Topic: Mafia 9 : More Shadows
Bugger Member
posted January 14, 2010 04:05 PM

This is... something. I'm not going to lie, it's incredibly suspicious that Zakman would vote for a cit. Until further notice I'm voting for him, and I'm sending my vote in now. A few observations: 1)
quote: Zakman86: Bandwagoning can be a valid strategy if it's used right. [...] I'm not posting my vote because it's better for people to think for themselves instead of sheeping onto an opinion.
Thought it smelled like contradiction in here. 2)
quote: Zakman86: Because my original plan was to vote MW before WCFMo went crazy and I needed to find someone who I knew wouldn't have votes on them.Simply put: A Mafia member would have been crazy to vote MW, knowing that he's a confirmed cit. It's called leaving a tell.
SO WHY THE **** WOULD YOU? There is absolutely no good reason for a cit to talk (or, more accurately, vote) himself into a noose. Are you this bad at covering your ass? 3)
quote: Zakman86: Basic thinking: "Wasting" a vote is subjective. We already knew that WCFMo was leaving the game. I presumed a sane Mafia member wouldn't vote for MW because either he would be a NK Target or they would use him as a pawn and that other people would see the same thing.
This still does jack **** to explain why YOU (a self-professed cit), would vote for him. If it's a poor strategy as mafia, it's sheer lunacy as a cit.
quote: Obviously WCFMo wasn't sane, and to keep that vote would have implicated me as Mafia due to the circumstances, thus the switch.
You seem convinced that, like AGM and I, you won't survive to the endgame. Why would you care so much about being seen as scum? I certainly don't. Y'all are going to let me try on some cement shoes sooner or later (probably sooner).
quote: Unfortunately, I contradicted myself during the switch trying to find someone who I knew wouldn't have votes on them. Mea culpa.
Uh, no.There's not much else to say. You're saying "oh crap sorry guys I tried switching my vote to someone else who wouldn't get votes because... (well, I have no bloody clue why you are so concerned with voting for someone who won't get lynched, adding another layer of WTF-ery onto this already sizeable pile) ... anyway, instead of choosing someone among the ten or so people who don't have votes on them, I chose the confirmed cit. My bad." No. Sending in my vote for Zakman now. Liq, if you're reading this and you haven't recieved a vote yet, can you put me down for Zakman right now anyway if you don't get a PM from me saying as much? I'm worried something may be wrong with my PMs.
thror Member
posted January 14, 2010 04:18 PM

