Topic: Calling All MOTLers!!
majicman Member
posted April 23, 2014 05:40 PM

quote: Originally posted by spaceghost44: You're probably right. I usually don't make deals this large and I'm very grateful that I didn't have to learn this lesson the hard way. Greed can definitely get the better of your common sense sometimes though... O_OLessons learned here: 1) If something doesn't feel right about the person/trade it probably isn't 2) Don't send first, simul, or even 3rd party trade with suspicious people 3) Always be extremely wary of a necro'd account 4) Contact mods immediately if you have reason to suspect that someone is a scammer 5) If you're about to trade with someone, always check their refs, post history, this thread and the BTA 6) Don't get complacent
Well Patrick, you do make purchases on large quantity of duals at the right time, lol:0). Just got to figure out who to trust on these boards. I always look at when someone had a recent referral first. If the refs are old (more than a 6 months) I may mail the recent refs and ask how the trade went and this persons address and/or email. When I converse via email I verify the same. Cautious, but it does work. This coming from a guy who is probably one of the oldest MOTLers here :0). Been playing/trading Magic for 20 years and I started when I was 30. Love the artwork and the game, but collecting to finish my playset of most things is where I am now. Do enjoy cubing everyonce in a while. As always trade, sell and buy safely! Goodluck...Greg (aka Majicman)
[Edited 1 times, lastly by majicman on April 23, 2014]
elowther91 Member
posted April 23, 2014 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by thror: I advise everyone that hasnt sent, NOT TO. he's already banned, there is NO way to get your cards back once you send, and no guarantee he will fulfill his end. KEEP YOUR STUFF.
I think what sears510 is getting at is, some of us already sent stuff to him before he was banned. Now that we have stuff sent, and he is banned we are trying to make sure we get our end of the deal so we are not out so much money.
sears510 Member
posted April 23, 2014 08:26 PM
Absolutely that's what I'm saying, don't send now but for us that have email him. He asked me today if I wanted my cards back or the traded cards so hopefully he's cool about it. I will keep everybody updated
sears510 Member
posted April 25, 2014 09:12 AM
So via email macnamara said today he would be sending out all packages, so let's hope that's true
elowther91 Member
posted April 25, 2014 12:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by sears510: So via email macnamara said today he would be sending out all packages, so let's hope that's true
Fingers crossed!
Jazaray Moderator
posted April 28, 2014 12:06 PM

I've posted up a BTA thread about him. Everyone involved with this fiasco, please post there. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Melaleuca, go ahead, ask me what it is...
drallen1 Member
posted April 28, 2014 12:36 PM
Hi all- I just bought some cards from tarheelresellers and was provided tracking, package should be in in a couple days. I will let you know what happens. While I was offered a lesser price if I sent cash/check/money order, I stayed with paypal. I have no indication so far that he/she won't live up to the deal, like I said I will let you all know, but I was a little startled when the paypal payment went to "John Strickland." Seems a bit too coincidental for my liking, but I'll see how it plays out.
Sovarius Member
posted April 28, 2014 01:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by drallen1: Hi all- I just bought some cards from tarheelresellers and was provided tracking, package should be in in a couple days. I will let you know what happens. While I was offered a lesser price if I sent cash/check/money order, I stayed with paypal. I have no indication so far that he/she won't live up to the deal, like I said I will let you all know, but I was a little startled when the paypal payment went to "John Strickland." Seems a bit too coincidental for my liking, but I'll see how it plays out.
I take it you didn't read the whole thread?
dwiz Member
posted April 28, 2014 01:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sovarius: I take it you didn't read the whole thread?
I don't even feel bad for these people losing their money any longer.
oneofchaos Member
posted April 28, 2014 01:45 PM

