Jul 27, 2024

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Recent News - last updated May 13, 2012 Submit News
Price Guide Updated May 13, 2012
Dark Ascension and Avacyn Restored have just been added to the price guide and other relevant MOTL features. Prices should appear by tomorrow. Also, the Trade Matcher, Top 10 Lists, search engine, and autocard linker have all been updated with the new card names as well. Sorry for the delay!

Price Guide Fixed and Updated
Nov 6, 2011

Sorry for the extended downtime on the price guide. The bugs have been ironed out and the latest sets have been added, so everything should be updating fine again.

New Phyrexia in Price Guide
May 30, 2011

New Phyrexia has finally been added to the price guide and other features. Prices should be available tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

Read more news...
Top 10 Most Wanted Cards
1. Deathrite Shaman BUY
2. Misty Rainforest BUY
3. Godless Shrine BUY
4. Thoughtseize BUY
5. Scalding Tarn BUY
6. Watery Grave BUY
7. Breeding Pool BUY
8. Hallowed Fountain BUY
9. Sacred Foundry BUY
10. Temple Garden BUY
Top 10 Index: $168.26  +$7.13
Click on a card name to search for members who have that card for trade.
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Last 10 Bulletin Board ThreadsStarted by
The Post for Stuff You Want to Tell People When the Board is Empty
General Discussion
Yeah so I like vinyl. Put another dime in the jukebox baby
Non-Magic Trading Forum
Easy Arcades,the Strategist: Wall Wants
Magic:TG Have/Want Lists
Prerelease want lists
Magic:TG Have/Want Lists
Thanks MOTL, for at least giving me a place to keep my wants and my haves sorted...
Magic:TG Have/Want Lists
W: DMR Grim Lavamancer (Non English non JPN)
Trade Auctions & Sales
FICHBOM hoarders post was deleted
Magic Discussion
Eudemonia is closing down after 18 years
General Discussion
Do we want a new forum?
General Discussion
MTG Scammer Alert - PROBABLY Our "Favorite" back at it.
Magic Discussion

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    Magic: The Gathering is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This site is in no way endorsed or supported by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is not intended to infringe on any trademarks held by the said corporation.
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