And now that I realize i've completely forgotten to do anything useful, let me make another post.I didn't like the LA3-Zakman replacement in R1 when LA3 nearly got lynched (as PD put it, if LA3 were a cit, why not just hang?). Zak going WFCmo on us is probably going to strip this round of anything extremely useful, other than a discussion about game theory and confirmed cits. His other behavior (hiding plans, voting for MW, ommission from vote analysis) brings with it a high level of suspicion. To do it openly, however, is awkward as hell. I'm not sure if this is the rookie in Zak showing up, or sleep dep causing a big slipup. This coupled with my previous suspicion are enough to get my vote, though. At this time, voting Zakman86. As an aside, I will not be around for tomorrow nights lynch and NK, as I will be @ FNM. I should have a chance to post early tomorrow though.
MeddlingMage Member
posted January 14, 2010 04:25 PM
Ok, for the record, I am responding as I read posts in order. So please excuse things I say earlier in the post if it has been covered elsewhere.quote: Originally posted by AlmasterGM: 1) If WCFmo flips scum, look at people who quickly abandoned their previous suspects to nuke him. This is called bussing - they are probably mafia.
quote: Originally posted by Masterwolf: If WCFmo is mafia, then I would look for at least 1 mafia among:Bernek77 OGB
AlmasterGM posts this before MasterWolf does. +1 in my eyes for AlmasterGM quote: Originally posted by Zak: Quite frankly, if you weren't wary of me, I'd be more suspicious of you than I am.Now that we're down to 2 Mafia, I expect to see one of them in the bandwagon in both rounds, and one of them not.
This makes little sense to me, seeing as how WCFmo's stunt got people to change their votes. I voted PD b/c I thought he was mafia, playing the helpful cit card here. Obviously I was wrong(as were some others) WCFmo, had my vote before his, now pretty clever, move. Please expaling how either of them is wagonning by me? Did Bernek catch you here? quote: Originally posted by Bernek: Zakman your list is pretty convenient for people that voted for both and people who voted for neither. It seems your missing one person on that list. Can you figure who seems to be that player? YOU!
quote: Originally posted by zak: I figure that the top 3 targets for Mafia NightKills at the moment are myself, Bugger, and AGM, simply because we're the most talkative and the biggest threats
That would be a good assumption. Unless of course there is a mafia in there. quote: Originally posted by OGB: How exactly did your voting plan get shredded? You didn't vote for the most obvious person last round, who turned out to be Mafia, and you DID vote for someone you claimed you wouldn't. And to top it all off, apparently it's part of some grand scheme that isn't at liberty to be shared with anyone else
quote: Originally posted by Bernek: Did your voting plan really get shredded or thats your excuse now seeing as you didn't vote for WCFmo last round. I think it's real convenient that you did not want to reveal your vote and now your going with your voting plan was screwed up. How can we be sure it was? You can get away with anything you want by not declaring. I do not like the fact that you did not declare yet you change your vote both rounds and not to either suspect. Dodging piles so you can do a pile analysis?
Between your post, OGB's, and Bernek's post, I too have now become suspicious of zakman, and am leaning on voting him this round. quote: Originally posted by thror: 2) I think I understand why MW was NK'd this round. I agree with Zak, however, that having a confirmed cit around can be useful to the mafia. Unless the CC is closing in on them, the mafia can let the CC live long enough to hopefully send the other cits down a wrong track or 2. CC's don't have any more insight than the rest of us, and are incorrect in their scumhunt more often than not.
Which is why I voted PD, 1st round. However, looking back who did WCFmo declare he was voting for before his episode? Monty. I don't know about anyone else, but unless he was gonna sacrifice Monty (if he was mafia), I think it clears Monty. Monty was gonna receive votes from Bugger and XplicitR, totaling, at that time 3. The votes then started to pile up for WCFmo even before his "thing" (I'm running out of things to call it). So it is highly unlikely that 2 mafia members were accumulating votes at this time. And of course as it turns out WCFmo was mafia. Just my opinion of course. Fake edit: I started typing this well over 1/2 hour ago and just now am finishing as more people chime in. I too will not be around tmro night as I will be playing basketball from 6-9. However, after that, I should be right back to here. ~MM __________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 9!][My Brute!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
Bugger Member
posted January 14, 2010 04:30 PM

Another thought: I don't know for sure if Zakman is scum or not (none of us do), but if he is, it would explain something that's been nagging at me. I personally would never have thought to vote for a confirmed cit if I were a scum who was tanking- I'd much rather throw up tons of smoke and leave everyone with a crapload of WIFOM to dig through and get bogged down in. I'm not saying everyone else would do the same, but the concept of voting for the confirmed cit to give no information is totally new to me; it's something I've never seen or heard done. The only person who's floated the idea so far is... Zakman. Interesting.
thror Member
posted January 14, 2010 05:10 PM

The concept of 'voting for a known entity' is something i've seen once or twice before. Ryan used it in M7 when he was about to die (voted for himself) so as to not give the citizens any information about who the final mafia member was (me). It just hasn't come up all that often, because we keep losing our Cop in round 1.
Bernek77 Member
posted January 14, 2010 05:13 PM

Yeah but voting for yourself and voting for a known citizen is 2 entirely different situations. __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
thror Member
posted January 14, 2010 05:32 PM

