Topic: Werewolf VIII: Pogglesworth's Plight.
revenger Member
posted March 19, 2009 09:37 PM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: Bugger I agree with what you said and I have a suspicion high on Randon and Masterwolf. I pegged Randon in an earlier game due to his talk. I think he is laying low to not get himself pegged again. PGB was also suggesting him but no one was listening. It would be a risky play on Randon to have PGB lynched. Also, Let's not for get to include Miss Jazaray. She knows exactly who to pick off and has bee somewhat quiet herself. Bugger your quick after the wolves kill to give us an update and give us your opinions. You haven't left my radar. I just think that Randon would be a great vote this round for us as he is a silent player. Voting Randon! ALso you can leave your vote/s with MM. Like leave your vote this round with him and tell him if you want to go with that if your still alive or if he is still alive and if he isnt give a second name.
Jazaray has been on my radar for quite sometime now. She is an expirenced player and knows exactly who to kill off. 2 games ago when I was a wolf with her, she helped me out some, but did not tell me how or who to vote for. But she does know what she is doing and so far from what I have seen, it is looking like wolf tracks. quote: Originally posted by ThoughtsofLepers: Unless the populace rallies for Jaz, I plan on voting randon, who has been on my suspects list this entire game thus far.
For some odd reason, I see this as a bandwagon attempt. Does this mean if the majority of everyone votes jaz, you will vote jaz as well? Or are you voting randon and sticking with it? Could you explain this to me and anyone else who like to know as well. My suspicion of you did rise on this comment. quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: ToL: Fwyb "died soon after" because we all lynched him.. And we've all lynched cits as well. Also, remember he was also "sure" that PGB was a ww..That said, I'm not really suspicious of ToL as much, he really seems to be trying to grasp onto this game and a lot of his posts are "noobish" posts. The same mistakes that revenger et al has made when they first started playing. Bugger, you have some pretty solid ideas, and I find it hard to disagree with many of them. I still think that we need to lynch one of the people who voted for Liq however, that's where we need to be. It's almost guaranteed that there was a wolf in that pile. I'd highly suggest a lynch of revenger, OB or you this round. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks, Jazaray
I know I am a cit. My thoughts are simply a lynching of me would reveal I am a cit, and we would be down one more cit. But I will gladly go to the noose if to prove you wrong. quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: Hey Jaz I was one of the biggest people on lynching the Liq pile. But, now I'm not so sure a wolf needed to be in there. With everyone against Liq's play they all could of just very well stayed away from there. And lead us to believe that there would be. Now, you don't think it would be better to lynch a silent player this round. someone like Randon who missed the vote. Didn't know the game started. And some who was very vocal when he was a wolf and now is completely silent this game. This isn't the mark of someone who seen what he id wrong the last time and this time around isn't going to do anything to bring attention to his name? Even though he did with those two incidents.
I do not suspect randon who missed a vote. Although stating he did not know when the game started makes me think to myself perhaps he was thinking "hey, perhaps if I say I am did not know when the game started, being I am a wolf, I can lay lie now and no one will suspect me." Makes me wonder and think now. quote: Originally posted by Bugger: Well... revenger has my attention of us Liq voters. Like I said though I think only 1 of the 5 Liq/thoughts pile is a wolf. revenger though has been making much clearer posts and I wonder if it's because he's had guidance? Just thoughts. If it came down to a Liq pile voter I'd choose him but it's close.
