Topic: X (squared)
AlmasterGM Member
posted May 21, 2009 10:00 PM

quote: Originally posted by PlasteredDragon: I realize I'm dead but just as a point of order, if the cits lynch the wrong person, there is still the possibility of getting one more lynch if the angel makes a save. So nobody blurt out what your role is after the lynch--wait for the wolf kill.{SUMMARY: Game does not end with a bad lynch this round, only ends if the angel fails to make a save.}
I am perfectly aware of this, PD. However, this only holds true if the angel survives this round's lynching. That being said, my point stands exactly as it did previously. If no one is going to vote for anyone but me, then just make it ASAP and we can start WWXI.
puregoblinboy47 Member
posted May 22, 2009 03:49 AM

Basically, blah blah blah I'm the angel. I thought the angel wasn't allowed to come out.
BernieB Member
posted May 22, 2009 04:40 AM

Liq is too good of a player to still be alive if he were not a wolf, I am voting Liq.
Bernek77 Member
posted May 22, 2009 05:27 AM

I don't like the Liq lynch. It' too easy. IMO I Think the last two wolves are BernieB and Masterwolf. Last lynch I didn't get why it was xplicitr especially after earlier when I tried to go after him most of you were against it then you went with it. Bernie you have voted for me most of the game. Why the switch now? Easy to jump on Liq's bandwagon seeing most of everyone is going to too? Real easy for a wolf to hide there. If you thought I was also a wolf wouldn't you stick to your guns and try to persuade people? People let's not look into Liq being alive as he has to be a wolf. We made the same mistake with GLE. Voting Bernie __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
puregoblinboy47 Member
posted May 22, 2009 12:47 PM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: I don't like the Liq lynch. It' too easy. IMO I Think the last two wolves are BernieB and Masterwolf. Last lynch I didn't get why it was xplicitr especially after earlier when I tried to go after him most of you were against it then you went with it. Bernie you have voted for me most of the game. Why the switch now? Easy to jump on Liq's bandwagon seeing most of everyone is going to too? Real easy for a wolf to hide there. If you thought I was also a wolf wouldn't you stick to your guns and try to persuade people? People let's not look into Liq being alive as he has to be a wolf. We made the same mistake with GLE. Voting Bernie
Well, we need cooperation. This isn't like jumping on a bandwagon here. I almost forgot Liq was playing this game. I stopped posting after I was confirmed as a cit due to people's overwillingness to take my suggestions as law, and now is the time to speak up. I don't like the Almaster vote right now since he all but said straight up that he's the angel. This negates the Thanos pile. Remember that we are in the final day. We need cooperation. If you are stubborn about it and go your own way, we'll lose straight up. And why is it so hard to comprehend that maybe BernieB realizes that Liq just slunk into the background after coming out strong. This isn't the same as the GLE suspicion. Liq is being legitamately suspicious. I'm not suspecting him because he's Liq. I'm suspecting him because he's Liq and and he's hiding. I strongly suggest you vote Liq as well. My vote has been submitted. Let's not do this whole early thing since we remember what happened last time this hgappened.
Bernek77 Member
posted May 22, 2009 01:10 PM

quote: Originally posted by puregoblinboy47: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Bernek77: I don't like the Liq lynch. It' too easy. IMO I Think the last two wolves are BernieB and Masterwolf. Last lynch I didn't get why it was xplicitr especially after earlier when I tried to go after him most of you were against it then you went with it. Bernie you have voted for me most of the game. Why the switch now? Easy to jump on Liq's bandwagon seeing most of everyone is going to too? Real easy for a wolf to hide there. If you thought I was also a wolf wouldn't you stick to your guns and try to persuade people? People let's not look into Liq being alive as he has to be a wolf. We made the same mistake with GLE. Voting Bernie
Well, we need cooperation. This isn't like jumping on a bandwagon here. I almost forgot Liq was playing this game. I stopped posting after I was confirmed as a cit due to people's overwillingness to take my suggestions as law, and now is the time to speak up. I don't like the Almaster vote right now since he all but said straight up that he's the angel. This negates the Thanos pile. Remember that we are in the final day. We need cooperation. If you are stubborn about it and go your own way, we'll lose straight up. And why is it so hard to comprehend that maybe BernieB realizes that Liq just slunk into the background after coming out strong. This isn't the same as the GLE suspicion. Liq is being legitamately suspicious. I'm not suspecting him because he's Liq. I'm suspecting him because he's Liq and and he's hiding. I strongly suggest you vote Liq as well. My vote has been submitted. Let's not do this whole early thing since we remember what happened last time this hgappened. [/QUOTE] PGB I agree with your thinking, however I don't understand how people could think he has been hiding. He has posted like normal Liq and it has been mentioned repeatedly about him still being in the game. All of a sudden now people are gonna go OMG Liq is till in the game. Come on now I don't buy it! We have 6 people here. If we vote Liq and he turns out to be a villager we have to pray that the Angel makes the right play next round. Which is guess right! If you want my cooperation and vote for Liq then I will be willing to. But, if were wrong and the Angel makes the right play next round will you be with me and vote for Bernie? Cuz as it is, it basically comes down to 3 people if Almaster just basically spelled out he is the Angel. Liq, Bernie and Masterwolf. __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
AlmasterGM Member
posted May 22, 2009 01:40 PM