How so? What information do you hide/reveal with one that you do/don't with the other.
AlmasterGM Member
posted January 14, 2010 07:29 PM

quote: Originally posted by Zak: Simple. WCFMo is getting bandwagonned. The last thing the Mafia wants to do is give information on someone being or not being Mafia. Therefore, said Mafia member getting lynched moves his vote to the one person who everyone knows isn't Mafia in order to not give any additional information.
quote: Originally posted by Liq: Zakman86 - AlmasterGM (1)
1) Zak is using a form the very tactic he accuses WCFmo of using - voting for someone completely off the radar in order to avoid releasing data. Now, I am obviously not "off the radar" suspicion wise, but I was definitely not going to be the lynch last round. If you flex Zak's logic just a little bit, he is scummy according to his own reasoning. 2) The first quote is AMAZINGLY good. Almost as if Zak knew exactly what the mafia strat was ahead of time. 3) (Not related to the quote) Zak calls WCFmo an idiot, but never votes for him or pushes the lynch. Read: He positions himself to jump on the wagon if needed, but never follows through with the bus. 4) Gawain also thought Zak was scum, for what that's worth. That's my analysis on Zak. Honestly, however, I would MUCH rather lynch either XplicitR or fwy. Neither of them have contributed much this entire game. I'll case them next round after this Zak thing goes away.
XplicitR Member
posted January 14, 2010 07:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by AlmasterGM: 1) Zak is using a form the very tactic he accuses WCFmo of using - voting for someone completely off the radar in order to avoid releasing data. Now, I am obviously not "off the radar" suspicion wise, but I was definitely not going to be the lynch last round. If you flex Zak's logic just a little bit, he is scummy according to his own reasoning. 2) The first quote is AMAZINGLY good. Almost as if Zak knew exactly what the mafia strat was ahead of time. 3) (Not related to the quote) Zak calls WCFmo an idiot, but never votes for him or pushes the lynch. Read: He positions himself to jump on the wagon if needed, but never follows through with the bus. 4) Gawain also thought Zak was scum, for what that's worth. That's my analysis on Zak. Honestly, however, I would MUCH rather lynch either XplicitR or fwy. Neither of them have contributed much this entire game. I'll case them next round after this Zak thing goes away.
@AGM: Yeah you should just lynch everyone who doesn't agree with you. Good idea AGM, surely to get the same level of success as your other "brilliant" plans. @Jaz: I have you under suspicion because the way I read the conversation between you two it felt like something you would have over Instant Messenger and that he was just throwing himself under the bus (he had only a few votes coming in against him when he decided to sacrifice himself) @Zak: I explained to you why the confirmed cit is more valuable to the cits than the mafia, that is why the mafia would want to take away our advantage. You are creeping up my suspicion lists as you continue to divulge your out of field theories and as a result is the person I am voting for this round. Also why is it that you think that everyone is following you like a sheep in the game? Voting Zakman
AlmasterGM Member
posted January 14, 2010 10:28 PM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: @AGM: Yeah you should just lynch everyone who doesn't agree with you. Good idea AGM, surely to get the same level of success as your other "brilliant" plans.
You are trying SO incredibly hard to get me to explode so you can an easy lynch off me that it's funny. This is what, the sixth time you have said a reiteration of one of these "AGM sucks" lines? Nobody cares anymore - unlike you, we are all busy playing the game. If you are going to use this tactic, at least do a good job and be a bit more subtle. Right now, you can be seen coming from a mile away, and if me and my incessant stupidity can see it, I'm sure other people can as well. I just read all your posts in isolation. You give consistent IIoA, rarely scum hunt, SAID YOU DIDN'T THINK WCFmo WAS MAFIA, contradicted yourself on the PD issue by simultaneously arguing that I'm an idiot for wanting to get him lynched and that letting PD live even until R4 is dangerous because he will always talk his way out of a lynch, didn't declare suspicions of anyone except Montague until very recently, and your current suspicion list has no stated justifications behind it. And you STILL haven't answered my questions. Here they are for you: quote: Originally posted by AlmasterGM - 10 Pages Ago: What constitutes real analysis? How many shots am I allowed to fire before it becomes random? These are serious - not rhetorical questions.
Basically, I want a full explanation behind your continued personal attacks. Right now, you are just piggybacking PD and Bugger and AtE'ing on the death of PD. We need to hear, in your own words, theoretical reasons as to why my PLAYSTYLE is bad, which is what you have argued. Simply saying "You were wrong about PD, nuff said" isn't sufficient because people are wrong all the time. Theoretical analysis on playstyle with supporting evidence is what you need to support your point. And considering you've fired around six shots at me with this attack, your explanation better be pretty good.
Montague Member
posted January 14, 2010 11:16 PM