I am beginning to think the wolves stayed away from the liq plan and did not vote for liq. It would keep them under the radar and allow them to lay low. I voted for liq because at the time I thought it was a good plan. I still think ti was a good plan. Imo, he was trying to hide himself, for at least 3 rounds, perhaps then reveal who he had seered and give us what information he had gathered. Thus why I voted the way I did. Now, I did state that I had my doubts, and in the end I still voted for him. Does that qualify me as a wolf? I think not. As 4 others voted for him as well. quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: After re-reading the thread, something struck me about Jazaray's post: How could she be so sure? She is not the seer and this was after the Liq and GLE death. She was playing off what you said. Then this round I am trying to get people on board with the randon kill. I don't think there was a wolf in the pile. She revisited it to get your wheels rolling. You have said all game wrong that I was wrong about you being a wolf. Well like I said I will take your word if you will take mine. I am not a wolf either. We need a wolf this round. They have taken out the high profile players. Leaving a lot of quiet ones. Randons play is a lot more suspicious than revenger. I mean even Jaz's play is. Jaz was pushing hard for you to be lynched then followed by revenger. But, as soon as you break stuff down to her she switched to Fwybwed and was urging EVERYONE to do the same. Jaz is probably the next strongest player in this game. And if the wolves are gonna stay true then she will die next. If not it's probably be because she is a wolf. Of course if she is alive you will hear from her: They left me alive so you can lynch me. They get a free Lynch out of it. This is why I say we lynch Randon this round and see if the wolves keep with Lynching players according to their play. If Jaz is Lynched and turns out to be a villager then I can kiss my game goodbye. Cause I have done all of this to build a case against her and Randon. The only other veteran left besides Jaz and I is BernieB. Sup Kid!
Actually this post made sense to me. Jaz is a veteran and knows how to play, thus she knows what she is doing. I am not playing the noobie card anymore, as this will be my 4th game to play. I think I know who the stronger players are, and I am thinking I know who the weaker players are. The wolves are killing off stronger players to quiet the game imo, and Jaz would be next in line right? Now if she is a wolf, then she would not be the next to be killed. quote: Originally posted by randon007: Go ahead vote for me. You'll be killing a cit. I'm voting Revenger this round because of all the suspicion that others have said.
Suspicions? Hey everyone is suspicious of everyone unless they declare themselves as a wolf (and it would in return meant instadeath with a ellaborate hanging that round I am sure). I have said a few times I know I am cit, so are mimicking(sp) me? quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: What suspicion are you referring to? All anyone has is he was in the pile that voted for Liq.You say you weren't paying attention and didn't know the game started. You missed a vote. And you haven't contributed anything to this game. You are more of a liability then anything this game. All you can say is go ahead your lynching a cit? Yeah you really convinved me of that!
I think the liability was referred to earlier as dead weight. Although I do not think a wolf would miss a vote, perhaps you did on purpose to make us think otherwise. A veteran leader/ other wolf stepped up and offered you advice to skip this round of voting. I am not sure. Just my head spitting out thoughts. But, agreeing with Bernek77, you convinced me of that! /end sarcasm. quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: It's funny that the three I put out there as the wolves all have thrown out there different plans. MasterWolf he has Never brought your name up. How are you even going to say that. Especially without backing it up? I throw all of your names out there and BOOM! There you all go with posts. Bringing up Bugger and Revenger. OB was in that pile and not one of you brought up his name. Why? I'll tell you why, there have been suspicion brought up against the 2 players (Bugger,Revenger) and you all feel if you can get just one person on board you can get an easy lynch of Bugger. All you are doing is making it more obvious of you and the the other 2 being wolves!
Our_B is not really posting as much imo and thus not really been to suspicious to me. Perhaps by not mentioning OB, he is trying to hide a wolf? That thought did occur to me. Just my thoughts, feel free to analyze and dissect it everyone. ~Revenger __________________ Need a 3rd party trade? Contact me at this email address.Your 2008 Motl Siskel &/or Ebert award winner! Aim: Revenger72 Let's chat now! Magic, FF, Star Wars! Anything!
Jazaray Moderator
posted March 19, 2009 09:47 PM