quote: Originally posted by Sovarius: I take it you didn't read the whole thread?
You can't expect people to read entire threads to feel safe trading. I know it sounds stupid, but we need to communicate effectively in less words and TLDR these sorts of things. I had no idea tarheel was fishy at all nor do I feel that he is?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by oneofchaos on April 28, 2014]
drallen1 Member
posted April 28, 2014 02:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sovarius: I take it you didn't read the whole thread?
The only thing that alerted me to him was after I made the paypal transfer (via CC so I can get it back if I need to) and before I confirmed the trade I looked at his references which were fine. See how it all plays out I guess.
chaos021 Member
posted April 28, 2014 03:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by dwiz:
I don't even feel bad for these people losing their money any longer.
I don't understand why you're crapping on tarheelsellers. He's made some legitimate trades. From what we know, the John Strickland that everyone is worried about lives north of the border and has never had an address in the continental 48 states. I assume John Strickland can't fake those stamps that the postal services place on your parcel, right? Did anyone's stuff actually come from a different country? Do any of the mods have any info that is questionable about this guy? Having different email addresses between a MOTL profile and PayPal does not alarm me. I do the same thing, and I've run into several others who do the same. __________________ "Message to women worldwide: Girls....we're stupid. We don't like games. We don't know games. We can't read minds. Say it like you mean or STFU." -rockondonMy Sale Thread
paragondave Member
posted April 28, 2014 09:12 PM
why doesn't someone just ask him (tarheelresellers) to post here?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by paragondave on April 28, 2014]
drallen1 Member
posted April 29, 2014 03:49 PM
Well, I received a tracking number yesterday morning and the package since hasn't been updated. It says its been 'accepted' but no time stamps from it being sent out to sorting facilities or such.I have sent him/her an email and awaiting reply. Will probably give it another day or two until I start contacting paypal.
oneofchaos Member
posted April 29, 2014 08:15 PM

Where did his sales list go?
drallen1 Member
posted April 30, 2014 12:34 PM
Received an update on the tracking of the item, said it should be here today or tomorrow. Looks like everything is legitimate thus far.
wayne Member
posted May 01, 2014 01:11 AM

Tarheelresellers is a legitimate seller, I dealt with him a month ago.
Sovarius Member
posted May 03, 2014 06:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by drallen1: The only thing that alerted me to him was after I made the paypal transfer (via CC so I can get it back if I need to) and before I confirmed the trade I looked at his references which were fine.See how it all plays out I guess.
\ Did you receive your package?And i said you didn't read the whole thread because it was already discussed that Tarheel is named John Strickland, and other than that is NOT a suspicious person. Essentially what you said without doing any research hurts his reputation. In this case, hurts his reputation more than you are even helping MOTL. We don't need you to update us on what happens, no one is seriously thinking this is somehow the same Strickland. Also, if you have any doubts, then you should not be ordering from him at all. You should take your business elsewhere if you are untrusting and stick to members with hundreds of refs.
drallen1 Member
posted May 05, 2014 01:06 PM
Received the cards, all is well.
dwchang Member
posted June 09, 2014 07:51 PM
I guess I should have checked this before sending to a Canadian address, but after seeing his known addresses, it looks like I sent cards to this person. The account in question is: Mike_Noble I've PMed him with regards to this, but I'm hoping like the previous poster it just works out. If not, what should my course of action be? I sent it today and am pretty sure with the information I have that I can cancel the package since it's still in the US. __________________ -DanielCurrent Decks: Legacy: -Punishing Jund -American Delver -Esperblade -ANT
Jazaray Moderator
posted June 10, 2014 02:40 AM

quote: Originally posted by dwchang: I guess I should have checked this before sending to a Canadian address, but after seeing his known addresses, it looks like I sent cards to this person. The account in question is: Mike_Noble I've PMed him with regards to this, but I'm hoping like the previous poster it just works out. If not, what should my course of action be? I sent it today and am pretty sure with the information I have that I can cancel the package since it's still in the US.
Yeah, it's John. He doesn't care that you PM'd him. He doesn't care that he's ripped you. He's scum. If you can, stop the package. If you can't, I'm sorry but it's gone. Your only recourse is what Goas said in an earlier post. Thanks, Jazaray Edit: The only reason that drallen1 got his cards is because he's not dealing with Canada's John Strickland, he's dealing with another user who happens to have the same IRL name and lives in the US. Once again, Tarheelresellers is NOT the ripper John Strickland, he is a legit US businessperson with the same name. It happens. __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Those who refer to me as "he" WILL be smacked. 
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Jazaray on June 10, 2014]
dwchang Member
posted June 10, 2014 09:33 AM
I just wanted to update people. I've filed a mail fraud complaint with the USPS and as someone else suggested, if enough people do this, hopefully something can be done.I specifically did it for the following address and name: John Strickland 1274 Rue Des Ardennes Quebec, QC G1N 1K1 Canada I also cited the previous complaint number from Goas with the Ottawa PD (06-113128). I will be filing a complaint with the Quebec PD in the near future. __________________ -DanielCurrent Decks: Legacy: -Punishing Jund -American Delver -Esperblade -ANT
qqjackie Banned
posted June 10, 2014 01:59 PM

