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Author Topic:   Dark Ascension Spoilers/Presumptions
posted January 12, 2012 01:41 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.C Click Here to Email Mr.C Send a private message to Mr.C Click to send Mr.C an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mr.C's Have/Want ListView Mr.C's Have/Want List
Originally posted by caquaa:
because heartless is terrible. That whole plan of yours falls apart if a heartless isn't in play... nice deck.

I don't know, call me a n00b or whatever, but that zombie is the card I am most excited for so far. He is just insane.

Edit: If I'm reading it correctly, I can cast the creatures as instants? Holy crap!

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Mr.C on January 12, 2012]

posted January 12, 2012 04:49 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MagicPatty Click Here to Email MagicPatty Send a private message to MagicPatty Click to send MagicPatty an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MagicPatty's Have/Want ListView MagicPatty's Have/Want List
You may cast that card. You still have to follow the timing rules, like when Snapcaster Mage targets a Sorcery it still has to be played when a sorcery can be played.
posted January 12, 2012 06:05 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for hilikuS Click Here to Email hilikuS Send a private message to hilikuS Click to send hilikuS an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View hilikuS's Trade Auction or SaleView hilikuS's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by Mr.C:
I don't know, call me a n00b or whatever, but that zombie is the card I am most excited for so far. He is just insane.

Even though you can't cast it as an instant, it's still the coolest card spoiled thus far (IMO).

Made me buy a set of Grimgrin on the spot. I'm hoping there's more zombie stuff in store that'll go with it.

posted January 12, 2012 02:19 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for rockondon Click Here to Email rockondon Send a private message to rockondon Click to send rockondon an Instant MessageVisit rockondon's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View rockondon's Have/Want ListView rockondon's Have/Want List
Sorin looks good but he looks like more of a $20 card to me than a $50 card. I like havengul lich and gravecrawler. Zombies might actually be decent.
moonveil dragon is impressive too.

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posted January 12, 2012 06:40 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for daner Click Here to Email daner Send a private message to daner Click to send daner an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View daner's Have/Want ListView daner's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Speed Demon:
Do you even play magic?

Please enlighten me then on HOW you think this card is THAT good? Please. Beacuse every every control deck in every format already has a BETTER planeswalker. Please tell me how this card is going to be worth $50. Other than the fact it's in a short printed set.....I'd love to hear your explaination other than you just being a dick. Or do I assume you know everything? Are you on the pro tour? Do you have a magical crystal ball that can forsee the future? If so then tell me the powerball numbers, screw Magic.

If yo uwant to argue against me, atleast have an argument instead of being a schmuck. Or maybe you can just head right on back to salvation with all the other trash that floats onto these boards.

Originally posted by choco man:
Control cards don't have to be blue. Good cards don't have to be blue. Especially if you're talking about cards being legal in formats outside of Legacy/Vintage. Ppl take the "not blue" sentiment too far.

Still, I don't think Sorin v2 will be Elspeth v1 expensive ($40) during type 2. Old Elspeth even destroys new Sorin 1on1. Gideon is a better control card than new Sorin.

I agree....that is why the first part was basically a joke. Still, it really doesn't fit into the U/W control or U/B control all that well without messing with the mana, and frankly there are just better options in standard. In older formats Elspeth, Knight-Errant just outright trumps this card.

If you are a control deck when the hell is new Sorin's ultimate going ot EVER be relevant? If you have 3 targtes you've probably already lost. You are most likely going to build into a very unimpressive 1-2 at most. If 3 creatures are aout and attacking you you are probably losing alreeady, and god forbid 3 other planeswalkers are on the board, then you are probably WAY behind. It's a bad Elspeth with worse mana. In a control deck it's 2nd ability is all but useless.'s a bad Elspeth. Limited Bomb, not impressive to me in constructed. I'd rather control the game with Liliana, Gedion, Karn, and Elspeth Tirel if I'm som sort of B/W....random control mess.

Better ingredients, better planeswalkers, papa johns.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by daner on January 12, 2012]

posted January 12, 2012 08:56 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Th3Sparkl3r Click Here to Email Th3Sparkl3r Send a private message to Th3Sparkl3r Click to send Th3Sparkl3r an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Th3Sparkl3r's Have/Want ListView Th3Sparkl3r's Have/Want List
Originally posted by caquaa:
because heartless is terrible. That whole plan of yours falls apart if a heartless isn't in play... nice deck.

I'm already running a Heartless U/B Control deck that fires off with and without Heartless, that already features Perilous Myr. He'll be a nice secondary win condition in a deck that already supports him.

You're vastly underestimating Heartless's overwhelmingly powerful when built around, and there's tons of dig in Standard to be able to find it. This guy just makes it even better.