Revenger: I most certinaly DID tell you who to vote for when we were wolves, I told you to go after ME. And I told cait to go after you. And NEITHER of you listened to me. And if you HAD, we might have won that game. Yes, I do know what I am doing. And I sure as hell wouldn't go killing off all the strong players so that I'd be the only one left, would I?I'm not trying to get Bugger lynched, I'm talking about the whole Liq pile, not Bugger specifically, if you understand what I mean. If I had wanted to solely get Bugger lynched, I could have gotten him lynched instead of fwyb, couldn't I? I didn't have to switch my vote to fwyb. And I most certainly didn't switch because Bugger "Broke stuff down for me" whatever THAT is supposed to mean. If I hadn't switched my vote, Bugger would be dead right now, so don't go telling me that I just want Bugger lynched. God, use your brains for something other then to sit on. :P Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
revenger Member
posted March 19, 2009 10:03 PM

quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: Revenger: I most certinaly DID tell you who to vote for when we were wolves, I told you to go after ME. And I told cait to go after you. And NEITHER of you listened to me. And if you HAD, we might have won that game. Yes, I do know what I am doing. And I sure as hell wouldn't go killing off all the strong players so that I'd be the only one left, would I?I'm not trying to get Bugger lynched, I'm talking about the whole Liq pile, not Bugger specifically, if you understand what I mean. If I had wanted to solely get Bugger lynched, I could have gotten him lynched instead of fwyb, couldn't I? I didn't have to switch my vote to fwyb. And I most certainly didn't switch because Bugger "Broke stuff down for me" whatever THAT is supposed to mean. If I hadn't switched my vote, Bugger would be dead right now, so don't go telling me that I just want Bugger lynched. God, use your brains for something other then to sit on. :P Thanks, Jazaray
Yes, I stand corrected. You did tell us what to do via instant messenger. But since it was my first time playing as a wolf, and only 2nd game playing in total, I did not listen. My humble and sincere apologies. Now I am hoping Jaz is done crucifying me for making a mistake, I am off to do something else other than this site. ~Revenger __________________ Need a 3rd party trade? Contact me at this email address.Your 2008 Motl Siskel &/or Ebert award winner! Aim: Revenger72 Let's chat now! Magic, FF, Star Wars! Anything!
MasterWolf Member
posted March 19, 2009 10:18 PM

I have posted plenty regarding my reasoning against Bugger. I believe we have to clear out the Liq pile. I will be voting Bugger.
Bugger Member
posted March 20, 2009 04:25 AM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: Bugger, this game you have asked me to look at you as a villager and a wolf. Well now I am willing to do that. I need you to take a step back and listen to me. I think this round your vote should be Randon. I think you should forget about revenger. I was one of the biggest pushers about the Liq pile. After going back and re-reading everything. I don't think there is a wolf in that pile. That is what they want us to believe. There were already too many people against the Liq idea. So with this being said, they could seperate themselves away from the pile and sit back and let us try to find a wolf in there. I am officially saying I no longer suspect these people but, these are the three I am saying are the wolves. If I am wrong then what I read was misleading. Randon Jazaray Masterwolf I think the votes should go down this way the next 3 rounds. As I believe at the pure minimum there will be 2 wolves in there!
Damn, this place really exploded overnight. People throwing accusations left and right. I've rested up on my ideas, and I've come to the following conclusion: Bernek, I'm sorry, but I have to say that I'm voting revenger, and here's why. 1. He is in the Liq pile. After sleeping on my thoughts, I realized I had overlooked something: Liq's proposal was made for *nine* people, not four! He'd have, by pure accident, included at least 1 or two wolves in that. 2. His votes. And Revenger voted Jaz in R2- Jaz is another strong player. The only people on his voting list so far have *been* strong players. Synchronous with the wolf kill pattern. 3. His behaviour. And as I mentioned earlier, I feel revenger's posts are a little too... polished. If it's a genuine change it's a really damn abrupt one. No, it looks to me like he's had someone else proofread his posts for him. All this might not tip the scales were it not for Bernek's immediate and forceful "NO". That's cemented my vote (sorry bernek!) for this round. My votes will go like this: R3- revenger R4- Masterwolf/randon if revenger is innocent R4- Bernek (if revenger is a wolf). I also want to say that you yourself Bernek have been pushing hard against Jaz for awhile now also. This would make my suspicions higher of you if you hadn't done it seemningly every game as well. __________________ You know, I get it that people are just looking for a way to fill the holes. But they want the holes; they want to live in the holes; and they go nuts when someone else pours dirt in their holes. Climb out of your holes, people! -Hugh Laurie, HouseEverybody lies
Bugger Member
posted March 20, 2009 04:39 AM