While I understand this community does not like me, I would ask you refrain from accusing me each time a Canadian rips you off. The method used to acquire accounts is well known, and just because a Canadian has decided to use the method to defraud you does not mean John Strickland is behind it. It means a Canadian that - may or may not - be John Strickland is the culprit, and again let me emphasis that it is a well-known method.I happen to be John Strickland. I am uncertain why the Toronto guy is listed in my profile, and I am uncertain why the Quebec guy is listed either. He is a repeat offender, but instead of giving him his own thread, you decided to assume it was me. I might have a history here, but it is not enough to know for certain. I live in Ottawa, and even if I were affiliated with this individual (have cards shipped to him or her), I would not have that person use my name. There is no reason for it, and it would make ripping a lot more difficult (as my name is plaster all over the website). This person is attempting to deflect his actions on me, and you have bought into it. This person is completely aware of what is happening here, as he frequents this website and this thread. I would encourage you to report these people, but again ask you refrain from assuming each Canadian that rips you is John. I do not live in Quebec, I do not live in Toronto. There is no connection between these individuals and me, and this person that has used my name is just trying to confuse you. Apparently it has worked. Stop assuming each Canadian that uses a well-known method to scam is John, it simply is not true. I have attached a couple photo revealing that I still live in Ottawa. While I am unable to prove that there is not a connection (an acquaintance or friend, whatever), you cannot prove there is a connection either. Being a Canadian that lives 4-5 hours away and using a well-known method is not prof, and anybody can slap a name to an address.
Jazaray Moderator
posted June 10, 2014 02:22 PM

Quebec is usually Simon, Ontario usually you. However, I (nor anyone else) knows if you and Simon are working together, or just how many people you have working for you in this manner. I'll admit, all I did was check the address against the records in our CBTL, without noticing that it was Quebec and not Ontario. It's funny how many people contacted me when MacNamara started his spree, insisting it was you. That guy, I knew he wasn't you and I defended you in that case. Adamantly asserting it wasn't you. I still don't believe he was you, but others disagree. You have to realize, John, that you were pretty much our first hacker. Everyone IS going to default to you when an account is hacked. You did this. YOU. You have the nerve to come on here and complain that we're saying it's you when most accounts get hacked? If you hadn't done this is the first place, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN, WOULD IT? Either way whether it's you, or Simon, or some other guy, you're all scum. Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Those who refer to me as "he" WILL be smacked. ;)
qqjackie Banned
posted June 10, 2014 02:56 PM

Sure people can “default” blame me.Is it better to have a culture of blame without sufficient evidence, and is that the healthiest thing for a trading website? Does that mean they are correct? Does it diminish or deflect the actions of others? You can point to me all you want, and call me names. But I think it speaks to a different issue when moderators club all the rippers into a single thread. When they remove themselves from reason, and allow other repeat rippers to have blame deflected from them. You can state that these individuals and myself are from Canada, and that there is the possibility that we are connected. You can do that and not be mistaken. But it is something else to assume we are the same individual, which is what you and other moderators have done. You have made room for error, and now you are attempting to justify it. It is a failure to be honest, and a failure to keep (other) people accountable. These forums are in need of an update, and if you would adopt a system where e-mails were not revealed (like most websites), it would eliminate a lot of problems you see here today. We all know new rippers will emerge, they will continue to emerge, but the question is how are you going to address the problem. Pointing to me - the supposed first hacker - is not the solution.
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