OK, first of all we have to remember that there are two wolves left in this game, not just one. People seem to be making comparisons between it either being Liq OR Bernie/MW. Why couldn't it Liq and Bernie? That being said, I strongly agree with PGB on the Liq issue for a couple of reasons. 1) If Liq is a citizen, he's doing a terrible job of being one. He has barely said anything except vote BernieB, which in my opinion could easily be Liq throwing Bernie under the bus and using it as insurance for the final rounds. There has been little contribution from Liq. 2) Liq as a wolf is statistically not unreasonable. Right now, in the eyes of every citizen other than PGB, there is a 50% chance Liq is a wolf (you know your identity as well as PGB's, leaving 4 unknowns). There is a significant chance of Liq being a wolf. 3) The "it's too easy" argument doesn't hold much water. Liq could easily be playing on this argument as a wolf just as easily as the other wolves could be playing Liq. And once again, if Liq is indeed a citizen, why isn't he contributing more to the game? I agree that Bernie is being awfully agreeable and that he could definitely be a wolf as well. Right now, though, I'm voting Liq.
MasterWolf Member
posted May 22, 2009 01:42 PM

Well, I can't disregard AGM just straight up lying...But, the game has changed. Assuming he's telling the truth, we have 2 confirmed cits, and then 2 wolves among 4 people. Since we know for a fact that PGB is a cit, I suggest we all just vote however he votes for the remaining rounds. It forces us to live or die by PGB's choice, but it'll prevent the wolves from fixing the vote in their favor. Changing my vote to Liq. Remember, Unity is the only way we win right now.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by MasterWolf on May 22, 2009]
Bernek77 Member
posted May 22, 2009 01:52 PM

Well here's hoping that the game is not over.Changed to Liq Well how I see it is that is 5 votes for Liq __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bernek77 on May 22, 2009]
Liq Member
posted May 22, 2009 03:31 PM

quote: Originally posted by puregoblinboy47: I'm suspecting him because he's Liq and and he's hiding.
I haven't been hiding. I've been thinking. It was quite evident to me that the wolves would push for my death this round because I shouldn't be around for this long. Every time I am alive to this point, I somehow fumble the ball and lose it for the cits. The last time I remember being to this point was in Mafia 26 where I presented the "No Mafia Vote" strategy in which I pretty much deflected all attention from the last remaining mafia member. quote: Originally posted by AlmasterGM: if Liq is indeed a citizen, why isn't he contributing more to the game?
I'm been waiting to see which wolf would make the move against me. Unfortunately it was PGB who went for me first. The one of two players I don't think are wolves. quote: Originally posted by BernieB: Liq is too good of a player to still be alive if he were not a wolf, I am voting Liq.
I want each villager to take the time to think of the last time they remember me surviving to this point. Now I want you to think of the amount of games you've played with me and how much suspicion comes to me naturally. Why is it that I'm always suspected? Simple answer : I've played that way before as Mafia. The problem that arises for me each game is that I can not defend myself in any hypothetical situation. Its not a matter of if, could, or would I do that, its the fact that I have done it before. There is a record of me acting that way or making that move before. This is why I've been quieter since PD's removal by the wolves. To not allow the wolves anything to twist. I had suspected at the time that they were going to use me for their end game. Who better than me who is by nature suspicious? Vote me if you want to rely on an Angel Save. Otherwise we have wolves to find. My suspicions still lie with BernieB. code:
PLAYER R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 GRP STA ================ === === === === === === === MasterWolf AGM --- GLE GLE XPR 1 A Bernek77 BOT XPR BUG PD BB 2 A BernieB PGB PGB B77 B77 XPR 3 A Liq PD JSP BUG BB BB 3 A AlmasterGM THA PGB GLE GLE XPR 4 A puregoblinboy47 THA JSP BUG GLE XPR 4 A ~*~ ThoughtsofLepers BOT XPR BUG GLE --- C E XplicitR THA JSP B77 GLE BB C L PlasteredDragon BOT JSP GLE GLE C E GottaLoveElves THA THA B77 PD C L fwybwed AGM BUG BUG C E Bugger JSP JSP B77 C L Thanos BOT JSP S E JackSpade BOT BUG C L Jazaray BOT C E Battle_of_Twits THA W L ryan2754 C E
He placed the 4th vote for XPR in order to prevent his own lynch. Then he votes with PGB because PGB is the "confirmed cit". quote: Originally posted by puregoblinboy47: Liq's still alive?I'll be voting for Liq this round.
quote: Originally posted by BernieB: Liq is too good of a player to still be alive if he were not a wolf, I am voting Liq.
Echo. Echo. echo.
Bernek77 Member
posted May 22, 2009 08:13 PM

