I have not been approached by this guy, but have been ripped before, thanks for the warning.
Jazaray Moderator
posted January 17, 2013 02:10 PM

quote: Originally posted by SNUFFEDxOUT: @Volcanon, I was the seller, so I have no real rights on eBay if it's sent without tracking.@Jazaray what proof would you like?
Proof that this Ebay member is John. Thanks, Jazaray
posted January 17, 2013 03:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by frankenskid: Snuffed, when dealing with paypal, the extra expense to send it via the way they say it to qual for seller protection is worth the money. On the OP, I have not been approached by this guy, but have been ripped before, thanks for the warning.
Paying $11 for registered mail on every international transaction is not economical, nor is it worth the loss of revenue from charging the fee and losing buyers. But I appreciate the concern. @Jazaray what is your email? Also, he has changed his eBay name to indentation12, I've saved him as a favorite seller and will post if he changes it again (you can only change once a month)
Nelsallm Member
posted January 18, 2013 08:22 AM

He changed his ebay name 2 days ago, I guess he is happily reading this here.
Nelsallm Member
posted January 18, 2013 08:25 AM

At the bottom of the page you can see where he sold my card 2 weeks after I sent it to him. Makes me even more ****ed off! EX_to_NM-.aspx It's my card as the scan of the card he sold prove.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Nelsallm on January 18, 2013]
Jazaray Moderator
posted January 18, 2013 12:06 PM

quote: Originally posted by SNUFFEDxOUT: Paying $11 for registered mail on every international transaction is not economical, nor is it worth the loss of revenue from charging the fee and losing buyers. But I appreciate the concern.@Jazaray what is your email? Also, he has changed his eBay name to indentation12, I've saved him as a favorite seller and will post if he changes it again (you can only change once a month) Thanks, Jazaray
Broodmaster Member
posted February 02, 2013 05:11 PM

Since this guy seems to be such a constant an prolific Rpper I think the mods should open a new topic no reply option and only edited by them.This post will have all relevant information about him. (Facebook, Twitter, Past and present MOTL accounts, E-Mail Accout, Address he had cards sent to, all used names, etc.) Include Total Amount ripped (To really hammer home the warning) and ways to contact his local law enforcement to file a report about him. With a good, compiled, and factual as possible information sheet on him we SHOULD be able to have him punished legally, peacefully, and full well within our rights. __________________ Motto in lifeThe only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty The only truth about fate is Death Live now, for the moment for it may be your last. Motto in Armored Core Walk hard and carry the biggest blaster
Jazaray Moderator
posted February 02, 2013 08:10 PM

quote: Originally posted by Broodmaster: Since this guy seems to be such a constant an prolific Rpper I think the mods should open a new topic no reply option and only edited by them.This post will have all relevant information about him. (Facebook, Twitter, Past and present MOTL accounts, E-Mail Accout, Address he had cards sent to, all used names, etc.) Include Total Amount ripped (To really hammer home the warning) and ways to contact his local law enforcement to file a report about him. With a good, compiled, and factual as possible information sheet on him we SHOULD be able to have him punished legally, peacefully, and full well within our rights.
We don't have that type of option here on MOTL. The only thing we could do is open a topic and immediately close it, to be reopened with more information. However, without constant "upping" the thread will fall off the forum. I have no idea exactly how much John has ripped off of people from this site, and there is really no way to tell without extremely extensive research. All the information that I have on John is on the first post of this thread and in his CBTL listing. I think this thread is fine for the purposes. Thanks, Jazaray
Stracos1 Member
posted February 05, 2013 02:30 PM

I just popped on MOTL again to check the state of affairs, this is pretty crazy. I vaguely remember this guy years ago trying to rip me off while I was still new.From what I can see the guy appears to have a whole network of fraudulent activity setup. This makes me wonder why he goes through all this effort instead of just applying that same energy to a traditional job. Either way I hope that the police are able to do something, MOTL provided me with some great friends and memories back in my magic days. Cheers, Stracos1
Redwings05 Member
posted February 09, 2013 12:29 PM

Not all canadians are like this! Don't stop trading with us because these two *******s.
solistar Member
posted March 21, 2013 06:11 PM

Great job Jaz! Hopefully something can be done about this guy.
Jazaray Moderator
posted April 07, 2013 09:09 PM

I have to bring this back to the top. We have a new guy, who may very well be John himself, or working with him, who is hacking accounts in much the same way that John was. Simon Galipeau Simon G Danny Dubois The address he has been using is 795 Terrasse Laurentine Apt. 8 Quebec, QC, G1V 2T2 Canada Although a few times he's changed the Postal Code. Please do your best to warn others and be ever vigilant in checking the BTA and CBTL for names and addresses. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Melaleuca, go ahead, ask me what it is...
Jazaray Moderator
posted April 15, 2013 01:22 PM

Hacked [Spanish Mage]'s account. New names: Mike B, Zach Bennett Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Melaleuca, go ahead, ask me what it is...
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Jazaray on April 15, 2013]
Apple Member
posted August 18, 2013 01:05 AM

where do I report 2 very suspicious people? They set up a trade with me then tried to get me to send money via something other than paypal saying that i'm still covered as a buyer. After I looked into it I'm not covered as a buyer from amazon payments. I then wrote both of them back to say paypal is the only thing that will work, and even typed an invoice for them to append to the transaction. They have not sent the invoice nor responded to messages. Very shady mikeyhthegreat tlaw123
WeedIan Member
posted August 18, 2013 03:11 AM

quote: Originally posted by Apple: where do I report 2 very suspicious people? They set up a trade with me then tried to get me to send money via something other than paypal saying that i'm still covered as a buyer. After I looked into it I'm not covered as a buyer from amazon payments. I then wrote both of them back to say paypal is the only thing that will work, and even typed an invoice for them to append to the transaction. They have not sent the invoice nor responded to messages. Very shady
You'd have to message a moderator, calling them out without proof is not really the best thing to do.
__________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario and Canada 9th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
Jazaray Moderator
posted August 18, 2013 05:01 AM

Yes, you should PM/Email a moderator instead of posting about it. I went and read up on this Amazon Payments thing as well, and I'm not sure why you think you aren't protected. According to this page: the buyer is protected, as long as the items purchased fall under their acceptable use policy and only up to $2,500. Unless I'm reading the page wrong? Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Melaleuca, go ahead, ask me what it is...
paragondave Member
posted August 20, 2013 12:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Apple: where do I report 2 very suspicious people? They set up a trade with me then tried to get me to send money via something other than paypal saying that i'm still covered as a buyer. After I looked into it I'm not covered as a buyer from amazon payments. I then wrote both of them back to say paypal is the only thing that will work, and even typed an invoice for them to append to the transaction. They have not sent the invoice nor responded to messages. Very shady mikeyhthegreat tlaw123
If you think it feels off, just pass. There are many members on here that will go out of their way to insure your satisfaction in dealing with them. No reason to take chances. If it seems to good to be true, it likely is.
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