quote: Originally posted by MasterWolf: I think it's pretty obvious Bugger is throwing out accusations left and right to save his own hide and get attention off him.
Yes, because posting an hourlong post, posting second in frequency, and posting right after the wolf kills is a time-renowned trick for dodging attention. Please. quote: We should just stick to a strategy and let it go all the way through.
The problem with this sort of thinking is it doesn't leave room for change later on. Things change, and that's a simple fact. Every post, every vote, every kill is a game-changer. And to keep blinders on and not even at least pay attention to that is dangerous. quote: You can't give up on the strat and go off on random tangents if you're trying to stick together.
The near-universally despised Consensus System is a classic example of how well "sticking to a strategy" and "sticking together" work. It *hasn't*, in either game it's been implemented. I'm not saying we all do whatever we please, but at least I'm not saying "everyone shut up and follow me". Read my posts, please. NOWHERE do I say "We need to lynch X, and then Y" or anything of the sort. If I think I've got a strong case (like against fwy) you bet your ass I'm going to push for it, but when it comes to strategy in the abstract? I'm not trying to marshal anyone anywhere. quote: Bugger, if you are a cit, you're playing a horrible game by playing very randomly and not following any pattern or strategy.
This is my first game as a cit, genius. Sorry I'm not mimicking Liq perfectly. Don't you think I'd be playing better if I were a wolf, since I have experience in that role already? You (again) bet your ass I would. Especially after seeing how 'lying low' went for the mafia. quote: You've voted against 2 innocent people in a row, and pushed for their deaths in both cases.
Yeah, I have. It's two rounds. We all make mistakes. quote:
You're verbal back-and-forth against Bernek is doing nothing to make me suspect you less, but in fact suspect him as well.
I'm still curious. Why do you suspect *me* so much? Is it because I voted for Liq of my own free will? Certainly were I to be a wolf I wouldn't do so and be the only one who did. And I thought we agreed I'm better now as a wolf? quote:
And since I know Bugger is going to try to get a wagon formed against me, I'll throw this out in defense:
Oh, don't flatter yourself. quote:
Lynch Bugger this round--> If he's not a wolf, lynch me next. I won't fight against it. I'll even vote myself out.
This to me seems dangerous. If you're a cit, why send us into R5 with *no* wolves in the bag? I know there's really no other ways for a cit to prove his innocence but nevertheless it's dangerous. ON a side note: The wolves have demonstrated already that they're after the stronger and/or talkative players. Therefore I'm thinking it likely that either Jaz, kood, or I will not live to see the light of R4 day. Speaking of kood: If you can hear me, speak up please! We're running out of strong players and you've got a strong track record in your suspicions. I'll probably be gone and unable to read your answer by the time you get to it, but please do so anyways. We need all the info we can get. EDIT: Especially your thoughts on revenger. __________________ You know, I get it that people are just looking for a way to fill the holes. But they want the holes; they want to live in the holes; and they go nuts when someone else pours dirt in their holes. Climb out of your holes, people! -Hugh Laurie, HouseEverybody lies
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bugger on March 20, 2009]
Bugger Member
posted March 20, 2009 05:07 AM

Also do NOT commit the "Woolly" fallacy- simply because there is 1 strong player left does not mean they are a wolf. In fact, a strong player probably wouldn't even DREAM of doing that- it's be far too obvious. Woolly suspected MM in mafia because he was the last strong player and he turned out to bme the doctor. I don't personally feel we should lynch Jaz this round, but that's just me. Maybe I'm putting too much merit in the fallacy.__________________ You know, I get it that people are just looking for a way to fill the holes. But they want the holes; they want to live in the holes; and they go nuts when someone else pours dirt in their holes. Climb out of your holes, people! -Hugh Laurie, HouseEverybody lies
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bugger on March 20, 2009]
MeddlingMage Member
posted March 20, 2009 05:21 AM
Votes are due Sunday Night!~MM __________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 3!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
Bernek77 Member
posted March 20, 2009 07:08 AM