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posted January 12, 2012 09:33 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for daner Click Here to Email daner Send a private message to daner Click to send daner an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View daner's Have/Want ListView daner's Have/Want List
Here is my rundown of every ability the new Sorin has to offer, then a comparasion of other planeswalkers....please someone explain to me afterwards how you could justify a $50 price tag. That's my main complaint, it's not against this card being good or bad, it has a lot of potential. I just dont agree with the price and advise you to shy away until the initial awe factor has worn off.

1st ability

By far it's best ability. +1 to loyalty, and it defends itself. Very nice. Everything you would want in a planeswalker. This is very much like the old Elspeth.

2nd ability

This ability is game changing in limited. In constructed you really need a heavy creature deck, or token generating deck for it to be effective. For starters Township tokens is not a good deck, let's not kid ourselves. Also, paying 4 mana for a bad Glorious Anthem seems bad. This also subtracts loyalty, so even after 2 +1 uses this still drags him back into bolt range.

Elspeth's 2nd ability was so obnoxious. Out of nowhere a Tarmogoyf(or any creature really) could just leap up and cold-**** you for 7+ damage. That was a + ability, Sorin's 2nd ability, to me, is irrelevant outside of limited. His 2nd ability puts him more of a aggro-type PW. Paying 4 mana for a 1/1 lifelink, or a bad Glorius anthem seems terrible. It's second ability also detracts from what some would consider his most important impact on the game...

3rd ability

If it goes off and destroies 3 targets that's wonderful. How often is this going to happen outside of limited? Destroy 3 creatures and or other PW's in constructed? When does this come up? Not only that but you have to play it and add to it's loyalty for at least 3 turns without it taking any damage. Vs the aggro deck they remove the blocker and probably just attack you. If you drop this on turn 4 and it gets to go off for the ultimate by turn 7 against aan aggro deck then the aggro deck has no business being in the game anyway. Against control it might go off and take out 1 other PW. Awesome....

Liliana of the Veil costs 1 less, and immediately impacts the board of game state with her first 2 abilities. Her ultimate is also more devastating as it gets lands. When she comes down she can change the course of a game instantly, Sorin can't.

Elspeth 1.0 has virtually the same 1st ability, but the second is good for both aggro and control decks. The aggro deck has an added punch and gives evasion, while in a control deck you can sit behind one creature and it becoms a MAJOR threat all the while building to an ultimate that actually matters.

Gideon's first 2 abilities are better for a control deck, and his ultimate gives you a threat that unless Sorin's ultimate goes off you simply can't stop.

Elspeth 2.0 seems better bc she craps out 3 guys right off the bat, if we are talking about a token deck.

In DeadGuy, Bitterblossom is just simply better.

Will he find a home? I don't know, maybe as a 2-3 of at most in a few decks. Does that sound like a $50 card to you?

Again...if you have an argument agaist this and believe he will maintain that high price tag I'm all ears and would love to hear your argument.

posted January 12, 2012 09:41 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.C Click Here to Email Mr.C Send a private message to Mr.C Click to send Mr.C an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mr.C's Have/Want ListView Mr.C's Have/Want List
Sorin will be $20 or less soon. Heck, new Chandra seems better than new Sorin, and she's what? $10?
Speed Demon
posted January 13, 2012 01:30 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Speed Demon Click Here to Email Speed Demon Send a private message to Speed Demon Click to send Speed Demon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I see no reason why the esper decks don't want sorin.

And it's a $20-30 card.

Not a $50 card.

posted January 13, 2012 04:11 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for MagicPatty Click Here to Email MagicPatty Send a private message to MagicPatty Click to send MagicPatty an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MagicPatty's Have/Want ListView MagicPatty's Have/Want List
Daner I think I'm on board with what youre saying, but then you pointed out Liliana of the Veil and how she immediately does something etc...

Sorin could be the 4 slot in a control deck that wants to run Liliana in the 3 spot. So a turn two kill spell followed by Liliana, then Sorin seems solid. Sure, that's kinda visits magical christmas land, but that it exists might be the foundation for a deck.

Price? ...I could see him settling at 25.00

I don't think he has the power to be worth that much, nor is he going to be played enough to warrant that, but he is a mythic Vampire planeswalker... I mean, Vampire Nocturnus is still 10.00+ and while it's a better card, its certainly not being played in anything outside of casual right?

posted January 13, 2012 08:06 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for caquaa Click Here to Email caquaa Send a private message to caquaa Click to send caquaa an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View caquaa's Trade Auction or SaleView caquaa's Trade Auction or Sale
Sorrin has some potential. I see it more as a ajani goldmane for b/w tokens assuming thats a deck down the road. Currently I don't like him in a theoretical deck such as that because i would be running intangible virtue and honor the pure. I'd drop hero of bladehold in that 4 slot. Thats assuming nothing new comes along to help that deck... given that we're only a handful of cards into this set, that can certainly change.
posted January 13, 2012 09:54 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for potaguitar Click Here to Email potaguitar Send a private message to potaguitar Click to send potaguitar an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I hate JtMS for what he did to planeswalkers presale prices. Sorin will NEVER be a 50 card in standard (besides right now obviously). There are several reasons for this

1. It will never be used as a 4 of, probably not even a 3 of.
2. There simply are better color combinations available to us right now. Without fetches, nobody in their right mind would destroy their manabase to splash a couple of sorins.
3. The abilities all "seem" good, but only one is really relevant in the deck that it wants to be played in, which is the plus ability.