Liq how I see it if your a wolf, your a damn good one. I believe your a villager and as much as I feel Bernie is a wolf. It wouldn't matter as there would still be 4 votes on your head. PBG, Bernie, Almaster and Masterwolf.With that being said however if you do turn out to be a wolf I think we have this game in the bag. __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
XplicitR Member
posted May 25, 2009 04:34 PM
Votes due tonight...get them in!*dies*
MeddlingMage Member
posted May 25, 2009 06:35 PM
Everyone voted for Liq this round.(Except for Liq who said he voted no one)Good thing too, as he was a Werewolf. Last wolf, you're the leader now...obv. Names due asap! ~MM
__________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 9!][My Brute!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
Bugger Member
posted May 25, 2009 06:36 PM

 My feelings expressed, I now return fitfully to rest...
__________________ Webcomics you should be reading: [Dinosaur Comics][Dr. McNinja][xkcd][Questionable Content] Werewolf record: As Werewolf: 1-0 As Cit: 0-2
Jazaray Moderator
posted May 25, 2009 07:01 PM

Will the dead people stop talking?  Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
AlmasterGM Member
posted May 25, 2009 08:00 PM

 Alright citizens, two down, one more to go. There is only one chance to get it right, so don't mess up. We can do this! However, since I might not make it through the night, here are my thoughts now. I don't really suspect Bernek and PGB is considered a citizen. That leaves MasterWolf and BernieB. I think these two players can be boiled down into two basic actions. 1) MasterWolf's questioning of Liq a while back. 2) Liq consistent suspicion of BernieB. Both of those players remain in the game. I am positive Liq instructed one of them to make their respective posts. The question is just who. I think it's number 2 and that Bernie is the final wolf. Here's why. 1) Liq thinks he's better than everyone else, and he probably considers himself significantly better than both MasterWolf and Bernie. This in mind, I doubt Liq would trust either of them to make the play (especially considering MW's computer issues) - he would most likely want to do it himself. This rules out option number one because it involves MW making the play, not Liq. Bernie as the wolf, on the other hand, puts Liq in the manipulator's driver's seat. 2) Bernie switched his vote left and right during the XPR round. Normally, Bernie picks one target and stays with it until either he or the target is eliminated. Suddenly, however, his ENTIRE M.O. changes. 3) Liq has consistently suspected Bernie. He probably planned to use that as insurance should Bernie get nailed before he did. MasterWolf's suspicion of Liq, on the other hand, was fairly weak, and Liq didn't really suspect MasterWolf at all. Liq's willingness to put himself and probably another wolf in the random pile during a BOT wagon shows that he is willing to TAKE RISKS. It would NOT be against Liq's playstile to openly throw BernieB under the bus. To be fair, I was totally wrong about XPR, so feel free to take or leave my advice. Just pick a target and unify on it.  --AlmasterGM
Bernek77 Member
posted May 25, 2009 08:05 PM

That was huge, but now it comes down to 1 of 2 people: Masterwolf and BernieB It could be almost said that the angel has made his presence known. IDK if that was smart as now you are at a conflicted moment. Had you not said it, there would be a 4th villager in the mix. With that being said, try thinking like a wolf and try to figure out where he would try to make his victim. We need you to win this game but, you may have hung yourself for the good of the cause. I hope not! My issue is the 2 above were my number 1 and number 2 suspect. Which one do we believe? Bernie jumping around in round 1. Out of a pile and into a Random vote. He is my number 1 up to this point. Or do we go after MW. Who's play has not been all that consistant also. If I survive the night phase I will be gunning for Bernie! Hi Bernie! __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
puregoblinboy47 Member
posted May 25, 2009 11:42 PM

It's pretty clear who the angel is at this point, and that can be a good thing. Even the final WW (should) know and he may be taking a guessing game which gives us a good 50% chance we may hit a save.(run on sentence, sue me). Up to you angel on if you want to do anything differently.First of all, Bernek is not cleared. I'm taking Almaster's claim there with a grain of salt. Not that I'm sure Bernek is a WW, but I feel uncertain about him. Been a rough day for me(see PFS) so I won't be able to make a substantive post until later tomorrow. Hopefully it's before the kill and I'm still alive.
BernieB Member
posted May 26, 2009 04:11 AM