Well everyone I tried to build my case and it seems no one is listening. We re searching a pile that has three names left. If this is something you want to explore it should of been explored right away. Not after we lynched fwybwed. It could of been down to 2 people and maybe I could of convinced you otherwise.I strongly doubt that there is a wolf in that pile or the pile would of been a lot bigger than 4 votes. Bugger this is what your not looking at and you don't want to believe it. It is too small a pile for wolves to hide in. But, Whatever. Voting Randon will not change! __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ!
BernieB Member
posted March 22, 2009 05:31 AM

I have placed my vote to lynch Bugger. In this game it seems that the biggest talkers are getting eaten, but Bugger has been a mojor poster and is still alive. He seems wolfen to me.
Our_Benefactors Member
posted March 22, 2009 03:48 PM

I'm going to place my vote as soon as I can after I eat dinner. I currently have no leanings but will declare my vote after I digest the information that's been brought forth.
MeddlingMage Member
posted March 22, 2009 04:51 PM
Votes are due soon. I have given an extra day and there are still far too many players that haven't voted.On a side note, I need players that are interested in taking B_o_T's slot to pm me asap. ~MM __________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 3!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
Our_Benefactors Member
posted March 22, 2009 05:18 PM

I am voting for Bernek. It could just be his incoherence, but I get the feeling that he has been attempting to start arguments to detract from our ability to actually play the game productively and find hairys.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Our_Benefactors on March 22, 2009]
ThoughtsofLepers Member
posted March 22, 2009 05:26 PM
Just switched vote to Jaz after finding something I think is suspicious in her posts. Will post as SOON as I can find the quote on an older thread I am basing my argument on. I could post the essence of my argument now, but I want to find my "proof" first. Really wish I could have gotten it in before now, as most votes have probably been cast.Also @revenger: Your message has not gone unnoticed! I shall answer you in the same post. *Resumes frantic search EDIT: Also, I'd like to add, AlmasterGM has posted TWICE on this whole thread and has garnered little to no attention. From glancing thru WW7, this is OOC for him. Agree/Disagree? EDIT2: Well since I'm still the last post, I'll just post it here. OK, so here's what I found suspicious enough to change my vote. (Not too hard I suppose, since my vote was going to be randon for a lack of posting, basically) quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: And yes, you idiot (and I mean that with MUCH love), now that you've spelled out a good plan for the ww's to get a free lynch, that's probably what they're going to do. You're helping the ww's more than you are the cits!
(I bolded the text) I felt this was reminiscent of a post of PD's in WW7.quote: Originally posted by PlasteredDragon: Dammit, I was hoping to avoid having to run damage control, but this has got to be pinched off.Bernek, it's time for you to stop instructing the wolves. This is something else we've talked about--if there's something incredibly obvious and other players don't seem to be getting it, it *COULD* be because they don't want it broadcast to the wolves. Will you please THINK before you post? Remember WW III.1 where I as the angel was *trying* to save your butt and you kept blabbing about "pay attention and see if someone starts defending someone because they might be the angel"? For Pete's sake if you are playing on the cit's side will you STOP giving information away to the flipping wolves? SHUT UP!
(text was already bolded) And of course, PD was a wolf last game. The similarity of the posts is a cause for suspicion in my book. This is the first bit of "evidence" (notice the quotes) I have found against Jaz, but in general, her posts and posting frequency (Compared to normal) just have not sat right with me most of the game. Barring any new evidence, my vote will also be @Jaz next round. (As it looks like she will stay around)quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by ThoughtsofLepers: Unless the populace rallies for Jaz, I plan on voting randon, who has been on my suspects list this entire game thus far. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: Originally posted by revenger: For some odd reason, I see this as a bandwagon attempt. Does this mean if the majority of everyone votes jaz, you will vote jaz as well? Or are you voting randon and sticking with it? Could you explain this to me and anyone else who like to know as well. My suspicion of you did rise on this comment.