Sorry guys, I didnt get around to going thru the threads. It doesnt really changed anything. I think Zak is the obvious lynch this round. Submitting my vote for him now.
fwybwed Member
posted January 15, 2010 02:13 AM

Zak..quote: Originally posted by Zack: I presumed a sane Mafia member wouldn't vote for MW because either he would be a NK Target or they would use him as a pawn and that other people would see the same thing.
I think you were trying to trick the lot of us here if you would have voted MW your theroy as it stands would have fell faster then it is I believe you were trying to bluff the citizens into believing that "Why would I do this" unless Im a cit...knowing full well he would not get a a single vote except yours??? Knowing full well he would not get lynched... Wouldnt this call alot of attention to you and your strategy if it played out??? A very weak play if either mafia or not. Im going to read more reactions towards WCF and Zack tmrw, Im tired...
Zakman86 Member
posted January 15, 2010 05:03 AM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: @Zak: I explained to you why the confirmed cit is more valuable to the cits than the mafia, that is why the mafia would want to take away our advantage. You are creeping up my suspicion lists as you continue to divulge your out of field theories and as a result is the person I am voting for this round. Also why is it that you think that everyone is following you like a sheep in the game?
Yes, you explained it, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with your opinion. I'm surprised more people don't consider thinking outside the box. I'm not convinced that anyone's following me like a sheep; however, I feel that putting a vote up THAT early in the round makes it easier for Mafia or Cits to bandwagon and not formulate their own opinions. It IS OK for people to have differing beliefs on game theory, you know. :-) Because I haven't played before, my theory on the game is still evolving quite a bit, and trying something to see if it will work or not really isn't out of the question. Now I know for next time something that won't work. It doesn't mean I won't think outside the box again next time though. I'm voting for someone who I think is likely to be Mafia.
XplicitR Member
posted January 15, 2010 05:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: Yes, you explained it, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with your opinion. I'm surprised more people don't consider thinking outside the box.I'm not convinced that anyone's following me like a sheep; however, I feel that putting a vote up THAT early in the round makes it easier for Mafia or Cits to bandwagon and not formulate their own opinions. It IS OK for people to have differing beliefs on game theory, you know. :-) Because I haven't played before, my theory on the game is still evolving quite a bit, and trying something to see if it will work or not really isn't out of the question. Now I know for next time something that won't work. It doesn't mean I won't think outside the box again next time though. I'm voting for someone who I think is likely to be Mafia.
By that logic if the mafia finds out who the angel is they should keep them alive too right? What's one little angel going to do to ruin their plans... In a game of information the less you have the harder the game gets. Why on earth would the mafia give us more information than what we need (no one says people need to bandwagon with a confirmed cit - that's something that happens rarely and usually earlier in the game). @ AGM: I am leaving to work shortly so I will do what you asked and outline those when I get back. Until then, why do you keep saying that I only posted suspicions of Montague recently - I have been saying it since round 1 along with his playstyle that is all too familiar to me. Funny how you go after me and say I haven't contributed much to this game but you ignore Montague while you are at it. Arguing that lynching PD in round 2 is wrong but not letting him live past round 4-5 is not contradictory - despite what you may seem to think. I don't see why I would need you to explode for an easy lynch, I win when the cits win, not when you lose unless you are mafia. EDIT: Also I didn't believe WCF could be that bad until he went off pretty much asking for a lynch. At that point everyone switched their votes onto him, did I need to do that to ensure his lynch? No.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by XplicitR on January 15, 2010]
Zakman86 Member
posted January 15, 2010 05:44 AM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: By that logic if the mafia finds out who the angel is they should keep them alive too right? What's one little angel going to do to ruin their plans...
Terrible analogy. The angel can actually do something to hurt the mafia. If the mafia plays well, the citizen can't because they'll get NKed the moment they start to arouse suspicion.
Bugger Member
posted January 15, 2010 06:25 AM

quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: I'm not convinced that anyone's following me like a sheep; however, I feel that putting a vote up THAT early in the round makes it easier for Mafia or Cits to bandwagon and not formulate their own opinions.
Yet you say bandwagoning is a valid strategy...
Because I haven't played before, my theory on the game is still evolving quite a bit, and trying something to see if it will work or not really isn't out of the question. Now I know for next time something that won't work. It doesn't mean I won't think outside the box again next time though.
What, now you're playing the noob card? quote: I'm voting for someone who I think is likely to be Mafia.
You realize this doesn't help the cits either? If you've found someone you think is mafia, keeping your reasons to yourself is massively unhelpful to the citizenry, because it means your target won't get lynched. There is a very stark difference between campaigning for votes and posting your suspicions; if you think you've found scum why the hell would you keep that (or your reasons for thinking so) to yourself?
OGB Member
posted January 15, 2010 06:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bugger: You realize this doesn't help the cits either? If you've found someone you think is mafia, keeping your reasons to yourself is massively unhelpful to the citizenry, because it means your target won't get lynched. There is a very stark difference between campaigning for votes and posting your suspicions; if you think you've found scum why the hell would you keep that (or your reasons for thinking so) to yourself?
Exactly this. Everything Zak has posted this round seems to contradict something he's said previously, even his attitudes. He starts playing the noob card now, yet before he was one of the mafia's biggest threats.
Zakman86 Member
posted January 15, 2010 06:44 AM

quote: Originally posted by Bugger: Yet you say bandwagoning is a valid strategy...
Show me where I said that. quote: Originally posted by Bugger: [b]What, now you're playing the noob card?
Being a "noob" and seeing the game from a different abstract because you don't have a lot of experience are two completely different things. Try comparing it to when a veteran baseball team brings in rookies instead of using it as an insult and you might get my meaning a little better. quote: Originally posted by Bugger: You realize this doesn't help the cits either? If you've found someone you think is mafia, keeping your reasons to yourself is massively unhelpful to the citizenry, because it means your target won't get lynched. There is a very stark difference between campaigning for votes and posting your suspicions; if you think you've found scum why the hell would you keep that (or your reasons for thinking so) to yourself?
I don't need to repeat myself 100 times either. I put my list up, there haven't been any real changes that I've seen, and my vote is a person off my list. Instead of complaining that I'm not saying exactly WHO I'm voting for, maybe you should read my analysis...
OGB Member
posted January 15, 2010 07:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: WCFMo got suspected at first because he bandwagonned to "save his own hide" at the end of R1 when he didn't need to, then went crazy when he got enough votes on him to lynch. Bandwagoning can be a valid strategy if it's used right. Regardless, in this case it doesn't matter because the confirmed citizen is gone.I'm not sure exactly what I'd need to deflect; I've said my opinion on who I suspect this round, and I'm not posting my vote because it's better for people to think for themselves instead of sheeping onto an opinion.
Here you go.
Zakman86 Member
posted January 15, 2010 07:04 AM

quote: Originally posted by OGB: Here you go.
Can be doesn't = is.
OGB Member
posted January 15, 2010 07:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: I don't need to repeat myself 100 times either. I put my list up, there haven't been any real changes that I've seen, and my vote is a person off my list. Instead of complaining that I'm not saying exactly WHO I'm voting for, maybe you should read my analysis...
I really don't want to debate the meaning of the word "is". It was bad enough the first time you got caught contradicting yourself, at least you apologized. But for whatever reason, this time you want to deny it completely, despite a preponderance of the evidence. You've talked yourself into a corner yet again. This type of behavior was WCFmo's downfall. According to the above post, you appear to be voting for a random person from your list. So there are two conclusions: 1. You AREN'T voting for someone random on your list, but have a reason to vote for one of those people over another, and aren't sharing it, or; 2. You ARE voting for someone random, which is fine. What isn't fine is not declaring who you are voting for if that's the case. If you say who you are voting for, you are giving more information for everyone to work with, which, as Bugger said earlier, is the best weapon the cits have. It seems to me that either way you are withholding information and therefore are either mafia or just a counterproductive cit. Either way I think your lynch this round is justified.
AlmasterGM Member
posted January 15, 2010 07:42 AM

quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: Funny how you go after me and say I haven't contributed much to this game but you ignore Montague while you are at it.
I didn't ignore Montague - I explained that I don't think the mafia are playing the silent game, and thus I don't think Montague is mafia. This is different from "ignoring" him. quote: Originally posted by XplicitR: Arguing that lynching PD in round 2 is wrong but not letting him live past round 4-5 is not contradictory - despite what you may seem to think.
It looks contradictory to me. The only other possible scenario is that you were trying to say is we can ONLY lynch PD in Round 3, which is in-between round 2 and 4. That makes zero sense and didn't seem to be your intent at all. quote: Originally posted by XplicitR:I don't see why I would need you to explode for an easy lynch, I win when the cits win, not when you lose unless you are mafia.
There you go, that attack is a little more clever. Too bad it is the other way around.
Bugger Member
posted January 15, 2010 08:55 AM

quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: Show me where I said that.
I already did, yesterday, and OGB just took care of this. quote:
Being a "noob" and seeing the game from a different abstract because you don't have a lot of experience are two completely different things. Try comparing it to when a veteran baseball team brings in rookies instead of using it as an insult and you might get my meaning a little better.
Fair enough. quote:
I don't need to repeat myself 100 times either. I put my list up, there haven't been any real changes that I've seen, and my vote is a person off my list. Instead of complaining that I'm not saying exactly WHO I'm voting for, maybe you should read my analysis...
WCFmo much? This is your third blatant contradiction. If the person you're voting for is not on your suspect list, how can looking at your suspect list inform the rest of the players as to who you're voting for? It can't. Sp either you are voting for someone who you don't think is suspicious, and lying about it (as well as not revealing their name), or you are voting for someone who is off your list and you do find suspicious, but are lying about their being on your suspect list. Any way you slice it, you're lying. If a cit were acting like this they would have to be purely irrational. No, worse. There is absolutely no motive for a cit to make this kind of logic gibberish. But a scum going down in flames has a very clear motive to be as inscrutable and informatively empty as possible. I'll concede that, to a degree, it's WIFOM, but there is simply no reason for a cit to act like this, repeatedly. __________________ Webcomics you should be reading: [Dinosaur Comics][Dr. McNinja][Achewood][Questionable Content]
XplicitR Member
posted January 15, 2010 09:43 AM
AGM: it is definitely you ignoring him. If you weren't then how can you say u want to get me and fwy lynched for our "lack of contribution". You are contradicting yourself here. Also you say that I contradicted myself above when it's pretty clear that I mean that PD should have lived without cit inteference up to round 4 and even longer when we have the seer. It's only when we don't have the seer that someone like pd is truely dangerous. Oh and how clever of you to try and switch my last sentence around I guess that means that I must definitely be mafia
OGB Member
posted January 15, 2010 12:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: I do think it's ironic that you say that I haven't helped nab any Mafia when I was the person who immediately pointed out at the beginning of R2 how suspicious WCFMo's bandwagon jumping was, and everyone jumped on it once you started posting finally.
As I was going back and reading over the thread today, I came across this post, which again brings about suspicion of Zakman's intentions in this game. So he's quick to point out that WCFmo was mafia, then when more and more people start to see his argument may have merit, he switches votes to MW for some unknown reason, and then ultimately votes AGM, who himself said that he was going to be safe. And now when someone calls him out on it, he still defends that he "helped" catch mafia when his voting history and every facet of his gameplay suggests otherwise. How do you explain this?
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