Topic: The Post For Magic Stuff #77
Vegas10 Member
posted February 12, 2013 05:16 AM
also while reanimator Humans wasn't new ,GTC did give it an infinite loop which was innovative.
CubFan81 Member
posted February 12, 2013 07:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Vegas10: While it's possible you are right on GTC, I think 2 weeks of tournies is to fast to come to that conclusion, people could be working the wrinkles out of decks, ...
Also, there's a Constructed Pro Tour this weekend, not sure how many people are sharing anything they've been working on this soon.
walkerdog Member
posted February 12, 2013 08:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Vegas10: also while reanimator Humans wasn't new ,GTC did give it an infinite loop which was innovative.
There was already an infinite loop, it just wasn't as easy (since you needed a vampire, not a human).
revenger Member
posted February 12, 2013 10:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by rats60: I was referring to when they printed Lotus Cobra at mythic and then Vengevine. However, Sphinx's Revelation is a perfect example of a mythic that could have been a rare. Rakdos's Return, Bonfire, Huntmaster, Olivia, ect.
I can think of a few rares that should mythic. Cavern of Souls comes to mind. __________________ 33rd in refs on Motl! #1 Ref's for Arizona! I offer 3rd party trading services. Email if interested. Your 2008, 2010 & 2012 Siskel & Ebert award winner! Your Motl runner-up in My Cousin Vinny & Rolling Stone Award!
thror Member
posted February 12, 2013 10:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: I can think of a few rares that should mythic. Cavern of Souls comes to mind.
uhh, NO. not without making it legendary first. __________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted [19:01] <nderEvo> you can delete yourself
[Edited 1 times, lastly by thror on February 12, 2013]
walkerdog Member
posted February 12, 2013 10:44 AM
I feel Bonfire and Olivia are fine mythics, due to legendary, powerful, and "feeling" mythic. Huntmaster... not so much.RR and SR are borderline.
Pail42 Member
posted February 12, 2013 12:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by walkerdog: There was already an infinite loop, it just wasn't as easy (since you needed a vampire, not a human).
It wasn't a new infinite loop, but bringing it back to the earlier discussion, it wasn't reliable enough to warp the metagame. Now it is.
Zakman86 Member
posted February 12, 2013 04:48 PM
Side note: The player who won in Edison was given a 75, asked if it needed changes, was told "No" and didn't even look at the Spoiler. He's already gone on record as saying he would have made quite a few changes to the deck had he actually looked at the new set.
choco man Member
posted February 12, 2013 06:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by walkerdog: I feel Bonfire and Olivia are fine mythics, due to legendary, powerful, and "feeling" mythic. Huntmaster... not so much.RR and SR are borderline.
Def borderline since they're associated with the Guild leaders. Bonfire is definitely a Mythic Rare. Flipping a miracle Bonfire is definitely mythic. Quite literally, since I have never been able to cast it for miracle cost.
stu55 Member
posted February 12, 2013 08:03 PM

Wow, just passed Michael French to move into the top 20 of refs. I haven't heard from in forever, hope all is going well with him
paragondave Member
posted February 12, 2013 09:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by stu55: Wow, just passed Michael French to move into the top 20 of refs. I haven't heard from in forever, hope all is going well with him
oops, wrong guy. I hope Michael is doing good.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by paragondave on February 12, 2013]
stu55 Member
posted February 13, 2013 05:02 AM

quote: Originally posted by Pail42: It wasn't a new infinite loop, but bringing it back to the earlier discussion, it wasn't reliable enough to warp the metagame. Now it is.
I don't think there is any current deck right now that "warps" the metagame
Bugger Member
posted February 13, 2013 05:49 AM

quote: Originally posted by stu55: I don't think there is any current deck right now that "warps" the metagame
Yeah, this. Besides, the meta-warping decks, if they occur at all, don't show up til, like, march at least.
rats60 Member
posted February 13, 2013 07:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: Def borderline since they're associated with the Guild leaders.Bonfire is definitely a Mythic Rare. Flipping a miracle Bonfire is definitely mythic. Quite literally, since I have never been able to cast it for miracle cost.
I have to disagree. Terminus isn't a mythic and there are many situations where it would be the better miracle to flip.
Pail42 Member
posted February 13, 2013 07:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bugger: Besides, the meta-warping decks, if they occur at all, don't show up til, like, march at least.
quote: Originally posted by stu55: I don't think there is any current deck right now that "warps" the metagame
You are both right. Warp was too strong of a word; "affect" would have been a better choice.
JoshSherman Member
posted February 13, 2013 08:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bugger: Can we file this away to bring up again the next time someone starts bitching about how prohibitively expensive standard is? "Every top tier deck has playsets of 20+ dollar cards" seems to consistently be a centerpiece of the argument (along with rose-tinted glasses about how cheap one specific deck was at one specific point in the distant past).
Hey, I like wearing Sunglasses of Urza.
__________________ *My LJ*Letter Bombs!*FB*Logout- MM is a copycat! (So am I)*CKGB
stu55 Member
posted February 13, 2013 09:16 AM