Well, looks like I inadvertantly (sp?) answered part of you question above. Now for the part you may not like and may even cause your suspicion level to rise further. At the time, that WAS a bandwagon attempt. I don't know why people think only wolves start bandwagons. A citizen HAS to start a bandwagon for a particular person if they believe that person is a wolf. The alternative is a split vote or a wolf-led bandwagon that will always bag a cit. (Or possibly a sac play, maybe. I personally doubt wolves really use sac plays much, but that's another matter.) Let's say you think Person A is a wolf. If you announce your suspicion, you are possibly starting a bandwagon. Does that necessarily mean you're a wolf? Should you not declare because you might get killed? I think the answers are "no" and a resounding "no". That is how I see it. Anyone can feel free to correct me on how it actually is.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by ThoughtsofLepers on March 22, 2009]
MeddlingMage Member
posted March 22, 2009 06:06 PM
Cue local radio station**The village is still divided. Authorities are scrambling for answers. At this time the villagers have chased down to locals and are debating between them. In a long dark alley, out of sight from the main roads, randon and Bugger stand. "Why shouldn't we lynch you!?" a random voice is heard. "What about you?!" another shouts at Bugger Players, a new vote is due, between these 2 villagers that are due 9pm eastern tomorrow. Players ~ Their vote Bugger ~ revenger (1) ThoughtsofLepers ~ Jazaray (1) BernieB ~ Bugger (1) koodkkslis ~ Bugger (2) Battle_of_Twits ~ None (no penalty, awaiting replacement) randon ~ None (-.75) 2nd this game Our_Benefactors ~ Bernek (1) Jazaray ~ revenger (2) AlmasterGM ~ randon (1) revenger ~ randon (2) MasterWolf ~ Bugger (3) Bernek ~ randon (3) Reminder:
Votes are only counted if they are pm'ed to me, by the specified time.~MM __________________ [Help me PIMP my Slide!] [Join Us,or DIE!][Refs][Me] [Werewolf 3!]I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by MeddlingMage on March 23, 2009]
ThoughtsofLepers Member
posted March 22, 2009 06:27 PM
Hmmm looks like that split was my fault. Sorry about that cits, I just had to vote for the person I think is the most likely to be a wolf.Bugger is gone, and randon never posts. Should be interesting listening to them defend themselves...I guess I'll be going back to my vote of randon for tomorrow unless someone makes a compelling (more compelling than the fact that randon posts little and has missed 2 votes this game) argument against Bugger. Feel free to talk people! 
PlasteredDragon Member
posted March 22, 2009 06:33 PM

quote: Originally posted by MeddlingMage: Bernek ~ MasterWolf (1) fwybwed ~ randon (3)
Yes I'm dead and can't talk, but fwybwed is dead and can't VOTE.  I checked with MM via text message, obviously fwy cannot cast the third randon vote, but MM says Bernek actually voted for Randon, not MasterWolf. So the tiebreaker is still on. Shuffling back to the tomb now... __________________ -- PlasteredDragon A.K.A. Chuck Seggelin * Sagewood Studios * My Flickr Photostream * My Blog *
[Edited 2 times, lastly by PlasteredDragon on March 22, 2009]
ThoughtsofLepers Member
posted March 22, 2009 08:15 PM
Haha that's crazy...didn't notice that. Figures you'd be the one to catch it PD. I'd bet you're following this game closer than most of the live players. On Topic (mostly): Perhaps it was fwy's last attempt to tell us who he thought was guilty. 
Jazaray Moderator
posted March 22, 2009 10:55 PM

quote: Originally posted by MeddlingMage:
Players, a new vote is due, between these 2 villagers that are due 9pm eastern tomorrow.
Hey MM, maybe we should hold off on the vote? Bugger's away, BOT is waiting for a replacement, randon seems to hate to vote and... wasn't there another player that was away for the next few days, I can't remember. So that's three votes (4 if I'm right about another person being away) that aren't going to be cast.. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. TheGame sure knows his MOTLers!
Bernek77 Member
posted March 23, 2009 04:17 AM