YES! Ok, 2 down and AlmasterGM to go. edit: Hi Bernek!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by BernieB on May 26, 2009]
Bernek77 Member
posted May 26, 2009 08:04 AM

quote: Originally posted by puregoblinboy47: It's pretty clear who the angel is at this point, and that can be a good thing. Even the final WW (should) know and he may be taking a guessing game which gives us a good 50% chance we may hit a save.(run on sentence, sue me). Up to you angel on if you want to do anything differently.First of all, Bernek is not cleared. I'm taking Almaster's claim there with a grain of salt. Not that I'm sure Bernek is a WW, but I feel uncertain about him. Been a rough day for me(see PFS) so I won't be able to make a substantive post until later tomorrow. Hopefully it's before the kill and I'm still alive.
Bro glad to hear you are alive. On another note, you are correct, I have never been officially cleared. My heatedness in the beginning with the whole Thanos debacle was due to we had a pass when they didn't take him out. Had the Angel did his job can you imagine having thanos and the Angel this far in the game? Yeah I lost my temper for that and I am sorry for that. I tried changing my game play but it got me killed B2B games saying it was suspicious. So what am I to do. Changing my game style makes me suspicious and my play annoys people. I was wrong about a few people and so where others. I am one person that trusts Liq, GLE and PGB's play as they are among the better players. I didn't see Liq as suspicious but he double bluffed me. It was a very nice play. However, seeing Bernie's last post: quote: Originally posted by BernieB: YES! Ok, 2 down and AlmasterGM to go. edit: Hi Bernek!
Was the Hi Bernek! really the edit, or was there more there that he didn't want us to see. He changed his vote in the beginning out of the piles and went random. Seeing as he is a very low-profile player that usually stays quiet it's able to make him get a pass through to the end in a lot of games. His voting patterns are off this game. And why Almaster? I feel as though he is trying to set up the wolf night phase and go from there. However I am still worried about Masterwolf. We haven't heard much from him lately and usually by now he should have a lot more to say. __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
MasterWolf Member
posted May 26, 2009 11:24 AM

Late to work, but I'm here now. Furthermore, I thought we weren't posting before kills cause it gave away information?Liq is dead, so that leaves us one more. We have 2 confirmed cits, so I feel like our chances are very very good right now. We're lucky that PGB was right. I think the angel is gonna bite the dust sadly. Like I said in my last post, I feel like we don't have too many options here. I believe the correct strategy is to block vote WITH PGB however he votes. After the kill, assuming I'm around, I'll post my thoughts on each person left.
MeddlingMage Member
posted May 26, 2009 04:11 PM
So the Angel is now dead. AlmasterGM is the latest wolf kill.Villagers, your votes are due Thursday night. ~MM __________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 9!][My Brute!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
BernieB Member
posted May 27, 2009 04:46 AM

Whoa, I thought for sure that Almaster was the last wolf. This means that either Bernek or MasterWolf is the final werewolf. I am thinking Bernek. Why? I am looking at the votes, he and Liq were really pushing to lynch me in round 5, his votes have been all over the board, he has not voted for the same person twice, he is a werewolf. Why not MasterWolf? One thing that stands out isthat he missed a vote, no wolf would do that. Why not me? Liq was really pushing to lynch my in rounds 4 and 5, that says something, I think. Plus I know I am not a hairy. {voting Bernek}
PlasteredDragon Member
posted May 27, 2009 05:38 AM

{SUMMARY: Glad to see you guys bagged another wolf. Please continue to use the tags. Thanks!}__________________ -- PlasteredDragon A.K.A. Chuck Seggelin * Sagewood Studios * My Flickr Photostream * My Blog *
MasterWolf Member
posted May 27, 2009 07:31 AM

quote: Originally posted by BernieB: Whoa, I thought for sure that Almaster was the last wolf. This means that either Bernek or MasterWolf is the final werewolf. I am thinking Bernek. Why? I am looking at the votes, he and Liq were really pushing to lynch me in round 5, his votes have been all over the board, he has not voted for the same person twice, he is a werewolf. Why not MasterWolf? One thing that stands out isthat he missed a vote, no wolf would do that. Why not me? Liq was really pushing to lynch my in rounds 4 and 5, that says something, I think. Plus I know I am not a hairy. {voting Bernek}
Really? You were sure he was a wolf after he basically TOLD us he was the angel? Actually, AGM helped us a great deal. Cause if we would have lynched him last round, we would have lost.
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