quote: Originally posted by rats60: I have to disagree. Terminus isn't a mythic and there are many situations where it would be the better miracle to flip.
White has another Miracle card though, I think Entreat the Angels, feels a lot more mythical than Terminus, like Supreme Verdict not being a mythic in RTR
choco man Member
posted February 13, 2013 11:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by rats60: I have to disagree. Terminus isn't a mythic and there are many situations where it would be the better miracle to flip.
I could say the same thing about Bonfire, right? Aren't there "many situations" where it would be better to miracle Bonfire instead. 1. Like if you're playing creatures also? Which is the way most decks function today? 2. Or more important distinction, when you want to win? Miracle Terminus doesn't end games on the spot. While I agree with your sentiment that the "miracle" mechanic doesn't make cards mythic by itself, when you attach it to something like Bonfire, it's bonkers! If you miracle a Terminus in the late game, meh, big deal. When you miracle a Bonfire late game.......I think most players know the feeling.
fluffycow Member
posted February 13, 2013 01:03 PM
What's the bulking rate these days for mix common/uncommon lot per 1k? Assuming searched
rats60 Member
posted February 13, 2013 01:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: I could say the same thing about Bonfire, right? Aren't there "many situations" where it would be better to miracle Bonfire instead.1. Like if you're playing creatures also? Which is the way most decks function today? 2. Or more important distinction, when you want to win? Miracle Terminus doesn't end games on the spot. While I agree with your sentiment that the "miracle" mechanic doesn't make cards mythic by itself, when you attach it to something like Bonfire, it's bonkers! If you miracle a Terminus in the late game, meh, big deal. When you miracle a Bonfire late game.......I think most players know the feeling.
Except when you don't have enough mana to kill their bomb or their creature has some sort of protection or indestructibilty. In those situations, Bonfire means you lose the game, Terminus puts you back in the game. I'm not arguing one is better than the other, just that they're more or less equal. Each has its uses, but neither has a mythic feel.
Lord Crovax Member
posted February 13, 2013 01:16 PM

quote: Originally posted by fluffycow: What's the bulking rate these days for mix common/uncommon lot per 1k? Assuming searched
Not sure, but also curious. __________________ I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"
walkerdog Member
posted February 13, 2013 01:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by rats60: Except when you don't have enough mana to kill their bomb or their creature has some sort of protection or indestructibilty. In those situations, Bonfire means you lose the game, Terminus puts you back in the game.I'm not arguing one is better than the other, just that they're more or less equal. Each has its uses, but neither has a mythic feel.
Bonfire miracl'd at any turn past 3 always feels mythic to me. 1 mana wrath is nice, but not that impressive except on T2/3 or maybe T4-5 if you can play thragtusk or a PW on that turn as well. Look at the gif of kibler/lsv vs the chinese natl team if you want confirmation.
nylarotep Member
posted February 13, 2013 01:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by fluffycow: What's the bulking rate these days for mix common/uncommon lot per 1k? Assuming searched
I'd imagine $3-$6, depending on where you go. Coolstuffinc has some pretty good bulk prices per 1000, if you insist on shipping through the mail.
Volcanon Member
posted February 13, 2013 03:11 PM

So B/R aggro does very well in my local 1v1 edh meta. Bitterblossom is banned. Aside from the goblin token generator is there any other way to reliably keep contamination in play?
walkerdog Member
posted February 13, 2013 03:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: So B/R aggro does very well in my local 1v1 edh meta. Bitterblossom is banned. Aside from the goblin token generator is there any other way to reliably keep contamination in play?
Depends how far outside of your colors you want to go, and what cards you want to play; gravecrawler and bloodghast play nice with this, as does Haakon, Stromgaald Scourge, Sorin LOI, many white token generators, crucible of worlds, Sword of Light and Shadow, 187 creatures in general like nekrataal and shriekmaw, Oona, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Grave Titan.
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