His second ability kind of reminds me of when I saw venser, the sojourner for the first time. "oh man, all my creatures are unblockable?!" then I realized I played like 5 dudes in u/w.

posted January 13, 2012 10:01 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for junichi Click Here to Email junichi Send a private message to junichi Click to send junichi an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View junichi's Have/Want ListView junichi's Have/Want List
I've high hopes for Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells.

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posted January 13, 2012 10:51 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for CubFan81 Click Here to Email CubFan81 Send a private message to CubFan81 Click to send CubFan81 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View CubFan81's Have/Want ListView CubFan81's Have/Want List
Originally posted by daner:

2nd ability...

...More stuff

But how else am I going to make use of THIS.

Havoc Demon
posted January 13, 2012 10:57 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Havoc Demon Click Here to Email Havoc Demon Send a private message to Havoc Demon Click to send Havoc Demon an Instant MessageVisit Havoc Demon's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I sure won't complain if a Sorin falls into my lap during the prerelease. Someone will certainly trade the farm for it.

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posted January 13, 2012 08:06 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ryan2754 Click Here to Email ryan2754 Send a private message to ryan2754 Click to send ryan2754 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ryan2754's Have/Want ListView ryan2754's Have/Want List
Originally posted by CubFan81:
But how else am I going to make use of THIS.


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posted January 14, 2012 10:32 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skizzikmonger Click Here to Email skizzikmonger Send a private message to skizzikmonger Click to send skizzikmonger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Creature - Insect
Vigilance, trample
posted January 14, 2012 11:45 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
Originally posted by skizzikmonger:
Creature - Insect
Vigilance, trample

Strong card for my cube

posted January 15, 2012 07:42 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for bushe Click Here to Email bushe Send a private message to bushe Click to send bushe an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View bushe's Have/Want ListView bushe's Have/Want List
Anybody else think that there is a striking resemblance between sorin and vigo from ghostbusters 2?
posted January 16, 2012 10:18 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for rockondon Click Here to Email rockondon Send a private message to rockondon Click to send rockondon an Instant MessageVisit rockondon's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View rockondon's Have/Want ListView rockondon's Have/Want List
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
Whenever a Human deals damage to you, destroy it.
Other non-Human creatures you control get +1/+1 and have undying.

Flayer of the Hatebound
Creature - Devil
Whenever Flayer of the Hatebound or another creature enters the battlefield from your graveyard, that creature deals damage equal to its power to target creature or player.

Vault of the Archangel
tap: Add 1 colorless to your mana pool
2BW, tap: Creatures you control gain deathtouch and lifelink until end of turn.

Wow, Vault of the archangel looks insanely good.

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Lord Crovax
posted January 16, 2012 11:06 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Lord Crovax Click Here to Email Lord Crovax Send a private message to Lord Crovax Click to send Lord Crovax an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Vault also gives us a U/R, G/B ,R/W, and U/G Utility land, can't wait to see what they do, also still waiting on the rest of the Hybrid Flashback cards, mostly the U/R one.

I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"

posted January 16, 2012 11:45 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for B14ckM4g3 Click Here to Email B14ckM4g3 Send a private message to B14ckM4g3 Click to send B14ckM4g3 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Is it just me or does this set seem overpowered?
posted January 16, 2012 01:04 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
Originally posted by B14ckM4g3:
Is it just me or does this set seem overpowered?

I think its just you. Nothing has blown me away.

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choco man
posted January 16, 2012 02:24 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for choco man Click Here to Email choco man Send a private message to choco man Click to send choco man an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View choco man's Have/Want ListView choco man's Have/Want List
Originally posted by B14ckM4g3:
Is it just me or does this set seem overpowered?

There's a lot of cards that I wouldn't want to play against at the Pre-release. But other than that, it seems fine, really. Innistrad has been one of the best sets in recent years.

posted January 16, 2012 04:45 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Devonin Click Here to Email Devonin Send a private message to Devonin Click to send Devonin an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Devonin's Have/Want ListView Devonin's Have/Want List
Also, paying 4 mana for a bad Glorious Anthem seems bad.

A bad glorious anthem that can't be destroyed or removed in any way, and stacks with itself as many times as you can make it happen? Better than just a glorious anthem by any standard.


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