OK All I have to say is I don't care who is away or who is here. RANDON HAS MISSED 2 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can there be any justification for voting anyone else. He is no help what so ever in this game. Sticking with Randon __________________ How many times do I have to have sex with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ!
Our_Benefactors Member
posted March 23, 2009 10:06 AM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: OK All I have to say is I don't care who is away or who is here. RANDON HAS MISSED 2 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can there be any justification for voting anyone else. He is no help what so ever in this game. Sticking with Randon
The two missed votes is reason enough for me as well. Not voting, not posting, and if he's a cit he's pretty much the worst one ever.
Bugger Member
posted March 23, 2009 11:37 AM

Through the magic of Wi-Fi coffeehouse, I am able to check in here (and just in time too, it seems). I'm typing from iPod, so this may end up being quite short. 1. BernieB- I warned against the woolly fallacy right before I left. Why, then, is it the first thing you do?? Jaz and Bernek and I being the last talkative players left does NOT imply wolfhood. Again I'll quote mafia: MM was the last strong player left, and the cits lynched him precisely for that reason. And guess what? He was the doctor. The mafia left him alive to attract attention. And really, Bernie, think about it- no wolf worth his **** would make such a huge mistake. On the tie vote: this is... Interesting. Should I survive both the lynch and the subsequent kill, expect some serious pile analysis. This round IMO will be almost absurdly informative as we have two full piles to look through. I will vote for Randon, as I am a cit and I have found him suspicious, but if it should fall to my neck in the noose then at least everyone will realize my thoughts were legitimate. EDIT: MM, do random and mine's votes count in the tiebreaker or not? Sending in my vote JIC, but if not then just ignore it. __________________ You know, I get it that people are just looking for a way to fill the holes. But they want the holes; they want to live in the holes; and they go nuts when someone else pours dirt in their holes. Climb out of your holes, people! -Hugh Laurie, HouseEverybody lies
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bugger on March 23, 2009]
MasterWolf Member
posted March 23, 2009 01:46 PM

It's almost unheard of that a wolf would be stupid enough to disappear alltogether from participation. It doesn't make any sense. It's much more likely that randon is just a bad cit, not participating probably because he finds being a cit boring and doesn't care enough to post daily. However, he would be playing the role of very bad wolf, and I doubt his co-wolfs would let him miss votes like this. I've never seen a wolf or mafia miss multiple votes, it doesn't make any sense at all. I feel like the wolves are trying to start a wagon against randon to pull votes off co-wolf Bugger, and then they'll just chalk it up to "whoops, how were we to know any better?".I hope for the sake of actually trying to win this game, enough of you vote for Bugger by tonight. I know the wolves won't be missing any chance to save him tonight.
MasterWolf Member
posted March 23, 2009 01:48 PM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77:
RANDON HAS MISSED 2 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can there be any justification for voting anyone else. He is no help what so ever in this game.
Because the goal of the citizens is not to lynch useless players, BUT WOLVES. That may not be YOUR goal in this game, but that's what the cits are trying to do. Kill a wolf, not a useless cit.
Our_Benefactors Member
posted March 23, 2009 02:02 PM

quote: Originally posted by MasterWolf: Because the goal of the citizens is not to lynch useless players, BUT WOLVES.That may not be YOUR goal in this game, but that's what the cits are trying to do. Kill a wolf, not a useless cit.
This is, in my opinion, terrible logic. I honestly don't believe either bugger or randon are wolves, and have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'd much rather lynch someone that's not participating instead of someone that's really doing a lot.
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